Research Anthropologist
Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology
School of Anthropology
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721
1981 University of Arizona, Ph.D. Major: Cultural Anthropology
Minor: Agricultural Economics
1975 University of Arizona, M.A. Cultural Anthropology
1969 University of Detroit B.A. Literature and History
Applied Anthropology, Development Anthropology, Climate Variability and Global Change, Environmental Anthropology, Research Methods
Brazil, Lusophone and Francophone Africa, Latin America, Bangladesh
1994 to present Research Anthropologist, Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology (BARA), Professor, School of Anthropology, University of Arizona
1994 to 2009 Director, Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology (BARA), University of Arizona, Research Professor (Department of Anthropology)
1988 to 1994 Associate Research Anthropologist
1983 to 1988 Assistant Research Anthropologist
1981 to 1983 Research Associate, Bureau of Ethnic Research,
University of Arizona
1970 to 1974 Peace Corps Volunteer, U.S. Peace Corps Regional Office, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
1969 High School Teacher, Bad Axe Public Schools, Bad Axe, Michigan
1990 Socio-Economic Survey and Farming Systems Study of Proposed Project Areas, Santiago Island, Cape Verde Working Paper 1. Report No. 0263-CV, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome
1990 Farmer Perspectives on Pigeon Pea Cultivation in the Target Area of Santiago Island Working Paper 9. Report No. 0263-CV, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome
1991 Socio-Economic Survey and Farming Systems Study of the Mongo/Bitkine Region of Chad (with Mamadou Baro, Helen Henderson, and Drexel Woodson). Report Presented to the International Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome
1991 Inquérito ao Sector Familiar da Província de Nampula: Observações Metodológicas Working Paper No. 3 prepared under the Food Security in Africa Project, USAID/Maputo
1991 Inquérito ao Sector Familiar da Província de Nampula: O Algodão na Economia Camponesa Working Paper No. 5 prepared under the Food Security in Africa Project, USAID/Maputo
1991 Inquérito ao Sector Familiar da Província de Nampula: A Segurança Alimentar dos Agregados Familiares Working Paper No. 6 prepared under the Food Security in Africa Project, USAID/Maputo
1991 Inquérito ao Sector Familiar da Província de Nampula: Características da Uso da Terra. Working Paper No. 7 prepared under the Food Security in Africa Project, USAID/Maputo
1993 Socio-Economic Study of the Kanem Region, Chad (with Mamadou Baro).Report prepared for the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome
1993 Projet Securité Alimentaire au Nord Guéra: Etude des Systèmes D'Exploitation. Report prepared for the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome
1993 Socio-Economic Characteristics of Santiago Households in the FIDA/PRODAP Intervention Zone. Report prepared for the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome
1994 Food Needs Assessment for Huíla and Cunene Provinces, Southwestern Angola. Report to CARE/Angola, Lubango, Angola
1995 Food Security Household Survey of the Southern Peninsula, Haiti. Report to Catholic Relief Services, Port-au-Prince Haiti
1995 An Anthropological Study of the Impacts of Modernization on Central Desert Bedouin, Saudi Arabia. Report presented to MEPA, Saudi Arabia
1996 The PRODAP Project in Mid-course: Socio-economic Evaluation of the Impacts and Methodologies. Report presented to the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Rome
