What kinds (technical, national congress,…) Which topics ? (Use key words) france

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6.2 What kinds (technical, national congress,…) Which topics ? (Use key words)
FRANCE : Low doses, National Congress, Wastes, Measurement technics, European directive for non-ionizing radiation, Computer codes, ALARA, Biological effects of NIR, BSS? Meeting of PR officers, Water and radioactivity

  • 5 may 2013, "Radiological Emergency Response Capabilities in Austria" national congress.

  • 21 November 2013, "The Next Generation of Professionals in Radiological Protection – Challenges and Opportunities", national congress.

  • 21 Mai 2014, "The New EU Basic Safety Standards", national congress.

  • 27 November 2014, "Radiobiology Update", national congress.

PORTUGAL : Radiation Proteccion Congress of the Portuguese Speaking Countries

-National congresses

-Meeting of technical expert groupe=s

-Symposia for special topics

Natural radioactivity / Training and Education /Operational Radiation Protection / Dosimetry of External Radiation / Waste Management / Incorporation Monitoring / Emergency Planning / Non-ionising Radiation / Regulations / Radiation Biology / Environmental Monitoring / Detection Limits / Transportation
Radiation Protection Group of Egyptian Society for nuclear sciences and Applications :

Technical meetings : Papers to be presented at international or national conferences.

National congress : Review of yearly activities

Topics, Safety, Security, Dosimetry, Shieding

Education and Traning : ICRP publications, IRPA activities
CAMEROUN : National Congress dealing with nuclear instrumentation, Environmental Radioactivity and Dosimetry
BULGARIE : Election of a new board and chairman ; BARRP members participated in scientifics forums ("Fukushima 2014 – Estimates of doses and health risk" and IRPA 2014) made presentations
HPS : Technical meetings. The meetings are not focused on single topics and we have hundreds of presentations. All of the meetings and programs may be seen here – htt://hps.org/meetings/history.html


- 1 Symposium + Academic session (50th anniversary) - RP challenges

- 1 scientific meeting: Emergency preparedness and response - Fukushima

- 1 scientific meeting: Medical emergency response

- 1 scientific meeting: Radioactive and nuclear transport

- 1 training session in cooperation with FANC (regulator) and COPREV (medical association)

- 1 general assembly

(5 meetings of Bureau, several meetings of programme committees, several meetings of working groups)

- 1 scientific meeting: New radionuclides in medical applications

- 1 scientific meeting: Nuclear safety convention and outcome of nuclear stress-tests for non NPP installations

- 1 scientific meeting: Present and Future challenges for RP as seen by the Young Generation (6 domains of RP covered by a 'young' radiation protection specialist)

- 1 scientific meeting: the BSS and their implementation

- 1 training session on dealing with internal contamination

- 1 general assembly
(5 meetings of Bureau, several meetings of working groups)
AUSTRALIE : Two national annual scientific meetings have been organised in 2013 and 2014.
In 2013, ARPS 38th Annual meeting was held in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. The theme for the conference was "New Horizons: Protecting the Future".
Topics included:

New developments in radiation protection

Safety culture and security

Challenges in communicating radiation risk

Radiation protection in the natural resources and associated industries

The changing face of radiation practices in the health, research and industrial sectors

In 2014, ARPS 39th Annual meeting was held in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. the theme for the conference was "Radiation Protection: Drawing the Line".
Topics included:

Drawing the line: discussions around radiation risk, LNT and threshold.

Developments in radiation protection

Radiation therapy

Risk communication

Non-ionising radiation

ROUMANIE :The Annual National Conference of the Romanian Society for Radiological Protection on…..

- Individual radiation monitoring and environmental dosimetry - as important components of the radiation protection culture, November 13, 2013.

- Actuality in Radiation Protection: The European Council Directive No.2013/59/Euratom, October 24, 2014.
2013: IX Latin American IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection and Safety: 700 participants

2014: Simposio Latinoamericano sobre Radón (and II Seminario de Radón en Brasil): 150 participants

2014: International Joint Conference RADIO 2014 - http://www.sbpr.org.br/radio2014 - 400 participants.

