Universitatea de Stat din Moldova

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Anul 2009

  1. ANTOSYAK B. YA., CHUMAKOV YU. M., TSAPKOV V. I., SIMONOV YU. A., GULEA A. P. The crystalline structure of 5-methyl-N-phenyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole-2-amine. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Chisinau, Moldova. May 26-29, 2009. Book of abstracts, p.124.

  2. BATÂR L., RUDIC V., ZOSIM L., ELENCIUC D., BULIMAGA V., GULEA A. Studiul productivităţii cianobacteriei Spirulina Platensis şi a capacităţii de acumulare a cuprului în biomasă la cultivare în prezenţa compuşilor coordinative ai Cu(II). The national scientific conference with international participation “Current Problems în Microbiology and Biotechnology“ dedicated to the 50th Anniversary from the Microbiological Department establishment, Chisinau, October 5-6, 2009, p.41-43.

  3. BEJENARI V., GULEA A. Mineral waters containing iodine and selenium. 37e Salon International des Inventions des Techniques et Produits Nouveaux, 1-5 avril 2009, Geneva Palexpo, Catalogue Officiel, p.129.

  4. BIRCA M, GULEA A., LUPASCO A., TSAPKOV V., ANDRONIC O., COTOVAIA A. Study of the particularities of the dehydration processes of dried plant products samples by means of combined thermal analysis. XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии. Санкт-Петербург. 15-19 июня 2009г. Тезисы докладов,c. 606.

  5. CHUMAKOV YU. M., TSAPKOV V. I., ANTOSYAK B. YA., SIMONOV YU. A., BOCELLI G., BAIRAC N. N., GULEA A. P. Crystal structures of 6-methyl- and 6-bromo-2-formylpyridine 4- phenylthiosemicarbazones. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Chisinau, Moldova. May 26-29, 2009. Book of abstracts, p. 110.

  6. CIORNEA V., ŞOVA S., KAZHEVA O. N., NOVITCHI GH., COSTES J.-P., SIMONOV IU. A., GULEA A. New tetranuclear Cu2/Cr2 complexes on the basis of [Cr2(OH)2(Nta)2]2- anion. Synthesis, structure, magnetic properties. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Chisinau, Moldova. May 26-29, 2009. Book of abstracts, p. 107.

  7. GULEA A. The new coordination compounds with strong anticancer activity. Humboldt Kolleg “Cooperation with Germany – experience, new forms and perspectives”, 17-20 september 2009, Chisinau, Moldova, Abstract Book, p.29.

  8. GULEA A., BIRCA M., LUPASCO A., TSAPKOV V., ANDRONIC O., COTOVAIA A. Study of the particularities of the dehydratation processes of dried plant products samples by means of combined thermal analysis. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Chisinau, Moldova. May 26-29, 2009. Book of abstracts, p. 64.

  9. GULEA A., DONEA T., BAIRAC N., CEBOTARI L., TSAPKOV V. Coordination compounds of some 3d metals with 2-acetylpyridine semicarbazone and 4-phenylsemicarbazone.The International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Chisinau, Moldova. May 26-29, 2009. Book of abstracts, p. 79.

  10. GULEA A., BIRCA M., LUPASCO A., TSAPKOV V., ISAC-GUTSUL T., ANDRONIC J., COTOVAIA A. Complex thermal analysis of champignon samples and dehydrated horseradish roots by the treatment with high frequency currents. Scientific Conference “Biologically Active Substances: Fundamental and Applied Problems”. Novy Svet, AR Crimea, Ukraine. May 25-30, 2009. Abstracts, p. 56.

  11. GULEA A., NOVITCHI G., RIBLET F., SCOPELLITI R., HELM L., MERBACH A.E. Mechanism and rates of pyridine-ligand and exchanges at the different sites of heterometallic and mixed valence M3-oxo-trinuclear clusters. XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии. Санкт-Петербург. 15-19 июня 2009 г. Тезисы докладов, c. 472.

  12. LAZARESCU A., SIMONOV YU., SHOVA S., GDANIEC M., TURTA C. Homo-and heteronuclear assembling with pyridine–2,3-dicarboxylate ligand. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28mai 2009, Chisinau, PP 040, p.98.

  13. OLAN O., BULIMAGA V., RUDIC V., GULEA A., ŢAPCOV V. Sinteza exopolizaharidelor acide şi sulfate la cultivarea cianobacteriei Spirulina Platensis CNM-CB-02. The national scientific conference with international participation “Current Problems în Microbiology and Biotechnology“ dedicated to the 50th Anniversary from the Microbiological Department establishment, Chisinau, October 5-6, 2009, p.57-59.

