Singhania university

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Reference Books:

1. Duglas B Miron, Design of Feed Back Systems, Harcourt Brace Jovanovic Publications, NY

2. Benjamin C Kuo, Digital Control Systems

3. Mc Ruer, Ashkenaus and Graham, Aircraft Dynamics and Controls, Prinston Univ. Press, NJ


Fluid Mechanics (BTAEN-705)

Introduction: Fluids : Definition of fluids, the science of fluid mechanics, fluid properties, capilliarity, surface tension, compressibility, units and dimensions.
Normal and Shear stresses in fluid flows, measurement of fluid velocity.
Regimes of fluid flows : Continuum and free molecular flow, inviscid and viscous flows,

incompressible and compressible flows, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian flow, Aerodynamic

force and moments, Dimensional analysis, Non-dimensional parameters, M, Re, Fr etc.
Fluid Statistics : Pascal's law, types of forces on a fluid system, measurement of pressure, use of manometers and gauges, numerical problems. Hydraulic devices, forces on partially and fully submerged bodies, including that on curved surfaces, numerical problems,
buoyancy, stability of floating bodies, centre of gravity and meta centric heights.
Description of Fluid Motion : Lagrangian and Eulerian methods, description of

properties in a moving fluid, local and material rate of change, equation of conservation of mass for control volume.

Streamlines, path lines, streak lines, vorticity and circulation, laws of vertex motion, translation, rotation and rate of deformation of fluid particle.

Equations of Fluid Motion : Euler's and Navier stokes equation, derivation of Bernoulli's equation for inviscid and viscous flow fields momentum equation and angular momentum equation in Integral form.

Inviscid - Incompressible Flow : Condition on velocity for incompressible flow, Laplace's
equation, potential function, stream function. Basic elementary flows: uniform flows,
source flows, doublet flow and vortex flow. Super-imposition of elementary flows, non
lifting and lifting flow over a circular cylinder. Pressure distribution over circular cylinder
in real flow. Kutta - Juokowaski Theorem, Generation of lift. Lift on air foils.
Introduction to Viscous Flows : Qualitative aspects of viscous flows, viscosity and

thermal conductivity, phenomenon of separation, Navier stoke's equations in vector form,

viscous flow energy equation, some exact solutions of Navier stoke's equations: Plane

poisuille flow, Couette flow, Hagen - Poisuelle flow, Hele - Shaw flow, flow through corotating

cylinders. Transition from laminar to turbulent flow. Turbulent flow in circular
Introduction to Incompressible Boundary layer (BL) : BL Concept, BL Properties, derivation of Prandtl's BL Equation, Blasius solution, Karman's Integral equation, Turbulent BL over a flat plate, skin friction drag, BL Control.
Dimensional Analysis and Similitude : Buckingham's theorem, non-dimensional

groups, Geometric, Kinematic and Dynamic similarity, Applications.

Elements of Compressible Flows : Compressible flow properties, total Enthalpy, total

temperature, temperature and pressure ratio as function of mach number. Mass flow

parameter (MFP), Isentropic area ratio A/A*, velocity - area variation, 2-D small amplitude
wave propagation, Adiabatic Steady Flow Ellipse. Description of flow regimes, Introduction
to Normal and Oblique shock waves, working out solutions through Gas Tables/Charts

Text Books:

1. John D Anderson Jr., Fundamentals of Aerodynamics,McGraw Hill, 2nd Ed.

2. S W Yuan, Foundations of Fluid Mechanics, Prentice Hall

3. Gupta Vijay and Gupta S K, Fluid Mechanics and its Applications, Wiley-Eastern,
Reference Books :

1. Jack D Mattingly, Principles of Gas Turbine Propulsion, 1st Ed., McGrawHill, 1997

2. H. Schlichting and K. Gersten, Boundary Layer Theory, 8th Ed., McGrawHill, 2000

3. Frank M White, Fluid Mechanics, 2nd Ed., McGrawHill, 1986

4. E. Rathakrishnan, Gas Dynamics, Prentice Hall India



Engineering Thermodynamics (BTAEN-803)

Fundamental Concepts and Definitions : Scope and limitations of thermodynamics.

Thermodynamic system, state, property, change of state, thermodynamic equilibrium,

path process, cycle density, pressure and their molecular interpretation - dimension and units - Zeroth law of thermodynamics and concept of temperature, temperature scales, work and heat definition and units of work and heat, work of frictionless process, PV
diagram, indicator diagram.
First law of Thermodynamics : Statement of the first law. Energy. Internal energy and its microscopicinterpretation, enthalpy, applications of first law.

Steady Flow Energy Equation (SFEE). The steady - state, steady -flow process. The JouleThomson coefficient and the throttling process. Uniform state, Uniform flow process,

SFEE and its applications.

Second Law of Thermodynamics : Limitations of the first law, heat engines, reversed

heat engines and their performance, Kevlin-Planck's and Clausius statements of the

second law reversibility-reversible and irreversible processes: Carnot cycle thermodynamic temperature scale: Clausius-Clapeyron equation.