1996 An Evaluation of the P.L. 480 Program in Cape Verde. Report presented to ACDI. Washington, D.C.
1997 Household Food Security in the Haitian Artibonite Region. Report presented to the Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA). Port-au-Prince. Haiti (Chapters 4 and 6)
1997 The Impacts of Current Natural Resource Management Practices among Saudi Arabian Bedouins: A Case Study from the At-Taysiyah Region. Report presented to Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration (MEPA). Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
1998 Food Aid As A Strategy For Increasing Technology Adoption Among Subsistence Households: A Critical Review Of The Literature. Report presented to the World Food Program. Rome. October 1998
1998 Malawi Public Lands Utilization Study, funded by USAID/Malawi, report editor (with Barron Orr and Barbara Eiswerth) and author of Chapter 6 (with David Halmo and Michele Companion), Lilongwe, Malawi
2000 An Analysis of Partnering Strategies and Urban Programming in Angola. Report presented to the World Food Program. Rome. November, 2000
2001 Qualitative Assessment of the CARE/GOLDA Project. Vols. 1 and 2. Dhaka, Bangladesh. August 2001
2002 Midterm Evaluation of the Integrated Food Security Project, Title II project for CARE/Bangladesh, Dhaka (team leader)
2003 Midterm Evaluation of the Food Security Enhancement Initiative, Title II project for World Vision/Bangladesh, Dhaka (team leader)
2004 The Dynamics of Debt and Migration in Southeast Bangladesh. Report prepared for CARE/Bangladesh, Dhaka
2004 The Dynamics of Debt and Migration in Northwest Bangladesh. Report prepared for CARE/Bangladesh, Dhaka
2005 Vulnerability and Nutrition Assessment of Kassala and Red Sea State. Report prepared for the World Food Program, Khartoum. May 2005
2005 Livelihood Change in Northwest Bangladesh: Patterns And Processes. Report prepared for CARE/Bangladesh, Dhaka
2005 Vulnerability and Nutrition Assessment of Kassala and Red Sea State. Report prepared for the World Food Program, Khartoum. May 2005
2005 Livelihood Change In Northwest Bangladesh: Patterns And Processes. Report prepared for CARE/Bangladesh, Dhaka
2005 Challenges to Adaptive Management: The GOLDA Project in Southwest Bangladesh (with Priti Biswas). Paper presented to the SANREM Project, University of Georgia, Athens
2005 Analysis the State Development Plan for Ceará, Northeast Brazil. Report prepared for the Secretariat of Rural Development, Fortaleza, Ceará
2006 The Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Development Assessment: A Guidebook. Manual prepared for EFDI and Chevron Nigeria, May 2006. Port Harcourt
2006 A Food and Nutritional Security Assessment for the North Caucasus. Report prepared for the World Food Program, Moscow. October 2006
2006 A Food and Nutritional Security Assessment for the North Caucasus. Report prepared for the World Food Program, Moscow.2007 Rural Cooperatives in Brazil and Paraguay: A Comparative Analysis of Change Strategies (with Marcela Vásquez-León). Report presented to ACDI/VOCA, Worldwide Cooperative Program
2007 Assessment of two fisheries cooperatives in Ceará, Northeast Brazil. ACDI/VOCA, the World Cooperative Program, Washington, DC.
2008 The Pathways of Global Food Aid under Future Pressures (with Mark Langworthy and Stefanie Woodward. Paper presented to World Vision International. Food Programming and Management Group, Johannesburg, South Africa. March 2008
2008 A Multi-Sectoral School Feeding Program: Issues and Framework for Analysis. Interim report presented to World Vision International. Food Programming and Management Group, Johannesburg, South Africa. May 2008
2009 An Assessment of Enhanced School Feeding Programs: Programming Food for Development. Research report presented to World Vision International. Food Programming and Management Group, Johannesburg, South Africa. April 2009
2009 Five Years After: An Impact Assessment of the Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF). Report presented to DFID, Dhaka, Bangladesh, May 2009
2009 Pathways to Food Aid Update: Food Aid under the Current Global Crisis. With Roger W. Fox and Karyn M. Fox. Research report presented to World Vision International. Food Programming Management Group. Johannesburg, September 2009
2009 Coping with Climate Risks: An Africa Review. With John Magistro. Washington, D.C. The World Bank. June, 2009
2009 Assessment of Recovery from the Impacts of Cyclone SIdr. Report presented to Save the Children/Bangladesh, USAID/Bangladesh. Assessment of a Title II disaster recovery program.
2010 Pathways to Food Aid: Food Assistance as Development: Strategies for a Resilient Food Security. With Roger W. Fox and Karyn M. Fox. Research report presented to World Vision International. Food Programming Management Group. Johannesburg, December 2010
2010 Impact Evaluation of WFP School Feeding Programs in Kenya (1999-2008): A Mixed-Methods Approach. Report presented to the World Food Programme, Office of Evaluation. Rome, Italy, January 2010.
