Specialization Group : Human Resource Management The organization revolves around the human dimension as it is people who convert the business strategies into reality. For achieving the organizational goals, the human perspective should be understood as they are creators of the organization. In the competitive economy the organizations are expected to be ready to adapt to changes. Human Resource Management area focuses on building a strong foundation in industrial relations, training and development, conflict and negotiation skills, organizational research and the like. The specialization enhances skills through practical exercises as well as projects. For nurturing the people dimension all organizations, whether government, business, education, health, recreational or social, need to pay attention on acquiring employee services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization. For effectively performing all these jobs human resource professionals like head hunters, trainers, communication experts, cultural experts, conflict handlers and negotiators are very much required . A student having confidence to emerge as a leader who can work for the organization as a torch bearer must choose Human Resource Man agent as specialization to achieve professional success.