Thomas Schott Jan 1997

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Curriculum Vitae
Thomas Schøtt

June 2011

University of Southern Denmark

Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management

Engstien 1, 6000 Kolding, Denmark


Skype Thomas.GEM

Cell 0045 26703591

Interests in teaching, research and consulting

Entrepreneurship and network organization in Denmark and other countries.


1986-1988 Postdoctoral training in organizational research, Yale University, New Haven.

1981-1986 Graduate studies in sociology and statistics, Columbia University, New Haven.

1976-1981 Studies in history and sociology of science, University of Aarhus and Hebrew University.

1971-1976 Studies in mathematics and physics, University of Aarhus.


1986 Ph.D. in Sociology, Columbia University, New York. Dissertation: Models of social relations:

international and interpersonal influence in science; mathematics in Denmark and Israel.

1985 M.A. in Statistics, Columbia University, New York.

1982 M.A. in Sociology, Columbia University, New York.

1979 Cand.scient. [M.Sc.] in Mathematics and Physics, University of Aarhus.

Thesis: Fundamental research in small countries: mathematics in Denmark, 1928-1977.


2011-date Professor of Organization and Entrepreneurship (mso), University of Southern Denmark,

Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management.

2010-date Professor of Entrepreneurship (adjunct), Tehran University, Faculty of Entrepreneurship.

2004-date Leader of Team-Denmark for Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, GEM.

2004-2010 Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark,

Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management.

1994-2005 Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Sociology.

1988-1994 Assistant Professor, University of Pittsburgh, Department of Sociology.

1986-1988 Postdoctoral Fellow, Yale University, New Haven.


2009, 2010 Visiting Professor, Tehran University, Faculty of Entrepreneurship.

2008 Visiting researcher, spring, University of Pittsburgh.

1994-2004 Visiting researcher, summers, University of Southern Denmark.

2000,2004 Faculty-member, Semester at Sea voyages.

    1. Paul F. Lazarsfeld Fellowship and other fellowships, Columbia University, New York.

1981-1986 Fulbright Travel Grant.

1983 Robert J. Levin Prize in Sociology, Columbia University, New York.

1977-1978 Visiting student scholarship, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Research projects supported by grants awarded by foundations.

2005-date Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, annual Danish study, supported

kr½-1 mill/y in 2011 by the Danish Industry Foundation.

The research program examines entrepreneurship in Denmark and other countries.

2009-2011 Entrepreneurship in Denmark(Vejle) and Germany(Neumünster).

kr 100000 Survey supported by a grant from the European Union Regional Development Fund.

2008-2010 Entrepreneurship in the rural districts around Vejle. Supported by European Union

kr 144000 Social Fund.

2008-2010 Entrepreneurship in the South Denmark Region. Supported by the region and the

kr 350000 regional public advisory services for growth-entrepreneurship.

2006-2007 Panel studies of entrepreneurs. Supported by grants from the International Danish

kr 300000 Entrepreneurship Academy and funds from EBST.

2006-2007 Entrepreneurs’ demand for advising. Supported by research grants from

kr 500000 Iværkcenter, Vejle Amt, and the EU Social Fund.

2005-2006 The advisory system in entrepreneurship in Denmark. Supported by a research grant

kr 400000 from the International Danish Entrepreneurship Academy.

1999-2003 Networks in the Economic Elite in Denmark.

kr 100000 Supported by a research grant awarded by the Power and Democracy Program in Denmark

1994-1999 Scientific Research and Technological Invention in Denmark since the 1960s.

kr 400000 Supported by a research grant awarded by the Danish Social Science Research Council.

1994-1997 International Collegial Ties in Science: U.S. in Comparative Perspective.

$ 85000 Supported by a research grant awarded by the National Science Foundation in USA.

1992-1995 International Technological Inventive Activity and the U.S. Position.

$ 101149 Supported by a research grant awarded by the National Science Foundation in USA.

1992-1994 Science in Brazil: Comparisons with the Rest of Latin America and Israel.

$ 10000 Supported by a research grant awarded by the Getulio Vargas Foundation in Brazil.