2011 School Feeding in Bangladesh: A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation. Report presented to the World Food Programme, Office of Evaluation. Rome, Italy
2012 Food Assistance and Stability in Transitions: Democratic Republic of the Congo Case Study. Report presented to the World Food Programme, Rome, Italy
2013 Uganda Climate Change Assessment Report. African and Latin American Resilience to Climate Change Program. Report presented to USAID/Uganda, Kampala, Uganda.
2014 Climate Change Adaptation in Eastern Senegal. African and Latin American Resilience to Climate Change Program. Report presented to USAID/Senegal. Dakar
2014 Assessment of the WFP Feeding Program in the Refugee Camps of Kenya: Dadaab and Kakuma. Report presented to World Food Program Office of Evaluation. Rome. April 2014
2015 Governance and Climate Change Adaptation. Case Study for Mali. Atlas Project. Chemonics. November 2015
2016 WFP Country Program Evaluation. Cairo, Egypt. June 2016
2016 Impacts of Decentralized Governance on Climate Change Adaptation in Mali (Final report presented to Chemonics and USAID/Bamako). (with Mamadou Baro and Ida Nadia Djenontin) October 2016
2016 The Effect of Livelihood Diversity on Recovery and Shock Impact in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda. Nelson, S., Frankenberger, T., Langworthy, M., Finan, T. & Bower, T. Report prepared by The Technical Consortium, a project of the CGIAR. Technical Report Series No 2: Strengthening the Evidence Base for Resilience in the Horn of Africa. Nairobi, Kenya: A joint International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and TANGO International publication.
2017 Sabal Project Midterm Evaluation. Team leader. TANGO International, Save the Children. Kathmandu, Nepal. Project funded by USAID Food for Peace, Washington, D.C.
1996 An Evaluation of the P.L. 480 Program in Cape Verde.
2001 Qualitative Assessment of the CARE/GOLDA Project. CARE/Bangladesh
2002 Midterm Evaluation of the Integrated Food Security Project, Title II project for CARE/Bangladesh, Dhaka (team leader)
2003 Evaluation of the FSEI, Title II project, World Vision/Bangladesh (team leader)
2005 Vulnerability and Nutrition Assessment of Kassala and Red Sea State. World Food Program, Khartoum (team leader)
2006 A Food and Nutritional Security Assessment for the North Caucasus. World Food Program, Moscow (team leader)
2007 Midterm Evaluation of the SHOUHARDO Program, CARE/Bangladesh, Dhaka (team leader)
2009 An Assessment of Enhanced School Feeding Programs: Programming Food for Development. Johannesburg, South Africa (team leader)
2009 Assessment of Recovery from the Impacts of Cyclone Sidr. Save the Children/Bangladesh, Assessment of a Title II disaster recovery program (team leader)
2010 Impact Evaluation of WFP School Feeding Programs in Kenya (1999-2008): A Mixed-Methods Approach World Food Programme/Office of Evaluation (team leader)
2011 School Feeding in Bangladesh: A Mixed Method Impact Evaluation. Report presented to the World Food Programme, Office of Evaluation (team member)
2014 Assessment of the WFP Feeding Program in the Refugee Camps of Kenya: Dadaab and Kakuma. Report presented to World Food Program Office of Evaluation. Rome
2016 WFP Country Program Evaluation. Cairo, Egypt
2017 SABAL Midterm Evaluation, USAID Food for Peace Program, Kathmandu, Nepal
Refereed Journal Articles
1990 "Institutional Change and the Adoption of New Technologies: An Example from the Portuguese Dairy Sector", (with Mark W. Langworthy and Roger W. Fox), Economic Development and Cultural Change 38(4): 700-712.
1990 "Expanding the Policy Dimension of Farming Systems Research", (with Roger W. Fox, Scott R. Pearson, and Eric B. Monke), Agricultural Systems 33(1990): 271-287.
1991 "Macro-micro Linkages in Northwest Portuguese Agriculture: An Application of the Policy Analysis (PAM)", American Anthropologist 93(1):137-148.