BRESIL : In the scope of the International Joint Conference: VI International Congress on Radiation Protection in Industry (in cooperatiom with ABENDI - Brazilian Association on Non-Destructive Testing), IV Brazilian Congress on Radiation Protection, IV Congress of Protection Against Radiations of the Countries of Portuguese Language (jointly with the Portuguese Society of Protection Against the Radiations) and I Encontro de Proteção Radiológica do Cone Sul (jointly with FRALC, Radiation Protection Federation of Latin America and Caribbean).
JAPON : 46th and 47th Annual Meetings and 2 Symposia on including topics: Radiation Measurement, Radiation Effect, Radon, Environmental radiation, Risk and Dose Assessment, Medical Exposure, Eye Lens Dose Limit and Fukushima Nuclear Accident.
Nordic : The society has its regular meeting every 4th year, and the next meeting will be in August 2015.
Hongrie : Personal dosimetry, RP Training, Release monitoring, Environmental monitoring, Regulatory issues, Radon monitoring, TL dosimetry, RP in the NPP Paks, Laboratory accreditation, Quality assurance in the X-ray laboratory, Nuclear Security
SLOVAQUIE : 2 National courses, Nuclear Medicine annd Radiation Protection

1 course of IAEA Medical Physics in Radiotherapy

2 International Conferences on Radiation Protection in Slovak and Czech Republic
ROYAUME UNI : o 3 day Annual Conferences: themed sessions and exhibition (includes AGM and has a Schools Event linked to it http://www.srp-uk.org/public-and-schools/srp-schools-event Meeting in 2013 was 50th anniversary meeting

- 2 day South West Group Regional Conference

- 1 day Practical Radiation Protection meeting

- 1 day Radioactive Waste Advisers Workshop

- Three 1 day Radioactive Source Security Training Courses

- 1 day Uk Workshop on the Ethical Dimensions of the RP System

- 1 day Radiation Detection and Monitoring Equipment Usability Workshop

- 1 day Medical Radiation Equipment – Promoting Mutual Understanding and Co-operation - See more at: http://www.srp-uk.org/resources/past-conferences

- 1 day Putting together your first RPA2000 portfolio

Our Partner Societies (PSs see 8.4) run complementary meetings focusing on RP in their sectorial interest: for example;

- AURPO (Association of University Radiation Protection Officers): 2 day annual conference

- IPEM (Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine): 1 day Radiation Protection Adviser and 1 day Radioactive Waste Advisers Update meetings

- BIR ( British Institute of Radiology): 1 day IRMER Update meeting _ Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations

Also IPEM, BIR, SCoR (Society & College of Radiographers), RCR (Royal College of Radiologists) and BNMS (British Niclear Medicine Society) run major annual events and some joint conferences on the medical sector with major sessions on RP.

Croatie : 1. national congress - 9th Symposium of the Croatian Radiation Protection Association with international participation, 86 papers presented as either oral or poster presentations and published in proceedings on 5 - 8 pages, in Croatian or English, all with 1-page abstract in English, topics: Round Table on the 50 years of organized radiation protection in the region (Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia), General topic of radiation protection, Radiation dosimetry, Biological effects of radiation, Public exposure, Radiation protection in medicine, Radioecology, Instrumentation and measurement techniques; Krk, Croatia, April 10-12, 2013, 115 participants (84 from Croatia, 31 from Austria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Hungary, Germany, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia and Japan)

2. Besides national congress the CRPA organize lectures (2-3 lectures per year) with current topics in the field of radiation protection.

ITALIE : Annual Congresses, Workshops, Events organized by AIRP; and organized together with other societies.
Topics (2013-2014):

-RP in industry - Safety at work and prevention

-Radon monitoring and legislation -NORM

-RP in Cone Beam CT -Natural IR

-Radiation risks -Safety in the use of Laser

-Workers'medical surveillance -Effects of IR and NIR

-Fitness for work with radiation -Medical management of overexposure

-BSS Directives -RP in hospital

-QA of monitors and instrumentation -QC in RT

-Culture and legislation development in safety at work

-Optical radiation, estimates of human exposure

-Information and communication to patients on IR risk/benefit

-Forensic medecine and occupational diseases

-Risks and responsabilities in the use of IR and NIR in hospital

-Medical examination of exposed workers

-Dosimetry in CT and interventional procedures

-SBRT dosimetric and radiobiological aspects

-Modelling and dosimetry in NM

-RP and dosimetry in Paediatric Radiology
CANADA : National CRPA-ACRP annual meeting

