The main results of the visits can be summarised as follows:
Mr. Stokic learnt the main Hungarian national approaches in the organisation of the research area, including the main funding schemes and rules. He got acquainted with the main technical subjects addressed by SZTAKI and specifically by CIM Research Laboratory.
Collaboration between SZTAKI (CIM Research Laboratory) and ATB on several RTD themes was agreed upon: knowledge management, BEP (Best Enterprise Practice) approaches, and software engineering.
Based on discussions, the CIM Research Laboratory decided to enter in the area of BEP approaches to support SMES (Small and Medium Enterprises) specifically in the area of new collaboration models among SMEs in the recycling domain and in the area of knowledge based systems for after sales support.
Two common proposals for the October IST call were prepared: one supporting introduction of new organisation forms and corresponding IST solutions at SMEs in the recycling domain and one on the supporting SMEs in introducing Internet knowledge based systems for solving customers and production problems.
Co-operation on the knowledge management RTD topics will be established specifically over collaboration between the XPERTS project in which SZTAKI is taking part and the PICK project in which ATB is acting as the RTD partner.
Co-operation on the advanced approaches to support after sale services is agreed upon as well.
Further co-operation on SW engineering themes will be carried out in the scope of the common REDEST project, and common publications and dissemination activities are defined.
Possibilities to establish Virtual Laboratory between ATB and SZTAKI are defined. The idea is to provide complementarity in expertise between two sides. They will be established in the first place in the scope of knowledge management issues where possibilities to introduce SZTAKI experts in the current ATB projects is likely to be realised in the near future.