State information commission, punjab

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SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh. H.S.Hundal Adv. Chamber

No.82, Distt. Courts, Phase-

3B-1, SAS Nagar-160059

Mob:9878500082 --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Assistant Excise & Taxation

Commissioner, SAS Nagar.
FAA: Deputy Excise & Taxation

Commissioner, Patiala. -------Respondent

Appeal Case No.1080 of 2015

Present: - Sh. H.S.Hundal Adv appellant in person.

Sh.Amardeep Singh, Excise Inspector, Mohali on behalf of the respondent.

In compliance of the earlier order dated 10.08.2015, appellant stated that he has received information and is satisfied with the same. No further action is required.

2. In view of the above, the case is hereby closed and disposed of.

3. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.

Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh. H.S.Hundal, Advocate.

Chamber No.82, Distt. Courts,

Phase-B-1, SAS Nagar-160059

Mob:9878500082 --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Deputy Excise & Taxation

Commissioner, Ferozepur.
FAA: Excise & Taxation Commissioner,

SCO:13-14, Sector: 17-D, Chandigarh. -------Respondent

Appeal Case No.1082 of 2015

Present: - Sh. H.S.Hundal Adv appellant in person.

Shri D.S. Virk,PIO-cum-DETC & Sh.Bhupinder Singh Dhillon, AETC Moga on behalf of the respondent.

In compliance of the earlier order dated 10.08.2015, appellant stated that he has received information and is satisfied with the same. No further action is required.

2. In view of the above, the case is hereby closed and disposed of.

3. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh. H.S.Hundal Adv. Chamber

No.82, Distt. Courts, Phase-

3B-1, SAS Nagar-160059

Mob:9878500082 --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o District Town Planner,

FAA: Senior Town Planner,

Ludhiana. -------Respondent

Appeal Case No.1087 of 2015

Present: - Sh. H.S.Hundal Adv, Appellant in person.

Shri Jaswant Singh, Planning Officer cum APIO on behalf of the Respondent.

In compliance of the earlier order dated 10.08.2015, appellant stated that he has received information and is satisfied with the same. No further action is required.

2. In view of the above, the case is hereby closed and disposed of.

3. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh. Amrik Singh,

1, Dutt Road, Moga- 142 001

(M:9217582000) --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Addl Director General of Police,

Punjab, Sector-9, Chandigarh.
FAA: Director General of Police, Punjab,

Police Hqrs, Sector-9, Chandigarh. -------Respondent

Appeal Case No.1095 of 2015

Present: Shri H.S.Hundal, Advocate on behalf of the appellant.

Shri Hari Singh Superintendent and H/C /CH/HhShri Parshotam Kumar, on behalf of the respondents.

In compliance of the earlier order dated 10.08.2015, Counsel on behalf of the appellant stated that he has received information and is satisfied with the same. No further action is required.

2. In view of the above, the case is hereby closed and disposed of.

3. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh.Tejinder Singh

Village Bholapur, PO Ramgarh

Chandigarh Road, Ludhiana-141123

M-9653268807 --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Deputy Commissioner, Ludhiana.

FAA -do- …………Respondent

Appeal Case No.1387 of 2015

Present: - Shri Tejinder Singh, appellant in person.

Shri Joginder Singh, Naib Tehsildar on behalf of the Respondent.

In compliance of the earlier order dated 11.08.2015, Shri Joginder Singh, Naib Tehsildar appeared and stated that information has been sent to the appellant on 10.08.2015 by registered post, addressed to Shri R.S.Nagi, State Information Commissioner, Punjab.

2. During hearing today, appellant appeared and stated that he is not satisfied with the information supplied to him.

3. I have gone through the information and perused record on file and found that information supplied to him is incomplete and deficient and respondent is hereby directed to provide complete information as per his RTI application. In response to this, respondent stated that he has newly joined the office and he further sought one more adjournment to supply him the complete information and action taken report after carefully looking into the record within fortnight.