1989-1994 Cooperation in Systems of Services for the Mentally Ill.

$ 196952 Supported by a FIRST Award awarded by the National Institute of Mental Health in USA.

1991-1992 Science in Sweden: Integration in Nordic, European and American Environments.

$ 3000 Supported by a research grant awarded by the Institute for Futures Studies in Sweden.

1989-1991 Centers and Peripheries in Science and the International Diffusion of Ideas.

$ 35750 Supported by a research grant awarded by the National Science Foundation in the USA.

1979-1986 Fundamental Research in Small Countries: Mathematics in Denmark and Israel.

$ 60000 Supported by research grants awarded by national research councils in Denmark and Israel.

Research supported by small grants awarded by the University of Pittsburgh.

1995 Science in Cuba: A Survey of Scientists in Cuba,

supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Latin American Studies.

1993 Organization of Science in People's Republic of China and Hong Kong,

supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Asian Studies.

1992 Latin American Participation in the World System of Technological Invention,

supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Latin American Studies.

1992 Asian Participation in the Global System of Technological Inventive Activity,

supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Asian Studies.

1991-92 International Integration in Science: Czechoslovak Scientists' Changing Ties,

supported by research grant awarded by the Center for Russian and East European Studies

1991-92 Science and Global Development,

supported by a research grant awarded by the University’s Research Development Fund.

1991-92 Organization of Science in Bangladesh, Greece, India and Israel,

supported by a research grant awarded by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

1990-91 Periphery-Center Relations in Science: Brazilian Scientists' Ties,

supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Latin American Studies.

1990-91 Organization of Scientific Research in Japan and Indonesia,

supported by a research grant awarded by the Center for Asian Studies.

1990-91 Scientific Communication in the United States and the Soviet Union,

supported by a research grant awarded by the University’s Office of Research.
Teaching projects supported by grants.

1998 Chancellor’s Fellowship for participating in faculty seminar on diversity and

for developing curriculum materials emphasizing diversity among students and others.

1998 Curriculum Development Grant awarded by College of Arts and Sciences for developing

computing assignments for courses on Societies and Science in Society and other courses

    1. Training Grant awarded by the National Science Foundation's Ethics and Values in

Science Program to support studies of Collegial Circles of Women and Men in Science.

    1. Training Grant awarded by the National Science Foundation's Sociology Program to

provide Research Experience for Undergraduates by guiding Research Trainees.

1995 Grant from U.S. Department of Education (through Center for West European Studies)

for developing a new course on Science and Technology in USA, Japan and Europe.

1993 Curriculum Development Grant awarded by the College of Arts and Sciences for

developing new modules for the courses on Science in Society and Global Society.

1992 Grant from the U.S. Department of Education (through Center for Asian Studies) for

materials on science in Japan for a course on Organizations: Theory and Research.

1991 Grant from the U.S. Department of Education (through International Business Center)

for developing a new course on Science in Society.

Undergraduate courses

Methodology, at the University of Southern Denmark (’04).

Organisation, at the University of Southern Denmark (’02,’03,’04,’05).

Freshman Studies 1, at the University of Pittsburgh (‘97,’98,’99,’00,’01,’02,’03).

Science in Society, Pitt (’91,’92,’93,’94,sp’96,su’96,’97,’99,’01).

Introduction to Sociology, University of Pittsburgh (’99).

Science and Technology in USA-Japan-Europe, Pitt (’98,’99,su’00,f’00,’02).

Global Change and Modern Life, University of Pittsburgh (’00,’04).

Global Society, University of Pittsburgh (’93).

Comparative Civilizations, University of Pittsburgh (’04).

Societies, University of Pittsburgh (’97,’97,’99,’00,’01,’04).

Personal Networks, University of Pittsburgh (’94).

Social Research Methods, Pitt (’89,’91,sp’98, su’98,’99,’00,’01,’02,’03).

Understanding Statistics, University of Pittsburgh (’88,’89).

Social Statistics, University of Pittsburgh (’95).

Basic Applied Statistics, University of Pittsburgh (’96,’97,’98).