  14. POPA V., GUDUMAC V., GULEA A., BULIMAGA V., PARII A. Influenţa unor remedii de origine algală şi compuşi coordinativi ai cuprului asupra conţinutului de carnozină în ţesutul muscular în stresul oxidativ indus de tetraclorura de carbon. The national scientific conference with international participation “Current Problems în Microbiology and Biotechnology“ dedicated to the 50th Anniversary from the Microbiological Department establishment, Chisinau, October 5-6, 2009, p.184-186.

  15. PRISACARI V., GULEA A. New antibacterial substances. 37e Salon International des Inventions des Techniques et Produits Nouveaux, 1-5 avril 2009, Geneva Palexpo, Catalogue Officiel, p.132.

  16. PRODIUS D., MACAEV F., MEREACRE V., SHOVA S., LUTSENCO YU., STYNGACH E., RUIZ P., MURAVIEV D., LIPKOWSKI J., SIMONOV YU. A., MITINA T., BOBCOVA S., TURTA C. Synthesis and characterization of {Fe2Cu} clusters as precursors for nanosized catalytic system în biginelli reactions. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 26-28mai 2009, Chisinau, PP 062, p. 120.

  17. ROSU T., PAHONTU E., MAXIM C., PASCULESCU S., GULEA A. Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial activity of some new complexes of Cu(II), V(IV), Ni(II), Fe(III), Mn(II) with Schiff bases derived of 4-amino-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl-3-pyrazolin-5-one. XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии. Санкт-Петербург. 15-19 июня 2009 г. Тезисы докладов, c. 216.

  18. RUDIC V., GULEA A. et alea ImmunoBioR – new remedy from spirulina. 37e Salon International des Inventions des Techniques et Produits Nouveaux, 1-5 avril 2009, Geneva Palexpo, Catalogue Officiel, p.132.

  19. RUDIC V., GUDUMAC V., GULEA A., ANDRONACHE L., TAGADIUC O. Influenţa unor compuşi coordinativi ai cuprului şi a combinaţiei lor cu BioR asupra nivelului glutationului la acţiunea propilenglicolului în experienţă. The national scientific conference with international participation “Current Problems în Microbiology and Biotechnology“ dedicated to the 50th Anniversary from the Microbiological Department establishment, Chisinau, October 5-6, 2009, p.188-190.

  20. TSAPKOV V. I., CHUMAKOV YU. M., ANTOSYAK B. YA., SIMONOV YU. A., BOCELLI G., POPOVSCHI L. G., GULEA A. P. The crystalline structures of 2,2-bypyridil-containing complexes of copper(II) nitrate with salicylic and 5-nitrosalicylic aldehyde. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Chisinau, Moldova. May 26-29, 2009. Book of abstracts, p. 114.

  21. ZOSIM L., GULEA A., ESCUDIE J., BULIMAGA V., RUDIC V., EFREMOVA N., ELENCIUC D., OUHSAINE F., RANAIVONJATOVO H., TSAPKOV V. Germanium bioaccumulation by cyanobacteria Spirulina Platensis CNM CB-02 from germanium organic compounds. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Chisinau, Moldova. May 26-29, 2009. Book of abstracts, p. 111.

  22. GUTANU V. Modificarea polimerilor ionici reticulati cu particule ultra fine de compusi metalici. Simposionul International, Prioritatile Chimiei pentru o dezvoltare durabila – PRIOCHEM. 20-30 octombrie 2009. Sinaia, Romania, p. 7.

  23. GUTSANU V., TUTOVAN E., COTOFANA L. Sorption of NO2- ions from aqueous solutions on the sorbent modified with Cr(III). The Int. Conf. of 50th anniversary of Inst. of Chem. of A. S. M. May 26-28, 2009. Book of abstracts, p. 224.

  24. BARBĂ N., MITCOV D., DRAGALINA G., ROBU Ş. Aspects of Some Transition Metals Phtalocyanines Synthesis. The Intern.Confer. dedicated to the 50-th anniversary of Institute of Chemistry of the ASM, may 26-28, 2009, p. 147.

  25. MARIN I., POPUŞOI A., BARBĂ N., TURTĂ C., DUCA GH. The Synthesis of 4-N,N-Diaryl(dialkyl)amino-4-isothiocyanatochalcone. The Intern.Confer. dedicated to the 50-th anniversary of Institute of Chemistry of the ASM, may 26-28, 2009, p. 146.

