Status report on machine-readable astronomical catalogs astronomical data center nasa goddard space flight center g. L. Schneider, N. G. Roman, N. P. M

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STATUS REPORT ON MACHINE-READABLE ASTRONOMICAL CATALOGS ASTRONOMICAL DATA CENTER NASA GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER G. L. Schneider, N. G. Roman, N. P. M. Kuin 27 November 95 Catalogs are grouped and numbered according to the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Center's (CDS) numbering system where applicable. Additional information on catalog contents can sometimes be found in the CDS catalog list or can be obtained by requesting brief descriptions of the catalogs from the ADC. In many cases, we have supplemented the CDS numbers with letter codes when modifications have been made. Catalog numbers with '9' appearing in the hundreds place, e.g., 1907, are not expected to be assigned numbers by the CDS. Status Codes for Catalogs: A - Has been checked for consistency B - Is distributed as received C - Not yet checked for consistency D - In preparation, revision, or update F - Available in microfiche version G - Available in microfiche and microfilm versions H - Documentation available in hardcopy form only J - Restricted microform version (see code R below) M - Available in microfilm version N - Available via network O - Available for distribution on Vol. 1 CD-ROM P - Available for distribution in hardcopy form S - Available for distribution on Vol. 2 CD-ROM T - Full documentation available U - Adequate description for machine version The size of individual files is given as "record-count x record-length," a total size of all files is given in kilobytes or Megabytes. NOTE: The machine-readable catalogs on this list have been obtained from many different sources and, in some cases, have been modified (reformatted, reblocked, corrections added, etc.) at the ADC. In no case, however, have data been removed from a catalog (additional data have been inserted in certain cases). Individual sources are given in documentation pertaining to each catalog. Page 2 Addresses: Nancy G. Roman, National Space Science Data Center, Hughes STX, Code 631, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Telephone: (301) 286-4070; FAX: (301) 286-1771 E-mail: NANCY.G.ROMAN@GSFC.NASA.GOV (Internet); NSSDCA::ROMAN (NSI-DECnet) N. Paul M. Kuin, National Space Science Data Center, Hughes STX, Code 631, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Telephone: (301) 286-0677; FAX: (301) 286-1771 E-mail: KUIN@NSSDCA.GSFC.NASA.GOV (Internet); NSSDCA::KUIN (NSI-DECnet) Gail L. Schneider, National Space Science Data Center, Hughes STX, Code 631, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 Telephone: (301) 286-8310; FAX: (301) 286-1771 E-mail: GAIL.L.SCHNEIDER@GSFC.NASA.GOV (Internet); NDADSA::GAIL (NSI-DECnet) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 3 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1005 AN Proper Motions of Stars in the Zone Catalogue of 20843 Stars 1900 (Spencer Jones, H. and Jackson, J. 1936, HMSO, London) 1 file, total 1.59 Mbytes: zonepm.dat (20843x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (49x80) 1006 BN Catalogue of 20554 Faint Stars in the Astrographic Zone -40 to -52 Degrees for the Equinox of 1900.0 (Spencer Jones, H. and Jackson, J. 1939, HMSO, London) 1 file, total 1.08 Mbytes: Data (20554x55) 1011 BHN Catalogue of Proper Motions of 8790 Stars with Reference to Galaxies (Klemola, A.R., et al. 1971, Publ. Lick Obs. XXII, Part II) 1 file, total 976 Kbytes: Data (12492x80) 1012 AFN Stern-Katalog fuer die Zone von -6 grade bis -10 grade Suedlicher Deklination fuer das Aequinoktium 1890, Erste und Zweite Abtheilungen (Herz, N. 1906, Abh. Koeniglich Preussischen Akad. der Wissenschaften, Berlin Math. Abh.; Herz, N. 1907, Abh. Koeniglich Preussischen Akad. der Wissenschaften, Berlin Math. Abh.) 2 files, total 530 Kbytes: Volume 1 (3310x53); Volume 2 (6941x53) 1014 CN Proper Motions of 1160 Late-Type Stars (Fogh Olsen, H.J. 1970, A&AS, 2, 69) 1 file, total 101 Kbytes: Data (1176x88) 1016 CN Katalog von 3356 Schwachen Sternen fuer das Aequinoktium 1950 (Larink, J., et al. 1955, Verlag der Stenwarte, Hamburg-Bergedorf) Comment(s): zones -5 to +89 degrees 1 file, total 288 Kbytes: Data (3356x88) 1021A BN Astrographic Catalogue (Lacroute, P. and Valbousquet, A. 1974, CDS Bull. No. 6, p. 38; Valbousquet, A. 1977, CDS Bull. No. 13, p.2; Lacroute, P. 1981, CDS Bull. No. 21, p.2) Comment(s): Toulouse, Bordeaux, Paris and Oxford zones; see also catalogs 1154 and 1155 4 files, total 91.3 Mbytes: f1 (433414x57); f2 (355653x57); f3 (436454x57); f4 (471421x55) 1 Doc file: Intro (128x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 4 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1022A BN Astrographic Catalogue (Lacroute, P. and Valbousquet, A. 1974, CDS Bull. No. 6, p. 38; Valbousquet, A. 1977, CDS Bull. No. 13, p.2; Lacroute, P. 1981, CDS Bull. No. 21, p.2) Comment(s): Algier zone; see also catalogs 1154 and 1155 1 file, total 18.4 Mbytes: catalog (306432x63) 1 Doc file: Intro (69x80) 1023 CN Catalogue of Proper Motions for 437 A Stars (Fogh Olsen, H.J. 1970, A&AS, 1, 189) 1 file, total 39.4 Kbytes: Data (458x88) 1028 CN Bonn 10: Katalog von 10663 Sternen (Kuestner, F. 1908, Veroeff. der Koenigl. Sternwarte zu Bonn, No. 10) 1 file, total 894 Kbytes: Data (10400x88) 1031 BN Bucharest Catalogue: Catalogue KSZ d'Etoiles Faibles pour 1950.0 (Bucharest 1972) Comment(s): zones -11 to +11 degrees 1 file, total 308 Kbytes: Data (3940x80) 1033 CN First Greenwich Catalog of Stars for 1925.0 (Royal Greenwich Obs. 1924, London) 1 file, total 253 Kbytes: Data (2643x98) 1034 CN Second Greenwich Catalog of Stars for 1925.0 (Royal Greenwich Obs. 1935, London) Comment(s): 2111 Fundamental Stars; zones +32 to +64 degrees; 10587 stars 1 file, total 1.08 Mbytes: Data (12698x89) 1035 CN Second Nine-Year Catalog of Stars for 1900: Astrographic Reference Stars (Royal Greenwich Obs. 1909, London) 1 file, total 989 Kbytes: Data (10127x100) 1036 CN Catalogue de 964 Etoiles, Zones +5 Degrees to +15 Degrees (Fayet, G., Cercle Meridien Ann. Bur. Long. XIII) 1 file, total 68.8 Kbytes: Data (800x88) 1038 CN Tokyo Mitaka Catalogue of Equatorial Stars 1950.0 (Tuzi, K. 1962, Ann. Tokyo Astron. Obs. (2) 8, 1) 1 file, total 730 Kbytes: Data (8491x88) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 5 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1044 BHN Second Catalogue of Fundamental Stars Santiago-Pulkovo (Santiago-Pulkovo, unpublished) 3 files, total 57.4 Kbytes: +16 to -16 deg (326x88); -40 to -90 deg A (280x88); -40 to -90 deg B (62x88) 1049 CN Catalogue Meridien de Strasbourg 1972 (Strasbourg, unpublished) 1 file, total 243 Kbytes: Data (2832x88) 1054A AN A Catalogue of 1849 Stars with Proper Motions Exceeding 0.5" Annually (Luyten, W.J. 1955, Lund Press, Minneapolis) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 1087A 2 files, total 140 Kbytes: catalog (1849x69); notes (224x72) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (69x80) 1055 CN 3eme Catalogue de Toulouse, Zones +3 Degrees to +12 Degrees (Paloque, E. 1937, Toulouse Ann. 13) 1 file, total 866 Kbytes: Data (10074x88) 1057 CN Catalogue de 14263 Etoiles: Catalogue D'Abbadia (Hendaye 1915) Comment(s): zones +16 to +24 degrees; reference unknown 1 file, total 666 Kbytes: Data (14218x48) 1059 CN Catalogue of Proper Motions of 12590 Faint Stars in the +25 to -20 Degrees Declination Zone (Gorel, L.F. 1972, Trudy Glav. Astron. Obs. Pulkovo, Ser. 2, 80, 5) 1 file, total 541 Kbytes: Data (6295x88) 1060B BHN Data on Trigonometric Parallaxes which have been used in the Yale Catalogue (Jenkins, L.F. 1963, Yale Univ. Obs.) Comment(s): right-hand pages of catalog 1081 1 file, total 259 Kbytes: Data (10215x26) 1061B AFNOT AGK3 Catalogue (Dieckvoss, W. and Heckmann, O. 1975, Hamburg-Bergedorf) Comment(s): see also Warren Jr., W.H. 1978, CDS Bull. No. 15, p. 116; see also catalog 1069 1 file, total 14.3 Mbytes: Catalog Data (183145x82) 1 Doc file: Documentation (896x79) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 6 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1062C ANT Perth 70, A Catalogue of Positions of 24900 Stars (Hog, E. and von der Heide, J. 1976, Abh. der Hamburger Sternw., Band IX, 15) Comment(s): see also catalog 1917 1 file, total 3.57 Mbytes: Catalog Data (24978x150) 3 Doc files: ASCII Documentation (421x77); LaTeX Documentation (280x82); ADC Style File (38x78) 1068A BNU Positions and Proper Motions of 1981 Stars in the Vicinity of Alpha Persei (Fresneau, A. 1980, CDS Bull. No. 18, p. 81) Membership of the Alpha Persei Cluster as Determined by Proper Motion (Fresneau, A. 1980, AJ, 85, 66) Comment(s): supersedes the microfiche version 2 files, total 155 Kbytes: Introduction (34x80); Data (1981x79) 1069 AN AGK3 Catalogue (Dieckvoss, W. and Heckmann, O. 1975, Hamburg-Bergedorf) Comment(s): records sorted by right ascension; see also Warren Jr., W.H. 1978, CDS Bull. No. 15, p. 116; see also catalog 1061B 1 file, total 14 Mbytes: Data (183145x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (896x79) 1071 AN Catalog of Supplemental Stars to the Bonner Durchmusterung (Warren Jr., W.H. and Kress, K. 1980, ADC Bull. 1, 19) 1 file, total 22.1 Kbytes: catalog.dat (838x27) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (151x80) 1073B ANT Catalogue of 20457 Star Positions Obtained by Photography in the Declination Zone -48 to -54 Degrees (1950) (Eichhorn, H., et al. 1983, AJ, 88, 546) 1 file, total 1.03 Mbytes: Catalog Data (20457x53) 1 Doc file: ADC Documentation (564x80) 1074 BHN Quatrieme Catalogue Meridien de l'Observatoire de Besancon (Creze, M., et al. 1982, A&AS, 50, 147) Comment(s): 953 stars 2 files, total 81.9 Kbytes: Positions (670x88); (283x88) 1075 BHN Second Cape Catalogue for 1950.0 (Cape Observatory 1968, Ann. Cape Obs. 23) Comment(s): declination < -20 degrees 2 files, total 617 Kbytes: Noncircumpolar stars (6763x88); Circumpolar stars (417x88) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 7 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1078 AFN Third Santiago-Pulkovo Fundamental Stars Catalogue, A Catalogue in R.A. of 671 Fundamental Bright Stars of the Zone +40 to -90 Degrees (Loyola, P.R. and Shishkina, V.N. 1972, Publ. Dep. Astronomy, Univ. of Chile, 2 (No. 5) 159) 1 file, total 26.2 Kbytes: catalog (671x40) 1 Doc file: adc.doc (379x79) 1079 AFNOT Lowell Proper Motion Survey 8991 Stars with m > 8, PM > 0.26"/Year in the Northern Hemisphere (Giclas, H.L., Burnham Jr., R., and Thomas, N.G. 1971, Lowell Obs., Flagstaff, AZ) 2 files, total 1.02 Mbytes: Catalog Data (8989x98); Notes (2429x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (840x79) 1080 AFNT Catalog of 5,268 Standard Stars Based on the Normal System N30 (Morgan, H.R. 1952, Astron. Papers Amer. Ephemeris 13, Part III) 2 files, total 474 Kbytes: Data (5268x88); Remarks (277x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (441x78) 1081 AHNT Yale Catalogue of Trigonometric Parallaxes (Jenkins, L.F. 1952, 1963, Yale Univ. Obs.) Comment(s): with corrections and Supplement data added; USNO 1982; superseded by 1174 1 file, total 430 Kbytes: Data (6675x66) 1082 ANT First Santiago-Pulkovo Fundamental Stars Catalogue (Anguita, C., et al. 1975, Publ. Dep. Astronomy, Univ. of Chile, 2 (No. 6) 181) 2 files, total 53.8 Kbytes: Upper Culmination (1043x49); Lower Culmination (82x49) 1 Doc file: ADC Documentation (380x80) 1085 AN Cape Photographic Catalogue 2 (Nicholson, W., et al. 1984, MNRAS, 208, 911) Comment(s): provisional values for zones -40 to -52 degrees, extending to zones -38 and -54 degrees 1 file, total 5.35 Mbytes: Data (51017x110) 1086A AN Sydney Southern Star Catalogue (King, D.S. and Lomb, N.R. 1983, J. Proc. R. Soc. N.S.W. 116, 53; King, D.S. and Lomb, N.R. 1983, Syd. Obs. Pap. No. 96) 3 files, total 1.56 Mbytes: primary.dat (23287x62); faint.dat (3244x52); south.dat (395x52) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (150x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 8 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1087A AN Luyten Half-Second Catalogue, Second Edition (Luyten, W.J. 1979, [Minneapolis: University of Minnesota]) Comment(s): supersedes catalog 1054A 2 files, total 433 Kbytes: catalog (4470x90); notes (441x93) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (88x80) 1089 AHNT Santiago 67 Catalogue, Catalogue of 7610 Stars, Declination Zone -25 Degrees to -45 Degrees, Equinox 1950 (Carrasco, G. and Loyola, P.R. 1981, Publ. Dep. Astronomy, Univ. of Chile, Vol. 4) 3 files, total 659 Kbytes: -25 to -35 deg (3308x90); -35 to -47 deg (3939x90); +40 to +10 deg (363x63) 1090 AHNT Accurate Positions of 502 Stars in the Region of the Pleiades (Eichhorn, H., et al. 1970, MmRAS, 73, 125) 1 file, total 39.2 Kbytes: Data (502x80) 1091 AH Jet Propulsion Laboratory Long Ephemeris Tape of Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides for the Years 1410 BC to 3003 AD (Newhall, X.X., Standish Jr., E.M., and Williams, J.G. 1983, A&A, 125, 150) Comment(s): DE102, 6 files, IBM VBS binary format 6 files, total 156 Mbytes: (V) 1410BC- 747BC (3978x6197); (V) 753BC- 3AD (4500x6197); (V) 3BC- 753AD (4498x6197); (V) 747AD-1503AD (4504x6197); (V) 1497AD-2250AD (4486x6197); (V) 2247AD-3003AD (4505x6197) 1092 AN Yale Zone Catalogue, Zone -60 to -70 Degrees (Fallon, F.W. 1983, Yale Trans. 32, Part II (New Haven: Yale Univ. Obs)) 1 file, total 1.54 Mbytes: Catalog Data (14597x111) 2 Doc files: ReadMe (96x80); Original Documentation (561x80) 1093A ANOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides for the Years 1960 to 2030, Mean Equator and Equinox B1950 (Standish Jr., E.M. 1981, Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Standish Jr., E.M. 1990, A&A, 233, 252) 6 files, total 17.3 Mbytes: Data (224568x80); DE118 Test (642x80); Ephdsk Fortran (466x80); Shorteph Fortran (174x80); Sub Fortran (1074x80); Testeph Fortran (284x80) 3 Doc files: ASCII Document (483x80); LaTeX Document (486x80); ADC Style File (38x78) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 9 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1094A ANOT Jet Propulsion Laboratory Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides for the Years 1960 to 2025, Mean Equator and Equinox J2000 (Standish Jr., E.M. and Seidelmann, P.K. 1981, BAAS, 13, 874; Standish Jr., E.M. 1982, A&A, 114, 297; Standish Jr., E.M. 1990, A&A, 233, 252) 6 files, total 15.9 Mbytes: Data (205536x80); DE200 Test (642x80); Ephdsk Fortran (466x80); Shorteph Fortran (174x80); Sub Fortran (1074x80); Testeph Fortran (284x80) 3 Doc files: ASCII Document (483x80); LaTeX Document (486x80); ADC Style File (38x78) 1095 D The J Catalog of Reduced Astrographic Catalogue Data for Galactic Clusters and Other Selected Zodiacal Regions (Dunham, D.W. and Herald, D. 1982) Comment(s): see Dunham, D.W. 1978, Occultation Newsletter 1, 138 1 file: (6420) records 1096 ANT Astrographic Catalogue (Fresneau, A. 1983, AJ, 88, 1378) Comment(s): zones +01 to +31 degrees; data: RA, DEC, mag, 1 file, total 24.7 Mbytes: Data (997311x26) 1 Doc file: Documentation (386x79) 1097 ANOT Perth 75, A Catalogue of Positions of 2589 FK4 and FK4S Stars (Nikoloff, I. and Hog, E. 1982, Perth Observatory) 1 file, total 248 Kbytes: Catalog Data (2589x98) 1 Doc file: Documentation (559x80) 1098A AFNOT New Luyten Catalogue of Stars with Proper Motions Larger than Two Tenths of an Arcsecond (Luyten, W.J. 1979, 1980, University of Minnesota; Warren Jr., W.H., et al. 1989, AJ, 97, 1480) Comment(s): computerized through joint ADC and Space Telescope Science Institute effort with financial support of ST ScI; supplement 1, computerized at Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg by H. Jahreiss, included 2 files, total 4.15 Mbytes: Catalog Data (58845x65); Remarks (5843x90) 3 Doc files: ASCII Document (931x80); LaTeX Document (844x79); ADC Style File (68x78) 1099 BHN Brorfelde Meridian Catalogues 1964-1976 (Laustsen, S. 1968, Publ. Mindre Medd. Kbh. Obs. No. 197; Fogh Olsen, H.J. 1973, A&AS, 9, 1; Fogh Olsen, H.J. and Helmer, V. 1977, A&AS, 30, 349; Helmer, V. and Fogh Olsen, H.J. 1982, A&AS, 49, 13) 2 files, total 1.21 Mbytes: Photographic (10614x80); Photoelectric (3163x132) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 10 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1100 C Washington 210, Results of observations with the six-inch transit circle 1909-1918. Catalogue of 2499 stars for 1910.0 (Hammond, J.C. 1927, Publ. U.S. Nav. Obs. (2) 11, p. 665) 1101 C Washington 025, Results of observations with the six-inch transit circle 1925-1941. Catalog of 2,383 stars for 1925.0 (Watts, C.B. and Adams, A.N. 1949, Publ. U.S. Nav. Obs. (2) 16, Part I, p. 1) 1102 C Washington 150, Results of observations made with the six-inch transit circle 1925-1941. Catalog of observations in the years 1936-1941. Catalog of 1,536 stars for 1950.0 (Watts, C.B. and Adams, A.N. 1949, Publ. U.S. Nav. Obs. (2) 16, Part I, p. 255) 1103 C Washington 250, Results of observations made with the six-inch