Sociology of Science Seminar, University of Pittsburgh (’90).

Organizations: Theory and Research, University of Pittsburgh (’92).
MBA courses

Management of organizational networks [MBA], University of S.Denmark (’08).
Master studies courses

Quantitative and Qualitative Methods and Field Studies [MA], U of S.Denmark (’06,’07,’08,’09)

Evaluation of ideas [Master studies in Strategic Entrepreneurship], U.S.Denmark (2011)

Management of organizations, [M.Sc.], U of Tehran (Feb 2011)
Graduate courses (for Master-level and Ph.D. students)

World Systems: Theory and Research, University of Pittsburgh (’92,’94,’97).

Knowledge in Society, University of Pittsburgh (’96).

Structural Sociology, University of Pittsburgh (’89,’94).

Social Networks, University of Pittsburgh (’98,’08).

Quantitative Methodology, University of Pittsburgh (’89,’96,’99,’01,’03).
Ph.D. courses

Quantitative Methodology, University of Southern Denmark (’09, ’10, fall ’11).

Advanced Quantitative Methodology, University of Southern Denmark (’09).

Introductory Social Network Analysis, U of S.Denmark (’01,’02,’04,’06,’08,’09,’10,Summer’11).

Advanced Social Network Analysis, U of S.Denmark (’03,’05,’07,’09).

Advisor on Ph.D. Dissertations.

Entrepreneurs’ networks and performance (Ph.D.dissertation for defense), by Hannes Ottosson (USD).

Sources of organizational similarity and divergence (Ph.D.awarded 2010), Anders R. Villadsen (UÅrhus)

Entrepreneurs’ Social Networks (Ph.D. awarded in 2005), by Kim Klyver (U of Southern Denmark).

Delinquent youth (Ph.D. degree awarded in 2007), by M.Solinas (University of Pittsburgh).

Perceptions of medical concepts (Ph.D. degree awarded 2003), by K.Rodriguez (Univ. of Pittsburgh).

Dependence among Nations in the Invention of Technology (Ph.D. awarded 1999), S.Monsma (UPitt).
Member of Ph.D. Dissertation Committees.


S.Jensen, Regional development networks (Aalborg University, Ph.D. awarded 2007)

K.Wickstrøm Jensen, Knowledge-integration networks (U. of S. Denmark, Ph.D. awarded 2005),

C.Waldstrøm, Understanding organizational relations (Arhus School of Business, PhD. awarded 2003),

G.Reyes (School of Public and International Affairs, U. of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 2001),

J.Li (School of Library and Information Sciences, U of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 2001),

C.McGrath (Carnegie-Mellon University, School of Public Policy; dissertation defended 1999),

A.Lack (Sociology, University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 1999),

C.Papageorgiou (Economics, University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 1998),

A.Okulu (University of Southern California; Ph.D. awarded 1997),

H.Mak (Sociology, University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 1996),

T.Clayton (School of Education, University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 1995),

R.Fujiwara (School of Education, University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D. awarded 1995),

R.Miller (Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. awarded 1995),

W.Kuo (Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. awarded 1993),

J.Kugler (School of Business, University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. awarded 1992),

J.Kim (School of International and Public Affairs, University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D. awarded 1990).

Advisor on Masters Theses.

Networks, alertness, and innovation confidence in business. Nastooh Nochian, Uni.of Tehran, 2011.

Entrepreneurs’ networks and performance. Mina Najafian, Uni. of Tehran, 2011.

People’s entrepreneurial intent: personal and cultural factors. Mahdi Ebrahim, Uni. of Tehran, 2011.

National conditions and activity in entrepreneurship. Ali Akhavan, Uni. of Tehran, 2011.

Entrepreneurs’ networking and competencies. Lida Sarreshtedari, Uni. of Tehran, 2011.

Business-customer relations. Stine Dreier. University of Southern Denmark , 2010.

Entreprenørers netværk og eksport, Mette S. Nielsen, University of Southern Denmark, 2009.

Biograf Nikolai, University of Southern Denmark 2008.

Medarbejdertilfredshed. University of Southern Denmark, 2005.