7.2 Does your society play a role in the training of radiation protection professionals ? If yes, provide details
FRANCE is licensed for vocational training : each SFRP meeting may be counted for a vocational training.
AUTRICHE : Continuing Education credits for meetings and workshops
SUISSE / ALLEMAGNE: one of our expert groups consists mainly in the heads of training institutions
Section "Radiation hygiene"of Federal Medical Biological Agency : Department"Radiation hygiene" in Moscow and Sankt-Peterburg where radiation protection professionals are trained
Radiation Protection Group of Egyptian Society for nuclear sciences and Applications : participate in training programs organized by radiation protection recognized centers.
Cameroon: The president of CRPS and his deputy contribute to the teaching of radiation protection at the postgraduate level at the University of Yaoundé 1, University of Douala and University of Mountains.
BULGARIE : BARRP members participate in training in radiation protection professionals
HPS : We have PEP programs that are used for training, the scientific presentations are educational and we have courses that are training specific.
BVS-ABR : At least one training initiative per year for our members (sometimes in cooperation with other associations)

Advice on training to authorities FANC for RPE/RPO

Roumanie : Members of the society - directures and/or lecturers to several training courses, particularly in medical and nuclear fields.
Brésil : Through refresher courses
Hongrie : Providing lecturers and coordinating tarining activities
Slovaquie : in the training and certification of : medical physicists, radiological assistents, public health offiecers, medical physicians and radiologists
UK : We provide direct training courses where such training is otherwise not available eg courses on source security. However the bulk of the training is provided commercially, or by educational establishments (ranging from technical level courses to MSc level) or within organisational staff development programmes. SRP helps facilitate this where appropriate and members are often the lecturers/trainers. SRP also provides financial sponsorship for Educational projects, see http://www.srp-uk.org/careers/support-schemes
Italie : Yes, through training courses of the :

"Scuola Superiore di Radioprotezione Carlo Polvani"

"Scualo Superiore di Fisica in Medicina Piero Caldirola"

"International Summer School on Radioactive Waste Management and Nuclear Decommissioning"

7.3 Does your society play a role in the accreditationof radiation protection professionals ? If yes, provide details
BVS-ABR : No direct role

Indirectly: advice on training and accreditation of RPE/RPO

Training and scientific sessions organised by BVS-ABR are taken into account as part of 'continuous training' for accredited experts
Australie : ARPS in addition to other societies provides board members to the Australasian Radiaiton Protection Accreditation Board. An ARPS member is currently Chair of ARPAB.
Slovaquie : certifications prooves, batchelor and magister degree in above mentioned specialisations, QA and QC
UK : RPA 2000 was set up in 2000 as a non profit making company, limited by guarantee, for certifying competence in radiation protection practice. It was established by four Professional Societies, namely the Society for Radiological Protection (SRP), the Association of University Radiation Protection Officers (AURPO), the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM), and the Institute of Radiation Protection (IRP), which has since been incorporated into SRP. For details see: http://www.rpa2000.org.uk/

In addition SRP has established a scheme to denote a high level of professionalism, the Chartered Radiation Protection Professional (CRadP); see

http://www.srp-uk.org/membership/becoming-chartered. The ability to offer this stems from SRP being granted a Royal Charter in 2007 for its role in the radiation protection profession. As such it has an officially recognised status that is also relevant to involvement with government, regulators etc (see 8.6)
Canada : Registred Radiation Safety Professional designation, CRPA (R)

8.1 Does your society organize joint meetings with neighbouring societies ? If yes, give for the last meeting the title, date, place and involved societies :

1st European workshop on the ethical dimensions of the radiological protection system, Decembre 2013, Milan (Italy)

Computers codes, March 2014, Paris (France)


ALARA, June 2014, St Malo (France)


