In: Engineering of intelligent systems. 14th international conference on industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems, IEA/AIE. Proceedings. Budapest, 2001. (Eds.: L. Monostori, J. Váncza, M. Ali.)
Berlin, Springer, 2001. pp. 145-154.
(Lecture notes in artificial intelligence 2070.) (0,253)
[204] LEITOLD, A. - HANGOS, K. M.: Structural solvability analysis of dynamic process models.
Computers and Chemical Engineering. 25 : 1633-1646. (2001) (N) (0,709)
[205] LEITOLD, A. - HANGOS, K. M. - TUZA, Zs.: Structure simplification of dynamic process models.
Journal of Process Control. 12 : 69-83. (2002) (N) (0,805)
[206] NÁDAI, L.: Simulation of semiconductor laser diodes
Techical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory SCL-5/2001.
Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 30 p.
[207] PÉNI, T.: Differenciálalgebrai elimináció és alkalmazásai.
Techical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory SCL-6/2001.
Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. [14] p.
[208] PONGRÁCZ, B.: An algorithm for transforming a class of DAE models into a purely differential form.
In: The 2nd international PhD student workshop on systems and control. “Young generation’s viewpoint.” Balatonfüred, 2001.
Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. pp. 31-40.
[209] RÖDÖNYI, G.: LPV control of an inverted pendulum.
Techical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory SCL-3/2001.
Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 19 p.
[210] STIKKEL G.: Fundamental problem of residual generation - an LPV version.
Techical report of the Systems and Control Laboratory SCL-2/2001.
Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. 20 p.
[211] SZEDERKÉNYI, G. - KRISTENSEN, N. R. - HANGOS, K. M. - JORGENSEN, S. B.: Nonlinear analysis and control of a continuous fermentation process.
In: European symposium on computer aided process engineering - 11. 34th European symposium of the working party on computer aided process engineering. ESCAPE-11. Kolding, 2001. (Ed.: R. Gani, S. B. Jorgensen.)
Amsterdam, Elsevier, 2001. pp. 787-792.
(Computer-aided chemical engineering 9.) (N)
[212] SZEDERKÉNYI, G. - KOVÁCS, M. - HANGOS, K. M.: Reachability of nonlinear fed-batch fermentation processes.
In: The 2nd international PhD student workshop on systems and control. “Young generation’s viewpoint.” Balatonfüred, 2001.
Budapest, MTA SZTAKI, 2001. pp. 41-54.
[213] SZIGETI, F. - VERA, C. E. - BOKOR, J. - EDELMAYER, A.: Inversion based fault detection and isolation.
In: Prooceedings of 40th IEEE conference on decision and control. Orlando, 2001.
Piscataway, IEEE, 2001. pp. 1005-1010. CD. (N)
[214] WILLIAMS, R. - HANGOS, K. M. - McGAHEY, S. - CAMERON, I.T.: Assumption based modelling and model documentation.
In: 6th World congress of chemical engineering. Melbourne, 2001.
Melbourne, 2001. [9] p. CD (N)
Combinatorical Computer Science Research Group
[215] LEE, A. - RÉVÉSZ, G. - SZIGETI, J. - TUZA, Zs.: Capelli polynomials, almost-permutation matrices and sparse Eulerian graphs.
Discrete Mathematics. 230 (1-3) : 49-61. (2001) (N) (0,294)
[216] MANOUSSAKIS, Y. - TUZA, Zs.: Ramsey numbers for tournaments.
Theoretical Computer Science. 263 (1-2) : 75-85. (2001) ( N) (0,417)
[217] IDZIK, A. - TUZA, Zs.: Heredity properties of connectedness in edge-coloured complete graphs.
Discrete Mathematics. 235 (1-3) : 301-306. (2001) (N) (0,294)
[218] TUZA, Zs. - VOIGT, M.: Oriented list colorings of graphs.
Journal of Graph Theory. 36 : 217-229. (2001) (0,364)
In: Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science. 27th international workshop. WG 2001 Boltenhagen, 2001. Proceedings. (Eds.: A Brandstadt, V. B. Le)
Berlin, Springer, 2001. pp. 254-262.