transit circle 1941-1949. Catalog of 5216 stars for 1950.0 (Watts, C.B., Scott, F.P., and Adams, A.N. 1952, Publ. U.S. Nav. Obs. (2) 16, Part III, p. 447) 1104 C Washington 350, Results of observations made with the six-inch transit circle 1949-1956. Catalog of 5965 stars from observations made in the years 1949-1956 (Adams, A.N., Bestul, S.M., and Scott, D.K. 1964, Publ. U.S. Nav. Obs. (2) 19, Part I, p. 111) 1105 C Washington 450, Results of observations made with the six-inch transit circle 1956-1962. Observations of the Sun, Moon and planets; catalog of 2,554 stars for 1950.0 (Adams, A.N. and Scott, D.K. 1968, Publ. U.S. Nav. Obs. (2) 19, Part II, p. 295) 1106 C Washington 550, Results of observations made with the six-inch transit circle 1963-1971. Observations of the Sun, Moon and planets; catalog of 14,960 stars for 1950.0 (Hughes, J.A. and Scott, D.K. 1982, Publ. U.S. Nav. Obs. (2) 23, Part III, p. 165) 1107A ANOU Washington Catalog of Visual Double Stars 1984.0 (Worley, C.E. and Douglass, G.G. 1984, U.S. Nav. Obs., Washington) Comment(s): see CDS Bull. No. 28, p. 165; previous version on ADC CD-ROM; some modifications were made by CDS in March 1994; see introduction file for more information 2 files, total 6.49 Mbytes: Catalog Data (73610x84); Notes (7766x80) 2 Doc files: Original Documentation (2250x79); Introduction (136x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 11 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1108 AFNPST Cape Photographic Durchmusterung (Gill, D. and Kapteyn, J.C. 1895-1900, Cape Ann. 3-5) Comment(s): zones -18 to -89 degrees; microfiche is of published catalog 2 files, total 13.9 Mbytes: Catalog Data (454877x32); Changes from the printed catalog (32x79) 2 Doc files: Original ADC Documentation (606x80); ReadMe (175x80) 1110 AN Catalogue of Occultation Double-Star Observations (Evans, D.S. 1983, IAU Colloquium No. 62, Current Techniques in Double and Multiple Star Research, Lowell Obs. Bull. 167, p. 73) Comment(s): bright stars, SAO stars, faint stars; 224 stars, 400 measures 3 files, total 39.4 Kbytes: data1.dat (178x100); data2.dat (211x100); data3.dat (14x100) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (211x80) 1112 AHNT Lowell Proper Motion Survey Southern Hemisphere Catalog (Giclas, H.L., Burnham Jr., R., and Thomas, N.G. 1978, Lowell Obs. Bull. No. 164) 1 file, total 264 Kbytes: Data (2758x98) 1113A ANT General Catalogue of 33342 Stars for the Epoch 1950 (Boss, B. 1937, Carnegie Inst. of Washington) 2 files, total 4.82 Mbytes: Catalog Data (33342x150); List of Corrections (1205x41) 3 Doc files: ASCII Document (536x76); LaTeX Document (423x80); ADC Style File (38x78) 1114 AFNPST Cordoba Durchmusterung (Thome, J.M. 1892-1932, Resultados del Obs. Nac. Argentino 16,17,18,21) Comment(s): zone -22 to -89 degrees; microfiche is of published catalogs 2 files, total 18.8 Mbytes: Catalog Data (613959x32); Changes from the printed catalog (253x80) 2 Doc files: Original ADC documentation (839x80); ReadMe (154x80) 1116 AN Cape Photographic Catalogue for 1950.0 (Jackson, J. and Stoy, R.H. 1954, 1955, 1958; Stoy, R.H. 1966, Ann. Cape Obs. 17-22) 1 file, total 4.83 Mbytes: Data (68467x74) 1118 BN Elements of Minor Planets for 1986 (Batrakov, Yu.V. 1985, Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Leningrad) 1 file, total 503 Kbytes: data (3143x164) 1 Doc file: desc (52x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 12 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1119 AGNPST Southern Durchmusterung (Schoenfeld, E. 1886, Astron. Beob. 8, Part IV) Comment(s): BD South; zones -01 to -23 degrees; microfiche is of published catalog 2 files, total 4.12 Mbytes: Catalog Data (134834x32); Changes from the printed catalog (24x75) 2 Doc files: Original ADC Documentation (602x80); ReadMe (196x80) 1121 AN Common Proper Motion Stars in the AGK3 (Halbwachs, J.L. 1986, A&AS, 66, 131) Comment(s): 439 systems 2 files, total 110 Kbytes: d/pm < 1000yr (326x256); d/pm 1000-3500yr (113x256) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (200x80) 1122 AGNPST Bonner Durchmusterung (Argelander, F.W. 1859-62, Bonner Sternverzeichnis. Erste bis dritte Sektion, Astron. Beobachtungen auf der Sternw. der Koniglichen Rhein. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Univ. zu Bonn, Baende 3-5; Kuestner, F. 1903, Bonner Durchmusterung des Nord. Himmels, zweite berichtigte Auflage, Bonn Univ. Sternw.; Schmidt, H. 1968, BD, vierten Auflage, Ferd. Dummlers Verlag, Bonn) Comment(s): zones +89 to -01 degrees; microfiche is of published catalogs 2 files, total 9.98 Mbytes: Catalog Data (325037x32); Changes since the original printing (691x100) 2 Doc files: Original ADC Documentation (1430x80); ReadMe (252x80) 1123 AHN Lunar Occultations of IRAS Point Sources: 1986-1990 (Simon, M., Cassar, L., and Chen, W.P. 1986, ApJS, 62, 673) 1 file, total 1.08 Mbytes: Data (14148x80) 1124 BN Elements of Minor Planets for 1987 (Batrakov, Yu.V. and Shor, V.A. 1986, Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Leningrad) 1 file, total 559 Kbytes: data (3330x172) 1 Doc file: desc (50x80) 1125 ANU Combined Lick-Voyager Reference Star Catalogue (Dunham, D.W. 1986) Comment(s): merged data from catalogs 1115, 1140, 1152 and 1153 1 file, total 2.08 Mbytes: Catalog Data (25136x87) 1 Doc file: Introduction (94x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 13 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1126 BHN Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue, La Palma (Copenhagen U. Obs. and Royal Greenwich Obs. 1986, Instituto y Observatorio de Marina) Comment(s): stars and planets in 1984 and 1985; superseded by catalog 1147 6 files, total 2.72 Mbytes: Program Stars 1985 (21436x80); Planets 1985 (1785x60); FK4 Stars 1985 (1285x55); Program Stars 1984 (10584x80); Planets 1984 (857x60); FK4 Stars 1984 (1109x55) 1127 BN Elements of Minor Planets for 1988 (Batrakov, Yu.V. 1987, Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Leningrad) 1 file, total 824 Kbytes: data (3516x240) 1 Doc file: desc (50x80) 1128 BHN Photographic Observations of Visual Double Stars (van Albada-van Dien, E. and Panjaitan, E. 1987, A&AS, 68, 117) 1 file, total 68.2 Kbytes: Data (529x132) 1129 ANU A Survey of Trigonometric Parallaxes and Proper Motions with the UK Schmidt Telescope - II. Astrometric and Photometric Data for a Complete Sample of 6125 Stars Brighter than B = 17.5, V = 17.0 in the South Galactic Cap (Murray, C.A., Argyle, R.W., and Corben, P.M. 1986, MNRAS, 223, 629 and microfiche 223/1) 1 file, total 790 Kbytes: Catalog Data (6125x132) 1 Doc file: Introduction (68x80) 1130 AN The LDS Catalogue: Double Stars with Common Proper Motion (Luyten, W.J. 1940-1987, Univ. of Minnesota) Comment(s): 6121 systems 2 files, total 672 Kbytes: Catalogue Data (6210x110); Rejected Stars (46x110) 1 Doc file: Introduction (152x80) 1131A ANOT Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Star Catalog (SAO Staff 1966, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory) Comment(s): containing SAO 1966 data, HD and GC identifications, and positions and proper motions on FK5 reference system at J2000; revised version ADC and USNO 1990; microfiche is of published catalog 1 file, total 50.4 Mbytes: Catalog Data (258997x204) 2 Doc files: Full Documentation (1479x85); Introduction (257x80) 1134 BN A New List of Trapezium-Type Multiple Systems (Salukvadze, G.N. 1978, Byull. Abastumani Astrofiz. Obs. No. 49, pp. 39-68) 1 file, total 71.2 Kbytes: data (1012x72) 2 Doc files: Intro (101x80); format (31x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 14 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1135 BN Catalogue of Multiple and Double Stars in T Associations (Salukvadze, G.N. 1980, Astrofizika 16, 505-511; Salukvadze, G.N. 1980, Astrofizika 16, 687-694) 2 files, total 35.2 Kbytes: data (197x97); rmks (212x80) 2 Doc files: Intro (83x80); format (33x80) 1136 BN Catalogue of Trapezium-Type Multiple Systems in T Associations (Salukvadze, G.N. 1980, Astrofizika 16, 505-511; Salukvadze, G.N. 1980, Astrofizika 16, 687-694) 2 files, total 39.2 Kbytes: data (283x97); rmks (159x80) 2 Doc files: Intro (121x80); format (30x80) 1137 BN Compiled Catalogue of Positions and Proper Motions of 4949 Geodetic Stars from +90 to -90 Degrees (Khrutskaya, E.V. 1984, Glav. Astron. Obs. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Leningrad) Comment(s): Abstracts in Ref. Zh., 51. Astron., 11.51.90-91 1 file, total 387 Kbytes: catalog (4949x80) 2 Doc files: Intro (55x80); format (32x80) 1138 AN The Southern Reference Star Catalogue of 20488 Positions (Smith, C.A., et al. 1988) 1 file, total 3.26 Mbytes: catalog (20488x167) 1 Doc file: Intro (291x80) 1140 AN Neptune-Voyager Reference Star Catalogue (Klemola, A.R. and Owen Jr., W.M. 1986, Lick Observatory, Jet Propulsion Laboratory) Comment(s): see catalog 1125 1 file, total 588 Kbytes: Catalog Data (5571x108) 1141 ANO Yale Zone Catalogues - Integrated Version (Yale University 1939-1983, Trans. Astron. Obs., Yale Univ. 11-32) Comment(s): ADC 1989; supersedes catalog 1003 and includes catalog 1092 9 files, total 19.8 Mbytes: Catalog Data (221338x73); Notes (7237x80); Addenda +85 to +90 (1031x24); Addenda - 30 to +20 (103451x12); Addenda -50 to -30 (42369x16); Addenda -70 to -60 (14597x50); Addenda -90 to -70 (18702x49); WDS Stars (18188x23); GCVS Stars (902x18) 3 Doc files: ASCII Document (1681x79); LaTeX Document (1467x80); ADC Style File (68x78) 1142 AHN Lunar Occultations of IRAS Point Sources: 1991-2000 (Simon, M., Cassar, L., and Chen, W.P. 1989, ApJS, 69, 651) 1 file, total 2.14 Mbytes: Data (27998x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 15 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1143 ANOT Fourth Fundamental Catalogue and Supplement (Fricke, W. and Kopff, A. 1963, Veroeff. Astron. Rechen-Inst., Heidelb., No. 10,11) 7 files, total 536 Kbytes: polar50 (1535x134); polar55 (52x134); polar60 (52x134); polar65 (52x134); polar70 (52x134); polar75 (1535x134); suppl (1987x55) 1 Doc file: desc (175x80) 1144 BN First, Second and Third Herstmonceux Catalogues for 1950.0 (Tucker, R.H., et al. 1983, R. Greenwich Obs. Bull. No. 189) 8 files, total 4.4 Mbytes: AGK3R Stars (13811x168); PZT Stars (675x168); Blaauw O,B (1052x168); GCRV Stars (5910x168); GCVS Stars (325x168); ZC Stars (3725x168); NPZT Stars (1744x168); GCRV Stars (251x168) 1145 BHN Catalogue of Orbital Elements of 3936 Minor Planets Numbered by November 23, 1988 (Batrakov, Yu.V. and Shor, V.A. 1989, CDS Bull. No. 36, p. 175) Comment(s): see also catalogs 1183B and 1184C 1 file, total 922 Kbytes: Catalog Data (3936x240) 1146 ANOS Catalogue of Positions and Proper Motions (Roeser, S. and Bastian, U. 1988, A&AS, 74, 449) Comment(s): Standardized documentation Feb. 95 2 files, total 46.6 Mbytes: Catalog Data (181731x131); Catalog in format of old PPM (181731x138) 2 Doc files: Authors' original description (1145x80); ReadMe (172x80) 1147 AN Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue, La Palma (Copenhagen U. Obs., Royal Greenwich Obs., and Real Inst. y Obs. de la Armada 1989) Comment(s): stars and planets from 1984; supersedes all previous editions; see also catalog 1170A 4 files, total 8.62 Mbytes: Program Stars (50929x160); Planets (7984x60); Variable Stars (2460x55); FK5 Mean Positions (5037x55) 1 Doc file: Introduction (156x80) 1148 BN Fourth Melbourne General Catalogue (Melbourne Observatory, unpublished) Comment(s): reduced without proper motion to equinox 1900.0; 5157 stars; see catalog 1156 also 1 file, total 262 Kbytes: Data (5157x52) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 16 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1149A AN Fifth Fundamental Catalogue (FK5), Part I. The Basic Fundamental Stars (Fricke, W., Schwan, H., and Lederle, T. 1988, Veroeff. Astron. Rechen-Inst., Heidelb., No. 32) Comment(s): new version received August 1991; previous FK5 on CD-ROM 1 file, total 285 Kbytes: FK5.dat (1535x190) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (225x80) 1150 BN The Catalogue of Proper Motions for High Luminosity Stars (Valitova, A.M., Karimova, D.K., and Pavlovskaya, E.D. 1990, Tr. Gos. Astron. Inst. Sternberg) Comment(s): 309 stars 1 file, total 36.2 Kbytes: catalog (309x120) 2 Doc files: Intro (79x65); format (59x65) 1151 ANU Precise Radio Source Positions Determined by Mark III VLBI: Observations from 1979 to 1988 and a Tie to the FK5 (Ma, C., et al. 1990, AJ, 99, 1284) 2 files, total 18.1 Kbytes: Table 3 Data (182x94); Table 4 Data (28x50) 1 Doc file: Introduction (144x80) 1152 AHNT Jupiter-Voyager Reference Star Catalogue (Klemola, A.R., Morabito, L., and Taraji, H. 1978, Lick Observatory) Comment(s): corrections by Owen Jr., W.M. 1990; see catalog 1125 1 file, total 272 Kbytes: Data (4983x56) 1153 AN Saturn-Voyager Reference Star Catalogue (Klemola, A.R., Taraji, H., and Ocampo, A. 1979, Lick Observatory) Comment(s): corrections by Owen, Jr., W.M. 1990; see catalog 1125 1 file, total 249 Kbytes: catalog.dat (4551x56) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (164x80) 1154 ANU Astrographic Catalogue, Zones -02 to +31 Degrees (Roeser, S. 1990, Astron. Rech-Inst. Heidelb.) Comment(s): reduced to RA, Dec using X,Y data in catalog 1155 5 files, total 110 Mbytes: Oxford I zone (471421x57); Paris zone (436449x57); Bordeaux zone (354947x57); Toulouse zone (433081x57); Algiers zone (330449x57) 1 Doc file: Introduction (122x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 17 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1155 ANU Astrographic Catalogue, Zones -02 Degrees to +31 Degrees, X,Y Rectangular Coordinates (1989, Astron. Rech-Inst, Heidelb.) Comment(s): X,Y data from CDS Strasbourg corrected and processed at ARI 5 files, total 116 Mbytes: Algiers zone (330450x60); Toulouse zone (433086x60); Bordeaux zone (355063x60); Paris zone (436499x60); Oxford I zone (471466x60) 1 Doc file: Introduction (146x80) 1156 D Melbourne General Catalogue (Ellery, R.L.J. and White, E.J. 1874, 1889, Melbourne Observatory; Ellery, R.L.J. and Baracchi, P. 1917, Melbourne Observatory; Melbourne Observatory 1961) Comment(s): catalogs 1-5; catalog 1148 is included here 1157 AHNT The U.S. Naval Observatory Zodiacal Zone Catalog (Douglass, G.G. and Harrington, R.S. 1990, AJ, 100, 1712) 1 file, total 4.07 Mbytes: Catalog Data (44428x96) 1159A ANO Catalogue of Positions and Proper Motions - South (Preliminary Version 4.91) (Bastian, U., et al. 1991, A&AS, 87, 159) Comment(s): preliminary version with cross identifiers, without covariance matrix for positions and proper motions; superseded by catalog 1193 1 file, total 18.4 Mbytes: printfle (144787x133) 1 Doc file: desc (470x72) 1162 B Zodiacal Catalog, Version XZ80J (Schmidt, R.E., et al. 1979, U.S. Nav. Obs.) Comment(s): see Dunham, D.W. 1988, Occultation Newsl. 4, 240; equinox and epoch B1950.0 1 file, total 3.47 Mbytes: Data (32221x113) 1163 BN The U.S. Naval Observatory Pleiades Catalog (Van Flandern, T.C. 1969, U.S. Nav. Obs.) Comment(s): prepared for occultation predictions; based on catalog 1090; equinox and epoch B1950.0 1 file, total 42.5 Kbytes: Data (506x86) 1164 BN The U.S. Naval Observatory K Catalog (Dunham, D.W. 1978, U.S. Nav. Obs.) Comment(s): prepared for occultation predictions; contains non-SAO zodiacal stars from AGK3 and Yale Zone catalogs; equinox and epoch B1950.0; see Dunham, D.W. 1978, Occultation Newsl. 1, 138 1 file, total 652 Kbytes: Data (7764x86) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 18 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1166 D Combined Catalog for Occultation Searches (Dunham, D.W. 1988, U.S. Nav. Obs.) Comment(s): equinox and epoch B1950.0; see Dunham, D.W. 1987, Occultation Newsl. , 47; 1988, ibid. 4, 244 1 file, total 57 Mbytes: Data (373487x160) 1167 ANU The Tokyo PMC Catalog 86: Catalog of Positions of 3974 Stars Observed in 1986 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle (Yoshizawa, M. and Suzuki, S. 1989, Publ. Natl. Astron. Obs. Jpn., 1, 127.) 