Entropy : The property, entropy, principle of increase of entropy, calculation of entropy changes, T-S and h-s diagrams. Microscopic interpretation of entropy-Helmholtz (A) and Gibbs (G) functions.

Physical properties : Pure substance definition-internal energy and enthalpy of a pure

substance, specific heats, equilibrium of phases, phase diagrams, phase changes, critical state, PVT surface, tabulated properties and process calculations. Maxwell relations.
Ideal and Real Gases : Definition-internal energy and enthalpy, specific heats and their calculation from simple kinetic theory, gas tables, Van dcr Waal's equation of state,
principle of corresponding states, compressibility factor.
Vapour Power Cycles : Carnot cycle using steam, Rankine cycle, reheat cycle, binary vapour cycles.
Air Standard Power Cycles : Carnot cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, dual cycle, gas turbine cycles, inter cooling, reheating and regeneration, gas turbine jet propulsion, deviation from ideal cycles.
TextBooks :

1. C O Van Wylen; Classical Thermodynamics Wiley 2001

2. J B Jones and C A Hawkins, Engineering Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York

3. P K Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGrawHill Book Co. 1981 Reference Books :

1. R A Sonntag and C O Van Wylen, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics, Wiley, New York

2. D B Spalding and E H Cole, Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd Ed., Arnold, London. 1973

3. John F Les and Francis W Sears, Thermodynamics: An Introductory Text for Engineering Students, Addison, Wesley Reading


Aircraft Design (BTAEN-805)
Preliminaries : Aircraft Design Requirements, specifications, role of users, Aerodynamic and Structural Consideration, Importance of weight. Airworthiness requirements and standards. Classifications of airplanes. Special features of modern airplane.
Air Loads in Flight : Symmetrical measuring loads in flight, Basic flight loading

conditions, Load factor, Velocity - Load factor diagram, gust load and its estimation, Structural limits.

Airplane Weight Estimation : Weight estimation based on type of airplane, trends in wing loading, weight-estimation based on mission requirements, iterative approach
Basics of Wing Design : Selection of airfoil selection, influencing factors. Stalling, take off and landing considerations. Wing drag estimation. High lift devices
Structural Design : Cockpit and aircraft passenger cabin layout for different categories, types of associated structure, features of light airplanes using advanced composite

Structural aspects of design of airplane, Bending moment and shear force diagram.

Design principles of all metal stressed skin wing for civil and military applications

Landing Gears : Different kinds of landing gears, and associated arrangement for civil and military airplanes. Preliminary calculations for locating main and nose landing gears.

Integration of Structure and Power Plant : Estimation of Horizontal and Vertical tail
volume ratios. Choice of power plant and various options of locations, considerations of
appropriate air-intakes. Integration of wing, fuselage, empennage and power plant.
Estimation of centre of gravity.

Introduction to advanced concepts : Supercritical Wings, relaxed static Stability, controlled configured vehicles, V/STOL aircraft and, rotary wing vehicles.

Design and layout of flying controls and engine controls

1. Daniel P Raymer, Aircraft Design: A conceptual approach, AIAA Series, 1992

2. D Stinton, The Design of Airplane, GRANADA, UK 1983

3. John D Anderson (Jr.), Airplane Performance and Design, McGraw Hill 1999 Reference Books:

1. E Torenbeek, Synthesis of Airplane Design

2. L M Nicholai, Fundamentals of airplane Design, Univ. of Dayton DHIO, 1975

Paper- III

Composite Material (BTAEN-806)

The Problems of Air Navigation : The Aircraft, Aids of Navigation VOR, ADF, ILS,

MLS,GCA, DME, TACAN. Doppler and basics of inertial navigation inertial reference

system, Their limitations and uses. Weather, Air Traffic Control, Communications, GPS, TACAS, ATC Interrogation Radar.

The Earth: Its Form & Features : Principle Physical Features of the Earth, Latitude, Sidereal Time. The Seasons, Climate, Duration of daylight,

Chart Projection for Air Navigation : The Round Earth on a Flat Chart. Properties
obtainable in Projection. Distance on Sphere. Direction on a Sphere. The Lambert
Projection. The Mercator Projection, The Gnomonic Projection. The Stereographic
Projection. Projections for Weather Charts. Calculation on Rhomb Line Tracks and

Magnetism : Review of the Elementary laws of magnetism. Terrestrial magnetism,

Horizontal and vertical components of earth's magnetic field and their variation with

latitude. Isogonic and agonic lines. Isoclinic lines. Aircraft Magnetism; Resolution into

P,Q and R components, coefficients and deviation associated with them, compass course deviation.
Instruments : Units of measurement of distances and height. The function of

navigational Instruments. The Speed Indicator. The Rate of Climb indicator. The

Altimeter. The magnetic Compass. The Turn and Bank indicator. The Directional Gyro.
The Artificial Horizon. Radio, Radar Altimeter. Mach meter. Fluxgate Compass ADI, HSI
and RMI.
Chart Reading : Distinctive Properties of Charts. The importance of chart reading.

Topographic Information. Aeronautical Data. Legend and written Notes. The practice of Chart Reading.