(Lecture notes in computer science 2204) (N) (0,390)
[220] TUZA, Zs.: Unsolved combinatorial problems. Part I.
Aarhus, Univ. of Aarhus, 2001. VIII, 41 p.
(BRICS Lecture Series, LS-01-1).
Power Electronics Department
[221] CANDERS, W.-R. - HELDT, J. - JARDAN, R. K. - NAGY, I. - PRÜMPER, H. J.: Application of a novel 400 kW natural gas expansion system as a UPS system.
In: EPE 2001. 9th European conference on power electronics and applications. Graz, 2001.
Brussels, EPE, 2001. [9] p. (N)
[222] DRANGA, O. - NAGY, I.: Stability analysis of feedback controlled resonant DC-DC converter using Poincaré map function.
In: ISIE 2001. 2001 IEEE international symposium on industrial electronics proceedings. Pusan, 2001. Vol. 3.
Piscataway, IEEE, 2001. pp. 2142-2147. (N)
[223] HAMAR, J. - NAGY, I.: Asymmetrical operation of resonant converters studied by common and differential mode components.
In: IECON’01. The 27th annual conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. Denver, 2001.
Stoughton, IEEE, 2001. pp. 966-971. (CD)
[224] HAMAR, J. - NAGY, I.: Bi-directional resonant buck and boost converter.
Electromotion. 8 (4) : (2001)
[225] HAMAR J. - NAGY I.: Kétcsatornás DC-DC konverter folytonos vezetési üzemben.
Elektrotechnika. 94 (3) : 80-85. (2001)
[226] HAMAR, J. - NAGY, I.: New topologies of a resonant DC-DC converter family.
In: Electromotion ’01. 4th international symposium on advanced electromechanical motion systems. Proceedings. Bologna, 2001. Vol. 1.
Bologna, Univ. degli Studi di Bologna, 2001. pp. 109-114.
[227] HORVÁTH, M. - BORKA J.: Moduláris energia-átalakítók fénycsövek szabályozásához. 1. rész.
Elektrotechnika. 94 (4) : 124-128. (2001)
[228] HORVÁTH M. - BORKA J.: Moduláris energiaátalakítók fénycsövek szabályozásához. 2. rész.
Elektrotechnika. 94 (5) : 198-200. (2001)
[229] JARDAN, R. K. - NAGY, I. - BEREKNYEI, D.: Dynamic analysis of a turbine-generator system developed for utilizing renewable and waste energy.
In: AUPEC’01. Proceedings of the Australasian Universities power engineering conference. Millennium power vision. Perth, 2001. (Eds.: S. M. Islam, L. Borle, W. W. L. Keerthipala.)
Perth, Australasian Committee for Power Engineering, 2001. pp. 189-194.
[230] KORONDI. P. - NAGY, I. - SÜTŐ, Z.: Investigation on insulation breakdown of field winding in turbine-generator fed from static exciter.
Electromotion. 8 (3) : 169-179. (2001)
[231] NAGY, I. - SÜTŐ, Z.: Nonlinear phenomena in the current control of induction motors.
In: Nonlinear phenomena in power electronics. Attractors, bifurcations, chaos, and nonlinear control. (Eds.: S. Banerjee, G. C. Verghese.)
New York, IEEE, 2001. pp. 328-338.
[232] NAGY I.: Változó struktúrájú, szakaszosan lineáris nemlineáris rendszerek.
Elektrotechnika. 94 (12) : 404-408. (2001)
[233] SÜTŐ, Z. - NAGY, I.: Nonlinear dynamics in two and in four energy storage hysteresis controlled converter systems.
In: EDPE 2001. 14th international conference on electrical drives and power electronics. Kosice, 2001. (Eds.: V. Fedák, J. Dudrík, J. Fetyko.)
Kosice, Technical University of Kosice, 2001. pp. 108-113.