AUTRICHE : 24-26 September 2013, "Radiological Protection in Europe – Practie Testing", Essen, Germany, together with : Fachverband fur Strahlenschutz.
Sociedade Portuguesa de Protecção Contra Radiações : 2013 and 2014 co-organisation with the Brasilian Radiation Protection Society
German Swiss Association for Radiation Protection : regularly we organize the annual congresses together with OeVS
HPS : Our most recent annual meeting (July 2014) also featured NRRPT, ABHP and AAHP
BVS-ABR : Meeting with NVS on NORM related problems in Antwerp, 28 October 2011
(next one: NVS, implementation BSS, Rotterdam, 20 November 2015
Roumanie : IRPA Regional Congress for Central and Est Europe, 24-28 September 2007, Brasov, Romania , all societies being involved !!
Brésil : Since 2009 jointly with the Portuguese Society of Protection Against the Radiations - SPPCR (Portugal) the I (Lisbon, Portugal), II (Recife, Brazil), III (Lisbon, Portugal) and IV (Gramado, Brazil) Congress of Protection Against Radiations of the Countries of Portuguese Language.(CONGRESSOs DE PROTEÇÃO CONTRA RADIAÇÕES DA COMUNIDADE DOS PAÍSES DE LÍNGUA PORTUGUESA)     
Japon : AOCRP-3 in Tokyo, Japan, 24-28 May 2010.
Nordic : The society is already a society joining the five Nordic countries.
Hongrie : We invite them to be repesented in our annual meeting.
Slovaquie : 36. Days of Radiation Protection, 10.-14.11.2014, Poprad, SSNMaRH and Czech Society of Radiation Protection
UK : Bilateral links with individual Societies are developed as and when needed. For example SRP has agreed with the Dutch society to provide focused support to them for the next IRPA European Regional Congress

SRP attends an annual meeting of European Presidents to understand each others programmes of work and identify issues for co-operation.

An example was a series of meetings (2005-7) with the French, Spanish and Italian Societies to develop the Draft of what was adopted by IRPA as the Stakeholder Engagement Guiding Principles Document.

Croatie : we have national symposium, but exchange participants with several neighbouring countries at their national meeting

Italie : 1st European Workshop on Ethical Dimension of RP System, organized by AIRP, SFRP in cooperation with IRPA and ICRP
8.2 Is your society a member of a regional group of IRPA Associate Societies. If yes, which IRPA Societies participated :
FRANCE : European IRPA Societies
AUTRICHE : European IRPA Societies
German Swiss Association for Radiation Protection : we participate in the annual meeting of European societies
BVS-ABR : Annual participation to IRPA European societies meeting
Australie : Asia and Oceaenic Association for Radiation Protection (AOARP)
Roumanie : European
Brésil : FRALC - Radiation Protection Federation of Latin America and Caribbean
Japon : Asian and Oceanic Association for Radiation Protection
Nordic : European IRPA societies
Hongrie : - Central European IRPA Associate Societies

- European IRPA Associate Societies

UK : Annual meeting of European Presidents as above. There is no formal arrangement for co-operation other than this annual meeting and ad hoc arrangements that may arise from this or other contacts.
Croatie : European RP societies

8.3 Has your society a partnership with other IRPA Associate Societies. If yes, names :
FRANCE : Belgium, Spain, Italian, Austria+German/Swiss
AUTRICHE :Fachverband fur Strahlenschutz FS
Radiation Protection Association of Slovenia : Croatia, Serbia
Australie : As above, although in its infancy at the moment. ARPS is considering playing a greater role across the Asia/Oceanic region. Hosting AOARP Congress in 2018
Roumanie : Canadian Rad.Prot.Assoc. and a special agreement with American Nuclear Society
Brésil : With the Portuguese Society of Protection Against the Radiations (SPPCR - http://www.sppcr.pt/) and the Spanish Radiation Protection Society - SEPR and the Iberian and Latin American Group of Radiation Protection Societies - GRIAPRA (See Iberian and Latin American Congress of Radiological Protection Societies)
Japon : China Society of Radiation Protection, Korean Association for Radiation Protection (now integrated into AOARP)
Hongrie : Croatian Radiation Protection Association
Slovaquie : Czech Society of Radiation Protection
Croatie : Hungarian society, Serbian society, Slovenian society

8.4 Does your society have cooperation or partnership with other societies or organizations within your country ? If yes, which societies, in which fields and with what objectives :
FRANCE : ATSR (Association pour les Techniques et les Sciences de Radioprotection), SFR (Société Française de Radiologie), SFPM (Société Française des Physiciens Médicaux).
AUTRICHE : OEGMP – Medical Physics ; VMSOE – Radiological Protection in Medecine
German Swiss Association for Radiation Protection : VdSI (national association of safety engineers)
Radiation Protection Group of Egyptian Society for nuclear sciences and Applications : Egyptian Nuclear Physics Association
Radiation Protection Association of Slovenia : Medical Physics
Cameroon : Cameroon Physical Society in Physical Sciences
Bulgarian Association of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection : Bulgarian Association of Radiology and Guild of Bulgarian Radiotherapists
HPS : We have outreach and liaisons with a variety of other groups. They include the Society for Nuclear Medicine, American Institute of Physics, American Nuclear Society and the Radiation Research Society among many others.
BVS-ABR : Belgian Nuclear Society: some joint meetings if topics of mutual interest

