THAT when the officers were obstructed by the Petitioner and others. I informed the Director CID who instructed his officers at Entebbe to effect the arrest
29. THAT when the officers were obstructed by the Petitioner and others. I informed the Director CID who instructed his officers at Entebbe to effect the arrest.
30. THAT I kept being informed by my officers that the Petitioner obstructed the Police and Military Intelligence and Military Police from 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. and all attempts to persuade him to release Hon. Okwir were futile.
31. THAT Hon. Okwir was subsequently arrested and brought to my office at Kitante because the Petitioner’s camp was mobilizing their supporters in Kampala to interfere with the arrest and remove him from any Police Station forcefully.
32. THAT while at my office Hon. Okwir said that he was not feeling well. I called Dr. Karongo of Mbuya Military Hospital who checked him and reported to me no particular, complaint, no evidence of bodily injury and no necessity for medication.