  26. POPUŞOI A., BARBĂ N., SÎRBU D. The Synthesis of 4-Hydroxy-3-metoxy-4-isothiocyanatochal- cone. The Intern.Confer. dedicated to the 50-th anniversary of Institute of Chemistry of the ASM, may 26-28, 2009, p. 154.

  27. POPUŞOI A., BARBĂ N., DRAGALINA G., CUCULESCU E., CARAMAN M., ROBU Ş. Nanocompozite polimerice fotoluminiscente din derivaţi ai chalconelor aromatice. PRIOCHEM, ed. Y, Sinaia, 29-30 oct. 2009, p. 44.

  28. ROBU Ş., MITCOV D., BARBĂ N., DRAGALINA G., CARAMAN M. Synthesis and Study of some Substituted Phthalocyanine dyes Containing Transition and Rare Earth Metals. RICCCE-XYI, Sinaia, 9-12 sept.2009.

  29. BOUROSH P., REVENCO M., VOLOGZHANINA A., PALAMARCIUC O., SIMONOV YU. New binuclear manganese complex with salicylaldehyde thiosemicarbazone. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, 26-28mai 2009 - PP 007 - p.65.

  30. CHIRIAC L., REVENCO M., CAZAC T., CECOI N. The influence of some hydroxyl containing ligands on the polarographic catalytic current în the system mo(vi) – potassium chlorate The International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, 26-28mai 2009, p.85.

  31. GAVRILUŢA A., CEBAN A. Studiul 2-metil-8-oxichinolinei ca material electroactiv pentru senzor potenţiometric Cu2+ senzitiv. Conferinţa internaţională – Studenţi pentru studenţi, Cluj-Napoca, România, 2009, rezumatele comunicărilor, p.76.

  32. GAVRILUŢA A., MARTIN M., CEBAN A. Proiectarea unor noi materiale electroacive pentru senzori potenţiometrici. Conferinţa ştiinţifică a masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor, USM, 2009, rezumatele comunicărilor, p.55.

  33. MARTIN M. International Conference dedicted to the 50th anniversary from the foundation PVC matrix membrane sensor for potentiometric determination of dodecylsulfate. of the Institute of Chemistry of Sciences of Moldova, Book of abstracts, May 2009, Chisinau, Moldova, p. 133.

  34. MARTIN M. Impactul naturii plastifiantului asupra parametrilor funcţionali ai senzorilor potenţiometrici anionici pe baza pivalaţilor cromului(III). Conferinţa ştiinţifică a masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor, USM, 2009, rezumatele comunicărilor, p.59.

  35. REVENCO M. Development of analytical coordination chemistry în Moldova. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, 26-28mai 2009, p.6.

  36. STRATULAT E. Aspecte analitice ale reacţiei de complexare a 4-etiltiosemicarbazonei 8-chinolinaldehidei cu ionii de cobalt. Conferinţa ştiinţifică a masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor. Rezumatele comunicărilor, Chişinău, 2009, p.57-58.

  37. STRATULAT E., REVENCO M., CORJA I., PRISACARI V., DIZDARI A., BOUROSH P., GDANIEC M., SIMONOV YU. Influence of deprotonation on the structure and antibacterial properties of the copper(II) complexes with 8-quinolinealdehyde thiosemicarbazone. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th aniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, 26-28mai 2009 - PP 051, .109.

  38. GLADCHI V., BUNDUCHI E., DUCA GH., GOREACAVA N., ANGHEL L. Photolysis of Pesticides Hexachlorocyclohexn and Phozalon în Aquatic Environment. Book of Abstracts of the International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, May 26-28, 2009. Chisinau, Moldova, p.176.

  39. DUCA GH., BUNDUCHI E., GLADCHI V. Catalytic Oxidation Involving Free Radicals of the Hydroquinone and Acid Glioxalic în the Aquatic Environment. Book of Abstracts of the International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, May 26-28, 2009. Chisinau, Moldova, p.176.

  40. GLADCHI V., GOREACAVA N., DUCA GH., BUNDUCHI E., ROMANCIUC L., MARDARI I. Middle Dniester. The Biogenic Elements Regime în River Waters. Book of Abstracts of the International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy, p.179.