[234] SÜTŐ, Z. - NAGY, I.: Nonlinear phenomena in three-phase hysteresis controlled converters.
In: Ee 2001. Proceedings of the 11th international symposium on power electronics. Novi Sad, 2001. (Ed.: V. Katic.)
Novi Sad, Power Electronics Society, 2001. pp. 116-120.
Parallel and Distributed Systems Laboratory
[235] BALATON, Z. - KACSUK, P. - PODHORSZKI, N.: Application monitoring in the grid with GRM and PROVE.
In: Computational science - ICCS 2001. International conference. Proceedings. San Francisco, 2001. (Eds.: V. N. Alexandrov et al.) Part 1.
Berlin, Springer, 2001. pp. 253-262.
(Lecture notes in computer science 2073.) (0,390)
[236] BALATON, Z. - KACSUK, P. - PODHORSZKI, N. - VAJDA, F.: From cluster monitoring to grid monitoring based on GRM.
In: Euro-Par 2001 parallel processing. 7th international Euro-Par conference. Proceedings. Manchester, 2001. (Eds.: R. Sakellariou, J. Keane, J. Gurd, L. Freeman.)
Berlin, Springer, 2001. pp. 874-881.
(Lecture notes in computer science 2150.) (0,390)
[237] CUNHA, J. C. - KACSUK, P.: Tools and environments for parallel program development.
In: Parallel program development for cluster computing. Methodology, tools and integrated environments. (Eds.: J. C. Cunha, P. Kacsuk, S. C. Winter.)
Huntington, Nova, 2001. pp. 3-16.
(Advances in the theory of computational mathematics 5.) (N)
[238] DÓZSA, G.: Visual programming to support parallel program design.
In: Parallel program development for cluster computing. Methodology, tools and integrated environments. (Eds.: J. C. Cunha, P. Kacsuk, S. C. Winter.)
Huntington, Nova, 2001. pp. 17-44.
(Advances in the theory of computational mathematics 5.)
[239] DRÓTOS, D. - DÓZSA, G. - KACSUK, P.: GRAPNEL to C translation in the GRADE environment.
In: Parallel program development for cluster computing. Methodology, tools and integrated environments. (Eds.: J. C. Cunha, P. Kacsuk, S. C. Winter.)
Huntington, Nova, 2001. pp. 249-263.
(Advances in the theory of computational mathematics 5.)
[240] IMRE, S. - KOVÁCS, J. - KACSUK, P. - RAMOS, R. - MADANI, K.: Resource control and reconfiguration in software radio environment.
In: International symposium on 3G infrastructure and services. 3GIS. Athens, 2001. (Ed.: F.-N. Pavlidou.)
Thessaloniki, Aristotle Univ., 2001. pp. 294-298. (N)
[241] KACSUK, P.: Can parallel programming be made easy for scientists? (Invited paper.)
In: Computational science - ICCS 2001. International conference. Proceedings. San Francisco, 2001. (Eds.: V. N. Alexandrov et al.) Part 1.
Berlin, Springer, 2001. 7. p.
(Lecture notes in computer science, 2073.) (0,390)
[242] KACSUK, P. - DÓZSA, G. - LOVAS, R.: The GRADE graphical parallel programming environment.
In: Parallel program development for cluster computing. Methodology, tools and integrated environments. (Eds.: J. C. Cunha, P. Kacsuk, S. C. Winter.)
Huntington, Nova, 2001. pp. 231-247.
(Advances in the theory of computational mathematics 5.)
[243] KACSUK, P. - KERGOMMEAUX, J. C. de - MAILLET, É. - VINCENT, J.-M.: The Tape/PVM monitor and the PROVE visualisation tool.
In: Parallel program development for cluster computing. Methodology, tools and integrated environments. (Eds.: J. C. Cunha, P. Kacsuk, S. C. Winter.)
Huntington, Nova, 2001. pp. 291-303.
(Advances in the theory of computational mathematics 5.) (N)
[244] KOVÁCS, J. - IMRE, S. - KACSUK, P.: Resource management over the baseband subsystem of 4th generation wireless networks in software radio environment.
