We estimated the costs for the following industrial processes: cement production (p. 27); production of chemical raw materials (p. 37); aluminium production (p. 43); iron/steel/ferro-alloys (p. 43), and oil refining (p. 40). The measures investigated include different ways of converting to bio-energy, process optimalization, as well as abatement, which also includes CCS. The following sources were used to estimate abatement costs: SFT (2007) and SINTEF (2009); SFT (2009); TELTEK (2009); and KLIMAKUR2020 (2010). These measures include adopting other forms of energy, improving energy efficiency and carbon capture and storage (CCS), purification of emissions other than CO2 and process optimalization.
If we arrange the measures by cost annuities and position them in an (X-Y) diagram where accumulated emission reductions are plotted along the X axis and marginal costs (of the latest measure) along the Y axis, we can estimate an equation which conforms as well as possible to our point estimates. The method gives us the following curve for the process industry as a whole: