The Key of Peace

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The Key of Peace

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, if you look at the world today you will find that the whole world is restless. Every country, community, family, and individual person is in need of peace. Those who are seeking peace in the right way are trying their best to make their life and those around them as peaceful as they can. However, not everybody has the same idea. Many people sadly think that they can find peace in music, movies, alcohol, night clubs, food, travel, wealth and children; things of this dunya. The fact is that while seeking to bring peace by involving themselves with these activities, they become even more restless than before.

The question is, “How will they get peace“? Let’s ask this question with the book of Allah (swt); the Holy Qu’ran as our guide. Allah (swt) says: “ALA BIZIKRILLAHI TAT’MAIN-NU QULOOB“, which means: “Behold! In the Remembrance of Allah, do hearts find satisfaction “. This ayah of Qu’ran indicates that the remembrance of Allah (swt) is sustaining food for the heart and soul. The majority of people of this world seek rest and peace in the things of the dunya. The result is their neglect of the things of the Akhira and Allah (swt). The only effect being a stronger feeling of restlessness and not what they are seeking.

Allah (swt) says in Holy Qu’ran: “FAZKUROONI AZKURUKUM“, ‘Remember me, I will remember you’. This is more than fact that when Allah (swt) the creator will remember you, HE will not leave you (restless) in the world. As it says in another ayah of Qu’ran which means: “Verily on the friends of Allah there is no fear, nor shall they grieve “Ch. 10 ayah 62.

The famous Tabaee, Malik bin Dinar, says: “Whoever seeks peace with the remembrance of creation instead of seeking peace with the remembrance of Allah, his deeds are incomplete, his heart is blind and his life is useless“.

The Holy Prophet says: “Everything has something to make it bright, the remembrance of Allah makes the heart bright“. That is why in another hadith, the Holy Prophet said to His companions, “Heart gets rusty like the iron“. The companions said, “Oh Prophet of Allah, we know how to clean rust from iron. Please, let us know how to clean rust from hearts“. He replied “By remembrance of Allah and recitation of Qu’ran“.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam, the remembrance of Allah (swt) plays a very important role in our life. That is why Allah (swt) says in the Holy Qu’ran: “UZKURULLAHA ZIKRAN KASEERAA“; remember Allah ALOT. Allah says in another ayah: “Wa imm min shayin illah usab-bihoo bi hamdi hi“, the meaning is: there is not a thing but celebrates His praise.

EVERYTHING does the zikr of AllahTa’ala. What happened to us? Why should we be quiet and do only what is obligatory? Many of us think that performing salah is more than enough as an ibaadat of Allah (swt). However, when something is obligatory, we have no choice.

There are many forms of zikr of Allah (swt) we read every day in our salah “At-tahiyaato lillahi wassalawaato wat-taiyibaato“, which means: All the verbal compliments, physical prayers and charities are for Allah (swt). This sentence of prayer indicates the forms of zikr of Allah (swt) (1) By mouth (2) physically (3) Charities. The ulaama explains one more form of the remembrance of Allah (swt), which is zikr bil jinaan or zikr bil qalb; means: remembering Allah (swt) by heart. Also, there are two types of zikr:

1. Positive / Muthbat

2. Negative / Manfi

When it is the command of Shariah to perform the salah, or to fast, or to give zakah, or to perform Haj, then perform that particular Ibaadah. This is what is meant by “Muthbat” -Positive Zikr. When a strange woman appears in front of you, or you see any Haraam, then it is the time for making “Zikr Manfi”.

How zikr of Allah (swt) brings peace in the life of the zaakir (the one who remembers Allah)?

In hadith comes that Our beloved Prophet said that there are special angels that roam the Earth, looking for gatherings of zikr. When they find a group they call one to another and encompass the gathering in layers until they reach the first heaven. After the gathering glorifies Allah (swt) the angels return to their lord.

Allah (swt) asks His angels, “Where have you been“? (Even though He already knows, when one loves someone he loves hearing his name mentioned by others). The angels will inform Allah (swt) of the name of the gathering. Allah (swt) will ask His angels: "What were my servants doing?" The angels will reply: “They were praising you, magnifying Your Name and glorifying you. Allah (swt) will ask them "Have they seen Me?" The angels will answer: “No, By Allah! They have not seen You“. Allah (swt) will say: "They are praising Me without seeing Me, what if they had seen Me"? The angels would answer: "O Lord, if they had seen You, they would have glorified You more intensely. Allah (swt) will say: "What were they asking for?" the angels will reply "They were asking for Paradise!" Allah (swt) will say: "Have they seen Paradise?" The angels will say: “By Allah, no, they have not seen it ". Allah (swt) will say "What would they do if they had seen it?" The angels will reply: "If they had seen Paradise, they would become more attached and attracted to it, and would seek it with a greater zeal and enthusiasm!" Allah would ask the angels: “What were they seeking refuge from?“. The angels will reply they were seeking refuge from the Hell (fire). Allah would then ask the angels: “Have they seen the Hell (fire)?" The angels will say: "By Allah, no, they have not seen it." Allah will say "What would they do if they had seen it?" The angels will reply: “If they had seen the Hell (fire), they would fear it even more and ask refuge from it with greater intensity. Then Allah will say to the angels I make you witnesses that I have forgiven them. One of the angels will say: “O my Lord, someone was there who did not belong to that group, but came for some other need." (That person came for some purpose other than dhikr.) Allah will inform the angels that “The benefits of sitting in a gathering of Dhikr are such that anyone who sits with them, for whatever reason, will also have his sins forgiven (Bukhari , Muslim).

Also, in another hadith qudsi Allah (swt) says: “ANA JALEESO MAN ZAKARANI“; that I am companion of the one who remembers me “.

The above mentioned hadith clearly shows that when we do the zikr of Allah (swt) the angels completely surround us from the ground all the way to the heaven and the zaakir becomes the companion of Allah (swt). So, the one who remembers Allah (swt) spends his time with the angels every time he remembers Allah (swt). This situation can be expected whenever and however the zaakir remembers Allah (swt) verbally, by action, and / or by charitable deeds when he performs them . The benefit of this companionship is that he is calm in the heart, mind, and action. The effect being that he becomes peaceful within the family, community, and the world.

There are many other benefits of zikr of Allah (swt). Insha Allah (swt) we will mention them in the future. May Allah (swt) give us Tawfeeq to remember Him and raise us on the day of qiyaamah among the zakireen, Ameen.
Yüklə 10,61 Kb.

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