Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory
[235] BALATON, Z. - KACSUK, P. - PODHORSZKI, N.: Application monitoring in the grid with GRM and PROVE.
In: Computational science - ICCS 2001. International conference. Proceedings. San Francisco, 2001. (Eds.: V. N. Alexandrov et al.) Part 1.
Berlin, Springer, 2001. pp. 253-262.
(Lecture notes in computer science 2073.) (0,390)
[236] BALATON, Z. - KACSUK, P. - PODHORSZKI, N. - VAJDA, F.: From cluster monitoring to grid monitoring based on GRM.
In: Euro-Par 2001 parallel processing. 7th international Euro-Par conference. Proceedings. Manchester, 2001. (Eds.: R. Sakellariou, J. Keane, J. Gurd, L. Freeman.)
Berlin, Springer, 2001. pp. 874-881.
(Lecture notes in computer science 2150.) (0,390)
[237] CUNHA, J. C. - KACSUK, P.: Tools and environments for parallel program development.
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