In: International symposium on telecommunications. IST 2001. Teheran, 2001. Proceedings.
Theheran, Iran Telecommunication Research Center, 2001. pp. 231-233.
[245] LOVAS, R. - SUNDERAM, V.: Extension of macrostep debugging methodology towards metacomputing applications.
In: Computational science - ICCS 2001. International conference. Proceedings. San Francisco, 2001. (Eds.: V. N. Alexandrov et al.) Part 1.
Berlin, Springer, 2001. pp. 263-272.
(Lecture notes in computer science 2073.) (N) (0,390)
[246] MADANI, K. - RAMOS, R. - LOHI, M. - LOHI, A. - JUSTO, G. - KARRAN, T. - IMRE, S. - KOVÁCS, J. - KACSUK, P. - LUND, D. - HONARY, B. - FORSTER, M. - GRITZNER, T. - PATEL, S. - PATEL, P.: Enabling technologies for the CAST intelligent reconfigurable mobile radio network.
In: IST mobile communications summit. Expanding the wireless universe. Proceedings. Barcelona, 2001.
Barcelona, Univ. Politécnica de Catalunya, 2001. pp. 135-140. (N)
[247] MARGALEF, T. - SZALAI, F. - PODHORSZKI, N.: Program development with GRADE: A case study.
In: Parallel program development for cluster computing. Methodology, tools and integrated environments. (Eds.: J. C. Cunha, P. Kacsuk, S. C. Winter.)
Huntington, Nova Science Publishers, 2001. pp. 339-355.
(Advances in the theory of computational mathematics 5.) (N)
[248] RAMOS, R. - MADANI, K. - IMRE, S. - KOVÁCS, J. - GYARMATHY, Á. - HORNYÁK, G. - KACSUK, P.: Resource control in a distributed intelligent re-configurable mobile network.
In: European conference on wireless technology. (ECWT 2001) London, 2001. Conference proceedings.
London, CMP Europe Ltd, 2001. [8 p] (N)
[249] RIBEIRO-JUSTO, G. R. - IMRE, S. - KARRAN, T. - KOVÁCS, J.: Intelligent decision-making within 4th generation wireless networks.
In: Proceedings of the international conference on internet computing. IC'2001. Las Vegas, 2001. (Eds.: P. Graham, M. Maheswaran, R. Eskicioglu.) Vol. 1.
Las Vegas, CSREA, 2001. pp. 55-61. (N)
[250] SUNDERAM, V. - NÉMETH, Zs.: A comparative analysis of PVM/MPI and computational grids.
In : Recent advances in parallel virtual machine and message passing interface. 8th European PVM/MPI Users' Group meeting. Proceedings. Santorini/Thera, 2001.
Berlin, Springer, 2001. pp. 14-15.
(Lecture notes in computer science 2131.) (N) (0,390)
Development Division
[251] KOVÁCS, L. - MICSIK, A.: Véleménynyilvánítás és csoportos információ szűrés, mint az információs társadalom elemi hálózati aktusai.
In: Networkshop 2001. Konferencia. Sopron, 2001.(Szerk.: Fulajtár P.)
Budapest, NIIF, 2001. pp. 33-34. + CD: [10 p.]
[252] FUHR, N. - HANSEN, P. - MABE, M. - MICSIK, A. - SOLVBERG, I.: Digital libraries: a generic classification and evaluation scheme.
In: Research and advanced technology for digital libraries. 5th European conference. ECDL 2001. Darmstadt, 2001. (Eds.: P. Constantopoulos, I. T. Solvberg.)
Berlin, Springer, 2001. pp. 187-199.
(Lecture notes in computer science 2163.) (N) (0,390)
[253] BENEDIKT, S. - KUN, I. - SZÁSZ, G.: Model for a socialy acceptable risk level.
In: Safety, risk and relability - trends in engineering. Conference report. International conference. Malta, 2001.
Zürich, IABSE, 2001. pp. 555-560.