Dead Reckoning : The place of Pilot age. Advantage of Dead Reckoning. Basic Problems in Dead Reckoning.

Special Problems & Dead Reckoning: Climb and Descent. Off-course corrections. Double Drift. Radius of Action. Cruise Control. Alternate Airport Problem. Interception.

Tracking Equal time point, point of safe return.
Air Navigation Computers : Function and Usefulness. The Slide Rule Side. The Wind Triangle Side.
Radio Navigation: Principles of radio transmission and reception; properties of

electromagnetic waves; classification of frequency bands, elementary knowledge of Radar.

An elementary knowledge of principles of the following radio and radar aids and systems:
Airborne D/F : The manual loop and automatic radio compass including methods of Calibration.
Ground D/F : M.F., H.F. and V.H.F. Systems.
Radio/Radar track guides approach and landing aids and systems including V.O.R.,

N.D.B., I.L.S. and M.L.S.

Plotting Radio Bearings on Mercator Charts and Lambert Chart. Relating Bearings.
Celestial Navigation : Elements of Astronomy; the universe; Solar system, movements of
earth, moon and planets, earth's orbit; Kepler laws, declination, altitude, azimuth etc.
Practical Value. Accuracy. Simplicity. Basic principles. The Line of position. Celestial
Coordinates. Determining the Greenwich Hour Angle (GHA) Determining the Local Hour
Angle (LHA). A Line of position from Polaris. A Line of Position from an Unidentified Star.
Radio Time Signals. Identification of Stars. Star Names. Brightness of Star. The planets.
Motion of the Stars and Planets. The Practice of Celestial Navigation. Astro-Navigation

The Practice of Navigation : Details of Navigation. Preparation of Charts for use in

Flight Pilotage. Contact Instrument Flying. Future Air Navigation system(FANS), Cruise controls, Flight planning using charts and tables, Extended Range Operations, Aircraft Performance.

Pressure Pattern Flying.

TextBooksand Reference Books:

1. The Air Pilot's Manual, Flying Training Vol.3, Airlife Publishing

2. J E Hitercock, Navigation for Pilots, Airlife Publishing 1997

3. R B Underdown, Ground Studies for Pilots, Vol.3, Blackwell

4. Trevor Thom, Air Navigation, Airlife Publishing

5. A E Bramson and N H Birch, Radio Navigation for Pilots, Airlife Publishing 1984

Paper-I V

Airplane performance, Stability & Control (BTAEN-807)

General Maintenance Practices: Jacking, leveling, and mooring, refueling and

Defueling of aircraft, safety precautions. Hydraulic and fluid systems, precautions against contamination. Identification colour coding, symbols and other markings to identify the

fluid systems.

Hydraulic system: Advantages and disadvantages: types of circuits: flow through pipes:

pumps and motors: static performance: actuators: seals and backup rings: reservoirs:
accumulators: contamination control filters: tubing’s and hose pipes: indicating and
warning systems: emergency and redundant systems valves: flow dividers and integrators: cooling systems.

Servo-Control System: Stability and response: electro-hydraulic servo systems: position and force feedback: frequency response: principles of automatic control

Pneumatic Systems: Air-conditioning and pressurization systems: deicing systems: heat loads: plumbing: cold air units: compact heat exchangers: valves: filters: air bottles:
capsules and bellows: indication and warnings.

Oxygen Systems: Gaseous and liquid oxygen systems: breathing masks: oxygen

Regulators: oxygen bottles: liquid to gas converters: emergency systems: pressure suits: indication and warnings.
Landing Gear Systems: Types of landing gears and their design principles: shock

absorbing devices: retracting mechanisms: wheels and brakes: antiskid system: steering systems: indications and warnings.

Fuel Systems: Types of fuels: their properties and testing: colour codes: fuel

Requirements: pumps: fuel transfer systems: fuel tanks: plumbing: valves: indications and warnings.

Lubrication Systems: Types of lubrication systems: lubricants: cleaning agents; Auxiliary Power Unit - Construction and operational features.

Fire Protection Systems: Types of systems: Flame proofing: Fire walls: Fire detection systems: Fire extinguishing systems.

Seat Safety Systems: Ejection seats: Survival packs: Parachutes: Pilot's personal equipment: life rafts: Doors, Windows and Emergency exits, Seat belts.
System Testing: Ground handling equipment.


1. J V Casamassa and RD Bent, Jet Aircraft Power Systems, McGraw Hill.

2. E H J Pallet, Automatic Flight Control, BSP Profession Books.1993

3. Civil Aircraft Inspection Procedures (CAP 459), Himalayan Books25
Reference Books

1. W Thomson, Thrust for Flight, Sir Issac Pitman.1992

2. Michacl J. Kroes Thomas W.Wild, Aircraft Power Plants, McGraw Hill

3. Michacl J. Kroes, William A Watkins and Frank Delp, Aircraft Maintenance and Repair, McGraw Hill 1993

4. Airframe and Power Plant, Mechanics General Hand Book (EA-AC 65-9A), Himalayan Books1994
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