Thus, for example, a company commander has failed to deliver medicines to a village clinic, run by a “Dr Jihad”, as promised. In response, a “journalist” is commissioned to report the story for the Talatha Times. Thus

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In fact, In other words, Moreover, And, In addition, Besides, Furthermore, Additionally, Not only that(補充關係)

Transitional Words and Frequency

And (176) + In fact (9) + Moreover (10) + In addition (2) + Furthermore (1) + In other words (3) = 201


  1. And the money involved in the student programme is tiny: just 3m Estonian kroons ($230,000).

  2. And similar changes are under way at the army's two other Combat Training Centres (CTCs), where the army simulates battalion- and brigade-sized battles.

  3. And in places like Somalia and Haiti it often made the same blunders as against the Viet Cong.

  4. And he expects, culturally, that they will remain Islamic.

  5. And these numbers may understate the problem.

  6. And a law has been passed to impose a 1.5% tax on the advertising budgets of food companies if they do not encourage healthy eating.

  7. And how many more British citizens are queuing up to martyr themselves beneath the streets of London?

  8. And those who did gave vaguely contradictory answers.

  9. And he's not going to be able to do that.

  10. And California is not alone.

  11. And with local governments struggling to close budget gaps, slots and lotteries are booming.

  12. And the growing popularity of electronic gambling only makes things worse.

  13. And that's where self-regulation goes down the tubes.

  14. And as recently as six months ago, a group of bishops from eastern Indonesia called on the Vatican to bring up the issue of married priests.

  15. And he's going to have to find the people who can make a difference in what are often complex communities with no very clear or credible leadership.

  16. And the gap between the biggest and smallest spenders widens every season.

  17. And he has accelerated privatisation, selling a first stake in Gaz de France in July, and announcing a controversial plan to sell three motorway-toll companies this summer.

  18. And Mr de Villepin has yet to be tested by big street protests, which the unions are promising for the autumn.

  19. And among its 13,000 works of art are some strikingly frank portrayals of the underside of war: a portrait of a disgraced Canadian peacekeeping soldier who tortured a Somali boy; another of a despondent General Romeo Dallaire, head of UN troops in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide.

  20. And though the number of tawny carnivores in places like Illinois, Iowa and Missouri is still small--since 2003, only two dozen sightings have been confirmed in the Midwest--Clay Nielsen, a wildlife ecologist at Southern Ill inois University and head researcher at the nonprofit Cougar Network, is gearing up for the possibility that more are on the way.

  21. And if there is no deal, it will similarly be a disagreement for its own sake—because France rather likes the idea of putting Britain, which holds the rotating EU presidency, in the dock for one more financial fiasco.

  22. And, although one of the original bargains underlying the European project was that France would open its market to German exports in return for German taxpayers subsidising French farmers, the CAP today offers almost nothing towards the goal of ever closer union.

  23. And the reaction was not unique to 9/11.

  24. And the first one--even in the face of clear and urgent danger--is almost always a period of intense disbelief.

  25. And some survived because of their individual traits or behavior--human factors, as crash investigators put it.

  26. And so most passengers are indeed goats.

  27. And there's nothing like a string of bad luck to prepare you for the unthinkable.

  28. And he is backing up the tough talk.

  29. And yet Mr. Hussain and others think the young have also had it harder.

  30. And the young zealots felt only frustration and contempt for the mosques' imams, who were often brought from the subcontinent, spoke minimal English, knew nothing of the moral maze young British Muslims face, and abided by an injunction by mosque elders that politics or current events involving Muslims should stay outside the mosque.

  31. And, he said, it is largely "do it yourself."

  32. And some workers from central Europe are indeed entering western labour markets, often illicitly, since most EU governments have bowed to public opinion by closing their job markets to the newcomers.

  33. And they are increasingly willing to act on their worries. Many will move house to get nearer to the school they want, or even resort to more underhand methods—a 2004 poll found that more than a quarter of parents would consider lying about their address or religion to get their child into the school they prefer.

  34. And there is another snag: neighbourhoods themselves are often socially stratified.

  35. And the press release announcing the governor's signing of the child health-care bill was longer than the bill itself.