[254] BENEDIKT, S.: Új megközelítés az optimális döntési alternatíva kiválasztásához kockázatos döntések esetén.
In: Magyar informatikusok II. világtalálkozója. Budapest, 2000. (Szerk.: Nagy L.) 1. köt.
Budapest, LSI, 2001. pp. 247-252.
[255] CHUA, L. O. - ROSKA, T.: Cellular Neural Networks and visual computing.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2001. 380 p.
[256] HANGOS, K. M. - CAMERON, I. T.: Process modelling and model analysis.
San Diego, Acad. Press, 2001. XVI, 543 p.
(Process systems engineering 4.) (N)
[257] HANGOS, K. M. - LAKNER, R. - GERZSON, M.: Intelligent control systems. An introduction with examples.
Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2001. XVI, 301 p.
(Applied optimization 60.)
[258] NAGY I.: Változó struktúrájú nemlineáris rendszerek.
Budapest, MTA, 2000. 53 p.
(Székfoglalók a Magyar Tudományos Akadémián)
[259] CUNHA, J. C. - KACSUK, P. - WINTER, S. C. (Eds.): Parallel program development for cluster computing. Methodology, tools and integrated environments.
Huntington, Nova, 2001. 386 p.
(Advances in the theory of computational mathematics 5.) (N)
[260] DEMETROVICS J. - KEVICZKY L. (Összeáll.): Az információs társadalom.
Budapest, MTA, 2000. 235 p.
(Magyarország az ezredfordulón. Stratégiai kutatások a Magyar Tudományos Akadémián, VII. Közlekedés, hírközlés, informatika fejlesztése)
[261] EDELMAYER, A. (Ed.): Fault detection, supervision and safety for technical processes 2000. A proceedings volume from the 4th IFAC Symposium. Budapest, 2000. Vol. 1-3.
Oxford, IFAC - Pergamon, 2001. XVIII, 1198 p.
[262] GIANNESSI, F. - PARDALOS, P. - RAPCSÁK, T. (Eds.): Optimization theory. Recent development from Mátraháza.
Dordrecht, Kluwer, 2001. VII, 278 p.
(Applied optimization 59.)
[263] KOVÁCS, G. L. - BERTÓK, P. - HAIDEGGER, G. (Eds.): Digital enterprise challenges. Life-cycle approach to management and production.
Boston, Kluwer, 2002. XII, 556 p.
[264] KOVÁCS, G. L. (Ed.): MIM 2001. IFAC workshop on manufacturing, modelling, management and control. Preprints. Prague, 2001.
Prague, IFAC, 2001. [10]. 166 p.
[265] MONOSTORI, L. - VÁNCZA, J. - ALI, M. (Eds.): Engineering of intelligent systems. 14th international conference on industrial and engineering applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems, IEA/AIE. Proceedings. Budapest, 2001.
Berlin, Springer, 2001. XVIII, 951 p.
(Lecture notes in artificial intelligence 2070.) (N) (0,253)
[266] GERENCSÉR, L. - MICHALETZKY, Gy. - MOLNÁR-SÁSKA, G. - VÁGÓ, Zs.: Rejtett Markov modellek. Egyetemi jegyzet. (Hidden Markov models. Lecture Notes) (in Hungarian)
Budapest, ELTE TTK Valószínűségszámítási Tanszék, 2001. 54 p.
[267] GILDING, B. H. - KERSNER, R.: Travelling waves in nonlinear diffusion-convection-reaction.
Enschede, University of Twente, 2001. 188 p.
(Faculty of Mathematical Sciences. Memorandum 1585.) (N)
[268] MICHALETZKY, Gy.: Kockázati folyamatok. Egyetemi jegyzet. (Risk processes. Lecture Notes) (in Hungarian)
Budapest, Eötvös Kiadó, 2001. 164 p.
[269] VÁGÓ, Zs.: Ökonometriai módszerek. Egyetemi jegyzet. (Econometric methods. Lecture notes.) (in Hungarian)
Budapest, Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem, 2001. 45 p.
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