MAGIC has discovered 10 new VHE -ray sources (7 extragalactic + 3 galactic)
New populations unveiled (radio-quasar, micro-quasar)
Farthest ever observed object at these energies (z = 0.54)
GRBs observed (not detected) during the prompt emission
Big flares used to test Lorentz invariance
So far, we have published ~30 papers and many more are in the pipeline
Raw data volume
Data flow
MAGIC/PIC Data center
Trends foreseen for 2008
Adopt Grid to allow MAGIC users to do better science
“If it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”
Leverage worldwide mutual trust agreement for Grid certificates to simplify user ID management for:
Interactive login (ssh → gsi-ssh or equivalent)
Casual file transfer (https via Apache+mod_gridsite or gridftp)
Move to batch submission via Grid tools in order to unify CPU accounting with LHC
Setup the Grid utility “reliable File Transfer Service” to automate file distribution between MAGIC Datacenter @ PIC and sites which regularly subscribe many datasets
PIC/IFAE will have specific resources to help with this, partially thanks to funding from the EGEE-III project
Integrate into the procedure for opening an account in the Datacenter the additional steps for a user to get a Grid certificate and to be included as member of the MAGIC VO.
Monte Carlo simulation
The recorded data are mainly background events due to charged cosmic rays (CR)
Background rejection needs large samples of Monte Carlo simulated -ray and CR showers
Very CPU consuming (1 night of background > 106 computer days )
Access to simulated samples, MC production coordination, scalability (MAGIC II, CTA...)
GRID can help with these issues
Status MC production
Last data challenge (from September 2005) produced ~15000 simulated -ray showers, ~4% failures
After that H. Kornmayer left the project, has been stalled since.
New crew taking over the VO (UCM Madrid + INSA + Dortmund).
Plan to start producing MC for MAGIC-II soon
Virtual observatory
MAGIC scientific program requires large computing power and storage capacity
Data center at PIC/IFAE (Barcelona) is up and start official operation in September 2008 with MAGIC-II
Massive MC production for MAGIC-II will involve GRID
(Some) Data will be release through virtual observatory
Good benchmark for other astro-particle present and future projects