COPREV: medical RP issues

Australie : Yes through Australasian Radiation Protection Accreditation Board. ARPAB consists of members from ARPS, the Australasian College of Physical Scientists in Medicine (ACPSEM) and the Australian Institute of Occuaptional Hygienists (AIOH)
Roumanie : "Nuclear Energy" Association, member of the European Nuclear Societies
Brésil : Cooperation with the ABENDI- Brazilian Association on Non-Destructive Testing. In the field of industrial radiography.     
Japon : Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Japanese Society of Radiation Safety management
Hongrie : Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Radiochemical Comission

Environmental Monitoring

Slovaquie : Slovak Nuclear Society, WIN Slovakia, Slovak Society of Physics and Biophysics (member of EFOMP)
UK : There are formal Agreements between SRP and Partner Societies (PSs), namely;

Association of University Radiation Protection Officers (AURPO)

British Institute of Radiology (BIR)

British Nuclear Medicine Society (BNMS)

Institute of Physics & Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)

Royal College of Radiologists (RCR)

Society and College of Radiographers (SCoR)

The PSs each nominate members to sit on SRP's International Committee, whose primary purpose is to facilitate co-operation with IRPA and to facilitate liaison with Partner Societies. With regard to the former the Committee "shall encourage, develop and facilitate appropriate UK involvement in IRPA affairs"

SRP has a class of membership, the International Member, which allows appropriately qualified members of the PSs to be members of IRPA

SRP developed the UK Young Professionals Award (UK YPA) in collaboration with the UK PSs. This is now an annual competition open to any member aged 35 or less from all the Societies. It is held at the SRP Annual Conference and judged by a panel of senior members from the SRP and the PSs.

The PSs have provided significant support for the SRP Schools Event (see 8.5), particularly in respect of the exhibition component.
Croatie :

Croatian Nuclear Society - exchange of information, organization of lectures

Croatian Mediacl Chamber - permanent education of medical staff

Croatian Society of Radiologists - exchange of information, joint lectures

Croatian Society of Medical Radiology Engineers - education of medical physicists, echange of participation at conferences

Croatian Association for Protection of Non-ionizing Radiation "ALBERT EINSTEIN" - exchange of information

Italie :

>With the societies : AIFM (Ital. Ass. Medical Physic), AIRM (Ital. Ass. Medical RP), ANPEQ 5Nat; Profess. Ass. Ital. QE), AIMN (Ital. Ass. Nuclear Med.), AIRB (Ital. Ass. Radiobiol.), SIRM (Ital. Soc. Medical Radiology), SIRR (Ital. Soc. Radiation Research), CIIP (Inter-Association Council for Prevention), AIRP is engaged in the organisation of events and in activities for the development of the technical aspects, the implementation of guidelines, legal and ethical aspects of RP in the medical and industrial fields.

>With organisations: ISS (National Institute of Health) and INAIL (National Institute Insurance against Accidents at Work) AIRP is part of the Multidisciplinary WG "Optimization of radiation protection in interventional radiology prodedures"

8-5 Does your Society have Outreach Programmes (including public information
programmes), targeted at :
(a) the general public eg information leaflet or web based material
(b) employers - including those where radiation may not be their major focus
(c) teachers and pupils eg Schools event at IRPA 13 and poster material