1 file, total 520 Kbytes: Catalog Data (3974x134) 1 Doc file: Documentation (98x80) 1168 BN Perth 83, A Catalogue of Positions of 12,263 Stars (Harwood, D.N. [1990], Perth Observatory) 1 file, total 1.55 Mbytes: catalog (12331x132) 1 Doc file: desc (78x80) 1169 AHNT A Catalog of Selected Compact Radio Sources for the Construction of an Extragalactic Radio/Optical Reference Frame (Argue, A.N., et al. 1984, A&A, 130, 191) Comment(s): compiled for definition of inertial reference frame 1 file, total 20.5 Kbytes: Data (233x90) 1170A BHN Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue, La Palma (Copenhagen U. Obs. and Real Inst. y Obs. de la Armada 1991) Comment(s): stars and planets from May 1988 to January 1990; see also catalog 1147; revised 1991 version: 5 stars have been deleted, and a few double star cross identifications were modified 4 files, total 2.73 Mbytes: Program Stars (16693x152); Planets Observations (2847x60); Variable Stars (1508x55); FK5 Means (1328x55) 1171 ANOT Astrographic Catalog Reference Stars (Corbin, T.E. and Urban, S.E. 1991, U.S. Nav. Obs.) 2 files, total 58.6 Mbytes: Part 1 (250052x192); Part 2 (70159x192) 3 Doc files: ASCII Document (442x80); LaTeX Document (400x80); ADC Style File (38x78) 1172 ANOT International Reference Stars (IRS) (Corbin, T.E. 1991, U.S. Nav. Obs.) 2 files, total 6.6 Mbytes: Part 1 (29163x192); Part 2 (6864x192) 3 Doc files: ASCII Document (420x80); LaTeX Document (416x80); ADC Style File (38x78) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 19 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1173 BNU Catalogue de 2550 Etoiles Doubles (Couteau, P. 1990, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Augustin Fresnel, U.R.A. 1361, 1ere Edition, Fevrier 1990) 3 files, total 929 Kbytes: Catalog Data (2562x132); Notes (612x85); Observations (6095x92) 1 Doc file: Introduction (181x80) 1174 ANOU The General Catalogue of Trigonometric Stellar Parallaxes, Preliminary Version (van Altena, W.F., Lee, J.T., and Hoffleit, D. 1991, Yale University Observatory) Comment(s): includes 15349 parallaxes for 7879 stars; supersedes catalog 1081 1 file, total 1.57 Mbytes: Catalog Data (8573x192) 1 Doc file: Documentation (128x80) 1175 ANST Fifth Fundamental Catalogue (FK5), Part II. The FK5 Extension (Fricke, W., Schwan, H., and Corbin, T.E. 1991, Veroeff. Astron. Rechen-Instit. Heidelb., No. 33) Comment(s): 3117 new fundamental stars 1 file, total 578 Kbytes: Catalog Data (3117x190) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (204x80) 1176 AN The AGK3U: An Updated Version of the AGK3 (Bucciarelli, B., et al. 1992, AJ, 103, 1689) Comment(s): re-reduction of 1062B at mean epoch 1950.62 1 file, total 30.2 Mbytes: catalog (170464x186) 1 Doc file: desc (75x72) 1177 ANU Catalogue of Proper Motions in NGC 752 (Platais, I. 1992, CDS Bull. No. 40, p. 5) 1 file, total 920 Kbytes: Catalog Data (11777x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (116x80) 1178 ANU Catalogue of Proper Motions in NGC 7209 (Platais, I. 1992, CDS Bull. No. 40, p. 7) 1 file, total 335 Kbytes: Catalog Data (4290x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (117x80) 1179 ANU The Chinese Geodetical Stars Catalogue (CGSC) (Working Group of CGSC 1992, Beijing, Yunnan, Shanghai and Shaanxi Astron. Obs.) 1 file, total 516 Kbytes: Catalog Data (4065x130) 1 Doc file: Documentation (94x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 20 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1180 ANU General Catalogue of Stars with the Systems of Photoelectric Astrolabes (GCPA) (Working Group of GCPA 1992, Beijing, Yunnan, Shanghai and Shaanxi Astron. Obs.) 1 file, total 199 Kbytes: Catalog Data (1579x129) 1 Doc file: Documentation (70x80) 1181 ANU The Second General Catalogue of Stars Observed with the Photoelectric Astrolabes (GCPA2) (Lu, L. 1991, Publ. of the Beijing Astron. Obs., No. 17) 1 file, total 196 Kbytes: Catalog Data (2606x77) 1 Doc file: Documentation (59x80) 1182 ANU Fourth Preliminary Catalogue of Stars Observered with the Photoelectric Astrolabe (PACP4) (Lu, L. 1992, CDS Bull. No. 40, p. 11) 1 file, total 146 Kbytes: Catalog Data (1969x76) 1 Doc file: Documentation (59x80) 1183B BNU Catalogue of Orbital Elements and Photometric Parameters of 4265 Minor Planets Numbered by November 13, 1989 (Batrakov, Yu.V. and Shor, V.A. 1992, Inst. Theor. Astronomy, St. Petersburg, Russia) Comment(s): see also catalogs 1145 and 1184C 1 file, total 1000 Kbytes: Catalog Data (12795x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (140x80) 1184C BNU Catalogue of Orbital Elements and Photometric Parameters of 4646 Minor Planets Numbered by November 2, 1990 (Batrakov, Yu.V. and Shor, V.A. 1992, Inst. Theor. Astronomy, St. Petersburg, Russia) Comment(s): see also catalogs 1145 and 1183B 1 file, total 808 Kbytes: Catalog Data (4646x178) 1 Doc file: Documentation (156x80) 1185 ANU The Giant Branch of the Fornax Dwarf Spheriodal Galaxy (Sagar, R., Hawkins, M.R.S., and Cannon, R.D. 1990, MNRAS, 242, 167) 1 file, total 47.8 Kbytes: Fornax Dwarf Data (1287x38) 1 Doc file: Documentation (29x80) 1186 ANU The Tokyo PMC Catalog 85: Catalog of Positions of 1007 Stars Observed in 1985 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle (Yoshizawa, M., Suzuki, S., and Fulaya, R. 1987, Ann. Tokyo Astron. Obs., Univ. of Tokyo, Second Ser., Vol. 21, No. 4, 339) 1 file, total 132 Kbytes: Catalog Data (1007x134) 1 Doc file: Documentation (106x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 21 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1187 ANU The Tokyo PMC Catalog 87: Catalog of Positions of 5748 Stars Observed in 1987 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle (Yoshizawa, M. and Suzuki, S. 1991, Publ. of the Natl. Astron. Obs. Jpn., Vol. 1, No. 1, 103) 2 files, total 752 Kbytes: Catalog Data, Part I (5335x134); Catalog Data, Part II (413x134) 1 Doc file: Documentation (103x80) 1188 ANU The Tokyo PMC Catalog 88: Catalog of Positions of 3800 Stars Observed in 1988 and Planetary Positions Observed in 1986 to 1988 with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle (Yoshizawa, M., Suzuki, S., and Soma, M. 1992, Publ. of the Natl. Astron. Obs. of Jpn., Vol. 2, No. 3, 475) 2 files, total 574 Kbytes: Catalog Data, Part I and II (3800x134); Catalog Data, Part III (664x119) 1 Doc file: Documentation (150x80) 1189 BNU Carlsberg Meridian Catalog, Vol. 6 (CMC6) (Copenhagen U. Obs. and Real Inst. y Obs. de la Armada 1992) Comment(s): see CDS Bull. No. 42, p. 5; observations of positions of stars and planets made in the year 1990; see also catalogs 1147 and 1170A 4 files, total 2.04 Mbytes: Program Stars (12771x152); Planet Observations (1368x60); Variable Stars (890x55); FK5 Means (1260x55) 1 Doc file: Documentation (156x80) 1191 BNU The Hipparcos Input Catalogue (Turon, C., et al. 1992, ESA SP-1136; CDS Bull. No. 41, p. 9) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 1196 2 files, total 52.5 Mbytes: Catalog Data (118209x430); Annex 1 (32290x130) 3 Doc files: Formats LaTeX Document (302x80); Full LaTeX Document (5913x80); Short ASCII Document (2702x80) 1192 AN The Astrometric Standard Region Near the North Galactic Pole: A Catalogue of Positions and Proper Motions of 3196 Stars (Pakulyak, L.K. 1992, CDS Bull. No. 41, p. 21) 1 file, total 203 Kbytes: catalog (3196x65) 1 Doc file: Intro (65x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 22 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1193 ANS Catalogue of Positions and Proper Motions - South (Bastian, U., et al. 1993, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg) Comment(s): supersedes catalog 1159A; southern extension of catalog 1146 2 files, total 50.6 Mbytes: Catalog Data (197179x131); Old Computer Format (197179x138) 2 Doc files: Authors' Original Description (984x80); ReadMe (183x80) 1194 BNU The Bright Stars Supplement to the PPM and PPM South Star Catalogue (Bastian, U. and Roeser, S. 1992, Astronomiches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 1206 1 file, total 41.7 Kbytes: Catalog Data (321x133) 1 Doc file: Documentation (202x80) 1195 BNU Pulkovo Photographic Catalogue of Southern Hemisphere FOCAT-S (Yagudin, L.I. 1993, Pulkovo Obs.) Comment(s): version March 1993 1 file, total 16.7 Mbytes: Catalog Data (201192x87) 1 Doc file: Documentation (114x80) 1196 ANS The Hipparcos Input Catalogue, Version 2 (Turon, C., et al. 1993, CDS Bull. No. 43, p. 5) Comment(s): see also CDS Bull. No. 41, p. 9; ESA SP-1136; supersedes catalog 1191 2 files, total 52.5 Mbytes: Catalog Data (118209x430); Annex 1 (32290x130) 4 Doc files: ASCII Document (2703x80); LaTeX Document (5915x80); Formats in LaTeX (302x80); ReadMe (300x80) 1197A ANS The Tycho Input Catalogue (Revised version) (Egret, D., et al. 1992, A&A, 258, 217) 5 files, total 254 Mbytes: Zones 0/37.5deg (783952x80); Zones 37.5/90deg (574674x80); Zones 0/-37.5deg (919217x80); Zones -37.5/-90deg (876361x80); Annex file, Cross-identifications (217625x64) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (165x80) 1198 BN The Tokyo PMC Catalog 89: Catalog of Positions of 3866 Stars Observed in 1989 and with Tokyo Photoelectric Meridian Circle (Yoshizawa, M. and Suzuki, S. 1993, Publ. of the Natl. Astron. Obs. of Jpn., Vol. 3, 45) 1 file, total 450 Kbytes: Catalog Data, Part I and II (3466x133) 1 Doc file: Introduction (76x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 23 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1199 ANST Lick Northern Proper Motion Program: NPM1 Catalog (Klemola, A.R., Hanson, R.B., and Jones, B.F. 1987, AJ, 94, 501) 1 file, total 11.9 Mbytes: Catalog Data (148940x84) 4 Doc files: ReadMe (116x80); LaTeX Document (267x80); ASCII Document (323x80); ADC Style File (68x78) 1200 ANST Lick Northern Proper Motion Program: NPM1 Reference Galaxies (Klemola, A.R., Hanson, R.B., and Jones, B.F. 1987, AJ, 94, 501) 1 file, total 2.22 Mbytes: Catalog Data (50517x46) 4 Doc files: ReadMe (72x80); LaTeX Document (232x80); ASCII Document (282x80); ADC Style File (68x78) 1201 AN XZ Catalog of Zodiacal Stars (Dunham, D.W. and Warren Jr., W.H. 1995 January, Unpublished) 2 files, total 7.68 Mbytes: B1950.0 catalog (32221x125); J2000.0 catalog (32221x125) 2 Doc files: z80n.doc (389x80); ReadMe (377x80) 1203 ANU Catalogue of Proper Motions, UBV-Photometry and Spectral Classification of the Region of NGC 7092 (M39) (Platais, I. 1994, CDS Bull. No. 44, p. 9) 2 files, total 896 Kbytes: Catalog Data (7931x113); Cross-identification (269x80) 1 Doc file: Introduction (379x80) 1204 ANS Catalogue of Orbital Elements and Photometric Parameters of 5566 Minor Planets Numbered by June 1, 1993 (Batrakov, Yu.V. and Shor, V.A. 1993, Inst. Theor. Astronomy, St. Petersburg, Russia) Comment(s): see also catalog 1184C 1 file, total 1020 Kbytes: main (5566x187) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (97x80) 1205 BN Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue, Vol. 7 (CMC7) (Copenhagen U. Obs., Royal Greenwich Obs., and Real Inst. y Obs. de la Armada 1993) Comment(s): stars and planets from January 1991 to August 1992; see also catalog 1189 5 files, total 3.01 Mbytes: Program Stars (18145x152); Planets Observations (2147x60); Variable Stars (3665x55); FK5 Means (1222x55); Novae/super Novae (74x55) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (201x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 24 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1206 ANS The Bright Stars Supplement to the PPM and PPM South Star Catalogue, Revised Edition (Bastian, U. and Roeser, S. 1993, Astronomiches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg) 1 file, total 35.2 Kbytes: ppm_bss.dat (275x131) 2 Doc files: ReadMe (62x80); descrip.doc (174x76) 1207 ANU A Preliminary List of Stars from Tycho Observations (Halbwachs, J.L., et al. 1994, A&A, 281, L25-L28; Egret, D., et al. 1992, A&A, 258, 217) 1 file, total 80.1 Mbytes: Catalog Data (1049971x80) 1 Doc file: Introduction (113x80) 1208 ANS The 90000 Stars Supplement to the PPM Star Catalogue (Roeser, S., Bastian, U., and Kuzmin, A.V. 1994, A&AS, 105, 301) Comment(s): see also catalogs 1146 and 1193 1 file, total 11.2 Mbytes: ppm_supp.dat (89676x131) 2 Doc files: ReadMe (181x80); descrip.doc (261x78) 1209A AN Catalogue de 2700 etoiles doubles (Couteau, P. 1993, Augstin FRESNEL URA 1361, 2eme Edition) 4 files, total 1.33 Mbytes: main (2714x134); notes (1119x86); obs (8130x93); seq (2700x68) 1 Doc file: Readme (222x80) 1210 BN Improved Mean Positions and Proper Motions for the 995 FK4 Supplement Stars not included in the FK5 Extension (Schwan, H., et al. 1993, Veroeff. Astron. Rechen-Inst. Heidelberg, 34) 1 file, total 197 Kbytes: Catalog Data (995x203) 1 Doc file: Introduction (120x80) 1211 BN Catalogue of the Components of Double and Multiple Stars (CCDM) first edition (Dommanget, J. and Nys, O. 1994, Comm. Obs. R. Belgique, Ser. A, N. 115) 1 file, total 9.42 Mbytes: catalog (74861x132) 2 Doc files: Readme (91x80); document (460x110) 1212 AN Catalogue of Proper Motions in the Region of NGC 3680 (Kozhurina-Platais, V., et al. 1995, CDS Bull. 46, 9) 2 files, total 305 Kbytes: ngc3680 (2711x113); xid (427x15) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (214x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 25 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1213 BN Carlsberg Meridian Catalogue, Vol. 8 (CMC8) (Copenhagen U. Obs. and Real Inst. y Obs. de la Armada 1994) Comment(s): stars and planets from August 1992 to December 1993; see also catalog 1189 5 files, total 3.01 Mbytes: Program Stars (18145x152); Planets Observations (2147x60); Variable Stars (3665x55); FK5 Means (1222x55); Novae/super Novae (74x55) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (201x80) 1214 ANS Lick Northern Proper Motion Program: NPM1 Catalog Cross-Identification and Appendices (Klemola, A.R., Hanson, R.B., and Jones, B.F. 1994, NSSDC/WDC-A-R&S 94-14) 10 files, total 3.81 Mbytes: npm1cros.dat (41858x80); npm1code.dat (113x70); npm1code.txt (69x79); npm1refs.dat (649x76); npm1refs.tex (3321x80); npm1refs.txt (2222x100); aaspp.sty (415x77); epsf.sty (193x79); npm1foot.dat (737x70); npm1rej.dat (18x47) 3 Doc files: ReadMe (134x80); npm1cros.tex (280x80); adc.sty (68x78) 1215 AN Tables of membership for 43 open clusters (1994 Version) (Zhao, J.L. and Tian, K.P. 1995, CDS Bull. No. 47, p. 5) 59 files, total 1.58 Mbytes: summary (118x118); ber58 (41x45); ic1805 (354x45); ic4665 (275x50); ic4756 (464x45); ngc129a (70x45); ngc129b (326x45); ngc129c (1025x45); ngc188 (228x45); ngc457 (905x45); ngc581a (791x45); ngc581b (997x50); ngc654 (186x51); ngc663 (209x50); ngc752 (125x50); ngc1664 (222x45); ngc1817 (752x45); ngc1912 (998x45); ngc2099a (243x50); ngc2099b (292x45); ngc2099c (489x45); ngc2168a (763x45); ngc2168b (2784x45); ngc2264 (245x45); ngc2281 (127x45); ngc2286 (2400x60); ngc2420 (85x45); ngc2548 (114x50); ngc2682a (158x50); ngc2682b (343x45); ngc2682c (1046x60); ngc2682d (1866x50); ngc6530 (363x51); ngc6611 (142x50); ngc6633 (498x45); ngc6705a (632x50); ngc6705b (630x50); ngc6705c (591x50); ngc6811 (296x50); ngc6819 (189x50); ngc6823 (91x50); ngc6882 (303x50); ngc6885 (215x50); ngc6913 (228x45); ngc6939 (232x50); ngc7062 (165x50); ngc7092a (50x50); ngc7092b (1079x45); ngc7092c (1710x50); ngc7209 (1264x45); ngc7654 (83x45); ngc7788a (59x45); ngc7788b (520x45); ngc7790 (638x50); oriona (222x45); perh (1444x45); perx (2014x50); tr1a (718x50); tr1b (555x50) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (178x80) 1216A BN Positions, Proper Motions, and Magnitudes in the Area of the Open Cluster Tr10 (Stock, J. 1984, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astronfiz. 9, 127) Comment(s): keypunched at CDS 1 file, total 61.2 Kbytes: table3 (979x64) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (47x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 26 I. Astrometric and Positional Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 1217 AN Catalogue of Orbital Elements and Photometric parameters of 6160 Minor Planets numbered by 18 November, 1994 (Batrakov, Yu.V. and Shor, V.A. 1995, Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, St. Petersburg, Russia) 1 file, total 1.1 Mbytes: catalog (6160x187) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (97x80) 1218 AN The IAU list of candidate extragalactic radio sources for defining the new conventional reference frame. (I.A.U. Working Group on Reference Frames 1995, Information Bull. IAU, 74, 3) 2 files, total 34.9 Kbytes: refframe.dat (815x82); refframe.tex (606x59) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (96x80) 1916 C Perth 70, Individual Observations of 24900 Stars (Hog, E. and von der Heide, J. 1976, unpublished) 1 file, total 13.8 Mbytes: Data (162117x89) 1917 AN Perth 70, Positions of 24978 Stars (Hog, E. and von der Heide, J. 1976, Abh. der Hamburger Sternwarte IX) Comment(s): catalog 1062C ordered by DM number 1 file, total 3.57 Mbytes: catalog (24978x150) 1 Doc file: doc (421x77) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 27 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2002B AJNOT Two-Micron Sky Survey (Neugebauer, G. and Leighton, R.B. 1969, NASA SP-3047) 4 files, total 1.85 Mbytes: Catalog Data (5612x164); Chi Square Exc (1068x80); Remarks (140x80); Catalog Data by RA (5612x164) 1 Doc file: Documentation (616x87) 2004 AHMN Photoelectric Catalogue: Magnitudes and Colors of Stars in the UBV and UcBV Systems (Ochsenbein, F. 1974, A&AS, 15, 215) Comment(s): improved version of original, but superseded by UBV catalogs of Mermilliod and collaborators; see catalog 2122A 1 file, total 5.28 Mbytes: Data (34807x159) 2005 BHN UBV Photometry of Bright Stars (Johnson, H.L., et al. 1966, Commun. LPL 4, 99, Table 9) 1 file, total 187 Kbytes: Data (4777x40) 2006 CJN Celescope Catalogue of Ultraviolet Magnitudes (Davis, R.J., Deutschman, W.A., and Haramundanis, K.L. 1973, SAO Spec. Report 350) 1 file, total 1.18 Mbytes: catalog (5761x215) 2007A AN UBVRIJKLMNH Photoelectric Photometric Catalogue (Morel, M. and Magnenat, P. 1978, A&AS, 34, 477) Comment(s): a few minor adjustments made at CDS in June 1994; previous version on ADC CD-ROM, Vol. 1 2 files, total 761 Kbytes: Catalog Data (5943x130); References (88x80) 2 Doc files: Introduction (91x80); Full Documentation (451x79) 2008 AN Catalogue of UVBGRI Measurements: Catalogue of Published Data; Catalogue of Weighted Means (Nicollier, Cl. and Hauck, B. 1978, A&AS, 31, 437) Comment(s): see also catalog 2075: R and I magnitudes compiled by Jasniewicz (1982). 