4. The case is adjourned to 19.10.2015 at 11 AM for confirmation.

5. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh. Baljit Singh

H.No. 799, Milk Colony, Dhanas

Chandigarh (UT). --------Complainant Vs.
Public Information Officer,

O/o Principal, Bhai Nand lal Public

Sr.Sec. School, Sri Anandpur Sahib. -------Respondent
Complaint Case No.1097 of 2015

Present: - None on behalf of the parties.
None has appeared on behalf of the parties on consecutive second date of hearing today. It seems no party is interested to pursue the case further. Hence, the case is hereby closed and disposed of.

2. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh. Manoj Kathuria S/o

Shri Harish Chander, Qtr No.3,

Type-IV, GMT Compound,

Ambala Cantt. --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Municipal Council, Zirakpur.

FAA: Deputy Director Local Bodies,

Patiala. -------Respondent

Appeal Case No.1912 of 2015

Present: Sh. Manoj Kathuria, Appellant in person.

Shri Gursewak Singh, Jr. Assistant on behalf of the respondents.

During hearing today, appellant appeared and stated that he has received incomplete information and, therefore, is not satisfied. He pointed out a few discrepancies in the information received and explained these discrepancies to the respondent. On the other hand, respondent sought an adjournment to make up the deficiencies pointed out by the information-seeker.

2. One more opportunity is provided to the respondent to supply the information to the Appellant within 10 days from the receipt of these orders.

3. The case is adjourned to 19.10.2015 at 11 AM for confirmation.

4. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh.Iqbal Singh S/o Shri Gurmit Singh,

Vill-Jhungian (Near Gurudwara Sahib),

PO: Jandpur, Tehsil: Kharar,

District: Mohali (M.No.9592725277) --------Complainant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Executive Officer, Municipal

Council, Kharar.

FAA: Deputy Director, Regional Office,

Govt. of Punjab, Local Bodies Deptt. Patiala. -------Respondent

Appeal Case No.1899 of 2015

Present: Shri Satish Kumar for the Appellant.

Sh.Jaswinder Singh, Draftsman on behalf of the respondent.

On the last date of hearing, appellant was directed to point out deficiencies in the information supplied to him to the respondent within 10 days.

2. During hearing today, representative on behalf the respondent appeared and sought an adjournment to supply him the complete information before the next date of hearing.

3. The case is adjourned to 19.10.2015 at 11 AM for confirmation.

4. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Ms Santosh Kumari

H.No.2650, Ward No.12,

Opp:Dusshera Ground

Kharar, 140301, Distt. Mohali. --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o DEO (S), Vidya Bhawan,

Sector-62, Punjab, Chandigarh.
FAA: -do- -------Respondent
Appeal Case No.1970 of 2015

Present: None on behalf of the appellant.

Shri Rajiv Kumar, Clerk on behalf of the respondents.

In compliance of the earlier order dated 10.08.2015, copy of affidavit on the points of non-availability of information was supplied to the appellant.

2. During hearing, counsel on behalf of the appellant is not present in the court today; she has sent a counter-reply to the affidavit filed by the respondent and a copy of the counter-reply has been given to the representative of the respondent to make up or reply the same within a fortnight.

3. The case is adjourned to 19.10.2015 at 11 AM for confirmation.

4. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Mrs. Kamla Insa W/o Late

Shri Som Nath, 21 Green Lehal

Near Passy Road, Patiala

(Mob: 9876977237) --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Punjab State Women Commission,

SCO:57-59, Sector:17-C, Chandigarh.
FAA: -do- -------Respondent
Appeal Case No.1904 of 2015

Present: None on behalf of the appellant.

Shri Vijay Kumar, Superintendent (Grade-I) and Mrs.Jasbir Kaur, APIO/PA on behalf of the respondent.

In compliance of the earlier order dated 10.08.2015, respondents stated that information has been sent to the appellant on 10.08.2015 by speed post and no deficiency has been pointed out by him till date. Appellant is absent without intimation and it seems she has received the information and is satisfied with the same.

2. In view of the above, the case is hereby closed and disposed of.

3. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh.Sanjeev Goyal, S/o Shri

Satish Goyal, Nehru Garden,

W.No.10, Jaiton-151202

Distt. Faridkot. --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Municipal Corporation,

FAA: -do- -------Respondent
Appeal Case No.1423 of 2015

Present: - None on behalf of the parties.
In compliance of the last order dated 11.08.2015, a reference has been received in the Commission from the M.C.Bathinda, vide Diary No.21891, dated 26.08.2015, wherein it has been conveyed that appellant is satisfied with the information supplied to him and he has given in writing his full satisfaction.

