The 16th Annual McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference: Researching New Frontiers
The Conference Program and Collection of Short Summaries
August 1st - 5th , 2013
McGill University
Montréal, Canada
Thursday, August 1st
Friday, August 2nd
The Doctoral Colloquium
sponsored by ie-Scholars and Mcgill University
Symposium on
“The Successful Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Firms”
Light Breakfast
Welcome and brief introduction to the field of International Entrepreneurship
Seminar on Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), Part I
Professor Jamshid Etezadi (Concordia University)
How Does a so-called “Traditional Industry” Compete and Succeed in Today’s Changing Global Environment?
Mr. Elliot Lifson (Peerless Clothing)
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
Seminar on Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), Part II
Professor Jamshid Etezadi (Concordia University)
SMEs and Entrepreneurs Going Global; a Canadian Perspective
Mr. Benoit Daignault (EDC)
Seminar on Academic and Formal Writing, Part I
Professor Doreen Starke-Meyerring (McGill University)
The Path of International Growth of iCongo and Hybris to Partnership with SAP
Mr. Steven Kramer (Hybris)
Coffee Break
Short Coffee Break
Seminar on Academic and Formal Writing, Part II
Professor Doreen Starke-Meyerring (McGill University)
We are smarter than me: QG 100 CEO’s Network
Mr. Alain Dudoit (QG 100 CEO’s Network)
Colloquium Dinner
Open discussion and closing remarks
Seven Round Table Discussion on Friday, August 2nd
Joining the Opening Reception of the Conference
Saturday, August 3rd
Light Breakfast 8:00-8:30am
Session 1 8:30-10:15am
Session 1A: The Role of Network as Social Capitol for International Entrepreneurship
The Role of Business Incubators in International Entrepreneurship
Sören Kock
Learning Orientation and Network Competence in Growth of International SMEs
Lasse Torkkeli, Olli Kuivalainen, Sami Saarenketo, Kaisu Puumalainen
Born Globals, Networks and Management
Ingemar Wictor
Session 1B: The Role of ICT in Internationalisation and Creative Industries
An Integrated Framework for Understanding the Phenomenon of eINVs
Becky Reuber, Eileen Fischer, Anna Morgan-Thomas
The Internationalization of Creative Industries: The Experience of Cultural Festivals
Hamed Motaghi, Hamid Etemad
Entrepreneurial Types and International Growth of Internet-based Creative Industry SMEs
M. Iivari-Sóna
Coffee Break 10:15-10:30am
Session 2 10:30am-12:15pm
Session 2A: Women in International Entrepreneurship
International Entrepreneurship in Tourism Industry: Women Perspective in Tanzania
Shogo Mlozi, Sören Kock
Female Entrepreneurship, Internationalization and Trade Liberalization: The Case of Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey
Leyla Sarfaraz, Sarfraz Mian, Emine Esra Karadeniz
Women Entrepreneurs in the Middle East: A Multi-Level Institutional Lens
Rabia Naguib
Session 2B: Factors of Success and Failure in the Internationalization of Smaller Firms
Regional Impacts and Alignment between Very Small Enterprises and Business Support Providers: An International Comparison between France and Quebec Using a Mixed Research Approach
L. Martin Cloutier, Sandrine Cueille, Gilles Recasens
Resources and Capabilities in Rural Entrepreneurship: The Case of a Rural Microbusiness
Jose G. Vargas Hernández
A Model for Identifying Critical Success Factors of Information Technology Outsourcing for the Internationalization of Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs)
Maryam Khaleghy Baygy, Mohammad Ehsan HajSmadi
Lunch 12:15-1:30pm
Saturday, August 3rd (cont’d…)
Session 3 1:30-3:15pm
Session 3A: Internationalization in Emerging Markets
Internationalization Strategies of SMEs from Emerging Countries: A Study of Market and Entry Strategies of Vietnamese SMEs
Huu Le Nguyen, Sören Kock
International Entrepreneurs in the UAE-Decent Work and Multicultural Perspectives
Asadullah Khan, Maqsood Sandhu
International Entrepreneurship in Latin-America: Analysis of the Country of Origin and its Effect on Internationalization Dynamics