4 files, total 188 Kbytes: obs (1702x64); mean (1297x53); refs (44x71); codes (178x66) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (87x80) 2015 CN Catalogue of Photometric Measurements in the UBVr 20 System (Magnenat, P. 1973, CDS Internal Report No. 6) Comment(s): published data and weighted means 3 files, total 86.3 Kbytes: Observations (420x88); Weighted Means (368x88); References (216x88) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 28 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2017A AHN Catalogue des Mesures Photometriques dans le Systeme de David Dunlap Observatory: Catalogue of Individual Measures; Catalogue of Averages (Magnenat, P. 1974, CDS Internal Report No. 9) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 2164 3 files, total 156 Kbytes: Observations (971x80); Weighted Means (913x72); Refs, Numb Sys (227x74) 2018 CN Catalogue des Mesures Photometriques dans le Systeme (102, 65, 62) de Eggen: Catalogue of Individual Measures; Catalogue of Averages (Magnenat, P. 1974, CDS Internal Report No. 7) 3 files, total 146 Kbytes: Observations (725x88); Weighted Means (785x88); Refs, Numb Sys (186x88) 2019 CN Theoretical Colours for F and G Dwarfs (Bell, R.A. 1971, MNRAS, 154, 343) 1 file, total 150 Kbytes: Data (1740x88) 2020 CN The Spatial Distribution of Young Stars in Vela (Denoyelle, J. 1977, A&AS, 27, 343) Comment(s): 358 stars; positional, photoelectric UBV, reddening, and distances data 1 file, total 47.6 Kbytes: Data (381x128) 2021A AHNT Narrow-Band Photometry of Late-Type Stars (Haeggkvist, L. and Oja, T. 1970, A&AS, 1, 199) 1 file, total 33.2 Kbytes: Catalog Data (629x54) 2022 CN H-Alpha Photometry of Late-Type Stars II. F and G Dwarfs South of the Equator (Peat, D.W. 1966, MNRAS, 131, 467) 1 file, total 14.8 Kbytes: Data (172x88) 2024 CN H-Alpha Photometry of Late-Type Stars I. F-, G- and K-Type Stars North of the Equator (Peat, D.W. 1964, MNRAS, 128, 435) 1 file, total 51 Kbytes: Data (594x88) 2025 CN Photometry of Orange-Red Ca I Triplet in Late-Type Stars. Table I (Peat, D.W. 1964, MNRAS, 128, 475) 1 file, total 25.4 Kbytes: Data (296x88) 2026A AN Catalogue of Early-Type Stars Measured in a Narrow-Band Photometric System (Morguleff, N. and Gerbaldi, M. 1975, A&AS, 19, 389) 1 file, total 95.9 Kbytes: catalog (773x127) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (104x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 29 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2027 BHN Catalogue of Photoelectric Photometric Measurements in the UcBV System (Nicolet, B. 1975, A&AS, 22, 239) Comment(s): published data and weighted means 4 files, total 950 Kbytes: Observations (8080x80); Weighted Means (7141x40); Refs, Numb Sys (298x80); Cross Index (546x32) 2033 BHN uvby, Beta Photometry for Bright O- to G0-Type Stars South of Declination +10 Degrees (Gronbech, B. and Olsen, E.H. 1976, A&AS, 25, 213; Gronbech, B. and Olsen, E.H. 1977, A&AS, 27, 443) 1 file, total 304 Kbytes: Data (2828x110) 2034 BJN Polarization Catalogue (Mathewson, D.S., Ford, V.I., and Krautter, J. 1978; Klare, G. and Neckel, Th. 1978) Comment(s): combined data from both sets of authors, see CDS Bull. No. 14, p. 115 1 file, total 645 Kbytes: Data (7503x88) 2036 AN Catalogue of Individual UBV and uvby-Beta Observations in the Region of the Orion OB 1 Association (Warren Jr., W.H. and Hesser, J.E. 1977, ApJS, 34, 115) Comment(s): 1952 records, 106 UBV stars, 508 uvby-Beta stars 2 files, total 120 Kbytes: UBV Data (357x42); uvby,beta Data (1595x68) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (102x80) 2037 BHN Catalogue of UBV HR Diagrams of Globular Clusters (Philip, A.G.D., Cullen, M.F., and White, R.E. 1976, Dudley Obs. Report No. 11) 6 files, total 3.11 Mbytes: CL 1- 25 (7128x80); CL 26- 53 (7200x80); CL 54- 76 (6768x80); CL 77- 98 (7560x80); CL 99-114 (4644x80); Omega Cen (7524x80) 2038 BHN Catalogue Miniphote (Magnenat, P. 1975, CDS Bull. No. 8, p. 20) 15 files, total 456 Kbytes: Kruszewski (106x80); Argue (350x80); Dickow et al. (1162x80); Wood, D.B. (186x80); Bahng 1958 (84x80); Bahng 1969 (83x80); Bahng Refs (8x80); Hill,Morris (51x80); Willstrop 1960 (223x80); Tifft 1958 (97x80); Eggen 1955 (833x80); Miner 1966 (108x80); Faber 1973 (150x80); Comm LPL 8, 1 (989x112); Numb System (1006x80) 2039 BHN Catalogue of Stars Photometrically Measured (Magnenat, P. 1976, CDS Bull. No. 11, p. 17) Comment(s): about 60800 stars 1 file, total 2.72 Mbytes: Data (32456x88) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 30 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2040 CN Photoelectric Measures of Hydrogen-Line Absorption in Early-Type Stars (Bappu, M.K.V., et al. 1962, MNRAS, 123, 521) 1 file, total 17.6 Kbytes: Data (205x88) 2041 CN Photoelectric Measurements of the 4200-A CN Band and the G Band in G8-K5 Spectra (Griffin, R.E. and Redman, R.O. 1960, MNRAS, 120, 287) 1 file, total 62.7 Kbytes: Catalog Data (730x88) 2042 CN K-Line Photometry of A Stars (Henry, R.C. 1969, ApJS, 18, 47) Comment(s): 146 entries 1 file, total 29.1 Kbytes: Data (339x88) 2043 BN K-Line Photometry of Southern A Stars, Table I: Summary of Data on Southern A Stars (Henry, R.C. and Hesser, J.E. 1971, ApJS, 23, 421) Comment(s): 369 entries 1 file, total 60.4 Kbytes: Data (783x79) 2044 CN K-Line Photometry of Stars in Population I Clusters, Tables 3 to 6 (Hesser, J.E. and Henry, R.C. 1971, ApJS, 23, 453) Comment(s): Pleiades, IC 2391, IC 2602, Hyades; 112 entries 1 file, total 22.9 Kbytes: Data (267x88) 2045 CN Strong Cyanogen Stars, Table 2: Photometric Data (Janes, K.A. and McClure, R.D. 1971, ApJ, 165, 561) 1 file, total 17.8 Kbytes: Data (207x88) 2046 CN A Photometric Investigation of the Strong Cyanogen Stars, Table 1: Bright Calibration Stars; Table 4: Strong Cyanogan Stars (McClure, R.D. 1970, AJ, 75, 41) 2 files, total 19.7 Kbytes: Table 1 (75x88); Table 4 (154x88) 2047 CN Scanner Abundance Studies I. An Investigation of Super-Metallicity in Late-Type Evolved Stars, Tables 5, 6, 7 (Spinrad, H. and Taylor, B.J. 1969, ApJ, 157, 1279) Comment(s): 229 entries 2 files, total 64.9 Kbytes: Colors (500x88); Blkg Fractions (255x88) 2048 CHN A Reference List for the UBV System (Nicolet, B. 1976, CDS Bull. No. 11, p. 20) 1 file, total 629 Kbytes: Data (13425x48) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 31 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2050 CN Photometric Standard Stars, Table II: Magnitudes and Colours of Bright Southern Stars; Table IV: Magnitudes and Colours of Stars in Equatorial Zone (Cousins, A.W.J. 1971, Royal Obs. Ann. 7) 2 files, total 174 Kbytes: Table II (914x88); Table IV (1117x88) 2051 AHN Photoelectric Photometric Catalogue of Homogeneous Measurements in the UBV System (Nicolet, B. 1978, A&AS, 34, 1) Comment(s): superseded by 2168 2 files, total 2.16 Mbytes: Data (53839x40); Numbering System (1259x88) 2053 AN A Catalogue of 10-Micrometer Celestial Objects (Hall, R.T. 1974, Aerospace Corp. Report SAMSO-TR-74-212) 1 file, total 236 Kbytes: catalog (647x374) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (193x80) 2055 AN Flare Stars Gershberg (Shakhovskaya, N.I. 1971, IAU Colloq. 15, Kl. Veroff. Bamberg 9, 138) 1 file, total 3.31 Kbytes: catalog.dat (53x64) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (42x80) 2056 AN 100-Micron Survey of the Galactic Plane (Hoffmann, W.F., Frederick, C.L., and Emery, R.J. 1971, ApJ, 170, L89) 1 file, total 10.3 Kbytes: Data (72x147) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (67x80) 2059B ANOT Catalogue of Stellar Ultraviolet Fluxes, A compilation of absolute stellar fluxes measured by the Sky Survey Telescope (S2/68) aboard the ESRO satellite TD-1 (Thompson, G.I., et al. 1978, Science Research Council, U.K.) 1 file, total 3.16 Mbytes: Catalog Data (31215x106) 1 Doc file: Documentation (504x79) 2061 BHN Catalogue of Stellar Diameters (Fracassini, M. and Pasinetti, L.E. 1979, CDS Bull. No. 16, p. 49; Fracassini, M., Pasinetti, L.E., and Manzolini, F. 1981, A&AS, 45, 145) Comment(s): 4266 stars; superseded by catalog 2155 1 file, total 542 Kbytes: Data (6313x88) 2062 BN Catalogue of Extinction Data (Neckel, Th., Klare, G., and Sarcander, M. 1980, A&AS, 42, 251; Neckel, Th., Klare, G., and Sarcander, M. 1980, CDS Bull. No. 19, p. 61) 2 files, total 2.36 Mbytes: catalog (12547x197); refs (72x77) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (161x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 32 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2063 BN A Compilation of Balmer Lines Photometric Data (Mermilliod, J.C. and Mermilliod, M. 1980, CDS Bull. No. 19, p. 65) 15 files, total 2.98 Mbytes: Contents (101x88); Beta (15757x88); Alpha,Beta (82x88); Beta,Gamma (69x88); Alpha (295x88); Alpha (129x88); 4 H Lines (58x88); Alpha,Beta (96x88); Alpha,Beta,Gamma (329x88); Alpha,Beta (58x88); Gamma (179x88); Alpha (951x88); Alpha (766x88); Gamma (463x88); Cross Index (16143x88) 2065 BHN Five-Color Photometry of Blue Stars in and between the Magellanic Clouds (Wamsteker, W. 1981, A&AS, 43, 127) 1 file, total 98 Kbytes: Data (1128x89) 2066 AN A Catalogue of Observations in H-Alpha (Ducati, J.R. 1981, A&AS, 45, 119) Comment(s): 2299 stars 3 files, total 446 Kbytes: obs (4095x66); means (2299x80); refs (45x67) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (73x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 33 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2067 AN OAO 2 Ultraviolet Photometry: An Atlas of Stellar Spectra (Code, A.D. and Meade, M.R. 1978, ApJS, 39, 195; Meade, M.R. and Code, A.D. 1980, ApJS, 42, 283) 328 files, total 582 Kbytes: ZET_PUP.DAT (120x18); S_MON.DAT (120x18); XI_PER.DAT (120x18); HR5680.DAT (120x18); LAM_ORI.DAT (120x18); 68_CYG.DAT (120x18); 10_LAC.DAT (120x18); IOT_ORI.DAT (120x18); ZET_ORI.DAT (120x18); HR7589.DAT (120x18); ALF_CAM.DAT (120x18); 19_CEP.DAT (120x18); MU_COL.DAT (120x18); SIG_ORI.DAT (120x18); DEL_ORI.DAT (120x18); ZET_OPH.DAT (120x18); UPS_ORI.DAT (120x18); TAU_SCO.DAT (120x18); EPS_ORI.DAT (120x18); THT_MUS.DAT (120x18); KAP_ORI.DAT (120x18); EPS_PER.DAT (120x18); BET_CRU.DAT (120x18); LAM_LEP.DAT (120x18); ALF1CRU.DAT (120x18); PHI1ORI.DAT (120x18); GAM_CAS.DAT (120x18); DEL_SCO.DAT (120x18); ETA_ORI.DAT (120x18); BET_SCO.DAT (120x18); 139_TAU.DAT (120x18); ZET_PER.DAT (120x18); BET_CMA.DAT (120x18); XI1_CMA.DAT (120x18); SIG_SCO.DAT (120x18); BET_CEP.DAT (120x18); EPS_CEN.DAT (120x18); BET_CEN.DAT (120x18); ALF_VIR.DAT (120x18); VV_ORI.DAT (120x18); 25_ORI.DAT (120x18); PI_SCO.DAT (120x18); 60_CYG.DAT (120x18); ALF_LUP.DAT (120x18); KAP_SCO.DAT (120x18); LAM_SCO.DAT (120x18); MU1_SCO.DAT (120x18); ETA_CEN.DAT (120x18); 1_SCO.DAT (120x18); EPS_CMA.DAT (120x18); GAM_ORI.DAT (120x18); HR6143.DAT (120x18); BET_LUP.DAT (120x18); ZET_CAS.DAT (120x18); GAM_PEG.DAT (120x18); OMG_ORI.DAT (120x18); MU2_SCO.DAT (120x18); NU_CEN.DAT (120x18); RHO_SCO.DAT (120x18); PHI_CEN.DAT (120x18); UPS1CEN.DAT (120x18); EPS_LUP.DAT (120x18); 13_SCO.DAT (120x18); MU_CEN.DAT (120x18); 22_SCO.DAT (120x18); ZET_CMA.DAT (120x18); PHI_PER.DAT (120x18); UPS_CYG.DAT (120x18); ZET_CEN.DAT (120x18); ETA_LUP.DAT (120x18); GAM_COL.DAT (120x18); OMG1CYG.DAT (120x18); IOT_LUP.DAT (120x18); XI_ORI.DAT (120x18); NU_ORI.DAT (120x18); ETA_AUR.DAT (120x18); ETA_UMA.DAT (120x18); ALF_ERI.DAT (120x18); BET_MON.DAT (120x18); ZET_TAU.DAT (120x18); HR4140.DAT (120x18); LAM_CRU.DAT (120x18); DEL_PER.DAT (120x18); ETA_CMA.DAT (120x18); TAU_HER.DAT (120x18); OMI_LUP.DAT (120x18); 57_CYG.DAT (120x18); NU_AND.DAT (120x18); HR5378.DAT (120x18); ZET_DRA.DAT (120x18); BET_TAU.DAT (120x18); ALF_GRU.DAT (120x18); ALF_LEO.DAT (120x18); PHI_AND.DAT (120x18); PHI_SGR.DAT (120x18); BET_ORI.DAT (120x18); OMG_CAR.DAT (120x18); NU_PUP.DAT (120x18); BET_PER.DAT (120x18); IOT_AND.DAT (120x18); ZET_PEG.DAT (120x18); ALF_AND.DAT (120x18); ALF_PEG.DAT (120x18); ZET_AQL.DAT (120x18); THT_AUR.DAT (120x18); DEL_CYG.DAT (120x18); PHI_DRA.DAT (120x18); ALF_DOR.DAT (120x18); BET_CAR.DAT (120x18); GAM_GEM.DAT (120x18); ALF_LYR.DAT (120x18); ALF_CRB.DAT (120x18); GAM_TRI.DAT (120x18); ALF_CMA.DAT (120x18); BET_UMA.DAT (120x18); ALF_GEM.DAT (120x18); ALF_CYG.DAT (120x18); BET_AUR.DAT (120x18); ALF_PSA.DAT (120x18); BET_LEO.DAT (120x18); ALF_OPH.DAT (120x18); BET_ARI.DAT (120x18); DEL_CAS.DAT (120x18); GAM_BOO.DAT (120x18); ALF_LEP.DAT (120x18); ALF_CAR.DAT (120x18); ALF_CEP.DAT (120x18); ALF_AQL.DAT (120x18); THT_SCO.DAT (120x18); BET_CAS.DAT (120x18); IOT1SCO.DAT (120x18); SIG_BOO.DAT (120x18); ALF_UMI.DAT (120x18); ALF_CMI.DAT Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 34 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog (120x18); ALF_TRI.DAT (120x18); CHI_DRA.DAT (120x18); GAM_CYG.DAT (120x18); THT_DRA.DAT (120x18); ETA_AQL.DAT (120x18); BET_AQR.DAT (120x18); BET_LEP.DAT (120x18); ETA_BOO.DAT (120x18); ZET_HER.DAT (120x18); BET_HYI.DAT (120x18); BET_DRA.DAT (120x18); ALF_CEN.DAT (120x18); EPS_GEM.DAT (120x18); ZET_CYG.DAT (120x18); DEL_DRA.DAT (120x18); ETA_DRA.DAT (120x18); ALF_AUR.DAT (120x18); BET_HER.DAT (120x18); ALF_CAS.DAT (120x18); EPS_CYG.DAT (120x18); ALF_UMA.DAT (120x18); ETA_CEP.DAT (120x18); ALF_BOO.DAT (120x18); ALF_ARI.DAT (120x18); ALF_TAU.DAT (120x18); ALF_ORI.DAT (120x18); BET_LYR.DAT (120x18); GAM_VEL.DAT (120x18); ALF_SCO.DAT (120x18); HR2583.DAT (120x18); HD93131.DAT (80x18); UW_CMA.DAT (80x18); HR6245.DAT (80x18); DEL_CIR.DAT (80x18); TAU_CMA.DAT (80x18); MU_NOR.DAT (80x18); HR3055.DAT (80x18); HR3476.DAT (80x18); HR3090.DAT (80x18); KAP_AQL.DAT (80x18); DEL_PIC.DAT (80x18); 1_CAS.DAT (80x18); THT_CAR.DAT (80x18); KAP_CAS.DAT (80x18); RHO_LEO.DAT (80x18); GAM_ARA.DAT (80x18); OMI_PER.DAT (80x18); 15_CMA.DAT (80x18); 40_PER.DAT (80x18); HR1595.DAT (80x18); HR1886.DAT (80x18); 42_ORI.DAT (80x18); OMG1SCO.DAT (80x18); SIG_CAS.DAT (80x18); PI_AQR.DAT (80x18); HR3294.DAT (80x18); DD_LAC.DAT (80x18); DEL_LUP.DAT (80x18); KAP_CMA.DAT (80x18); HR1423.DAT (80x18); CHI_OPH.DAT (80x18); 68_HER.DAT (80x18); EPS_CAS.DAT (80x18); PI4_ORI.DAT (80x18); PI5_ORI.DAT (80x18); SIG_LUP.DAT (80x18); DEL_CET.DAT (80x18); KAP_CEN.DAT (80x18); GAM_LUP.DAT (80x18); THT_OPH.DAT (80x18); UPS_SCO.DAT (80x18); 6_LAC.DAT (80x18); EW_LAC.DAT (80x18); DEL_CEN.DAT (80x18); NU_SCO.DAT (80x18); DEL_CAE.DAT (80x18); OMG_CMA.DAT (80x18); HR2770.DAT (80x18); KAP_VEL.DAT (80x18); ALF_MUS.DAT (80x18); 10_MON.DAT (80x18); HR2787.DAT (80x18); CHI_CEN.DAT (80x18); HR2142.DAT (80x18); ALF_ARA.DAT (80x18); 66_OPH.DAT (80x18); HR7807.DAT (80x18); PI2_CYG.DAT (80x18); ETA_LYR.DAT (80x18); XI_CAS.DAT (80x18); HR2961.DAT (80x18); HR3084.DAT (80x18); TAU_LIB.DAT (80x18); LAM_LIB.DAT (80x18); THT1SGR.DAT (80x18); ALF_PAV.DAT (80x18); EPS_CAR.DAT (80x18); HR985.DAT (80x18); 2_SCO.DAT (80x18); THT_LUP.DAT (80x18); EPS_CAP.DAT (80x18); OMI2CMA.DAT (80x18); IOT_CMA.DAT (80x18); 27_CMA.DAT (80x18); ALF_TEL.DAT (80x18); SIG_SGR.DAT (80x18); AR_CAS.DAT (80x18); CHI_CAR.DAT (80x18); 35_ARI.DAT (80x18); TAU_TAU.DAT (80x18); HR5471.DAT (80x18); LAM_LUP.DAT (80x18); IOT_HER.DAT (80x18); PHI2LUP.DAT (80x18); 67_OPH.DAT (80x18); 3_CEN.DAT (80x18); 48_LIB.DAT (80x18); KAP_ERI.DAT80 18 16_PUP.DAT (80x18); PI_AND.DAT (80x18); RHO_LUP.DAT (80x18); PI_LUP.DAT (80x18); ZET-SCL.DAT (80x18); PSI_PER.DAT (80x18); 2_LAC.DAT (80x18); THT_CRB.DAT (80x18); BET_PSC.DAT (80x18); OMI_AND.DAT (80x18); ALF_COL.DAT (80x18); ZET_PHE.DAT (80x18); HR8535.DAT (80x18); ALF_SCL.DAT (80x18); HR1063.DAT (80x18); GAM_CRV.DAT (80x18); GAM_GRU.DAT (80x18); BET_LIB.DAT (80x18); MU_OPH.DAT (80x18); 41_ERI.DAT (80x18); UPS_HER.DAT (80x18); PHI_HER.DAT (80x18); LAM_CEN.DAT (80x18); GAM_LYR.DAT (80x18); MU_LEP.DAT (80x18); EPS_SGR.DAT (80x18); KAP_LUP.DAT (80x18); DEL_CRV.DAT (80x18); LAM_AQL.DAT (80x18); THT_AQL.DAT (80x18); THT_HYA.DAT (80x18); ALF2CVN.DAT (80x18); 36_LYN.DAT (80x18); EPS_UMA.DAT (80x18); TAU9ERI.DAT (80x18); GAM_CEN.DAT (80x18); DEL_VEL.DAT (80x18); GAM_UMA.DAT (80x18); ZET_SGR.DAT (80x18); ZET_UMA.DAT (80x18); ETA_OPH.DAT Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 35 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog (80x18); BET_ERI.DAT (80x18); ALF2LIB.DAT (80x18); HR2467.DAT (90x18); HR8023.DAT (90x18); LAM_CEP.DAT (90x18); HD192163.DAT (90x18); HD193793.DAT (90x18); HR2422.DAT (90x18); HD45314.DAT (90x18); HR7767.DAT (90x18); P_CYG.DAT (90x18); HR7678.DAT (90x18); HR8119.DAT (90x18); HR7567.DAT (90x18); 3_GEM.DAT (90x18); HR7210.DAT (90x18); 6_CEP.DAT (90x18); HR5358.DAT (90x18); EPS_DOR.DAT (90x18); HR2231.DAT (90x18); NU_DOR.DAT (90x18); ETA1DOR.DAT (90x18); SIG_CYG.DAT (90x18); MU_ORI.DAT (90x18); DEL_HYI.DAT (90x18); THT_GEM.DAT (90x18); KAP_PHE.DAT (90x18); ZET_LEP.DAT (90x18); BET_TRI.DAT (90x18); BET_PIC.DAT (90x18); MU_AND.DAT (90x18); ALF_PIC.DAT (90x18); IOT_CYG.DAT (90x18); DEL_DOR.DAT (90x18); EPS_AUR.DAT (90x18); THT_CEN.DAT (90x18) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (401x80) 2068 ANOT Dearborn