If yes, could you provide details :
FRANCE : Specific meetings on the effect of non-ionizing radiations for physicians, Annual Radioprotection Meeting for high school pupils.
AUTRICHE : some web-based materials ; further contributions are planned
German Swiss Association for Radiation Protection : leaflet, information sheet "StrahlenschutzKompakt", systematic process to engage school pupils in RP projects
Bulgarian Association of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection : BARRP members involved in the preparation of information materials (leaflet, brochure) for general population
HPS : We have a significant web presence with our Ask the Expert system - http://hps.org/publicinformation/ate/ - we also have significant resources throughout our web page and our separate public information page - http://www.radiationanswers.org/
Australie : Not formally. The South Australian (SA) Branch of ARPS attends a National science week fair (only held in SA) which educates and informs the general public regarding radiaiton related issues. Some ARPS members are also involved in the National Scientist in Schools program run through a Federal government program.
Roumanie : All proceedings of the annual conferences of the RSRP are published and distributed to interested bodies.
Brésil : https://br.groups.yahoo.com/group/radioprotecionistas/ 
Japon : Q&A site (now closed) and book regarding radiation for the general public
Slovaquie : Leaflets radon in homes, prevention of natural radiations, QA and interventional radiology, QA and QC during CT examinations
UK : The development of Outreach programmes for each of the above groups is part of SRP's current Strategic Plan. See http://www.srp-uk.org/public-and-schools/faqs . Some parts are more developed than others; that for schools being the most developed as a Schools Event attracting approximately four hundred 14/15 year-old school children each year at the SRP Annual Conference . The latter has built on the success of the Schools Event at IRPA13. The many posters produced for that event have been updated and are freely available on the SRP website

http://www.srp-uk.org/public-and-schools/resources-for-schools . Whilst these were primarily designed for a Schools audience, they are also useful for the public and employers: their photographic content complementing the FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Italie : -AIRP is operating to promote prevention through a National Campain "I commit myself to prevention"

-AIRP is in a co-operation with INAIL (National Institute Insurance against Accidents at Work) for the realization of information initiatives on health and safety at work and promotion of a culture of prevention with dissemination and awareness.

-AIRP organizated evens on information and communication on radiation risks and benefits to patients, together with the societies mentioned in 8.4 and with associations of patients.

-It was prepared a booklet in Italian on the communication aspects in emergency, together with ENEA

Canada : Ressources and FAQ sections on our website. We accept and answer questions from the public

8-6 Does your society have any involvement in fovernmental/regulatory advisory bodies or in responding to sonsultations at a national or local level ? If so, please give examples.
AUTRICHE : Organization and collection of contributions in the context of the public review process for proposed laws and regulations.
German Swiss Association for Radiation Protection : systematic process to develop position papers during legislative processes in Switzerland and Germany (e.g. implementation of EU-BSS in Germany, ..of ICNIRP recommendation en CH, …)
Cameroon : Environmental radiation monitoring
HPS : We have an active government relations program that includes visits to federal agencies and congressional members and staff twice per year. We also respond to requests for information and data from the federal and occasional state level.
BVS-ABR : Not officially, but we may be consulted by FANC or take own initiatives

Exchanges with the Belgian 'Scientific Council for Ionising Radiations'

Australie : ARPS consultation has been requested by the Federal government regulator on occasion when new standards and guidance documents are prepared.
Roumanie : Technical advices or opinions on sensible topics (medical exposure, nuclear energy), at the request.
Brésil : Through participation in the development of national standards like "Diretrizes Básicas de Proteção Radiológica" - http://www.cnen.gov.br/seguranca/normas/pdf/
Hongrie : Advise on new regulations
Slovaquie : Commision of Health Ministry for QA and QC guideliness preparation in Radiology
UK : Many of the relevant staff from the UK regulatory and advisory organisations are SRP members and so there are many informal but effective links. However SRP has formal involvement in a number of forums;for example

- working with the regulators to put in place Workshops on the implementataion of the European BSS.

- membership of a Department of Health Working Group on Medical Physics Experts.

- membership of the Small Users Liaison Group (SULG): a forum organised by regulators for effective liaison, communication and consultation between non-nuclear users of radioactive substances and the regulators.

- assisted the regulators with development of the role of Radioactive Waste Advisers and exemption orders under the Environmental Permitting regulations, by organising a number of workshops.

More generally SRP and the PSs are regular Consultees for documents from the Regulators

Italie : AIRP is engaged in the process of EU BSS implementation together with the other national societies in the field, mainly mentioned in 8.4
Canada : We may thru our Positions Papers comment on draft regulatory documents. Another is the relatively new CNSC-CRPA Working Group
8-7 Does your society get involved in promoting careers in RP at School and college/university level ; either as part of your own outreach programme, or as part of a wider Careers programme run by other organisations ? If so, please give examples.
AUTRICHE : Prices for young scientists and professionals and promotion of study (abroad) exchanges
German Swiss Association for Radiation Protection : Rupprecht Maushart Award for young scientists, financial and organizational support of exchanges of students abroad