Scientists’ local, national and foreign ties: comparison of USA, France, Japan (1997), J.Luther

Higher education, regionalization and globalization: international student moves (’96) Harmon

Convergence and divergence among nations in education, science and technology (1996), by D.Saaty.

Russian scientists’ reintegration into the world scientific community (1996), by K.Rodriguez.

National specialization in technological invention: analysis of patents (1994), by S.Monsma.

Collegial circles of men and women in science: analysis of universalism (1994), by E.Tiedemann.

National specialization in science: analysis of publication profiles (1993), by R.Smiles.

Trade and economic growth: reconceptualization and empirical analysis (1993), by H.Mak.

Racial integration in confiding relations: analysis of the General Social Survey (1991), by P.Mabry.

Advisor on Papers Presented by Students at Conferences.

Papers (2011) by Ali Akhavan, Mahdi Ebrahim, Mina Najafian, Nastooh Nochian, Mahdokht Sedaghat

Papers (2006-2010), by Hannes Ottossen, University of Southern Denmark.

Papers (2003-2006), by Kim Klyver, University of Southern Denmark.

Papers (2003), by Christian Waldstrøm, Aarhus Business School.

Papers (2003), by Kent Wickstrøm, University of Southern Denmark.

University study abroad (1996), by M.Harmon.

Putting universalism to the test: the collegial circles of scientists in the USA (1996), by E.Tiedemann.

Support for science around the world (1995), by N.Conti.

Studying abroad: global student moves 1969-1991 (1995), by M.Harmon.

Gendered science in the United States and Brazil (1995), by C.Karaffa.

Recurrent shifts in national specialization in higher education: OECD effects (1995), by J.Luther.

National specialization in invention (1995), by S.Monsma.

The shifting centers of scientific achievement during the twentieth century (1995), by R.Quinlan.

Russian scientists’ new integration into the world scientific community (1995), by K. Rodriguez.

Convergence and divergence among nations in education, science and technology (1995), by D.Saaty.

Scientist and wife: effects of a scientist's marital status on the professional network (’95), Tiedeman

Networking among organizations (1994), by D.Cox.

National specialization in higher education: shifts toward science and technology (1994), by J.Luther.

Worldwide expansion of higher education (1994), by K.Rodriguez.

Worldwide growth of science (1994), by R.Young.

Human development around the world (1993), by J.Alicandro.

Technological networking in big business (1993), by K.Davis.

Dependence and development: a network analysis of trade (1993), by H.Mak.

Neo-colonial ties in science: England and India (1993), by V.Pavarala.

Global networks among hi-tech firms (1993), by D.Saaty.

University Services.

Representative of USD at FiOL (Doctoral Organisation and Management Education), 2004-date.

Member of Management at Dept of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management, USD, 2007-2010.

Chair of Evaluation Committees for positions as Associate Professors, U. of Southern Denmark, 2009.

Member of Strategy Committee on External Funding, University of Southern Denmark, 2007-08.

Member of Evaluation Committee for position as Associate Professor, Aarhus School of Business, 2007.

Member of Evaluation Committee for position as Assistant Professor, U. of S. Denmark, 2006.

Member of Evaluation Committee for position as Assistant Professor, U. of S. Denmark, 2005.

Member of the University of Pittsburgh’s College of General Studies Council, 2001-03.

Member of the University Senate Committee on Educational Policies, 1999-2002.

Alternate Member of the Tenure Council of the University of Pittsburgh, 1999-2003.

Director of the Graduate Studies Program in Sociology, 1998-99.

Director of the Undergraduate Studies Program in Sociology, 1994-95.

Member of the departmental Search Committee for Assistant Professors, 2002-03.

Member of the departmental Steering Committee, 1989-90, 1993-94, 1994-95.

Member of the departmental Graduate Student Admissions Committee, 1993-94, 1997-98.

Member of the departmental Chair Search Committee, 1997-98.

Departmental advisor on research on human subjects, 1989-1999.

Departmental representative for libraries, 1993-94.