Observatory Catalogue of Faint Red Stars (Lee, O.J., Baldwin, R.J., and Hamlin, D.W. 1943, Ann. Dearborn Obs. 5, Part 1A; Lee, O.J. and Bartlett, T.J. 1944, Ann. Dearborn Obs. 5, Part 1B; Lee, O.J., Gore, G.D., and Bartlett, T.J. 1947, Ann. Dearborn Obs. 5, Part 1C) 1 file, total 1.51 Mbytes: catalog (44076x36) 1 Doc file: doc (618x80) 2072 BHN Third Catalogue of Stars Measured in the Geneva Photometric System (Rufener, F. 1981, A&AS, 45, 207) Comment(s): 14633 stars; superseded by catalog 2169 3 files, total 6.52 Mbytes: Weighted Means (14633x200); Observations (19025x200); Notes (745x140) 2073 BN Narrow-Band Photometry (Alexander, J.B., Royal Greenwich Obs.) Comment(s): see Alexander, J.B. 1981, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 194, 403, for system description; 1257 records 1 file, total 118 Kbytes: Data (1257x96) 2074 ANOT Photometric Data for the Nearby Stars (Hauck, B. and Mermilliod, M. 1981, CDS Bull. No. 21, p. 35) 3 files, total 225 Kbytes: Catalog Data (1768x128); References (37x80); Photometric Systems (18x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (449x79) 2075 BN Homogeneous Catalogue of Red and Infrared Magnitudes in the Photoelectric Photometric System of Kron (Jasniewicz, G. 1982, A&AS, 49, 99) 5 files, total 1.1 Mbytes: R and R-I Measurements (6034x80); R and R-I Homogeneous data (5704x80); First list of references (60x80); Second list of References (183x80); Geneve/Lausanne Codes (2462x80) 1 Doc file: Introduction (79x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 36 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2076A AHNT Catalogue General d'Etoiles de Type O. Donnees Spectroscopiques et Photometriques (Goy, G. 1980, A&AS, 42, 91) 4 files, total 438 Kbytes: Data (2913x78); English Notes (1156x78); French Notes (1466x80); References (169x80) 2077 AN Non-Solar X-Ray Measurements (Arens, J. and Rothschild, R. 1975, NASA/GSFC Doc. X-661-75-230) 1 file, total 711 Kbytes: catalog (1301x560) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (184x80) 2078 BHN uvby-Beta Photometry of 398 Members of Visual Multiple Stellar Systems (Olsen, E.H. 1982, A&AS, 48, 165) 1 file, total 54.4 Kbytes: Data (398x140) 2080 AFN A Catalogue of Homogeneous Photometry of Bright Stars on the DDO System (McClure, R.D. and Forrester, W.T. 1981, Publ. Dominion Astrophys. Obs. 15, 439) 1 file, total 172 Kbytes: catalog (2196x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (125x80) 2082 ANS Catalog of Galactic O-Type Stars (Garmany, C.D., Conti, P.S., and Chiosi, C. 1982, ApJ, 263, 777; Garmany, C.D. 1983, ADC Bull. 1, 172) 1 file, total 59.8 Kbytes: catalog (765x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (329x80) 2083 AN OAO 2 Ultraviolet Filter Photometry for 531 Stars (Code, A.D., Holm, A.V., and Bottemiller, R.L. 1980, ApJS, 43, 501) 1 file, total 68.4 Kbytes: data.dat (531x132) 1 Doc file: adc.doc (789x79) 2084 AFNO 13-Color Photometry of 1380 Bright Stars (Johnson, H.L. and Mitchell, R.I. 1975, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrof. 1, 299) Comment(s): format of spectral types modified and updated at ADC, 1981; the SpType column has been enlarged to accommodate composite spectra types, CDS Aug 1995 1 file, total 167 Kbytes: catalog (1380x124) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (166x80) 2085 ANT Absolute Calibration of Stellar Spectrophotometry (Johnson, H.L. 1980, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrofis. 5, 25) Comment(s): 16 stars 1 file, total 16 Kbytes: Catalog Data (182x90) 1 Doc file: Documentation (328x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 37 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2086 ANO Supplement to the Ultraviolet Bright Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue (Macau-Hercot, D., et al. 1978, ESA SR-28) 1 file, total 911 Kbytes: Catalog Data (435x2144) 1 Doc file: Documentation (95x79) 2087 BHN Photographic Magnitudes for Stars at High Galactic Latitude (Weistrop, D. 1983, CDS Bull. No. 24, p. 91) 1 file, total 1.02 Mbytes: Data (15684x68) 2088B BHN Catalogue of uvby-Beta Data for a Map of the Local Interstellar Reddening within 300 Parsecs (Perry, C.L. and Johnston, L. 1982, ApJS, 50, 451) 1 file, total 220 Kbytes: Data (3458x65) 2090 AHNT Four-Colour uvby and H-beta Photometry of A5 to G0 Stars Brighter than 8.3 mag (Olsen, E.H. 1983, A&AS, 54, 55) Comment(s): Tables 28, 13-19, 23-24 11 files, total 1.38 Mbytes: catalog (14816x94); tbl13 (134x96); tbl14 (43x96); tbl15 (85x96); tbl16 (54x96); tbl17 (92x96); tbl18 (39x96); tbl19 (101x96); tbl23 (64x30); tbl24 (53x30); stndrds (42x30) 2091 AN Catalogue of Intrinsic Colours of Stars in the Ultraviolet (Carnochan, D.J. 1982, CDS Bull. No. 22, p. 75; Carnochan, D.J. 1982, MNRAS, 201, 1139) 1 file, total 212 Kbytes: catalog (671x324) 1 Doc file: desc (209x80) 2092 AFNOT Revised S201 Catalog of Far-Ultraviolet Objects (Page, T.L., Carruthers, G.R., and Heckathorn, H.M. 1982, U.S. Nav. Research Laboratory Report 8487) 1 file, total 737 Kbytes: Catalog Data (6396x118) 1 Doc file: Documentation (784x80) 2093 AN Vilnius Photoelectric Catalogue (Zdanavicius, Z., et al. 1983, Vilniaus Astronomical Obs.) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 2157 3 files, total 234 Kbytes: catalog.dat (2843x80); refs.dat (94x80); codenum.dat (53x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (76x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 38 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2094 ANOT The Revised AFGL Infrared Sky Survey Catalog and Supplement (Price, S.D. and Murdock, T.L. 1983, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, AFGL-TR-83-0161) 2 files, total 792 Kbytes: Catalog Data (2970x132); Supplement (3176x132) 1 Doc file: Documentation (840x80) 2095 BHN The Stellar Component of the Galaxy as seen by the AFGL Infrared Sky Survey (Grasdalen, G.L., et al. 1983, ApJS, 53, 413) 1 file, total 212 Kbytes: Data (810x268) 2097 ANOT ANS Ultraviolet Photometry Catalogue of Point Sources (Wesselius, P.R., et al. 1982, A&AS, 49, 427) 1 file, total 457 Kbytes: Catalog Data (3573x131) 1 Doc file: Documentation (672x80) 2100 AHNT A Catalogue of H-Beta Photometry of Southern A5 to G0 Stars Brighter than 8.3 magnitude (Olsen, E.H. and Perry, C.L. 1984, A&AS, 56, 229) 2 files, total 129 Kbytes: Program Stars (2699x48); Standards (42x56) 2101 BN A Catalogue of Photoelectric Magnitudes and Colours of Visual Double and Multiple Systems (Wallenquist, Aa. 1981, Uppsala Astron. Obs. Rep. No. 22) Comment(s): 1064 systems 2 files, total 159 Kbytes: Description (62x80); Data (2257x70) 2103 BHN A Revised Supernova Catalogue (Barbon, R., et al. 1984, A&AS, 58, 735) 1 file, total 61 Kbytes: Data (568x110) 2104 AN Photographic UBV Photometry for Stars in Open Clusters (Mermilliod, J.C. 1984, CDS Bull. No. 27, p. 141) 3 files, total 1.34 Mbytes: catalog.dat (42575x32); refs.dat (362x78); nmbsys.dat (135x78) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (126x80) 2106 AN A Search for Ultraviolet-Excess Objects (Noguchi, T., Maehara, H., and Kondo, M. 1980, Ann. Tokyo Astron. Obs., 2nd series, 18, 55; Kondo, M., Noguchi, T., and Maehara, H. 1984, Ann. Tokyo Astron. Obs., 2nd series, 20, 130) 1 file, total 92.6 Kbytes: catalog.dat (1186x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (114x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 39 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2108 AN The Two-Micron Sky Survey: Nearest SAO Star and Locations on Palomar Sky Survey Prints (Nagy, T.A., Hill, R.S., and Mead, J.M. 1983, ADC Bull. 1, 183) 1 file, total 326 Kbytes: data.dat (6817x49) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (91x80) 2109 BN Vilnius Photometric Catalogue, Published Measurements and Weighted Means (North, P. 1984, CDS Bull. No. 27, p. 133) Comment(s): 2848 measures, 2596 stars 5 files, total 565 Kbytes: obs (2848x80); means (2596x80); irob (127x80); refs (136x80); numsys (1528x80) 1 Doc file: desc (74x80) 2111 BHN A Search for Faint Blue Stars in High Galactic Latitudes. III. Twelve PSS Fields at Declinations -6 and -12 Degrees Near the South Galactic Pole (Berger, J. and Fringant, A.-M. 1984, A&AS, 58, 565) 1 file, total 131 Kbytes: Data (2493x54) 2114 AN A Catalog of Ultraviolet Interstellar Extinction Excesses for 1415 Stars (Savage, B.D., et al. 1985, ApJS, 59, 397) 1 file, total 182 Kbytes: catalog.dat (1415x132) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (195x80) 2115 AN Faint Blue Objects at High Galactic Latitude. Catalog of Objects in SA28, 29, 55, 57 and 94 (Warnock III, A. and Usher, P.D. 1983, ADC Bull. 1, 195) 1 file, total 424 Kbytes: fntblobj.dat (3678x118) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (97x80) 2116 ANOT Photoelectric Photometric Catalogue in the Johnson UBVRI System (Lanz, T. 1986, A&AS, 65, 195) 14 files, total 2.23 Mbytes: jo_obs.dat (8372x65); jo_means.dat (6849x60); jo_refs.dat (361x80); kr_obs.dat (467x65); kr_means.dat (467x60); kr_refs.dat (61x80); mb_obs.dat (1159x65); mb_means.dat (1150x60); mb_refs.dat (36x80); nc_obs.dat (252x65); nc_means.dat (252x60); nc_refs.dat (30x80); number.dat (1656x80); summary.dat (8253x118) 3 Doc files: lanz.doc (364x79); lanz.tex (376x79); adc.sty (68x78) 2117 AHN A Catalogue of Concentric Aperture UBVRI Photoelectric Photometry of Globular Clusters (Peterson, C.J. 1986, PASC, 98, 192) 2 files, total 339 Kbytes: Data (4256x80); References (52x132) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 40 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2118 ANOT UBVRI Photometric Standard Stars Around the Celestial Equator (Landolt, A.U. 1983, AJ, 88, 439) 2 files, total 61 Kbytes: Catalog Data (223x125); Remarks (262x132) 3 Doc files: ASCII Document (336x79); LaTeX Document (300x79); ADC Style File (38x78) 2119 AN Stellar Distribution Near the South Galactic Pole, Photographic V Magnitudes and (B-V) Colours of 640 Stars in Region I (Bok, B.J. and Basinski, J. 1964, Mem. Mount Stromlo Obs. No. 16) 1 file, total 30 Kbytes: catalog.dat (640x48) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (62x80) 2120 AN A Photometric and Spectrophotometric Investigation in a Region at the South Galactic Pole (Eriksson, P.-I.W. 1978, Uppsala Astron. Obs. Report No. 11) Comment(s): photographic and photoelectric V and (B-V) for stars near SA 141 2 files, total 139 Kbytes: pe.dat (477x48); pg.dat (2835x42) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (92x80) 2121 AN Stellar Distribution Near the Selected Areas 127, 141 and 189 (Ratnatunga, K.U. 1983, Ph.D. Thesis, The Australian National Univ.) Comment(s): see also Ratnatunga, K.U., and Freeman, K.C. 1985, ApJ, 291, 260 3 files, total 2.46 Mbytes: sa127.dat (35786x32); sa141.dat (13612x32); sa189.dat (31088x32) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (95x80) 2122B AN UBV Photoelectric Photometry Catalogue (Mermilliod, J.C. 1987, A&AS, 71, 413) Comment(s): 87267 stars; previous version on ADC CD-ROM Vol. 1; see also catalog 2193 7 files, total 13.8 Mbytes: ubv (109293x48); ubva (27425x48); merged (136717x48); refs (4986x80); refsj (5215x80); dubious (3700x79); codes (2462x80) 4 Doc files: ReadMe (171x80); adc.doc (654x122); adc.tex (548x79); adc.sty (68x78) 2123A AHNT UBV Photometry of Faint Stars (V>14.5) in the Open Cluster M67 (Frolov, V.N. and Ananyevskaya, J.K. 1986) Comment(s): 1053 stars 1 file, total 59.6 Kbytes: Data (1053x58) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 41 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2124A ANO Catalogue of UBV Photometry and MK Spectral Types in Open Clusters (Mermilliod, J.C. 1986, CDS Bull. No. 31, p. 175) 5 files, total 3.27 Mbytes: catalog (24856x128); lid (369x80); refubv (981x80); refmk (528x80); refs (1240x80) 4 Doc files: ReadMe (76x80); adc.doc (606x105); adc.tex (541x79); adc.sty (68x78) 2125 AFNOT IRAS Catalog of Point Sources, Version 2.0 (IPAC 1986 October) Comment(s): ADC Version; 245889 sources 7 files, total 44.7 Mbytes: FITS header (44x81); IRAS Point Sources (245889x157); associated FITS header (294x80); Associations (142228x58); associated FITS header (66x80); Details of association catalogues (235x80); Unix shell to generate FITS (74x80) 2 Doc files: Introduction (124x80); CD-ROM Documentation (1091x79) 2126 AFNOT IRAS Serendipitous Survey Catalog (IPAC 1986 December) 3 files, total 8.65 Mbytes: The Catalogue (112384x80); Overlapping fields (950x80); Makefile to generate, on Unix platforms, the files: headers, sources, and associations for the file : main (43x73) 1 Doc file: Introduction (336x80) 2127 BHN A Study of Visual Double Stars with Early-Type Primaries. IV. Astrophysical Data (Lindroos, K.P. 1985, A&AS, 60, 183) 1 file, total 52.1 Kbytes: Data (544x98) 2128 BHN Photometric Data for the Bright Stars (Hauck, B. and Mermilliod, M. 1986, CDS Bull. No. 31, p. 181) 1 file, total 1.14 Mbytes: Data (9094x132) 2130 BHN Automated Two-Dimensional Classification from Multicolour Photometry in the Vilnius System (Smriglio, F., et al. 1986, A&AS, 66, 181-190) 1 file, total 73.6 Kbytes: Data (754x100) 2131 BN A Catalogue of the Pleiades Flare Stars (Haro, G., Chavira, E., and Gonzalez G. 1982, Bol. Inst. Tonantzintla 3, 3-68, No. 1) 3 files, total 212 Kbytes: Description (152x80); Data (1518x120); Remarks (284x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 42 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2132 BN Photographic, Photovisual and Photored Magnitudes for 3124 Stars in the Selected Area 40 (Kolesnik, L.N. 1987) Comment(s): see Voroshilov, V.I., Gordeladse, Sh. G., Kolesnik, L.N., Lukatskaya, F.I., Fedorochenko, G.L., Heylo, E.S. 1962, Acad. Sci. Ukrainian SSR, Kiev; Schwassmann, A., and van Rhijn, P.J. Bergedorfer Spektral Durchusterung, Band 2 2 files, total 250 Kbytes: Description (73x80); Data (3124x80) 2133 BN Photoelectric UBV Colours of Supernovae (Younger, P.F. and van den Bergh, S. 1985, A&AS, 61, 365-373) Comment(s): updated version through 1987 November 1 file, total 83.7 Kbytes: Data (1071x80) 2134 BHN Catalog of Magnetic Field Measurements (Didelon, P. 1983, A&AS, 53, 119-137) Comment(s): 1118 stars 2 files, total 158 Kbytes: Data (1118x132); References (159x88) 2135 BN Supplement to the Catalogue of Diffuse Interstellar Band Measurements (Guarinos, J. 1988, CDS Bull. No. 34, p. 141) Comment(s): Original: Snow, T.P. Jr., York, D.G., Welty, D.E. 1977, AJ, 82, 113-128 1 file, total 88.2 Kbytes: catalog (753x120) 1 Doc file: desc (68x120) 2136 ANO Catalog of Infrared Observations (Gezari, D.Y., Schmitz, M., and Mead, J.M. 1987, NASA Ref. Pub. 1196) 6 files, total 21.5 Mbytes: Catalog Data (141023x100); Name Index (40965x50); Bib (Chron) (3172x834); Bib (Author) (3172x834); Spectral Ranges (3491x45); IRAS sources (11461x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (771x79) 2138 BNU A Catalog of Bright uvby-beta Standard Stars (Perry, C.L., Olsen, E.H., and Crawford, D.L. 1987, PASP, 99, 1184) 7 files, total 68.7 Kbytes: References of Photometric Data (105x80); Catalog Data (366x120); Notes to Table 2 (91x67); IDS Numbers (166x22); Correlations between Catalogs (68x50); Spectral-Type Distributions (32x34); uvby-beta Standard Relation (76x50) 1 Doc file: Documentation (48x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 43 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2139 ANO General Catalogue of Variable Stars, 4th Edition, Vol III (Kholopov, P.N., et al. 1985-1988, Moscow: Nauka Publishing House) Comment(s): see catalog 2172; modifications have been made since ADC CD-ROM version 1 file, total 4.29 Mbytes: catalog (28488x158) 2 Doc files: Intro (117x80); adc.doc (1930x80) 2140 ANOT New Catalogue of Suspected Variable Stars (Kukarkin, B.V., et al. 1982, Moscow: Nauka Publishing House) 2 files, total 3.35 Mbytes: catalog (14812x95); index (12248x172) 5 Doc files: ReadMe (113x80); Intro (232x80); adc.doc (1200x79); doc.tex (720x79); adc.sty (68x78) 2141 AN Predicted K Magnitudes of Stars in the Regions South of -33 Degrees and North of +81 Degrees (Kuan, Y.