Cameroun : Training at the postgraduate level in radiation protection, dosimetry, ionizing radiation metrology (University of Yaoundé 1, University of Douala, University of Mountains
HPS : We hae an academic education committee. We also work annually with the federal level to ensure funding for the university programs throughout the nation.
BVS-ABR : We hope to improve our outreach in this domain in the forthcoming years
Australie : Informally and dependent on State branch involvement
Roumanie : Participation as associate professors to such programmes.
UK : This area of work is strongly linked to or part of the Outreach programmes covered in 8.5. A specific section of our website is devoted to Careers see http://www.srp-uk.org/careers/overview . We have both a careers leaflet and a series of short videos of members talking about their careers. For the last two years members of the SRP Rising Generations Group (RGG) have participated at the annual careers fair held at the University of Manchester and a wider participation at such events is planned, as this forms part of our Strategic Plan.
Italie : Yes, mainly in the area of RP in medicine, where students of the post graduate Specialisation School in Medical Physics of the different Universities benefit from events and specific courses in medial RP, often organised together with the Physicians Associations, there is also the dissemination of information on scholarships, employment opportunities and on developments in the professional aspects;
Via CRPA Student & Young Professionals Committee

9-1 Do you know a country or countries in which RP professionals are willing to create
a society ? If yes : name(s)

Section "Radiation hygiene"of Federal Medical Biological Agency : Republic of Belarus
Roumanie : Republic of Moldova (IBahnarel@cnsp.md)
Brésil : Angola and Moçambique
Japon : Indonesia
UK : Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
9-2 Do you know of any existing or newly RP society (societies) willing to become member
of IRPA ?
If yes : name(s)

Section "Radiation hygiene"of Federal Medical Biological Agency : Scientific Commission on Radiation Protection in Republic of Belarus
9-3 Have you assisted the creation of a society in the past ? If yes : Which society and summary of experiences
Section "Radiation hygiene"of Federal Medical Biological Agency : To provide practical assistant in creation of associate society and to share our own experience
Cameroun : Tunisian radiation Protection Society, the 50th IRPA AS. CRPS was contacted to share its experience to become an IRPA AS. All information and required documents were sent to Tunisian RP Society. Finally this helped a lot this society to become the 50th IRPA AS.
HPS : We have helped with HPS chapters in other countries. Our hope is that we will be able to help them mature and become stand alone IRPA societies.
Roumanie : Republic of Moldova. A society was created, including radiation protection issues, but not clearly a radiation protection society.
10-2 Have you any suggestions to improve these activities ?

Radiation Protection Group of Egyptian Society for nuclear sciences and Applications : To hold regional congress each 2 years
Australie : Whilst the website has a lot of information posted (such as IRPA Bullletins, news etc) it would be good to get this sent to our secretariat so we can email it out to our members directly. I am not sure that too many of our members actually visit the IRPA site.
Roumanie : Very few actual and useful information on IRPA web site.
Brésil : Remote access to the IRPA Website for publishing content, by Asssociated Societies.      
UK :The International Congresses make an important contibution to radiation protection and would be regarded as the flagship of IRPA. In most respects they would warrant a "very" marking in the above. Whilst we believe that the management of the last Congress was good, over time there have been variable standards of management of the Congresses

Some good work has been done in developing Guiding Principles, but their visibility is not high.

The Communications and Website areas have improved in the last year or so, but there is still some way to go.

We regularly include items relating to IRPA activities in our Weekly Update email and Dr Coates provides updates on IRPA's work programme at our annual meetings. However IRPA is not a "go to website/organisation for information" for the vast majority of our members. The Congresses have a high profile, but IRPA is still not perceived by members as being the voice of the radiation protection professionals - because individual members do not see mechanisms for, or examples of, how they can influence what IRPA representatives are saying and doing.

Communication arrangements are key: maybe a monthly update that Societies can distribute electronically. Also the work of the Radiation Protection Strategy & Practice Committee is probably important in demonstrating the value of IRPA to AS members.
Croatie :

At IRPA international congresses and European congresses the fees are very high, and become higher and higher giving less and less. This is specially true for developing countries and countries with financial problems.

Nowadays neither conference dinner nor refresher courses are included in the fee which is often much higher than 500 EUR, and presently costs of printing book/proceedings are not existing any more. It seems that organization of such large conferences/congresses has become a very profitable business and less attention is being paid to exchange of knowledge and experience.

We suggest to reconsider high conference fees for IRPA congresses.