1993 "Structural Adjustment Policy Reform and the Resource-Scarce Farm Family: the Waning Role of FSRE" Journal of Farming Systems Research-Extension, 4(1):125-138
1998 “Changing Roles of Agriculture in Global Development Policy: Is Anthropology (out)Standing in its Field?” Culture and Agriculture (Spring 1998)
1998 “Household and Hearthhold: Gendered Resource Allocations in Chad.” With Helen K. Henderson and Mark W. Langworthy. Culture and Agriculture (Spring 1998)
2000 “The Emergence of a Climate Anthropology in Northeast Brazil” in Practicing Anthropology
2001 “Making rain, making roads, making do: public and private responses to drought in Ceará, Brazil” Climate Research 19(2): 97-108
2002 “Processes of Adaptation to Climate Variability: A Case Study from the U.S. Southwest” Climate Research 21(3): 299-310
2002 “The use of seasonal climate forecasting in policymaking: lessons from Northeast Brazil” with Lemos, M. C., R. Fox, D. Nelson, and J. Tucker. Climatic Change 55(4): 479-507
2003 “A comparative assessment of climate vulnerability: agriculture and
ranching on both sides of the US–Mexico border”, with M. Vasquez-Leon and C.T. West, Global Environmental Change 13:159-73
2009 “Mapping the road to development: a methodology for inclusion and scaling-up of participation in policy processes,” with Donald R. Nelson and Marcelo Folhes, Development in Practice 19(3): 386-95
2009 “Praying for Drought: Persistent Vulnerability and the Politics of Power in Ceará, Northeast Brazil,” with Donald R. Nelson, American Anthropologist Vol. 111, Issue 3, pp. 302–316
2009 "Global Change and Adaptation in Local Places" with Donald R. Nelson and Colin T. West, American Anthropologist Vol. 111, Issue 3, pp. 271–274
2009 “Increasing Social-Ecological Resilience by Placing Science at the Decision Table; The role of the San Pedro Basin Decision Support System Model (Arizona)” with Serrat-Capdevila, A., A. Browning-Aiken, K. Lansey, T. Finan and J. B.Valdés. Ecology and Society 14(1).
2014 Nelson, Donald R., and Timothy J. Finan. 2014. "Participação e Impotência: a Busca pela Esperança na periferia de Fortaleza, Brasil." Iluminuras 36 (2).
2016 “Linking knowledge with action in the pursuit of sustainable water-resources management.” With K. Jacobs, L. Lebel, J. Buizer, L. Addams, P. Matson, E. McCulough, Po Garden, and G. Saliba. PNAS 113 (17):4591-4596. published ahead of print January 11, 2010, doi:10.1073/pnas.0813125107
Scholarly Books and Monographs
1991 Soundings: Rapid and Reliable Research Methods for Practicing Anthropologists (edited with John van Willigen) NAPA Bulletin 10, American Anthropological Association
1997 PACA: Participatory Analysis for Community Action (with Judee Blohm and Betsy Davis) Office of Training and Program Support. U.S. Peace Corps. Washington, D.C.
1997 Waiting for Rain: Agriculture and Ecological Imbalance in Cape Verde (with Mark W. Langworthy) Boulder, CO: Lynne-Rienner Publishers
2017 Cooperatives, Grassroots Development, and Social Change: Experiences from Rural Latin America, eds. M. Vásquez-León, Brian J. Burke, and Timothy J. Finan. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.
Chapters in Scholarly Books
1991 "The Pursuit of Knowledge: Methodology and the Practice of Anthropology" (with John van Willigen), Soundings: Rapid and Reliable Research Methods for Practicing Anthropologists, Van Willigen and Finan, eds., NAPA Bulletin 10, American Anthropological Association
1991 "State Intervention and the Distribution of Income in Rural Portugal" (with Roger W. Fox and Mark W. Langworthy) in Marxist Approaches in Economic Anthropology A. Littlefield and H. Gates, eds. Monographs in Economic Anthropology No 9, Landham, Maryland: University Press of America, pp. 187-200.