-J. 1988, M.S. Thesis, The Ohio State University) 1 file, total 286 Kbytes: table (2399x122) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (98x80) 2143 ANOU The Hubble Space Telescope Guide Star Photometric Catalog (Lasker, B.M., et al. 1988, ApJS, 68, 1) Comment(s): 7 FITS Tables extension files 20 files, total 766 Kbytes: Sources by Obs (5x60); Reduction Par (6x50); Sus Variables (34x6); Obs Stats, Dec -75 (7x60); Obs Stats, Dec -45 (7x60); Obs Stats, Dec -15 (7x60); Obs Stats, Dec +15 (7x60); Obs Stats, Dec +45 (7x60); Obs Stats, Dec +75 (7x60); Interobs Comp, C-C (7x40); Interobs Comp, A-A (7x40); Interobs Comp, S-S (7x40); Interobs Comp, C-A (7x40); Interobs Comp, C-S (7x40); Interobs Comp, S-A (7x40); Interobs Comp, C-L (6x40); Interobs Comp, A-L (6x40); Interobs Comp, S-L (6x40); Bibliography (150x120); Catalog (9512x80) 7 FITS files, total 987 Kbytes: Sources by Obs (5x2880); Reduction Par (6x2880); Sus Variables (5x2880); Obs Statistics (21x2880); Interobs Comp (30x2880); Bibliography (11x2880); Catalog Data (273x2880) 1 Doc file: Introduction (315x80) 2144 AN A Catalogue of the Brightest Stars in the Field of M31 (Berkhuijsen, E.M., et al. 1988, A&AS 76, 65; Berkhuijsen, E.M., et al. 1989, CDS Bull. No. 36, p. 179) Comment(s): see catalog 2145 for the foreground stars 1 file, total 894 Kbytes: catalog (11438x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (61x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 44 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2145 AN A Catalogue of the Brightest Stars in a Foreground Field of M31 (Berkhuijsen, E.M., et al. 1988, A&AS 76, 65; Berkhuijsen, E.M., et al. 1988, A&A 214, 68) Comment(s): see catalog 2144 for stars in the field of M31 1 file, total 686 Kbytes: catalog (8778x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (60x80) 2146 BHN A List of Observations of the Ap Star HR 1217 from 1980 to 1986 (Kurtz, D.W. 1989) Comment(s): 47864 observations 1 file, total 1.01 Mbytes: Data (52843x20) 2147 BN Catalogue of Radio Stars (Wendker, H.J. 1987, A&AS, 69, 87) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 2199 3 files, total 1.98 Mbytes: catalog (19341x100); ref1 (722x100); ref2 (707x100) 1 Doc file: intro (41x100) 2148 AU IRAS Chopped Photometric Channel Observations (Wesselius, P.R., et al. 1989, Laboratory for Space Research, Groningen) Comment(s): 6032 maps, 3017 FITS files 2149 BN Catalogue of Diffuse Interstellar Band Measurements (Snow Jr., T.P., York, D.G., and Weltz, D.E. 1977, AJ, 82, 113; Guarinos, J. 1988, CDS Bull. No. 35, p. 161) 1 file, total 328 Kbytes: catalog (2798x120) 1 Doc file: intro (140x120) 2150 AN A Catalogue of Parameters for Eclipsing Binaries (Brancewicz, H.K. and Dworak, T.Z. 1980, Acta Astron. 30, 501) 1 file, total 133 Kbytes: catalog (1048x130) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (53x80) 2151 BHN Observations of Variable Stars (Feijth, H. and Jurriens, T.A. 1986) Comment(s): 8755 observations 1 file, total 180 Kbytes: Data (8755x21) 2152 AN New Subdwarfs. IV. UBV Photometry of 1690 High-Proper-Motion Stars (Sandage, A. and Kowal, C.T. 1986, AJ, 91, 1140) 1 file, total 135 Kbytes: catalog.dat (1690x82) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (125x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 45 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2154 AN Catalog of Individual UBV Observations of Stars in the Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way (LSS) Catalog (Drilling, J.S. 1989, Louisiana State University) 1 file, total 67.6 Kbytes: catalog.dat (1732x40) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (42x80) 2155 ANS Catalogue of Apparent Diameters and Absolute Radii of Stars, 2nd Edition (Fracassini, M., et al. 1988, CDS Bull. No. 35, p. 121) Comment(s): 7255 stars; supersedes catalog 2061 4 files, total 2.96 Mbytes: cadars.dat (12055x80); refs.dat (357x132); remarks.dat (2088x88); cadars.lis (14469x132) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (208x80) 2156A ANOT IRAS Faint Source Catalog, |b| > 10 Degrees, Version 2.0 (Moshir, M., et al. 1989, Infrared Processing and Analysis Center) 7 files, total 51.9 Mbytes: FITS header (60x80); IRAS Faint Sources (173044x227); associated FITS header (306x80); Associations (235935x64); associated FITS header (94x79); Details of association catalogue (304x80); Unix shell to generate FITS (74x80) 2 Doc files: Introduction (128x80); CD-ROM Documentation (897x84) 2157 AN Catalogue of Photoelectric Photometry in the Vilnius System (Straizys, V., et al. 1989, CDS Bull. No. 37, p. 179) Comment(s): supersedes catalog 2093 3 files, total 767 Kbytes: catalog.dat (5588x135); refs.dat (270x80); codenum.dat (116x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (144x80) 2158A ANOT uvby, beta Photoelectric Photometric Catalogue (Hauck, B. and Mermilliod, M. 1990, A&AS, 86, 107) Comment(s): 44896 stars 5 files, total 10.1 Mbytes: obs.dat (69190x60); weighted.dat (44896x40); cluster.dat (46154x92); refs.dat (1819x80); code.dat (2624x80) 3 Doc files: adc.doc (590x80); adc.tex (499x80); adc.sty (38x78) 2159 AN The Asiago Supernova Catalogue (Barbon, R., Cappellaro, E., and Turatto, M. 1989, A&AS, 81, 421) Comment(s): extragalactic supernovae only 1 file, total 80 Kbytes: catalog (661x124) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (78x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 46 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2160 AHN Theoretical Colours and Isochrones for some Hubble Space Telescope Colour Systems (Edvardsson, B and Bell, R.A. 1989, MNRAS, 238, 1121) Comment(s): grid of synthetic surface brightness magnitudes for 21 HST WFC bandpasses 14 files, total 165 Kbytes: Table 2 (279x171); Isochrone 1 (50x187); Isochrone 2 (50x187); Isochrone 3 (50x187); Isochrone 4 (50x187); Isochrone 5 (50x187); Isochrone 6 (50x187); Isochrone 7 (50x187); Isochrone 8 (50x187); Isochrone 9 (50x187); Isochrone 10 (50x187); Isochrone 11 (50x187); Isochrone 12 (50x187); Isochrone 13 (50x187) 2161 AN Equatorial Infrared Catalog (1990) (Sweeney, L.H. and Richardson, T. 1990, Space Applications Corporation) Comment(s): the catalog lists positions and other information for 7,220 infrared stars 1 file, total 1.21 Mbytes: catalog (7220x176) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (124x80) 2162 D A Scanned CCD Search for Cepheids and Other Variables in Crux and Centaurus (Caldwell, J.A.R., Keane, M.J., and Schechter, P.L. 1991, AJ, 101, 1763) Comment(s): survey for cepheids and other variables 2163 BN Up-to-Date Walraven VBLUW Photoelectric Photometric Catalogue (Nitschelm, C. and Mermilliod, J.C. 1990, A&AS, 82, 331) 4 files, total 1.31 Mbytes: obs (6022x80); wtdmns (5564x120); refs (235x80); numsys (2626x80) 1 Doc file: Intro (60x80) 2164 BN Up-to-Date DDO Photoelectric Photometric Catalogue (Mermilliod, J.C. and Nitschelm, C. 1989, A&AS, 81, 401) 4 files, total 1.56 Mbytes: obs (8034x80); wtdmns (6139x124); refs (321x80); numsys (2626x80) 1 Doc file: Intro (57x80) 2165 BN Photometric Catalogue in the Eggen Modified uvby System (Nitschelm, C. and Mermilliod, J.C. 1990, A&AS, 85, 839) 4 files, total 1.03 Mbytes: obs (5036x80); wtdmns (4468x102); refs (177x80); numsys (2626x80) 1 Doc file: Intro (55x80) 2166 BN Washington CMT1T2V Photometric Catalogue (Mermilliod, J.C. and Nitschelm, C. 1990, A&AS, 84, 133) 4 files, total 421 Kbytes: obs (1091x80); wtdmns (1000x126); refs (101x80); numsys (2626x80) 1 Doc file: Intro (56x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 47 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2167 ANS The General Catalogue of Photometric Data (Hauck, B., et al. 1990, A&AS, 85, 989) Comment(s): index of existing data in all photometric systems to July 1988 1 file, total 16.8 Mbytes: catalog.dat (165896x106) 3 Doc files: ReadMe (57x80); num_sys.doc (2626x80); refs.doc (286x106) 2168 ANOT Catalogue of Homogeneous Means in the UBV System (Mermilliod, J.C. 1991, Institut d'Astronomie, Universite de Lausanne (to be published)) Comment(s): homogeneous weighted means corresponding to catalog 2122 2 files, total 6.58 Mbytes: Catalog Data (92964x72); Numbering System (2630x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (100x72) 2169 ANOT Catalogue of Stars Measured in the Geneva Observatory Photometric System, 4th edition (Rufener, F. 1988, Geneva Observatory) Comment(s): supersedes catalog 2072 2 files, total 5.76 Mbytes: Catalog Data (29397x200); Notes (1196x132) 3 Doc files: ASCII Document (539x80); LaTeX Document (515x80); ADC Style File (38x78) 2170 ANU Long-Term Photometry of Variables at ESO. I. (Manfroid, J., et al. 1991, A&AS, 87, 481) Comment(s): see also ESO Scientific Report No. 8, May 1991 and catalog 2188 2 files, total 1.94 Mbytes: Catalog Data (32128x62); Stars (524x78) 1 Doc file: Documentation (71x80) 2171 AN Machine-Readable Version of the Parenago Catalogue of Stars in the Area of the Orion Nebula (Parenago, P.P. 1954, Trudy Gos. Astron. Inst. im. Shternberga, 25; Malkov, O.Yu. 1992, CDS Bull. No. 40, p. 13) 1 file, total 148 Kbytes: Catalog Data (2983x51) 1 Doc file: Introduction (129x80) 2172 ANS General Catalogue of Variable Stars, Fourth Edition, Vol. IV (Kholopov, P.N., et al. 1990, Moscow: Nauka Publishing House, (Nauka, ISBN 5-02-007277-X); Kholopov, P.N., et al. 1992, CDS Bull. No. 40, p. 15) Comment(s): see catalog 2139 1 file, total 2.73 Mbytes: cross_in.dat (57299x50) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (187x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 48 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2173 BNU A Reference Catalogue of Galactic Novae (Version 1990.0) (Duerbeck, H.W. 1988, CDS Bull. No. 34, p. 127) Comment(s): version 1990.0 (complete to the end of 1989); see also Duerbeck, H.W. 1987, Space Sci. Rev. 45, 1 2 files, total 70.5 Kbytes: Catalog of Novae (283x123); Designations of Novae (283x132) 1 Doc file: Introduction (126x80) 2174 AN IRAS 2Jy Redshift Survey (Strauss, M.A., et al. 1990, ApJ, 361, 49; Strauss, M.A., et al. 1992, ApJS, 83, 29) 3 files, total 677 Kbytes: Exclude Fortran (281x80); Exclude List (1485x6); Catalog Data (5014x132) 1 Doc file: Introduction (186x80) 2175 ANU Catalogue of 166 Ultraviolet Extinction Curves (Krelowski, J., Papaj, J, and Wegner, W. 1992, CDS Bull. No. 41, p. 23) 2 files, total 216 Kbytes: Extinction Data (2158x95); Primary Data for Program Stars (166x97) 1 Doc file: Documentation (66x80) 2176 BNU Sternberg Astronomical Institute Supernovae Catalogue (Tsvetkov, D. Yu. and Bartunov, O.S. 1993, CDS Bull. No. 42, p. 17) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 2201 1 file, total 107 Kbytes: sncat.dat (773x142) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (153x80) 2177 BNU Near Infrared Photometry of a Sample of IRAS Point Sources (Fouque, P., et al. 1992, A&AS 93, 151) Comment(s): 516 sources 1 file, total 35.8 Kbytes: Catalog Data (516x71) 2 Doc files: Short Documentation (40x80); Full Documentation (105x80) 2178 ANT A Catalogue of Linear Polarization Measurements for 5070 Stars (Axon, D.J. and Ellis, R.S. 1976, MNRAS, 177, 499) 1 file, total 396 Kbytes: linpol.dat (5064x80) 3 Doc files: linpol.doc (239x78); linpol.tex (154x80); adc.sty (68x78) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 49 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2179 ANS Southern Spectrophotometric Standards. I + II (Hamuy, M., et al. 1992, PASP 104, 533; Hamuy, M., et al. 1994, PASP 106, 566) 89 files, total 230 Kbytes: cd32.dat (139x15); eg21.dat (135x15); eg274.dat (138x15); f110.dat (134x15); f56.dat (137x15); h600.dat (137x15); hr1544.dat (447x15); hr3454.dat (441x15); hr4468.dat (439x15); hr4963.dat (445x15); hr5501.dat (444x15); hr718.dat (446x15); hr7596.dat (446x15); hr7950.dat (445x15); hr8634.dat (446x15); hr9087.dat (445x15); l1020.dat (137x15); l1788.dat (137x15); l2415.dat (136x15); l3218.dat (134x15); l377.dat (141x15); l3864.dat (137x15); l4364.dat (139x15); l4816.dat (134x15); l6248.dat (138x15); l7379.dat (139x15); l745.dat (73x15); l7987.dat (135x15); l9239.dat (139x15); l9491.dat (134x15); cd32_blue.dat (86x15); eg21_blue.dat (86x15); eg274_blue.dat (86x15); f110_blue.dat (86x15); f56_blue.dat (86x15); h600_blue.dat (86x15); hr1544_blue.dat (267x15); hr3454_blue.dat (267x15); hr4468_blue.dat (267x15); hr4963_blue.dat (267x15); hr5501_blue.dat (267x15); hr718_blue.dat (267x15); hr7596_blue.dat (267x15); hr7950_blue.dat (267x15); hr8634_blue.dat (267x15); hr9087_blue.dat (267x15); l1020_blue.dat (86x15); l1788_blue.dat (86x15); l2415_blue.dat (86x15); l3218_blue.dat (86x15); l377_blue.dat (86x15); l3864_blue.dat (86x15); l4364_blue.dat (86x15); l4816_blue.dat (86x15); l6248_blue.dat (86x15); l7379_blue.dat (86x15); l7987_blue.dat (86x15); l9239_blue.dat (86x15); l9491_blue.dat (86x15); cd32_red.dat (83x15); eg21_red.dat (80x15); eg274_red.dat (83x15); f110_red.dat (78x15); f56_red.dat (74x15); h600_red.dat (74x15); hr1544_red.dat (277x15); hr3454_red.dat (246x15); hr4468_red.dat (244x15); hr4963_red.dat (272x15); hr5501_red.dat (272x15); hr718_red.dat (275x15); hr7596_red.dat (275x15); hr7950_red.dat (274x15); hr8634_red.dat (275x15); hr9087_red.dat (274x15); l1020_red.dat (82x15); l1788_red.dat (81x15); l2415_red.dat (80x15); l3218_red.dat (71x15); l377_red.dat (85x15); l3864_red.dat (74x15); l4364_red.dat (76x15); l4816_red.dat (71x15); l6248_red.dat (82x15); l7379_red.dat (83x15); l745_red.dat (73x15); l7987_red.dat (79x15); l9239_red.dat (83x15); l9491_red.dat (78x15) 2 FITS files, total 16.9 Kbytes: (3x2880); (3x2880) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (193x80) 2180 BNU uvby-beta Photometry of High-Velocity and Metal-Poor Stars (Schuster, W.J. and Nissen, P.E. 1989, A&A, 222, 69) Comment(s): see also Schuster, W.J., Nissen, P.E. 1988, A&AS, 73, 225 1 file, total 15.7 Kbytes: Catalog Data (220x73) 1 Doc file: Documentation (48x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 50 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2181 ANT Atlas and Catalogue of IR Sources in the Magellanic Clouds (Schwering, P.B.W. and Israel, F.P. 1990, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London) 2 files, total 349 Kbytes: source.list (2140x122); cross.refs (993x97) 3 Doc files: irsource.doc (322x80); irsource.txt (239x80); adc.sty (68x78) 2182 BNU UBV Photometry of Stars whose Positions are Accurately Known (Oja, T. 1984, A&AS, 57, 357; Oja, T. 1985, A&AS, 59, 461; Oja, T. 1985, A&AS, 61, 331; Oja, T. 1986, A&AS, 65, 405; Oja, T. 1987, A&AS, 68, 211; Oja, T. 1987, A&AS, 71, 561; Oja, T. 1991, A&AS, 89, 415; Oja, T. 1993, A&AS, 100, 591) 1 file, total 122 Kbytes: Catalog Data (3392x37) 1 Doc file: Introduction (63x80) 2183 ANS UBVRI Photometric Standard Stars in the Magnitude Range 11.5 < V < 16.0 Around the Celestial Equator (Landolt, A.U. 1992, AJ, 104, 340) 3 files, total 94.5 Kbytes: filters (676x40); table2 (526x130); table11 (71x19) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (99x80) 2184 ANT Catalog of Infrared Observations (Gezari, D.Y., et al. 1993, 3rd. Ed., NASA Ref. Pub. 1294; Gezari, D.Y., Schmitz, M., and Mead, J.M. 1987, 2nd. Ed., NASA Ref. Pub. 1196) Comment(s): Update to the published version with many errors corrected (March 94) 6 files, total 23.4 Mbytes: cio94.dat (205726x76); name94.dat (56194x43); refs94.dat (4518x835); refs94_2.dat (6647x148); spectra94.dat (5182x45); psc94.dat (16104x90) 3 Doc files: cio94.tex (740x81); adc.sty (68x78); intro.doc (537x80) 2185 BN Photographic UBV Photometry Star Catalogue of the Old Open Cluster NGC 188 (Frolov, V.N. 1990, Astron. Tsirk., 1544, 39) 1 file, total 204 Kbytes: Catalog Data (2171x96) 1 Doc file: Introduction (87x80) 2187 AN 30 Doradus OB associations in the Large Magellanic Cloud: The Stellar Content and Initial Mass Function (Parker, J.W. 1992, PASP, 104, 1107) 2 files, total 273 Kbytes: tbl4-5.dat (2395x101); tbl11-12.dat (302x125) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (151x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 51 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2188 BNU Long-Term Photometry of Variables at ESO. II. (Sterken, C., et al. 1993, A&AS, 102, 79) Comment(s): see also ESO Scientific Report 12; see also catalog 2170 2 files, total 2.78 Mbytes: Catalog Data (41756x69); Stars (527x66) 1 Doc file: Introduction (87x80) 2190 ANS IRAS Minor Planet Survey (IMPS) (edited by E.F. Tedesco 1992, Phillips Laboratory, Technical Report No. PL-TR-92-2049. Hanscom Air Force Base, MA) Comment(s): Final Product 101 lists the formats and contents of each of the IMPS data base files; Final Product 107 comes in four files; 108 comes in three files; see also catalog 7091 13 files, total 7.44 Mbytes: Final Product Formats (FP101) (403x80); Albedos and Diameters (FP102) (1884x96); Singleton (FP103) (120x96); Statistics (FP104) (7311x25); Reject (FP105) (2387x41); Missed-Predictions (FP106) (3418x94); Ground-Based Data (FP107A) (7311x50); Ground-Based Data (FP107B) (7311x92); Ground-Based Data (FP107C) (7311x92); Ground-Based Data (FP107D) (7311x92); Sightings (FP108A) (8210x226); Sightings (FP108B) (8210x185); Sightings (FP108C) (8210x149) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (375x80) 2192 BN UBV Photometry of Barium stars (Watanabe, E., Yutani, M., and Yamashita, Y. 1993, Publ. Nat. Astron. Obs. Japan 3, 1-5) 1 file, total 8.52 Kbytes: catalog (109x80) 1 Doc file: Intro (51x80) 2193 AN UBV Photoelectric Catalogue: Data 1986-1992 (Mermilliod, J.C. 1994, Bull. Inform. CDS No. 45, p. 3) Comment(s): see also catalog 2122A 3 files, total 1.44 Mbytes: ubv (25639x48); codes (2709x80); refs (780x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (70x80) 2194 BN A Photometric Study of the Open Cluster IC 4665 (McCarthy, M.F.S.J. and O'Sullivan, S.S.J. 1969, Ric. Astron. 