(6) That cost-sharing had been introduced some years back to assist in filling the financial gaps in Health sector budget.
(7) That under the Constitution Primary Health Care is a responsibility of the Local Government (Districts) but the Central Government can always come in to assist and finance directly where there is need by prioritizing the sector.
(8) That in 1997, the government introduced the Primary Health Care conditional Grants. under which the Government increased finding to the sector aimed at improving the health of the population particularly the poor of the poor.
(9) That at the same time there has been an on-going debate and no consensus in government as to whether to abolish cost-sharing or not because it was blocking the poor people’s access to health services.
(10) That the said Conditional Grant has been increasing over the years whereby Shs. 39 billion was budged for Primary Health Care in the financial year 2000/2001 compares to shs. 12 billion of the previous year.