1993 "Patterns of Production and Resource Use in the Minho" (Chapter Three) (with Roger W. Fox and Manuel Medeiros) in Structural Change and Small-Farm Agriculture in Northwest Portugal, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp 46-70
1993 "Returns to Representative Farm Systems" (Chapter Four) (with Manuela Ferro, and José Pimentel Coelho), in Structural Change and Small-Farm Agriculture in Northwest Portugal, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, pp 71-100
1996 "Anthropological Research Methods in a Changing World" in, Emilio Moran, ed., Transforming Societies, Transforming Anthropology University of Michigan Press
1996 “Household Livelihood Security and Targeting Policy: an International Perspective”. in J.E. Cavalcanti and Wilson da Cruz Vieira, eds., Política Agrícola e Segurança Alimentar Viçosa, MG: University of Viçosa Press
1997 "Institutional Innovation in Small-Scale Irrigation Networks" (with Mark W. Langworthy), in J. B. Mabry, ed., Canals and Communities, Tucson: University of Arizona Press
1998 “Modern Bedouins: the transformation of traditional nomad society in the Al-Taysiyah region of Saudi Arabia” (with E.R. Al-Haratani), in V.R. Squires and A.E. Sidahmed, eds. Drylands: sustainable use of rangelands into the twenty-first century, Rome, Italy: International Fund for Agricultural Development, pp 345-68
2003 “Climate Science and the Policy of Drought Mitigation in Ceará, Northeast Brazil” in S. Strauss and B. Orlove (eds.) Weather, Climate, Culture, New York: Berg Publishers, pp. 203-216
2004 “El Niño Events, Forecasts and Decision-making” With Pulwarty, R.S. and Broad, K. in Bankoff, G., Frerks, G, and Hilhorst, D. (eds.), Mapping Vulnerability: Disasters, Development and People, London: Earthscan, pp.83-99
2008 “Storm Warnings: the Role of Anthropology in Adapting to Sea-Level Rise in Southwestern Bangladesh” in Crate, S.A. and M. Nuttall, eds. Anthropology and Climate Change: from Encounters to Actions, Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, pp 175-85
2009 “Weak Winters: Dynamic Decision-Making and Extended Drought in Ceará, Northeast Brazil,” with Donald R. Nelson, in The Political Economy of Hazards and Disasters. Jones, E.C. and A.D. Murphy (eds.) Lanham: AltaMira Press pp. 107-32
2009 “Decentralized Planning and Adaptation to Drought in Rural Northeast Brazil: An Application of GIS and Participatory Appraisal toward Transparent Governance” with D.R. Nelson, in Adapting to Climate Change: Thresholds, Values, Governance. W. Neil Adger, Irene Lorenzoni, Karen O'Brien (eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2014 Nelson, Donald R., Francisco de Assis de Souza Filho, Timothy J. Finan, and Susana Ferreira. "Trajectories of Adaptation: A Retrospectus for Future Dynamics." In Social-Ecological Systems in Transition, edited by Shoko Sakai and Chieko Umetsu, 121-136. Japan: Springer.