  36. And he boasted that swoops on worksites under “Operation Rollback”, which was “completed” this year, resulted in the arrest of hundreds of illegal aliens and convictions against a dozen employers.

  37. And although the alliance with Cuba has brought new social programmes, their cost and long-term benefits are hard to determine.

  38. And like nearly any other career politician, Villaraigosa comes with baggage: he lost the 2001 mayoral election after it was revealed he had written the Clinton White House seeking a pardon for a convicted cocaine dealer, whose father had requested Villaraigosa's help.

  39. And many would go on to enormous professional success, particularly in the academy.

  40. And that direction offers real promise.

  41. And that is precisely why a high-school science course using the 693-page book as a primary text does not meet the admission standards of the University of California (UC).

  42. And it says that if the courses had used these textbooks “as supplementary, rather than primary, texts, it is likely they would have been approved.”

  43. And evangelical America will keep pushing.

  44. And abortion isn't a clear-cut moral issue in the way that the franchise is.

  45. And when did he know it?

  46. And some, like O'Connor, have evolved over their tenure and been powerful precisely because they could be unpredictable.

  47. Cambridge in the mid-'70s was a less fractious place than it had been during the height of the war protests, and while Roberts was known for being personally conservative right down to his unvarying choice of chocolate-chip ice cream, he was never rigid or doctrinaire; a placid debater, he stood his ground but never paraded his intellect.

  48. And there were very large egos there.

  49. And it would match the history and mystery of the court if it turned out that Roberts ultimately alienates conservatives and not those who fear any Republican appointee.

  50. And until the Democrats started filibustering judges two years ago, the measure was almost never used to defeat a President's judicial nominee.

  51. And as experience showed NASA that shuttles returned safely despite well over 100 nicks and gouges requiring repair on many flights, the concerns abated over time.

  52. And NASA gained confidence during the time between flights that it was making progress.

  53. And it criticized the agency's tendency to depend on computer simulations when physical experiments might yield more valuable data.

  54. And the vogue for investigation into the country's Jewish past has brought some jarring discoveries, such as the revelation in 2000 that the 1,600 Jews of the town of Jedwabne were burned alive by their Polish neighbours.

  55. And even in Britain, there are some lingering qualms.

  56. And with 748 gallons of water going for $1.35 nowadays, the water costs all of two-hundredths of a cent.

  57. And not every coffee shop even makes a stronger iced-coffee coffee.

  58. And what he's doing is making the ice for his iced coffee out of coffee instead of water.

  59. And the only reason it hasn't caught on with his fellow coffee shop owners is because they know a good scam when they see one.

  60. And in an era where sexual freedom and “reproductive rights” are widely acknowledged, the Vatican's adherence to a rigid line over contraception, homosexuality and the new challenges of bio-ethics has appeared unimaginative and uncharitable.

  61. And forget about parish meetings in which people bat about random ideas on how to keep the church going.

  62. And he tried to address people's practical problems in his sermons.

  63. And it means having lots of “hooks” that help to attach seekers to the church.

  64. And many mega-preachers worry that they are producing a flock who regard religion as nothing more than spectacle.

  65. And the gospel of self-help and prosperity is as American as apple pie.

  66. And while the B.C. eagle population is thriving, large-scale poaching in the province threatens American bird populations, because eagles from throughout the western U.S. migrate to B.C. each winter.

  67. And with black-market prices for the parts remaining high, the temptation to join the illicit trade will continue.

  68. And then the Baltimore Symphony came calling.

  69. And in any case Mr Killen's trial has probably done what Mississippi needed.

  70. And a study by A.T. Kearney, a consulting firm, suggests that domestic mergers are the only ones worth doing.

  71. And that all assumes that Congress knows what the nominee really thinks.

  72. And whatever the composition of the post-Rehnquist Supreme Court, it is rare that an institution deliberately shrinks its own powers.

  73. And Mr Yushchenko should not be blamed for some of Ukraine's most intractable problems.

  74. And Ukrainians have learnt to be patient.

  75. And strapped inside it is a Biggles-like doll complete with goggles, moustache and flying scarf.

  76. And it is the product of the Lavochkin Association, an aerospace firm based in Khimki, near Moscow.

  77. And on top of that, if a building is burning they are liable to catch fire.

  78. And the final version will be made from some, as yet unspecified, fire-retardant material.

  79. And most of those photons are part of a relic known as the cosmic microwave background (CMB).

  80. And it now seems as if they are tantalisingly close to getting a glimpse of this, by following the goings-on of a second sort of particle that permeates otherwise empty space—the neutrino.