Member of departmental Special Review Committees for reappointments of faculty members, 96-97

Member of dean’s Review Committees for promotion of faculty in other departments, each year 97-01

Member of the International Culture Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1994-date.

Member of the Specialized Instructional Laboratory Working Group of the University ECAC, 1996-99

Member of the Liberal Studies Advisory Committee of College of Arts and Sciences, 1991-94.

Member of General Education in Social Science Committee of College of Arts and Sciences, 1992-94.

Member of the Advisory Statistics Education Committee of the College of Arts and Sciences, 1994.

Member of the Advisory Board for the Center for West European Studies, 1995-1997, 1999-2000.

Member of the Fellowship Awards Committee for the Center for West European Studies, 1995, ’97.

Applying for and administering 25 grants for research and teaching, 1989-2003, about $ 550,000,

and about 12 grants for research, 2004-date, about 5 mill kroner.

Professional Reviewing.

Member of Scientific Committee for International Conference on Management, Innovation

and Entrepreneurship, Shiraz, February 2011.

Member of panel reviewing papers for International Entrepreneurship Conference, Tehran, 2010.

Member of scientific panel evaluating research grant proposals to National Institutes of Health, USA.

Reviewer of research grant proposals to the National Endowment for the Humanities in USA.

Reviewer of research grant proposals to several programs at the National Science Foundation in USA.

Reviewer of research proposals to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Reviewer of fellowship applications to the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in USA.

Reviewer of proposals for book manuscripts to Princeton University Press, Harper Collins Publishers,

Pine Forge Press, University of Pittsburgh Press and Westview Press in USA.

Reviewer of manuscripts submitted for publication in journals,

American Journal of Sociology American Sociological Review

Communication Research International Information & Library Review

International Journal of Technology Journal of World-Systems Research

Knowledge in Society Knowledge: Creation, Diffusion, & Utilization

Science Communication Science, Technology, & Human Values

Social Science Research Social Studies of Science

Sociological Methods and Research Sociological Perspectives

Sociological Spectrum Ledelse og Økonomi

Management Science Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research

Member of editorial board of the Journal of Korean Entrepreneurship Society,

(editor-in-chief Prof Sung-sik Bahn), 2010 to date.

Member of editorial board of the Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research,

(editor-in-chief Prof Nezammedin Faghih), 2009 to date.

Associate Editor of the Journal of World-Systems Research, 1994 to 2004.

Professional Society Memberships.

European Management Association,

Global Entrepreneurship Research Association / Global Entrepreneurship Monitor.

Professional Society and other Professional Activities.

Member of Research Committee of Global Entrepreneurship Research Association/GEM, 2008-date.

Head of the Research Group on Networks, Global Entrepreneurship Research Association, 2008-date.

Consultant to Vejle Kommune, on evaluations of entrepreneurship in Vejle, 2008-date.

Consultant to FORA, on analysis of business clusters in regions in Jutland, 2006.

Instructor at a three-day course on social network analysis for journalists, Copenhagen, April 2005.

Organizer and instructor at introductory and advanced Ph.D. courses on Social Network Analysis

at the University of Southern Denmark – Kolding, 2001,’02,’03,’04,’05,’07,’08,’09,’10,’11.

Member (elected) of the Council of the Science, Knowledge and Technology section of

The American Sociological Association, 1996-1998.

Consultant, as Senior Science and Technology Analyst, to the World Bank and the Brazilian

Ministry of Science and Technology, 1996.

Organizer of sessions at the annual meetings of

The American Sociological Association, 1992, 1994;

The International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, 1993, 1994, 1997.

Presider of sessions at the annual meetings of

The American Sociological Association, 1990, 1994;

The International Sunbelt Social Network Conference, 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997;

The Society for Social Studies of Science, 1993.

Discussant of sessions at the annual meetings of

The American Sociological Association, 1991;

The Society for Social Studies of Science, 1993, 1995.

Leader of the two-hour seminar on Social Networks at the annual meeting of the American

Sociological Association, 1993, invited by the President, Dr. Seymour M. Lipset.

Contributor at the workshop at the Social Science Research Council on international research

and training in the United States, 1993, invited by the President, Dr. David Featherman.

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