2015 “Storm Warnings: An Anthropological Focus on Community Resilience in the Face of Climate Change in Southern Bangladesh,” with Md. Ashiqur Rahman. In S.A. Crate and M. Nuttall, eds., Anthropology and Climate Change. From Actions to Transformations. Second Edition. New York: Routledge
2017 “Introduction: Smallholder Cooperativism as a Development Strategy in Latin America” (withMarcela Vásquez-León and Brian J. Burke) In Cooperatives, Grassroots Development, and Social Change: Experiences from Rural Latin America, eds. M. Vásquez-León, Brian J. Burke, and Timothy J. Finan. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, pp. 3-18
2017 “Cooperativism in Brazil: The Development Context”. In Cooperatives, Grassroots Development, and Social Change: Experiences from Rural Latin America, eds. M. Vásquez-León, Brian J. Burke, and Timothy J. Finan. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, pp. 85-88
2017 “Atotori: The Discourse and Practice of Sustainability in the Amazon Rain Forest” (with Jessica Piekielek). In Cooperatives, Grassroots Development, and Social Change: Experiences from Rural Latin America, eds. M. Vásquez-León, Brian J. Burke, and Timothy J. Finan. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, pp. 100-11
2017 “Sharecroppers Transformed: The Case of the Cooperativa dos Produtores do Curupati-Peixe (CPCP)” (with Luis S. Barros). In Cooperatives, Grassroots Development, and Social Change: Experiences from Rural Latin America, eds. M. Vásquez-León, Brian J. Burke, and Timothy J. Finan. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, pp. 112-20
2017 Solidarity, Tension, and Change Along the Amazon River: The Case of ASCOPE” in Cooperatives, Grassroots Development, and Social Change: Experiences from Rural Latin America, eds. M. Vásquez-León, Brian J. Burke, and Timothy J. Finan. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, pp. 121-32
1987-2001 Farmer-to-Farmer Project, by Volunteers for Overseas Cooperative Assistance (VOCA), Washington, D.C. This project is supported by a subgrant from Volunteers and Overseas Cooperative Assistance (VOCA), and it had a funding level of about $150,000 annually.
1991 Chad Socio-Economic Survey of Guera and Batha regions, by International Fund for Agricultural Development (Rome). $88,000
1991 Food Security in Mozambique, by USAID/Maputo as part of the Food Security in Africa Cooperative Agreement with Michigan State University $275,000 one year.
1993 Chad Socio-Economic Survey of the Kanem Region, by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (Rome). A rapid rural appraisal of three sous-prefectures in the Kanem. $28,000.
1993 Chad Household Food Security Study of Guera Region, by the International Fund for Agricultural Development. A household survey of 220 households in 15 villages. $108,000.
1993 Angola Food Security Study in Huíla and Cunene Provinces. Funded by CARE/Angola at a level of $28,800.
1995-96 Anthropological Study of the Nomad. Part of the Environmental Support of the Nomad (ESON) project. Meteorology and Environmental Protection Administration, Government of Saudi Arabia $46,000.
1996 Training of Cape Verdean Policy-Makers, SANREM Collaborative Support Project, USAID. Funded at $84,000.
1997-98 Socio-Economic Impacts of Seasonal Forecasting in Northeast Brazil. National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA). $288,000
1999-2009 Southwest Regional Assessment Center. National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA). Funded at about $300,000 per year (Co-Principal Investigator/20 percent of total project)
2000-05 Use and Usefulness: A Comparative Study of Seasonal Climate Forecasting Systems in Drought-Affected Regions of Latin America (NOAA) $280,000
2005-09 Change Strategies in Latin American Cooperatives. ACDI/VOCA, $395,000
2008-12 Institutional Capacity-Building in Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development at Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia. Funded by USAID, $300,000, co-principal investigator
2008-10 A Dynamic Decision Making System for the Senegal River Valley. Funded by the Organisation pour le Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal (OMVS), $435,000, co-principal investigator
2008-09 Coping with Climate Risks: An Africa Review. $122,264, The World Bank, co-principal investigator
2015 OFDA Technical Support. Project funded as USAID pass-through by USDA, $579,928. Funded and ongoing
2013-18 Institutional Research for Application (IRAP) project. $5.4 million, NOAA and USAID, co-principal investigator
2016 Governance and Climate Change in Mali (ATLAS). $196,000, sub-contract from Chemonics (through USAID Atlas Project), co-principal investigator
Service Activities (2014-16)
Chair, Applied Anthropology Division, Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology (2014-16)
Member, School of Anthropology Executive Committee (2014-16)
Member, Search Committee, Director of Master’s in Development Practice program, School of Geography and Development (2015)
Member, Master’s in Development Practice core faculty
Member, SBS Continuing Status and Promotion committee (2014)
University of Arizona representative, MOUs with the University of Fortaleza, the Federal University of Ceará, and the State University of Maranhão
Development activities: raised $120,000 in scholarship support for MDP students
Three talks at local Rotary Clubs to present the MDP program
English: native speaker
Portuguese: total fluency
Spanish: working fluency
French: working fluency
Crioulo (Portuguese): fluent speaker
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