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ISO/IEC 15288 definition
ISO/IEC 15288 definition
A system is a combination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more stated purposes.
NOTE 1: A system may be considered as a product or as the services it provides.
NOTE 2: In practice, the interpretation of its meaning is frequently clarified by the use of an associative noun, e.g. aircraft system.
A "System" is primarily an abstract concept which includes a purpose (final goal)
A "System" is primarily an abstract concept which includes a purpose (final goal)
It is defined by an intended use (a mission) and a boundary
“A system is
“A system is
a collection of components such as people, hardware, software, materials, procedures or services
that are gathered, and synchronized
so that the mutual interactions, using resources in a given environment
satisfies the needs and expectations
that are derived from the mission and the objectives
* themselves derived from its purpose”.
Purpose : provide people transportation for various destinations
Purpose : provide people transportation for various destinations
Mission : transport people, goods or both, from one point to another
Objectives : 1 to 6 persons at the same time – distances of 30 km max.
The Needs & Requirements" view
The Needs & Requirements" view
Purposes = enrich a nation or sets of people, or allows the exchange of goods, energy and services between humans, etc.
Missions = production of goods or energy, or provision of services, or transportation of goods and humans, or maintenance of products, or disposal of infrastructures, etc.
Objectives = all quantitative and qualitative aspects that are associated to missions: how many goods to produce per day, or how many people to transport per month, or how many students to teach per year, etc.
The logical / functional architecture view
The logical / functional architecture view
high level functions such as "develop new products"; product products; sell products; manage the internal means and make the link with external social administrations and laws, etc.
these functions are decomposed into processes, the processes into activities, the activities in tasks, etc.
a process or an activity is no more than a function
Functional interfaces & limits = the enterprise defines its activities around its core business, subcontracts enabling services to acquire necessary resources and/or subcontracts part of its activities
The physical architecture view
organizational entities of Personnel, Experts, Managers, Executives structured in Services, Departments, Divisions, Corporate, etc.
We model at least on two levels to understand a system :
To describe the "Needs" within its context (The system as a black box in its operational environment)
The candidate solutions (How the system is built inside)
Set of interrelated of interacting activities which transforms inputs to outputs
Set of interrelated of interacting activities which transforms inputs to outputs
The Systems Engineering Process is not sequential. It is parallel and iterative.
The Systems Engineering Process is not sequential. It is parallel and iterative.
The complex interrelationship between creating and improving models throughout the process of developing and selecting alternatives is a good example of the dynamic nature of the systems engineering process.
DOD (US Departement Of Defense):
Documentation Model
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
IEC (International Electrotechnical Committee).
ISO/IEC 15504 / SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination)
SEI (Software Engineering Institute)
CMMI defines the essential elements of effective processes for engineering disciplines based on best industry experiences.
CMMI defines the essential elements of effective processes for engineering disciplines based on best industry experiences.
CMMI models provide guidance when developing and evaluating processes.
CMMI models are not actually processes or process descriptions.
Set of interrelated of interacting activities which transforms inputs to outputs
Set of interrelated of interacting activities which transforms inputs to outputs
The Systems Engineering Process is not sequential. It is parallel and iterative.
The Systems Engineering Process is not sequential. It is parallel and iterative.
The complex interrelationship between creating and improving models throughout the process of developing and selecting alternatives is a good example of the dynamic nature of the systems engineering process.
DOD (US Departement Of Defense):
Documentation Model
ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
IEC (International Electrotechnical Committee).
ISO/IEC 15504 / SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination)
SEI (Software Engineering Institute)
CMMI defines the essential elements of effective processes for engineering disciplines based on best industry experiences.
CMMI defines the essential elements of effective processes for engineering disciplines based on best industry experiences.
CMMI models provide guidance when developing and evaluating processes.
CMMI models are not actually processes or process descriptions.
A requirement is a condition to be satisfied in order to respond to:
A requirement is a condition to be satisfied in order to respond to:
A contract
A standard
A specification
Any other document and / or model imposed.
User’s Requirements
User’s Requirements
Statements in natural language of the system services.
Described by the user
System Requirements
Structured document setting out detailed description of system services.
Part of the contract
A customer must be able to abort a transaction in progress by pressing the Cancel key instead of responding to a request from the machine.
A customer must be able to abort a transaction in progress by pressing the Cancel key instead of responding to a request from the machine.
The washing machine will be used in the following countries: UK, USA, Europe, Eastern Europe
The System shall provide ........
The System shall provide ........
The System shall be capable of ........
The System shall weigh ........
The Subsystem #1 shall provide ........
The Subsystem #2 shall interface with .....
A good requirement states something that is necessary, verifiable, and attainable
A good requirement states something that is necessary, verifiable, and attainable
To be verifiable, the requirement must state something that can be verified by:
analysis, inspection, test, or demonstration (AIDT)
User Requirement
User Requirement
Minimum levels of noise and vibration are desirable.
System Requirement
Requirement 03320: The noise generated shall not exceed 60 db
Functional requirements
Functional requirements
Functional requirements capture the intended behavior of the system.
The System Architecture identifies all the products (including enabling products) that are necessary to support the system and, by implication, the processes necessary for development, production/construction, deployment, operations, support, disposal, training, and verification
The System Architecture identifies all the products (including enabling products) that are necessary to support the system and, by implication, the processes necessary for development, production/construction, deployment, operations, support, disposal, training, and verification
System : Abstraction
System : Abstraction
Functional model
Dynamic model
Semantic Model
Object model
Physical Model
Interfaces Model
Model Views
The Functional Architecture
The Functional Architecture
identifies and structures the allocated functional and performance requirements.
The Physical Architecture
depicts the system product by showing how it is broken down into subsystems and components