Social and economic impacts of the Basin Plan in Victoria February 2017

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1 Technically, the comparison is between the ‘observed’ and the ‘counterfactual’, and that more formal language is adopted in the body of the report.

2 This is at the conservative end of development costs provided by DELWP (Mildura).

3 on 20 September 2016

4 The sources for the data in are outlined in considerable detail beneath Table in Appendix 13

5 The sources for the data in Table 2 are outlined in considerable detail beneath Table in Appendix 13

6 MDBA 2014, Basin Plan annual report 2013-14.

7 accessed on 13 October 2016

8 Accessed on 15 January 2017

9 It is important to note that this analysis is conservative; irrigators with high levels of indebtedness would be paying much higher interest rates than 6%.

10 Aither (2016b) and RMCG (2016) water price modelling presented in the Appendix.

11 Based on an average conversion rate of 1,872 litres of milk per ML of irrigation water applied, used by RMCG (2016).

12 DEPI (2014), used by RMCG (2016).

13 Dairy Industry Farm Monitor Project, Annual Report 2009-10, p.64-79 (note that these figures are based on 71 farms participating in the project)

14 N Barr, R Wilkinson and K Karunaratne, The changing social landscape of rural Victoria, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria, April 2005, p.78

15 The GMID holds 66% of entitlements tied to land in Northern Victoria. 116 GL is 66% of 175 GL.

16 This value is mid-way between GMW (2016a, Table 32)’s estimate of 1,150 GL and RMCG (2016, page 22)’s estimate of 1,260 GL.



19 This is at the conservative end of development costs provided by from DELWP (Mildura).

20 Viewed 18 November 2015

21 Note, median weekly incomes changed from individual to household for available 2011 census data and have not been included since comparisons cannot be made.

22 2,206 GL equals 2,750 GL minus 544 GL.

23 See Walsh (2010) and (SKM 2012) for example

24 3,294 GL equals 2,750 GL plus 544 GL.

25 MDBA (2016) presents the Baseline Diversion Limit (BDL) that is used to represent historical water use.

26 Basin Plan (2012) – Schedule 2 lists the Local Reduction Amounts for each valley. Shared Reduction Amounts are cited under clause 6.05(3). As per clause 6.05(4) the Shared Reduction Amounts for the Northern Basin Zone are proportioned based on the BDL for each SDL resource unit.

27 Schirmer, J. and Peel, D. 2016, The Murray-Darling Basin Plan and farm business performance, Report prepared for the Murray Darling Basin Authority, May

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