  81. And on June 15th, Roberto Trotta of Oxford University and Alessandro Melchiorri of the University of Rome, La Sapienza, announced that they had done just that.

  82. And now, yet again, it is climbing.

  83. And alternative sources of oil—Canada’s tar sands, Africa’s deepwater reserves—are nearer than many think: Cambridge Energy Research Associates, a think-tank, predicts that these and other developments will provide some 6m-7.5m bpd more capacity than the world needs by the end of the decade.

  84. And it will be hard to stop.

  85. And liberals regularly contend that one of America's two great parties is bent on creating a theocracy—backed by a solid core of somewhere between a quarter and a third of the population.

  86. And it is likely to get much more bloody pretty quickly.

  87. And it persuaded all religious types to bond together. Protestants and Catholics, who used to be at loggerheads, have now found common ground, especially on abortion.

  88. And Congress is considering requiring doctors to tell any woman having an abortion after 20 weeks that it will cause the fetus pain.

  89. And when it comes to the question of overturning Roe v Wade, the ruling that legalised abortion, American public opinion is still against social conservatives; so Mr Bush, when asked about abortion, always waffles about appointing judges who respect the constitution.

  90. And so the dance with the administration continues.

  91. And despite initial fears that women might have problems gaining access to treatment, there are as yet no signs of them losing out.

  92. And there are serious obstacles to obtaining treatment if you are an intravenous drug user, a homosexual or a prostitute.

  93. And men might like to note that mobile phones are not intended as a form of contraception.

  94. And, while some men may take heart from the news that the sexual dissatisfaction of their lovers is not necessarily their fault, there is a flip side to the findings.

  95. And we missed our relatives here.

  96. And yet Mr. Hussain and others think the young have also had it harder.

  97. And the young zealots felt only frustration and contempt for the mosques' imams, who were often brought from the subcontinent, spoke minimal English, knew nothing of the moral maze young British Muslims face, and abided by an injunction by mosque elders that politics or current events involving Muslims should stay outside the mosque.

  98. And, he said, it is largely "do it yourself."

  99. And as experience showed NASA that shuttles returned safely despite well over 100 nicks and gouges requiring repair on many flights, the concerns abated over time.

  100. And NASA gained confidence during the time between flights that it was making progress.

  101. And it criticized the agency's tendency to depend on computer simulations when physical experiments might yield more valuable data.

  102. And he has accelerated privatisation, selling a first stake in Gaz de France in July, and announcing a controversial plan to sell three motorway-toll companies this summer.

  103. And Mr de Villepin has yet to be tested by big street protests, which the unions are promising for the autumn.

  104. And although the alliance with Cuba has brought new social programmes, their cost and long-term benefits are hard to determine.

  105. And how many more British citizens are queuing up to martyr themselves beneath the streets of London?

  106. And even in Britain, there are some lingering qualms.

  107. And California is not alone.

  108. And with local governments struggling to close budget gaps, slots and lotteries are booming.

  109. And the growing popularity of electronic gambling only makes things worse.

  110. And that's where self-regulation goes down the tubes.

  111. And many would go on to enormous professional success, particularly in the academy.

  112. And then he'd edit heavily.

  113. And some, like O'Connor, have evolved over their tenure and been powerful precisely because they could be unpredictable.

  114. And there were very large egos there.

  115. And it would match the history and mystery of the court if it turned out that Roberts ultimately alienates conservatives and not those who fear any Republican appointee.

  116. And then the Baltimore Symphony came calling.

  117. In fact, the rate of obesity in France has started to swell, rising from 8% of the adult population in 1997 to 11% by 2003.

  118. In fact, says Laurence Slavin, a medical accountant, the average score is 950.

  119. In fact, American team owners tend to profit by suppressing, to some extent, their individualism, points out Stefan Szymanski, co-author of “National Pastime”, a superb new book that compares the economics of the sport business in different countries.

