Author: Navidia García Rodríguez
October, 2009
Abstract The following work of degree has as general objective which is “Show factors to optimize the quality of aging through cognitions in western societies”. Based on modality of supported compilation with the format of documental investigation in a descriptive way. Aging worries from 20th century, when life expectations increase in fact life expectations are actually over 75 years. For 2025 it’s expected that this layer will be 20th % superior of total population. This situation makes consider, what to do with major people by virtue of rooted social preconceptions , they are consider like careless people who don’t contribute with society, in fact in their familiar environment they are consider like that, causing a behavioral deficit in social integration, mechanism of self caring which makes people put them away. To minimize this reality they present the beginning of the cognitive, positive psychology and those of the neuroscience on the neuroplasticy of the brain. In order to use these tools to optimize the quality of aging. Which implies showing stages of the evolutionary development of the adult, for contextualizar to this person in study, the theoretical bases that explain the aging and factors that should suggest well-being and quality for an active aging? Conclusion is highlighted, aging is a natural process that does not impose loss of cognitive powers is the social culture which gave him (her) a negative image. The neuroscience has demonstrated, a due stimulation of the brain and a wealth-producing environment they will allow an ideal aging. It, it(he, she) imposes responsibility on all the actors of the society in modifying the irrational beliefs on the major adult. And to educate on since (as, like) aging in fullness, adopting bosses of optimism and of family and social participation.