  41. GADCHI V., GOREACEVA N.V., DUCA GH., BUNDUCHI E., BORODAEV R., ANGEL L., SURIGINA O., LIS A. Chemical Regime of Dniester Tributaries în Spring Period of the Year 2009. Book of Abstracts of the International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy, p.180.

  42. DUCA GH., GLADCHI V., GOREACAVA N., BUNDUCHI E., ROMANCIUC L. Photo-Degradation of Thiolic Substances în Aquatic Environment. Book of Abstracts of the International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy, p.176.

  43. АНТОСЯК Б. Я., ЦАПКОВ В. И., ЧУМАКОВ Ю. М., СИМОНОВ Ю. А., БЕЖЕНАРЬ Н. П., ПАЛОМАРЕС-САНЧЕС С. А., ГУЛЯ А. П. Кристаллические структуры комплексов нитрата и сульфата меди(II) с тиосемикарбазоном и 4-фенилтиосемикарбазоном 2-гидрокси-3-метоксибензальдегида. XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии. Санкт-Петербург. 15-19 июня 2009 г. Тезисы докладов, c. 228.

  44. ГУЛЯ А., БЫРКЭ М., ЛУПАШКО А., ЦАПКОВ В., ИСАК-ГУЦУЛ Т., АНДРОНИК О., КОТОВАЯ А. Комплексный термический анализ образцов шампиньонов и корней хрена высушенных в результате микроволновой обработки. Научно-практическая конференция “Биологически Активные Вещества: фундаментальные и прикладные вопросы получения и применения”. Новый Свет, Крым, Украина. 25-30 мая 2009. Тезисы докладов, c. 55.

  45. ЧЁРНЯ В. А., КАЖЕВА О. Н., НОВИЦКИЙ Г. В., ШОВА С. Г., ГУЛЯ А. П., СИМОНОВ Ю. А. Новый гетерометаллический комплекс на основе биядерного фрагмента хрома. XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по коорди­национ­ной химии. Санкт-Петербург. 15-19 июня 2009 г. Тезисы докладов, c. 194.

  46. ЧУМАКОВ Ю. М., ЦАПКОВ В. И., АНТОСЯК Б. Я., БОЧЕЛЛИ Г. БАЙРАК Н. Н., ГУЛЯ А. П. Кристаллические структуры тригидрата перхлората бис(2-формилпиридин-тиосемикарбазон) никеля (II) и дигидрата перхлората бис(6-бром-2-формилпиридин-4-фенилтиосемикарбазон)меди(II). XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии. Санкт-Петербург. 15-19 июня 2009г. Тезисы докладов, c. 396.

  47. БУЛЬМАГА П.И., БОУРОШ П.Н., ДУКА Г.Г., КУКУШКИН В.Ю., ГДАНЕЦ М., РЕВЕНКО М.Д., СИМOНОВ Ю.А. Oсобенности строения и свойств s- метилизотиосемикарбазона салицилового альдегида в комплексах палладия. XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии 15-19 июня 2009 года, Санкт – Петербург, Россия, c.28.

  48. РЕВЕНКО М.Д., ПАНФИЛИЙ Т., БОУРОШ П.Н., ВИШЕР Б., БОТОШАНСКИЙ М., КОРЖА И.Д. Bзаимодействие олово-органических соединений с тиосемикарбазоном 8-хинолинальдегида и его производными. XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии 15-19 июня 2009 года, Санкт – Петербург, Россия, c.145.

  49. РЕВЕНКО М.Д., СИМОНОВ Ю.А. Hовые металл-промотированные реакции тиосемикарбазидного фрагмента. XXIV Международная Чугаевская конференция по координационной химии 15-19 июня 2009 года, Санкт – Петербург, Россия, c.78.

  50. DUCA GH., MATVEEVICI V., GONŢA M., IAMBARŢEV V., ISAC T., MOCAN L. Catalitic Oxidation of active colorants. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. May 26 – 28, 2009. Book of abstracts. Academy of Sciences of Moldova, p. 169.

  51. DUCA GH., MATVEEVICI V., GONŢA M., IAMBARŢEV V., MOCANU L. Decrease of the direct colorants concentration în the textile waste waters. 2009. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. May 26 – 28, 2009. Book of abstracts. Academy of Sciences of Moldova, p. 168.

  52. MATVEEVICI V., ISAC T., GONŢA M., IAMBARŢEV V., MOCANU L., DUCA GH. The photolysis of some direct azo – colorants în homogenous systems. The International Conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary from the foundation of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. May 26 – 28, 2009. Book of abstracts, p.126.

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