Canada : More frequent commuication to member societies on IRPA activities.

10-3 Have you any suggestions to improve the role and the effectiveness of IRPA for the profession ?

Radiation Protection Group of Egyptian Society for nuclear sciences and Applications : To create groups to visit radiation protection societies in order improve radiation protection profession in Africa and Asia
Cameroun :

-more information on IRPA website about RP congresses, conferences, symposia, etc, around the world

-more assistance to IRPA AS to prepare national RP events

Australie : Communication to the general public regarding the health risk associated with low levels of radiation could always be improved. Active participation in releasing media statements to the mainstream media
I am not aware if IRPA runs any communications courses for radiation protection professionals? If they do it would be good to hold a course in Australia. In fact any courses run in Australia would be good.
One of the other concerns raised a few times across the Asia-Oceanic region is the General Assembly voting system for IRPA Congresses and members on the Executive. It is very hard for smaller associations, like ours, to compete with the large associations to get the votes. IRPA is very euro/US centric. I am not sure how to change this though, apart from having mandated regional representatives on the executive committee.
Roumanie : The RSRP has not a role in the accreditation of radiation protection professionals because such task is not included in any international basic safety standards. IRPA should be more involved in the future and to determine such recommendation in the international radiation protection regulation (involvement of the national RP societies in the accreditation process.

UK : The key challenge for IRPA, and for the Associate Societies, is to have effective mechanisms for 2 way timely communications to identify issues, comment on consultative documents and provide feedback. The setting up of the various IRPA Committees will help this process but there is still some way to go to develop their effectiveness, as indicated above.
Italie :

IRPA has already an important role within the profession and il reflects the very reality of the profession.

To add something more you could push further :

  • a bette identificationof what the professionals, active in the fiels, are asking to the operational research it could be an appropriate activity to develop;

  • the identification an discussion of issues on which the professionals feel useful to open a dissertation.

One starting point could be :

  1. to take more into consideration the conclusions and discussions of the various IRPA Regional and International Congresses;

  2. to circulate the emerging views and concerns expressed by these congresses an

  3. to analyze the views and concerns, il considred useful and feasible, and

  4. to develop some of them with dedicated Committees or TG

It will be also interesting to see if in the last years IRPA events, peculiar or specific trneds among the most appealing subjects or interesting themes, have been spotted or in evidence. May be such overview about known and obvious tends, as welle as about latent issues and concerns has been already carried out and available, but, so far, we are not aware of any analysis and evaluation of this trends against the time.

Since IRPA, more than the other internationa organizations, really connects and embraces the professionals of all the countries around the world, it would be determinant:

-to collect suggestions, comments and experiences directly from them on a voluntary basis

-to organize and direct this activity through the national Ass and

-especially to get the other organizations such ICRP, IAEA and other, more exposed and interested to the voices, concerns and demands of IRPA professionals.
Canada : Promotion of Radiation Safety professionals through a certification or registration process similar to the CRPA (R) or CHP programs

10-4 Have you any suggestions to improve the value of IRPA to your society ?
Australie : As above, it would be good to see more IRPA activities in Australia. ARPS is hosting AOCRP-5 in 2018, but it would be good to see other IRPA activities in the region.
Roumanie : See above
UK : see above.

Comment on Questionnaire: the November 14 version of the form was not very user friendly and some of the boxes did not permit entries. The current form is better but very unforgiving: in 4.4 if you put "%" after a number it will not accept it and changes the entry to zero. Also box 1 changed the name of our society to "ttt" when you moved to the next box (eventually found that the name could be properly entered if you went back after entering several other boxes).

The lack of being able to track changes or highlight text made the compilation of the final response, from contributions across the Society, difficult. A straight forward word document would have been easier.

It should be noted that there is a degree of estimation in the figures in 4.4 and 4.5, as we do not currently keep data in this format. Also some members span several categories. If you want future data it would be useful to have early agreement on the use of consisitent categories.

There was no text box associated with 7.4 (both versions of the form). The information asked for is that we have produced guidance on

- Decommissioning for medical, industrial or research small users

- Food and drinks industry

- Transport industry

- Portable XRF systems

other practical guidance produced by the nuclear industry is also on the website : http://www.srp-uk.org/resources/practical-advice .

Canada : Participation in our annual conference to bring international news from IRPA to Canada during ou main event for the year. Utilize CRPA professionally registered members in IRPA initiatives.

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