Submission by the Administration of Germany on the application of Article 48 of the itu constitution to the recorded frequency assignments to the insat-2(48), insat-2M(48), insat-2T(48), and insat-ek48R satellite networks at 48ºE
Submission by the Administration of Germany on the application of Article 48 of the ITU Constitution
to the recorded frequency assignments to
the INSAT-2(48), INSAT-2M(48), INSAT-2T(48), and
INSAT-EK48R satellite networks at 48ºE
The attached submission from the Administration of Germany regarding the status of the frequency assignments to the INSAT-2(48), INSAT-2M(48), INSAT-2T(48), and INSAT-EK48R satellite networks, which complements the information contained in Documents RRB18-2/10and RRB18-2/11, is for the consideration of the Radio Regulations Board.