Workshop @ NIME2011,
Sunday, May 29, Oslo, Norway
This workshop focuses on recent advances and future prospects in modelling and rendering audio-graphic scenes. The convergence of the audio and graphic communities is fostered by the increase in computational resources, cognitive studies on cross-modal perception, and industrial needs for realistic audio scenes. Audio-graphic research is spreading in areas such as games, architecture, urbanism, information visualization, or interactive artistic digital media. We will focus on the representation, interaction, rendering, and perception of scenes in which the audio and graphical components are clearly identified and combined (in contrast to standard multimedia video streams).
Program Chairs
Roland Cahen, ENSCI-les Ateliers
Christian Jacquemin, LIMSI-CNRS & University Paris Sud 11
Diemo Schwarz, Ircam
Hui Ding, LIMSI-CNRS & University Paris Sud 11
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