From Hobart (from the Acting Secretary of the Police Association of Tasmania to the Secretary, Northern Territory Police Association):—
" On behalf of the Executive of the Police Association of Tasmania, I wish to thank you for the copy of the first issue of CITATION, the Northern Territory Police Force Magazine, and offer our congratulations.
I feel that the fears stated by the Editor in the front of the Magazine arc quite ungrounded, as the main problem was overcome with the actual publication of the first issue. The first step in any venture I feel takes the most courage; this hurdle has obviously been overcome by the quality of the magazine.
We will naturally follow the magazine's development with great interest ".
From Melbourne(extract from the Victoria Police Force Monthly News-Magazine, " Police Life "):—
" ` Citation ' got off to a fine start with its first issue last December, carrying a number of constributions from serving N.T. policemen, sonic good photographs and cartoons, and an article by that staunch Territorial) writer, Douglas Lockwood.
It is to be hoped that this successful first issue influences the powers that be into publishing it more than once a year, as at present.
Webster's defines ` citation ' as . . ` a summons; an official notice to appear in a court and answer to a demand! '
There must be a demand, surely, for a journal of the quality of Citation "