7, 483) 2 files, total 13.6 Kbytes: Standard stars: photoelectric and photographic data compared (29x67); General catalogue of stars observed in IC 4665 (Merging of tables 2,3,4) (200x60) 1 Doc file: Introduction (85x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 52 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2195 BN The Computer-readable Namelists of Variable Stars Nos. 67-71 (Kholopov, P.N., et al. 1985, IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars, 2681, 1; Kholopov, P.N., et al. 1987, IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars, 3058, 1; Kholopov, P.N., et al. 1989, IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars, 3323, 1; Kazarovets, E.V. and Samus', N.N. 1990, IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars, 3530, 1; Kholopov, P.N., Samus', N.N., and Goranskij, V.P. 1993, IAU Inform. Bull. Var. Stars, 3840, 1) 3 files, total 897 Kbytes: Variable List (2244x77); Identifications (2245x266); References (1830x81) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (156x80) 2196 BN Interstellar Extinction in the Vicinity of the North America and Pelican Nebulae (Straizys, V., et al. 1993, Baltic Astron. 2, 171) 17 files, total 278 Kbytes: Results of photometry in the dark cloud area (212x101); Results of photometry in the area 40deg-41deg (255x112); Results of photometry in the area 42deg-43deg (97x112); Quantification, extinction and distance determination in the dark cloud area (179x41); Quantification, extinction and distance determination in the 40deg-41deg area (230x51); Quantification, extinction and distance determination in the 42deg-43deg area (91x51); TeX definitions (17x103); TeX definitions (17x105); TeX definitions (13x88); TeX definitions (18x88); TeX definitions (83x52); TeX version of table2 (293x162); TeX version of table3 (345x165); TeX version of table4 (181x180); TeX version of table5 (214x88); TeX version of table6 (267x89); TeX version of table7 (115x89) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (250x80) 2197 BN Interstellar extinction in the direction of the open cluster IC 348 and the Per OB2 association (Cernis, K. 1993, Baltic Astron. 2, 214) 6 files, total 148 Kbytes: The results of photometry (all stars) (189x81); The results of photometric quantification ofstars in the vicinity of the dark cloud L1470 (40x53); The results of photometric quantification of IC 348 stars (46x70); The results of photometric quantification of stars in the region of the association Per OB2 (100x69); TeX definitions (83x52); TeX version of the tables (670x179) 1 Doc file: Readme (224x80) 2198 AN Photoelectric Photometry of Carbon Stars (Paupers, O., Zaime, D., and Eglitis, I. 1993, Baltic Astron. 2, 268) 3 files, total 90 Kbytes: table2 (368x72); tables.tex (689x89); bal.tex (83x52) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (74x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 53 II. Photometric Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 2199A AN Radio Continuum Emission From Stars: A Catalogue Update (Wendker, H.J. 1995, A&AS, 109, 177) Comment(s): supersedes catalog 2147 3 files, total 3.28 Mbytes: catalog (31148x100); refs (1057x100); stars (3021x72) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (89x80) 2200 AN Long-Term Photometry of Variables at ESO. III. The Third Data Catalogue (1990-1992) (Manfroid, J., et al. 1995, A&AS 109, 329) Comment(s): see also catalogs 2170, 2188 and 2202 2 files, total 756 Kbytes: catalog (10790x69); stars (380x77) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (84x80) 2201 ANS Sternberg Astronomical Institute Supernova Catalogue, Revised Version (Tsvetkov, D. Yu., Pavlyuk, N.N., and Bartunov, O.S. 1995, CDS Bull. (to be published)) Comment(s): supersedes catalog 2176 1 file, total 132 Kbytes: catalog (930x145) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (234x80) 2901 AGHNT Stromgren-Perry uvby Colors (Stromgren, B. and Perry, C.L. 1965, unpublished) 1 file, total 140 Kbytes: Data (1217x118) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 54 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3002 BHN Preliminary General Catalogue of Early-Type Emission Stars (Bertiau, F.C. and McCarthy, M.F.S.J. 1969, Ric. Astron. 7, 523) 1 file, total 251 Kbytes: Data (3216x80) 3004 BHJN Bibliography of Stellar Radial Velocities (Abt, H.A. and Biggs, E.S. 1972, Kitt Peak National Obs., Tucson) Comment(s): reformatted at CDS, Strasbourg 1 file, total 5.6 Mbytes: catalog (44135x133) 3004B D Bibliography of Stellar Radial Velocities (Abt, H.A. and Biggs, E.S. 1972, Kitt Peak National Obs., Tucson) Comment(s): original KPNO format 1 file, total 4.5 Mbytes: Data (44133x107) 3005A AN Catalogue of Faint OB Stars between Carina and Centaurus (Lynga, G. 1968, Medd. Lund, Ser. I, No. 238) 1 file, total 18.3 Kbytes: Data (284x66) 3006A AN Studies of the Milky Way from Centaurus to Norma III. OB Stars (Lynga, G. 1964, Medd. Lund, Ser. II, No. 141) 1 file, total 31.1 Kbytes: Data (483x66) 3007A AN A Survey of Faint OB Stars in Carina (Graham, J.A. and Lynga, G. 1965, Mem. Mt. Stromlo Obs. 18) 1 file, total 29.2 Kbytes: Data (453x66) 3009A AN F2-G5 Stars in a North Galactic Pole Region (Upgren Jr., A.R. 1963, AJ, 68, 194) Comment(s): see Upgren 1984, Contrib. Van Vleck Obs. No. 2, p. 19 for finder charts 1 file, total 51.7 Kbytes: Data (1127x47) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (66x80) 3010A AN G5 and Later Stars in a North Galactic Pole Region (Upgren Jr., A.R. 1962, AJ, 67, 37) Comment(s): see Upgren 1984, Contrib. Van Vleck Obs. No. 2, p. 19 for finder charts 2 files, total 188 Kbytes: Data (4027x45); Notes (142x81) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (91x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 55 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3011A AN F2 and Earlier Stars in S.A. 28, 54, 106, 107 (Upgren Jr., A.R. and Staron, R.T. 1969, ApJ, 157, 327) 2 files, total 10.8 Kbytes: BD Stars (382x23); Non-BD Stars (69x33) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (75x80) 3012A AN F5 and Later Stars in S.A. 28, 54, 106, 107 (Upgren Jr., A.R. and Staron, R.T. 1970, ApJS 19, 367) 2 files, total 61.1 Kbytes: BD Stars (1627x27); Non-BD Stars (503x37) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (88x80) 3013 BN Vyssotsky's Catalogues 1950.0 (Vyssotsky, A.N. 1943, ApJ, 97, 381; Vyssotsky, A.N., et al. 1946, ApJ, 104, 234; Vyssotsky, A.N. and Mateer, B.A. 1952, ApJ, 116, 117; Vyssotsky, A.N. 1956, AJ, 61, 201; Vyssotsky, A.N. 1958, AJ, 63, 211) 1 file, total 78.6 Kbytes: Data (915x88) 3014A AN A Finding List of Stars F2 and Earlier in a North Galactic Pole Region (Slettebak, A. and Stock, J. 1959, Hamburger Sternwarte 5, No. 5) 3 files, total 42 Kbytes: BD Stars (365x42); Non-BD Stars (236x42); Notes (135x132) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (106x79) 3017B ANOT Catalogue of Early-Type Stars Whose Spectra Have Shown Emission Lines (Wackerling, L.R. 1970, MmRAS, 73, 153) 1 file, total 931 Kbytes: Catalog Data (5326x179) 1 Doc file: Documentation (898x79) 3018B AGNOT Catalogue of Stellar Spectra Classified in the Morgan-Keenan System (Jaschek, C., Conde, H., and de Sierra, A.C. 1964, Publ. La Plata Obs., Ser. Astron. 28, No. 2) 1 file, total 2.48 Mbytes: Catalog Data (20849x125) 1 Doc file: Documentation (671x82) 3021 AGNOT General Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities (Wilson, R.E. 1953, Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 601) 1 file, total 1.35 Mbytes: Catalog Data (15106x94) 1 Doc file: Documentation (452x80) 3022 BHN Rotation of Evolving A and F Stars (Danziger, I.J. and Faber, S.M. 1972, A&A, 18, 428) 1 file, total 36.3 Kbytes: Data (599x62) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 56 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3023B AN MK Classification for OB Stars (Lesh, J.R. 1968, ApJS, 17, 371) 2 files, total 15.9 Kbytes: Catalog (464x28); Remarks (41x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (141x80) 3025 BHN Abundances of Sodium, Magnesium and Calcium in K-Type Giant Stars. Table I (Peat, D.W. and Pemberton, A.C. 1968, MNRAS, 140, 21) 1 file, total 25.8 Kbytes: Data (331x80) 3026 CN Abundances of Sodium, Magnesium and Calcium in K-Type Giant Stars. Table II (Peat, D.W. and Pemberton, A.C. 1968, MNRAS, 140, 21) 1 file, total 9.45 Kbytes: Data (110x88) 3027 BN Scanner Abundance Studies II. Late G and K Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood, Table 5: Raw Data (Taylor, B.J. 1970, ApJS, 22, 177) Comment(s): 283 stars 1 file, total 74.8 Kbytes: Data (871x88) 3028 BN Scanner Abundance Studies II. Late G and K Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood, Table 5: Blocking Fractions (Taylor, B.J. 1970, ApJS, 22, 177) 1 file, total 26.6 Kbytes: Data (309x88) 3029B AGHN A Catalogue of H Gamma Measures of R. M. Petrie (Crampton, D., Leir, A.A., and Younger, F. 1973, Publ. Dom. Astrophys. Obs. 14, 151) 1 file, total 91.5 Kbytes: Catalog Data (1171x80) 3030A AGN A Catalogue of Stellar Rotational Velocities (Bernacca, P.L. and Perinotto, M. 1970-1973, Contrib. Oss. Asiago Nos. 239, 250, 294) Comment(s): original catalog is available on microfilm 1 file, total 460 Kbytes: catalog.dat (3099x152) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (211x80) 3031B ANOT Michigan Catalogue of 2-Dimensional Spectral Types for the HD Stars, Vol. 1 (Houk, N. and Cowley, A.P. 1975, U. Michigan) Comment(s): zones -89 to -53 degrees 3 files, total 5.12 Mbytes: Catalog Data (36382x107); Remarks (4636x315); List of Plate Codes (479x32) 2 Doc files: Original Documentation (936x126); ReadMe (88x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 57 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3033 BHN A Spectral Survey of the Southern Milky Way I (Sundman, A., Loden, L.O., and Nordstroem, B. 1974, A&AS, 16, 445) 1 file, total 235 Kbytes: Data (2969x81) 3034 BHN A Spectral Survey of the Southern Milky Way II (Nordstroem, B. 1975, A&AS, 21, 193) 1 file, total 44.4 Kbytes: Data (562x81) 3035 BHN A Spectral Survey of the Southern Milky Way III (Loden, L.O., et al. 1976, A&AS, 23, 283) 1 file, total 795 Kbytes: catalog (10176x80) 3036A AHNT A General Catalogue of Cool Carbon Stars (Stephenson, C.B. 1973, Publ. Warner & Swasey Obs. 1, No. 4) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 3156 1 file, total 390 Kbytes: Catalog Data (3219x124) 3039A ANOT Ultraviolet Bright Star Spectrophotometric Catalogue (Jamar, C., et al. 1976, ESA SR-27) 1 file, total 873 Kbytes: catalog (1356x659) 2 Doc files: ReadMe (119x80); adc.doc (733x80) 3040 CN A Uniform Edition of the Stockholm Southern Milky Way Survey (Andersen, J. 1977, A&AS, 29, 257) Comment(s): contains catalogs 3033, 3034, and 3035 3 files, total 1.12 Mbytes: Catalog I (2969x89); Catalog II (562x89); Catalog III (9728x89) 3042 AFHN Catalogue of Selected Spectral Types in the MK System (Jaschek, M. 1978, CDS Bull. No. 15, p. 121) 2 files, total 3.45 Mbytes: Data (30361x115); References (1029x120) 3043 BN Catalogue of Luminous Stars in the Southern Milky Way (Stephenson, C.B. and Sanduleak, N. 1971, Publ. Warner & Swasey Obs. 1, No. 1) Comment(s): see also Bischoff, M. 1978, CDS Bull. No. 14, p. 15 2 files, total 614 Kbytes: Catalog Data (5132x117); Remarks and Notes (357x80) 1 Doc file: Introduction (63x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 58 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3044 BN An Atlas of Stellar Spectra (Johnson, H.L. 1977, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrof. 2, 71; Johnson, H.L. 1977, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrof. 2, 219; Johnson, H.L. 1978, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrof. 2, 273; Johnson, H.L. 1978, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrof. 4, 3) Comment(s): Fourier transform spectra with Michelson interferometer; problems with identification of some spectra 1 file, total 3.9 Mbytes: The Atlas (55296x74) 1 Doc file: Introduction (116x80) 3045 ANS Infrared Spectra for 32 Stars (Johnson, H.L. and Mendez, M.E. 1970, AJ, 75, 785) 44 files, total 361 Kbytes: Spectrum of Alpha Lyrae (126x69); Spectrum of Alpha+Canis Majoris (133x69); Spectrum of Alpha Canis Majoris (133x69); Spectrum of Moon (sun) (126x69); Spectrum of Alpha Bootis (118x69); Spectrum of Gamma Draconis (100x69); Spectrum of Alpha Tauri (122x69); Spectrum of Alpha Tauri (122x69); Spectrum of Delta Ophiuchi (118x69); Spectrum of Beta Pegasi (134x69); Spectrum of Beta Pegasi (134x69); Spectrum of Eta Geminorum (98x69); Spectrum of Mu Geminorum (134x69); Spectrum of Rh Persei (138x69); Spectrum of R Lyrae+ (100x69); Spectrum of R Lyrae (134x69); Spectrum of R Lyrae (134x69); Spectrum of Eu Delphini (134x69); Spectrum of Omicron Ceti (118x69); Spectrum of Omicron Ceti (138x69); Spectrum of R Hydrae (98x69); Spectrum of R Cassiopeiae (138x69); Spectrum of R Leonis (117x69); Spectrum of Chi Cygni (118x69); Spectrum of Alpha Orionis (120x69); Spectrum of Alpha Orionis (133x69); Spectrum of Alpha Scorpii (100x69); Spectrum of Mu Cephei (99x69); Spectrum of Mu Cephei (134x69); Spectrum of Mu Cephei (133x69); Spectrum of Delta 2 Lyrae (99x69); Spectrum of Alpha Herculis (100x69); Spectrum of Alpha Herculis (134x69); Spectrum of VY Canis Majoris (134x69); Spectrum of UU Aurigae (115x69); Spectrum of W Orionis (127x69); Spectrum of Y Canum Vanaticorum (101x69); Spectrum of X Cancri (134x69); Spectrum of 19 Piscium (134x69); Spectrum of T Lyrae (133x69); Spectrum of T Lyrae (133x69); Spectrum of U Hydrae (98x69); Spectrum of Venus/moon 3-3 (134x69); Spectrum of Jupiter/moon 4-22 (97x69) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (142x80) 3046 BN Catalogue of Ap and Am Stars (Bertaud, Ch. and Floquet, M. 1974, A&AS, 16, 71; Bidelman, W.P. and MacConnell, D.J. 1973, AJ, 78, 687) 2 files, total 31.1 Kbytes: Am Stars (596x18); Ap Stars (1173x18) 3047B AJN Catalogue of Stellar Radial Velocities (Evans, D.S. 1967, IAU Symp. 30, 57) Comment(s): 0 - 20 hours RA only 1 file, total 871 Kbytes: catalog.dat (7823x114) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (287x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 59 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3048B AN Spectrophotometric Scans (Breger, M. 1976, ApJS, 32, 7) Comment(s): see catalog 3069 1 file, total 430 Kbytes: catalog.dat (937x470) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (95x80) 3049 AN White Dwarfs (Luyten, W.J. 1970, Univ. of Minnesota Press) Comment(s): prepared by G. Share, selected data only 1 file, total 237 Kbytes: catalog.dat (3035x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (44x80) 3051B ANOT Michigan Catalogue of 2-Dimensional Spectral Types for the HD Stars, Vol. 2 (Houk, N. 1978, U. Michigan) Comment(s): zones -52 to -40 degrees 3 files, total 5.23 Mbytes: Catalog Data (30400x127); References (4950x326); List of Plate Codes (353x36) 2 Doc files: Original Documentation (771x79); Readme (90x80) 3052 BN MK Spectral Classifications, 3rd General Catalogue (Buscombe, W. 1977, Northwestern Univ.) Comment(s): several hundred errors corrected at CDS (misalignments, wrong positions, etc.) 1 file, total 1.67 Mbytes: Catalog Data (21870x80) 1 Doc file: Introduction (39x80) 3053 BN Catalog of Stars Classified from the Ultraviolet Line Features of the S2/68 Experiment (Cucchiaro, A., Jaschek, M., and Jaschek, C. 1979, CDS Bull. No. 17, p. 93) 1 file, total 186 Kbytes: Data (1908x100) 3055 AN Radial Velocities in Open Clusters (Mermilliod, J.C. 1979, CDS Bull. No. 16, p. 2) 1 file, total 482 Kbytes: catalog (6177x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (78x80) 3058 BN A Catalogue of Chemical Elements Identified in Peculiar Stellar Spectra (Levato, H. and de Hernandez, E.B. 1979, CDS Bull. No. 16, p. 93) 3 files, total 203 Kbytes: Explanation (41x88); Data (1756x88); References (562x88) 3059 BN A Catalogue and Bibliography of Mn-Hg Stars (Schneider, H. 1981, CDS Bull. No. 20, p. 113) Comment(s): 127 stars 1 file, total 217 Kbytes: Data (1851x120) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 60 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3060 ANOT General Catalogue of S Stars (Stephenson, C.B. 1976, Publ. Warner & Swasey Obs. 2, No. 2) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 3168 1 file, total 145 Kbytes: Catalog Data (741x200) 1 Doc file: Documentation (728x80) 3063B ANO Revised Catalogue of Stellar Rotational Velocities (Uesugi, A. and Fukuda, I. 1982, Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University) Comment(s): documentation standardized at CDS, Sept 1995 2 files, total 508 Kbytes: catalog (6472x79); refs (109x80) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (114x80) 3064 BN Catalog of Blue Objects at High Galactic Latitudes (Berger, J. and Fringant, A.-M. 1977, A&AS, 28, 123; Berger, J. and Fringant, A.