JCTVC-B003 [F. Bossen, P. Chen, D. Flynn, H. Schwarz, K. Ugur (chairs)] AHG report: Software development and TMuC software technical evaluation
This document reported the activities of the ad hoc group on TMuC software development. Substantial progress had been achieved with respect to the defined mandates: a common base software was identified and further developed according to defined priorities. The software was made available to JCT-VC members through public SVN repositories and limited experiments were conducted with it. This report further set forth recommendations to the JCT-VC for future software development activities.
During the presentation of the report, the following issues were raised and discussed:
Some tools described in the TMuC document had not been not fully integrated yet.
Tools that were classified as "lower priority" at the last meeting had not been not integrated yet.
C versus C++: The majority of experts were asserted to prefer C code or C++ in C style (i.e., restricted use of C++ features).
The software documentation must be significantly improved.
The tools that are integrated are generally not well tested yet.
It will be necessary to establish coding guidelines.
TMuC text & software are lacking alignment in various respects. It was suggested that “software should take the lead” in the current situation. However, no conclusion on this was reached (except that it is necessary to check everything carefully).
Software copyright issues need further clarification with the parent bodies.