99. A successful implementation of SLM technologies involves both science and policy (Schneider, 1989). Increasing farm income is important to improving the adoption of SLM practices. Paying farmers for ecosystem services may create the much needed income stream to support households in adopting SLM. Among numerous ecosystem services that adoption of SLM technology can enhance is the soil C sequestration to offset fossil fuel emissions. Therefore, it is important that soil C be made a commodity that can be traded as any other farm produce. The societal value of soil C as a commodity must be based on ecosystem services that it enhances for the benefit of humanity. These ecosystem services include: (i) off-setting anthropogenic emissions due to fossil fuel combustion, (ii) reduction in erosion and sedimentation, (iii) decline in risks of hypoxia of coastal ecosystems, (iv) increase in biodiversity, and (v) savings in land for nature conservancy by enabling continuous farming on the same land, reducing encroachment pressure, and enhancing/sustaining agronomic production over a longer-time horizon.