-M. 1980, A&AS, 39, 39) 1 file, total 736 Kbytes: Data (8566x88) 3067A ANOT Catalog of Be Stars (Jaschek, M. and Egret, D. 1982, IAU Symp. 98, "Be Stars", p. 261) Comment(s): CD-ROM version of data were modified by CDS in January 1995; the two data files have been merged into a single file; RA has been rewritten in a standard form (some values had format F4.1 in "RAm" column) 1 file, total 190 Kbytes: catalog (1159x168) 4 Doc files: adc.doc (583x79); adc.tex (497x80); adc.sty (68x78); ReadMe (87x80) 3068 BN A List of Early-Type Chemically Peculiar Stars (Egret, D. and Jaschek, M. 1981, Comptes Rendus Symp. Liege No. 23, p. 495) Comment(s): 3710 stars 1 file, total 669 Kbytes: Data (4896x140) 3069A BN A Catalogue of Stellar Spectrophotometric Data (Ardeberg, A. and Virdefors, B. 1980, A&AS, 40, 307) Comment(s): format follows Breger Catalog 3048B and extends it; 356 stars; we are aware that there are substantial amount of data missing 1 file, total 146 Kbytes: main (398x376) 1 Doc file: Intro (90x80) 3073 BN Cool Carbon Stars Found with the Baldone Schmidt Telescope (Alksne, Z. and Alksnis, A. 1980, Radioastrophys. Obs., Latvian Acad. Sci, Riga) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 3140 3 files, total 35.4 Kbytes: Introduction (31x128); Data (219x128); References (33x128) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 61 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3074 BN Faint Blue Stars in the Region near the South Galactic Pole (Haro, G. and Luyten, W.J. 1962, Bol. Tonantzintla y Tacubaya 22, 37) 1 file, total 410 Kbytes: Data (8746x48) 3075 BN MK Classification for HD Stars in the 25 Degree < Dec < 30 Degree Zone (Jensen, K.S. 1983) 1 file, total 47 Kbytes: Data (1003x48) 3076 ANOT Luminous Stars in the Northern Milky Way (Hardorp, J., et al. 1959, Vol. I. (Hamburg-Bergedorf); Stock, J., Nassau, J.J., and Stephenson, C.B. 1960, Vol. II. (Hamburg-Bergedorf); Hardorp, J., Theile, I., and Voigt, H.H. 1964, Vol. III. (Hamburg-Bergedorf); Nassau, J.J. and Stephenson, C.B. 1963, Vol. IV. (Hamburg-Bergedorf); Hardorp, J., Theile, I., and Voigt, H.H. 1965, Vol. V. (Hamburg-Bergedorf); Nassau, J.J., Stephenson, C.B., and MacConnell, D.J. 1965, Vol. VI. (Hamburg-Bergedorf)) 3 files, total 1.1 Mbytes: Volume Order (7390x77); RA Order (7390x77); Notes (167x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (504x80) 3077 ANT A Catalog of 0.2-A Resolution Far-Ultraviolet Stellar Spectra Measured with Copernicus (Snow Jr., T.P. and Jenkins, E.B. 1977, ApJS, 33, 269) Comment(s): 60 stars 1 file, total 1.04 Mbytes: Catalog Data (9060x120) 1 Doc file: Documentation (327x79) 3078 AFNOT MK Classification Extension (Morris-Kennedy, P. 1983, Mt. Stromlo Obs.) 2 files, total 2.78 Mbytes: Catalog Data (35997x80); References (416x80) 1 Doc file: Documentation (504x79) 3079A AN A Photometric Atlas of the Spectrum of Gamma Tauri 5186-8700 A (Applequist, L., et al. 1983, A&AS, 52, 237) 10 files, total 6.26 Mbytes: 5185-6005 A (5219x76); 6000-7004 A (6470x76); 6999-8004 A (6514x76); 7999-8700 A (4621x76); 5185-8700 A (22725x76); 5185-6005 A (5219x68); 6000-7004 A (6470x68); 6999-8004 A (6514x68); 7999-8700 A (4621x68); 5185-8700 A (22725x68) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (75x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 62 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3080 ANOT Michigan Catalogue of 2-Dimensional Spectral Types for the HD Stars, Vol. 3 (Houk, N. 1982, U. Michigan) Comment(s): zones -40 to -26 degrees 3 files, total 4.86 Mbytes: Catalog Data (30314x127); Notes (4837x255); List of Plates (418x41) 2 Doc files: Original Documentation (866x74); ReadMe (87x80) 3083 ANO IUE Low-Dispersion Spectra Reference Atlas. I. Normal Stars (Heck, A., et al. 1984, ESA SP-1052) Comment(s): see also A&AS, 57, 213, 1984/the original file has been transformed to alloweasier computer reading/CD-ROM contains original file 1 file, total 2.24 Mbytes: Calibrated fluxes (229x10270) 1 Doc file: Introduction (38x80) 3084B AN Catalogue of Galactic O Stars (Cruz-Gonzalez, C., et al. 1974, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrof. 1, 211) 2 files, total 106 Kbytes: Catalog Data (664x144); Notes (173x72) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (237x80) 3085 AHNT Sixth Catalogue of Galactic Wolf-Rayet Stars (van der Hucht, K.A., et al. 1981, Space Science Rev. 28, 227) 3 files, total 87.5 Kbytes: Table 8 (159x310); Table 9 (45x166); Remarks (143x230) 3086 AHNT Catalog of Far-Ultraviolet Objective-Prism Spectrophotometry: Skylab Experiment S-019, Ultraviolet Stellar Astronomy (Henize, K.G., et al. 1979, NASA Ref. Publ. 1031) 2 files, total 2.57 Mbytes: Data (494x5354); Exposure Data (469x100) 3087 D Discoveries on Southern, Red-Sensitive Objective-Prism Plates III: New Stars Having H-Alpha in Emission (MacConnell, D.J. 1981, A&AS, 44, 387) Comment(s): catalog of 771 newly discovered emission stars 3088 ANT Stellar Spectrophotometric Atlas 3130-10800 A (Gunn, J.E. and Stryker, L.L. 1983, ApJS, 52, 121) Comment(s): minor adjustment made at CDS in June 1994; previous version on ADC CD-ROM, Vol. 1 1 file, total 1.9 Mbytes: Catalog Data (11360x175) 2 Doc files: Introduction (115x80); Documentation (504x78) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 63 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3089 ANOT A Catalog of Stellar Spectrophotometry (Adelman, S.J., et al. 1989, A&AS, 81, 221) Comment(s): data based on Hayes-Latham calibration of Vega 1 file, total 649 Kbytes: catalog (9492x70) 3 Doc files: adc.doc (339x79); adc.tex (358x80); adc.sty (68x78) 3090 AGHNT Rotational Velocities (Boyarchuk, A.A. and Kopylov, I.M. 1964, Publ. Crimean Astrophys. Obs. 31, 44) Comment(s): tape prepared by Nagy and Sawyer 1979, ADC/GSFC 1 file, total 267 Kbytes: Data (2559x107) 3092 ANOT A Library of Stellar Spectra (Jacoby, G.H., Hunter, D.A., and Christian, C.A. 1984, ApJS, 56, 257) Comment(s): original file as described in the paper (also described in the original documentation) are contained on CD-ROM 1 file, total 4.32 Mbytes: Catalog Data (161x28150) 1 Doc file: Introduction/448 79 Original Documentation (73x80) 3093 J A Catalog of Radial Velocities in the Large Magellanic Cloud (Feitzinger, J.V. and Weiss, G. 1979, A&AS, 37, 575) 3095 BHN The Interstellar 2200 A Band: A Catalogue of Equivalent Widths (Guertler, J., et al. 1982, Astron. Nachr. 303, 105; Friedemann, C., et al. 1983, Astron. Nachr. 304, 237) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 3164 1 file, total 41.5 Kbytes: Catalog Data (709x60) 3096A ANOT A Catalogue of [Fe/H] Determinations, 1984 Edition (Cayrel de Strobel, G., et al. 1985, A&AS, 59, 145) Comment(s): [Fe/H] determinations for 1035 stars; superseded by catalog 3165 5 files, total 285 Kbytes: hdstars (1514x125); dmstars (58x130); clusters (349x130); disp (432x30); refs (466x78) 3 Doc files: adc.doc (590x79); adc.tex (525x80); adc.sty (68x78) 3097A AN Bibliography of Individual Radial Velocities for Stars in Open Clusters. II. NGC and IC Clusters (Mermilliod, J.C. 1984, CDS Bull. No. 26, p. 9) 2 files, total 514 Kbytes: RV Data (6504x80); Numbering Sys Refs (81x74) 1 Doc file: Introduction (60x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 64 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3101 D Radial-Velocity and Position Catalogue from Objective-Prism Plates (Stock, J. 1983, Merida, Venezuela) Comment(s): see Stock, J. 1984, Rev. Mex. Astron. Astrof., 9, 77 1 file: (10053) records 3105 AHNT Radial Velocities of Southern Stars Obtained with the Photoelectric Scanner CORAVEL. III. 790 Late-Type Bright Stars (Andersen, J., et al. 1985, A&AS, 59, 15) 3 files, total 173 Kbytes: Mean Velocities (790x70); Observations (2384x45); Remarks (248x60) 3106 BHN Visual Multiples. VII. MK Classifications (Abt, H.A. 1981, ApJS, 45, 437) 1 file, total 96.2 Kbytes: Data (864x114) 3107 BHN Third Catalog of Am Stars with Known Spectral Types (Hauck, B. 1986, A&AS, 64, 21-23) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 3163 2 files, total 270 Kbytes: Catalog Data (2249x120); References (80x80) 3109 D Spectrophotometry of Nova Cygni 1975 (Ferland, G.J., Lambert, D.L., and Woodman, J.H. 1986, ApJS, 60, 375) 1 file: Data (9518) 3110 ANOU Catalogue, Spectrum and Magnitude Data Bank of Be, Bp and Bpe Stars (Page, A.A. 1984, Mt. Tamborine Obs.) 3 files, total 3.39 Mbytes: Print File (20460x132); Data (6118x120); References (997x120) 3111 BHN Studies of the Large Magellanic Cloud Stellar Content III. Spectral Types and V Magnitudes of 1822 Members (Rousseau, J., et al. 1978, A&AS, 31, 243) 1 file, total 200 Kbytes: Data (1827x112) 3112 BHN Catalogue of Spectral and Luminosity Classes of 10395 Stars in Kapteyn Areas NN 2 - 43 (Bartaya, R.A. 1979, Bull. Abastumani Astrophys. Obs. No. 51) 2 files, total 1.1 Mbytes: Data (10395x110); Comments (97x50) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 65 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3113 AN A Deep Objective-Prism Survey for Large Magellanic Cloud Members (Sanduleak, N. 1969, Contr. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Obs., No. 89) Comment(s): version 1987 1 file, total 114 Kbytes: data.dat (1273x92) 1 Doc file: adc.doc (816x79) 3114 AHNT Spectra of Late-Type Standard Stars in the Region 2.0-2.5 Microns (Kleinmann, S.G. and Hall, D.N.B. 1986, ApJS, 62, 501) 1 file, total 1.63 Mbytes: Data (21424x80) 3115 ANO IUE Atlas of O-Type Stellar Spectra from 1200 to 1900 Angstroms (Walborn, N.R., Nichols-Bohlin, J., and Panek, R.J. 1985, NASA Ref. Publ. 1155) 3 files, total 6.26 Mbytes: spectra.dat (80800x80); splices.dat (1313x74); stars.dat (101x79) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (182x80) 3116 ANO Spectrophotometric Standards (Massey, P., et al. 1988, ApJ, 328, 315) Comment(s): 25 stars; documentation standardized; individual files have been recreated to allow standard conversions into FITS of each spectrum, CDS 11-Sept-1995 28 files, total 1.91 Mbytes: spectra (4468x105); table1 (25x88); sp01.dat (2556x16); sp02.dat (2718x16); sp03.dat (2556x16); sp04.dat (2729x16); sp05.dat (2730x16); sp06.dat (2525x16); sp07.dat (2526x16); sp08.dat (3054x16); sp09.dat (2515x16); sp010.dat (3053x16); sp011.dat (3461x16); sp012.dat (2931x16); sp013.dat (2516x16); sp014.dat (2533x16); sp015.dat (2533x16); sp016.dat (2533x16); sp017.dat (3345x16); sp018.dat (1863x16); sp019.dat (2433x16); sp020.dat (2433x16); sp021.dat (2434x16); sp022.dat (2434x16); sp023.dat (3209x16); sp024.dat (2433x16); sp025.dat (2419x16); spectra (4468x105) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (167x80) 3117 BN Close Visual Binaries. I. MK Classifications (Corbally, C.J. 1984, ApJS, 55, 657) 2 files, total 94.8 Kbytes: Tables 1A and 1B (459x103); Notes to Tables (691x72) 1 Doc file: Introduction (102x80) 3118 BN Catalogue Bibliographique de Vitesses Radiales Stellaires (Barbier-Brossat, M. and Petit, M. 1987) Comment(s): superseded by catalog 3160 1 file, total 1.35 Mbytes: catalog (11523x123) 1 Doc file: desc (157x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 66 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3119 BHN G. P. Kuiper's Spectral Classifications of Proper-Motion Stars (Bidelman, W.P. 1985, ApJS, 59, 197) 2 files, total 249 Kbytes: LTT Stars (3056x80); Additional Stars (116x88) 3120 BHN Catalogue of Stars with Ca II H and K Emissions (Glebocki, R., Musielak, G., and Stawikowski, A. 1980, Acta Astron. 30, 453) 1 file, total 115 Kbytes: Data (1846x64) 3121 BN Catalogue of Stellar Abundances (Marecki, A., Strobel, J., and Strobel, A. 1986, Osservatorio Astronomico di Torrino) 1 file, total 1.26 Mbytes: Catalog Data (16716x79) 1 Doc file: Introduction (63x80) 3122 BHN The Interstellar 217-nm Band: A Third Catalogue of Equivalent Widths (Friedemann, C. and Roder, U.K. 1987, Astron. Nach. 308, 41) 1 file, total 40.9 Kbytes: Data (790x53) 3123 BHN Dwarf K and M Stars of Small Proper Motion Found in a Large Spectroscopic Survey (Stephenson, C.B. 1986, AJ, 91, 144-158) 1 file, total 193 Kbytes: Data (2201x90) 3124 BN Spectrophotometry of Bright F-, G-, K-, and M-Type Stars. I. Measurements of 60 Southern and Equatorial Stars (Kiehling, F. 1987, A&AS, 69, 465-485) 2 files, total 234 Kbytes: spectra (561x424); 60 stars (60x39) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (109x80) 3125 BN Catalogue of Metal-Deficient F-M Stars. Part I. Stars Classified Spectroscopically. Supplement 1 (Bartkevicius, A. 1986, Vilniaus Astron. Obs. Bull. No. 74, pp. 55-57) 5 files, total 166 Kbytes: data.dat (289x456); notes.dat (136x80); ref.dat (49x80); srccats.dat (209x80); numsys.dat (88x80) 1 Doc file: desc (129x80) 3126 BN Stellar Spectrophotometric Catalogue (Burnashev, V.I. 1985, Abastumanskaya Astrofiz. Obs. Bull. No. 59, 83) Comment(s): 1588 objects 3 files, total 9.68 Mbytes: data1.dat (1687x2088); data2.dat (651x2688); data3.dat (2338x2088) 3 Doc files: intro1.doc (50x80); intro2.doc (8x80); intro3.doc (8x80) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 67 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3127 AN Radial Velocities of Bright Southern Stars. I, II, IV (Andersen, J. and Nordstroem, B. 1983, A&AS, 52, 471; Andersen, J. and Nordstroem, B. 1983, A&AS, 52, 479; Nordstroem, B. and Andersen, J. 1985, A&AS, 61, 53) 3 files, total 266 Kbytes: Mean Radial Vels (743x82); Observations (2319x76); Notes (502x70) 1 Doc file: Introduction (152x80) 3129 ANOT A Catalog of Spectroscopically Identified White Dwarfs, 3rd Edition (McCook, G.P. and Sion, E.M. 1987, ApJS, 65, 603) Comment(s): error corrected in the proper motion of WD 0913+103, previous version contained on ADC CD-ROM, Vol. 1 4 files, total 568 Kbytes: main (2420x188); notes (200x80); names (2809x30); refs (324x80) 5 Doc files: intro.doc (501x80); adc.doc (613x79); adc.tex (602x79); adc.sty (68x78); ReadMe (143x80) 3130 BN Atlas of the Wavelength Dependence of Ultraviolet Extinction in the Galaxy (Aiello, S., et al. 1988, A&AS, 73, 195-208) 1 file, total 165 Kbytes: data.dat (2116x80) 1 Doc file: desc (146x80) 3131 BN A Critical Catalogue of Spectroscopic Stellar Abundance Analyses (Koeppen, J. 1988, CDS Bull. No. 34, p. 143) 7 files, total 2.15 Mbytes: hdstars.dat (17205x72); dmstars.dat (751x72); cluster.dat (2085x72); otherstr.dat (90x72); Indxlst1.dat (4864x72); indxlst2.dat (2646x72); software.dat (3733x72) 1 Doc file: intro.doc (735x72) 3132 D New Galactic Carbon Stars Found on Southern, Near-Infrared Spectrum Plates (MacConnell, D.J. 1988, AJ, 96, 354) 3133 ANOT Michigan Catalogue of 2-Dimensional Spectral Types for the HD Stars, Vol. 4 (Zones -25 to -12 Degrees) (Houk, N. and Smith-Moore, M. 1988, Univ. Michigan) 3 files, total 5.89 Mbytes: Catalog Data (33301x127); Notes (5143x375); Summary of Plates (505x32) 2 Doc files: Original Documentation (961x79); Readme (82x80) 3134 AHNT Radial Velocities of Bright Southern Stars. V. 146 Population II F Stars and Related Objects (Andersen, J. and Nordstroem, B. 1985, A&AS, 62, 355-363) 2 files, total 14.9 Kbytes: Observations (160x65); Remarks (75x65) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 68 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3135 AN Henry Draper Catalogue and Extension 1 (HD,HDE) (Cannon, A.J. and Pickering, E.C. 1918-1924, Harv. Ann. 91-99; Cannon, A.J. 1924-1936, Harv. Ann. 100 [HDE1]) Comment(s): machine version ADC 1989; modifications made by CDS in October 1993; previous version is on the ADC CD-ROM, Vol. 1 1 file, total 12.4 Mbytes: Catalog Data (272150x48) 2 Doc files: Introduction (89x80); Documentation (840x80) 3136 AHNT An Atlas of Optical Spectrophotometry of Wolf-Rayet Carbon and Oxygen Stars (Torres, A.V. and Massey, P. 1987, ApJS, 65, 459) 1 file, total 2.88 Mbytes: Data (21535x140) 3137 D A Catalogue of Spectroscopically Identified Hot Subdwarf Stars (Kilkenny, D., Heber, U., and Drilling, J.S. 1988, SAAO Circular No. 12) 3138 AN The Henry Draper Extension (Cannon, A.J. and Walton Mayall, M. 1949, Harv. Ann. 112) Comment(s): machine version ADC 1989 1 file, total 849 Kbytes: Data (86933x10) 3139A AN A Compendium of Equivalent Width Measures (Luck, R.E. 1990, Case Western Reserve Univ.) Comment(s): version 1990 September 15 files, total 1.8 Mbytes: Program (127x80); Supergiant 1 (795x149); Supergiant 2 (281x197); Supergiant 3 (538x197); Supergiant 4 (1060x335); Supergiant 5 (447x167); Supergiant 6 (960x101); Supergiant 7 (463x191); Supergiant 8 (1064x101); Supergiant 9 (1987x107); Metal Def 1 (340x101); Metal Def 2 (1587x257); CH Star 1 (581x77); CH Star 2 (453x65); GK Star 1 (677x215) 1 Doc file: desc (337x80) 3140 BN Cool Carbon Stars Found with the Baldone Schmidt Telescope (Alksne, Z., et al. 1987, Radioastrophys. Obs., Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga) Comment(s): supersedes catalog 3073; 318 stars 2 files, total 37.7 Kbytes: data (318x109); refs (64x62) 1 Doc file: intro (73x62) 3141 BHN Rates of Mass Loss (de Jager, C., Nieuwenhuitzen, H., and van der Hucht, K.A. 1988, A&AS, 72, 259) 1 file, total 8.56 Kbytes: Data (274x32) Status Report on Machine Readable Astronomical Catalogs Page 69 III. Spectroscopic Data 27 November 95 ADC# Status Catalog 3143 AHNT Spectrophotometry of Wolf-Rayet Stars (Torres-Dodgen, A.V. and Massey, P. 1988, AJ, 96, 1076) 1 file, total 2.49 Mbytes: Data (32611x80) 3144 AN New Subdwarfs. V. Radial Velocities for 889 High-Proper-Motion Stars Measured with the Mount Wilson 100-Inch Reflector (Fouts, G. and Sandage, A. 1986, AJ, 91, 1189) 1 file, total 89.2 Kbytes: Catalog Data (878x104) 1 Doc file: ReadMe (165x80) 3145 D U,V,W Velocity Components for the Old Disk Using Radial Velocities of 1295 Stars in the Three Cardinal Galactic Directions (Sandage, A. and Fouts, G. 1987, AJ, 93, 592) 3146 BNU Classifications of IRAS Point Sources having 12-micron Flux >
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