Christian Felzensztein, Gabriel Parra
Session 3B: Dynamics of Entrepreneurship and Internationalization
International Joint Venturing as a Process of Integrating Business Model
Maqsood Sandhu, Petri Ahokangas
An Investigation into Novice and Serial Entrepreneurs’ Motives and Perceived Competitiveness in Overseas Markets
Dave Crick
International Dynamics of Migrations and Entrepreneurship Development: A Comparative Analysis Between Canada, Switzerland and Senegal
Alpha Ayande
Coffee Break 3:15-3:30pm
Session 4 3:30-5:15pm
Session 4A: The Role of Resource Allocation in Internationalization
Taking the Engineering Path to Business Leadership and Entrepreneurial Success in Canada and USA
Emeric Solymossy, Andrew Gross
Resource Allocation Decisions for the Internationalization of Small-Sized Manufacturing Firms
Adeoye Adegorite
Firms’ use of Networks to get Access to Resources for Internationalization
Svante Andersson, Janina Sundermeier
Session 4B: Innovation and Internationalization Strategies
The First Export Order: A Marketing Innovation Revisited
Dave Crick
Internationalization Strategy, Firm Resources and the Survival of SMEs in the Export Market
Sui Sui, Matthias Baum
History Matters: The International Expansion of Mature Entrepreneurial Firms in the Brazilian Software Industry
Angela da Rocha, Sylvia Moraes, Renato Cotta de Mello
Sunday, August 4th
Light Breakfast 8:00-8:30am
Session 5 8:30-10:15am
Session 5A: Innovative Processes in Internationalization
The Role of Openness in Internationalization
M. Iivari-Sóna
Consumers as International Financiers: Putting Your Money Where Your Mouse is, the Case of Rapid Internationalization and Rewards Based Crowdfunding
Loane, S., Bradley, L.M., Ibbotsen, P.G & E. Ramsey
Born Global’s use of Innovative Solutions to Create Sustainable Competitive Advantages as it Expands and Grows in Different International Markets
Svante Andersson, Gabriel Awuah, Ingemar Wictor
Session 5B: The Role of Knowledge in Internationalization
Knowledge-Intensive High-Growth Firms
Adeoye Adegorite, Rod McNaughton, Hamid Etemad
How Transnational Bioscience Entrepreneurs Create Born-Global Firms
Jonathan Ying
How Does a Born Global Firm Transfer and Absorb Knowledge in its Internal Nexus of Relations?
Jan-Tore Oian, Olli Kuivalainen
Coffee Break 10:15-10:30am
Session 6 10:30am-12:15pm
Session 6A: Networking, Internationalization and Processes
Regional Gradualism on Internationalization Process of INV: A Social Capital View
Luis Zárate
The Role of Personal and Business Networks in the Context of Born Global Firms
Navid Ghannad, Sebastian Huber, Erik Kaplar, Sarah-Jane Schlegel & Kostantin Valassis
Networking for Internationalization of Canadian Natural Health Products SMEs
Valerie A. Bell, Sarah Y. Cooper
Relational Ties and SME Internationalization: Evidence from Russia
Natalya Totskaya
Session 6B: The Longer-Term Comparative and Integration Perspectives on Internationalization
The Anatomy of a High-growth Life Cycle: The Case of TLC from Inception to Insolvency
Hamid Etemad
Organizational Practices and Dynamic Capabilities of International New Ventures: Evidence from Sweden 2000-2009
Jan Abrahamsson, Håkan Boter, Vladimir Vanyushyn
An Integrated Model for Identifying Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors of International Entrepreneurial Orientation
Maryam Khaleghy Baygy, Amir Reza Barjasteh
Lunch 12:15-1:30pm
Sunday, August 4th (cont’d…)
Session 7 1:30-3:15pm
Session 7A: Dynamic, Integrative and Managerial Aspects of Internationalization
The Development of Dynamic Managerial Capabilities and their Influence of Rapid International Growth
Svante Andersson, Natasha Evers
Integrating Entrepreneurial Values and Theory of Planned Behavior
Kim Hoe Looi
Who Benefits from Investment in Universities? Institutions, University Spillovers, and Firm Performance
Kenny Ching
Session 7B: The Emerging Patterns of Internationalization
The Patterns of Internationalization in Smaller Entrepreneurial Firms in Emerging Markets: The Case of Brazil, India and Russia
Edgar Bellow
Migration and Social Capital: How do Diaspora Entrepreneurs Succeed when they Become “Returnees”?