2. In view of the above, the case is hereby closed and disposed of.

3. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No.32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh
Sh.Roop Lal Sharma S/o Shri

Gian Chand sharma, H.No.2102,

Gali No.2, Chaudhary Hari Singh

Nagar, Jorha Fatak, Amritsar-143001

Mob: 8872787589 --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Child Development Project Officer,

Urban-II, Amritsar.
FAA: Director Social Security Women & Child

Development Welfare, Punjab,

SCO No.102-03, Sector:34-A, Chd. -------Respondent
Appeal Case No.1927 of 2015

Present: None on behalf of the parties.
None has appeared on behalf of the parties today. In the interest of justice, one more opportunity is given to the parties to present their case before the Commission to supply the requisite information to the appellant before the next date of hearing failing which the case will be dismissed ex-parte.

2. The case is adjourned to 19.10.2015 at 11 AM.

3. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh. Amarjit Singh,

Vill: Lakhnaur, PO: Sohana,

Tehsil & District:SAS Nagar.

Mob: 82880-35652 --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Estate Officer, GMADA,

PUDA Bhawan, Sector-62,

SAS Nagar.

FAA: -do- -------Respondent
Appeal Case No.1025 of 2015


Present: None on behalf of the appellant.

Mrs.Ravinder Kaur, Supdt/APIO, ) Regulatory

Shri Jagdish Singh, Senior Assistant) Branch

Mrs.Dalbir Kaur, PIO-cum-AEO GMADA,

Shri Sukhpal Singh, SDO-previous,

Shri Hardayal Singh,Patwari-LAC Branch

on behalf of the respondents.

In the compliance of the earlier order dated 25.08.2015, respondents stated that available information with regard to all has been provided to the information-seeker.

2. Point-wise information has been discussed. Commission has examined the information supplied and perused record on file. After taking cognizance of the information and arguments produced before me, I direct the respondent to file affidavit in the Commission regarding information on those points which are not available on office records, and copy thereof duly certified by the PIO or APIO be given to the information-seeker before the next date of hearing.
3. Besides above, Shri Tarsem lal Mittal, Naib Tehsildar-cum-Land Acquisition Officer is directed to be present in person on the next date of hearing to give specific reply regarding demarcation (whether it has been done or not).
4. The case is adjourned to 19.10.2015 at 11 AM for further proceedings.

5. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner


SCO No. 32-33-34, Sector 17-C, Chandigarh

Visit us @
Sh. Amarjit Singh,

Vill: Lakhnaur, PO: Sohana,

Tehsil & District:SAS Nagar.

Mob: 82880-35652 --------Appellant Vs.

Public Information Officer,

O/o Estate Officer, GMADA,

PUDA Bhawan, Sector-62,

SAS Nagar.

FAA: -do- -------Respondent
Appeal Case No.1026 of 2015


Present: None on behalf of the appellant.

Mrs.Ravinder Kaur, Supdt/APIO, ) Regulatory

Shri Jagdish Singh, Senior Assistant) Branch

Mrs.Dalbir Kaur, PIO-cum-AEO GMADA,

Shri Sukhpal Singh, SDO-previous,

Shri Hardayal Singh,Patwari-LAC Branch

on behalf of the respondents.

In the compliance of the earlier order dated 25.08.2015, respondents stated that available information with regard to all has been provided to the information-seeker.

2. Point-wise information has been discussed. Commission has examined the information supplied and perused record on file. After taking cognizance of the information and arguments produced before me, I direct the respondent to file affidavit in the Commission regarding information on those points which are not available on office records, and copy thereof duly certified by the PIO or APIO be given to the information-seeker before the next date of hearing.
3. Besides above, Shri Tarsem lal Mittal, Naib Tehsildar-cum-Land Acquisition Officer is directed to be present in person on the next date of hearing to give specific reply regarding demarcation (whether it has been done or not).
4. The case is adjourned to 19.10.2015 at 11 AM for further proceedings.

5. Copies of the order be sent to the parties.


Chandigarh (A.S.Chanduraian)

Dated: 15.09.2015 State Information Commissioner
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