  120. In fact, last year's enlargement has gone remarkably well, both for the newcomers and for the Union, and all the more so when measured against the fears that preceded it.

  121. In fact, the central European countries compete more often for projects against distant low-wage rivals such as China and Brazil, and all Europe benefits from central Europe's success.

  122. In fact, the House of Representatives has just done the opposite by passing an energy bill stuffed full of subsidies for the oil-and-gas business.

  123. In fact, all these arguments are part of the same battleground, which pits an increasingly self-confident evangelical America against a secular education establishment.

  124. In fact, she says, she moved into her loft so she could be nearer to the downtown offices of the Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (G-CAPP), an organization she founded after learning that Georgia had one of the highest teen-pregnancy rates in the U.S.

  125. In fact, the decision will be made by a field commander of al-Zarqawi's group.

  126. Moreover, in both Malaya and Northern Ireland, the British were at first heavy-handed and unsuccessful.

  127. Moreover, the CAP also offends against the principle of subsidiarity.

  128. Moreover, conservative whites are not as xenophobic as their bumper stickers.

  129. Moreover, says a lawyer for the plaintiffs, victory would be “a major blow to the arrogance of the ivory towers and their attempt to say that kids from Christian schools can't be well prepared for university.”

  130. Moreover, the states that are most likely to vote to ban abortion—such as Mississippi and North Dakota—already have very few abortion clinics in any case: women who want abortions in those states already have to travel huge distances.

  131. Moreover, many of the newer Senators have never known what it is like to be in the minority.

  132. Moreover, while the firm trimmed its working-capital needs, spending on research, critical to MTU's future, wasn't affected.

  133. Moreover, it is a wash that is extraordinary good for the pastorpreneurs themselves, who prosper by preaching the gospel of prosperity.

  134. Moreover, although India is undoubtedly the biggest recipient of offshoring jobs, developed countries too rank high on the lists.

  135. In addition, the revised “Operations” will stress the need to protect civilians from external threats (such as Islamic terrorists) and internal disorder (such as looters), while ensuring the provision of “central services”, including power and water.

  136. In addition, it's against the law for Americans to possess bald-eagle parts unless they are registered tribal members with special government permits.

  137. Furthermore, given Italy’s big budget deficit and huge government debts (over 100% of GDP), voters may have realised that any genuine tax cuts would be unaffordable.

  138. In other words, make the strongest possible case for the innocence of the public figure you were prosecuting."

  139. In other words, not only is there no judge involved, but the standard for surveillance appears to be low.

  140. In other words, to ask the questions we would want to ask if we all had a press pass.

  141. Moreover, what pay gains there have been are distributed unevenly. Educated workers have done best: In manufacturing, the compensation for white-collar workers rose 4.8 percent in nominal terms in the year to September, whereas the compensation for blue-collar workers rose only 2.2 percent.

  1. And he has sided with civil rights plaintiffs in cases involving race.

  2. And he declared unlawful the search of a car whose driver had been stopped because police were looking for two black men driving a black sports car following an armed robbery; such vague knowledge, he wrote, "could not justify arrest [of] any African-American man who happened to drive by in any type of black sports car."

  3. And the city will pay for the stadium largely with revenue -- from stadium taxes, the baseball team's rent checks and a new tax on top businesses -- that would not have been available for school renovations or other needs

  4. And he's using it only "where we have a reasonable basis to conclude that one of the parties of the communication is either a member of al Qaeda or affiliated with al Qaeda."

  5. And the judgment of who should be deemed linked to al Qaeda is made by the NSA's "operational workforce," he said.

  6. And it's fair to ask: If there were an attack tomorrow, would we still be complaining the day after about torture, or secret detentions, or spying on Americans?

  7. And there is probably more that we don't yet know.

  8. And the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) requires that national security wiretaps be authorized by the secretive FISA court.

  9. And in those limited instances in which Americans become intelligence targets, FISA exists to make sure that the agencies are not targeting people for improper reasons but have sufficient evidence that Americans are actually operating as foreign agents.

  10. And why in any event should the NSA -- rather than the FBI, the intelligence component responsible for domestic matters--be doing whatever domestic surveillance needs be done?

  11. And I think they administration will count it as a victory when Iraqi security forces are taking on that violence, rather than U.S. troops.

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