Wise Timetabl7e Web
User Guide
Wise Timetable Web installation
Wise Technologies Ltd. Cesta 24. junija 23
SI-1231 Ljubljana-Crnuce, Sloveniawww.wise-t.com
Publication date: July, 2014
Introduction 3
Prerequisites for installation
Database setting
3.1 Microsoft SQL Server
3.2 MySQL
Database connection
4.1 ODBC Data Source
4.1.1 MS SQL
4.1.2 MySQL
4.2 Export the Timetable data to the database
Installing the package on the server
5.1 Installation on Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)
5.2 Installation on UNIX/Linux Servers
6.1 Password change and Product information
6.2 PHP scripts features
6.3 ASP scripts features
6.4 Administration
6.5 Settings
6.6 Custom page messages
6.7 Additional Information
7.1 Choosing more groups for simultaneous viewing on the groups.asp/php page
Error report
The package contains all Wise Timetable Web scripts needed for viewing timetables on the internet.
The User Guide describes the Wise Timetable application installation to a server and the establishment of the connection to the database for displaying data on webpages.
The Guide does not cover the integration of the Wise Timetable application to other internet portals or pages.
This document can be modified without prior notice. The latest electronic version is always accessible at out FTP Server and the following address: http://www.wisetimetable.com/images/ import-data/wise-timetable-web-installation.pdf.
1 Prerequisites for installation
Before starting the installation, check the following:
• You have the latest version of the Guide (check the FTP Server),
• You have the latest version of the web application (check the FTP Server),
• Access to the web server (IIS, Apache...) on which you wish to install the web application,
• Access to the database in which you wish to store data. The application supports MySQL (5.0.2 or more recent) and MS SQL 2000 or more recent,
• The PHP version requires the ADOdb Database Abstraction Library, which is freely accessible at: http://adodb.sourceforge.net/,
• If you’re using PHP scripts, PHP version on the server must be at least 5.2.0.
2 Upgrading
Wise Timetable Web is constantly being developed and upgraded. To upgrade your version, simply follow this procedure:
1. Create a safety copy of your existing version.
2. Save the lib/setup.ini file to an easily accessible and secure location or print it.
3. Delete the entire content of the directory on the web server where the application is installed.
4. Follow the installation instructions and use the setup.ini file, which you have saved or printed, in the configuration procedure.
Attention: if the webpage design has been modified, the design files have to be updated.
3 Database setting
3.1 Microsoft SQL Server
Alongside the Wise Timetable desktop application, you have also received scripts for the creation of tables in the database. They are stored in the application’s subdirectory misc (default C:\Program Files\Wise Timetable\misc). Create a new database and tables by executing the mssql_create_script.sql script. User account with SELECT rights (db_datareader) is required for proper functioning of the web application.
3.2 MySQL
Alongside the Wise Timetable desktop application, you have also received scripts for the creation of tables in the database. They are stored in the application’s subdirectory misc (default C:\Program Files\Wise Timetable\misc). Create a new database with collation UTF-8
and create tables by executing the mysql_create_script.sql script. User account with SELECT
rights (db_datareader) is required for proper functioning of the web application.
4 Database connection
The web application and the desktop version have to be connected to the database.
4.1 ODBC Data Source
The ASP and the desktop version require the insertion in the ODBC Data Source Administrator
on the workstation where they run. The procedure described applies to the desktop version.
If you use the ASP version on your web server, the ODBC Data Source connection has to be
installed in the same manner on the server as well.
Attention: the desktop version requires write and delete rights while the web pages require only write rights on the database.
4.1.1 MS SQL
1. Open ODBC Data Source Administrator (Control panel/Administrative tools).
2. Click the System DSN tab and then the Add… button.
3. In the Create New Data Source window, choose SQL Server and click Finish.
4. The window that is displayed bellow opens. Fill in the fields, choose your server and click
Picture 1
5. Choose SQL Server authentication and insert Login ID and Password (desktop application requires read, write and delete rights, while the web version requires only read rights)
in the fields (as shown in the picture 2), and click Next. The Login ID and Password have been set for database access.
Picture 2
6. Choose your database from the drop down menu in the following window.
Picture 3
7. The final window does not have to be changed. At the end, click Finish.
Picture 4
8. The window with the summary of settings opens. Click Test Data Source... and the TESTS
COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY! notice should be displayed as shown in the picture 5.
Picture 5
9. Confirm both windows. The new insertion to the DSN System is now set.
4.1.2 MySQL
1. If you use MySQL database on the server, you need to have the MySQL ODBC 5.1
Driver installed. In case you do not have it, it can be accessed at: http://dev.mysql.com/
downloads/connector/odbc/5.1.html (the MSI installer version is recommended). Select
32-bit version (regardless of whether you have 32 or 64-bit Windows).
2. If you have 32-bit system, open ODBC Data Source Administrator (Control panel/ Administrative tools). If you have 64-bit system run ODBC Data Source Administrator in C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe.
3. Click the System DSN tab and then the Add… button.
4. In the Create New Data Source window, choose MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver and click Finish.
5. Fill in the insertion fields with your data as shown in the picture 6.
Picture 6
6. Click the Test button and the Connection successful message should be displayed.
Picture 7
7. The new insertion to the DSN System window is now set.
4.2 Export the Timetable data to the database
The path to the database has to be set for data export from the desktop application. In the application directory (default C:\Program Files\Wise Timetable\), open the dbsettings.ini file. Set the export_db_conn_str parameter value to your DSN, for example: export_db_conn_str = DSN=WiseTimetable.
Open the desktop application and choose Save data to database from the Data menu. Confirm the choice in the warning window, which opens.
The data is now stored in the database.
5 Installing the package on the server
The scripts for users are stored in the root folder, and the support scripts in the subfolders. The application can be run from the root folder (main page) on the server or from the subfolder (subpage). It is advisable to install the web application as a subfolder on the server due to security as well as practical reasons (upgrading, possible name conflicts, etc). The following case describes this option.
5.1 Installation on Microsoft Internet
Information Services (IIS)
1. Copy the entire package content to the folder on the server in which you wish the Wise
Timetable Web to run.
2. Open IIS on the server and the tree structure on the local workstation. In the Web Sites
folder right-click the folder in which you want to install the application.
Picture 8
3. Choose
New / Virtual Directory… from the menu (Picture 9).
Picture 9
4. Follow the wizard:
a. Alias: insert the name under which the timetables will be accessible. If you insert
»Timetable«, the pages will be accessible from URL, for example:
Picture 10
b. Directory: choose the directory to which you have transferred all the content belonging to the application.
Picture 11
c. Access Permissions: choose Read, Run scripts, Write.
Picture 12
5. The lib and design subfolders of the web application and the files they contain need additional rights.
a. Open the application directory in Windows Explorer, right-click the lib directory and choose Properties.
b. Click the Security tab in the open window and then the Add... button under Group or user names.
Picture 13
c. Select Users or Groups has opened; choose the Advanced... button.
Picture 14
d. Click Find Now. A list appears in the bottom part of the window. Find IUSR_ COMPUTERNAME, where COMPUTERNAME stands for the name of the computer. Confirm by clicking OK and repeat the procedure in the following window.
Picture 15
e. The lib Properties window opens again. Choose the recently added insertion
(Internet Guest Account... in the Group or user names window). In the bottom
part check the following rights: Modify, Read & Execute, List Folder Contents, Read,
Write and confirm by clicking Apply. Then close the window with OK (Picture 16).
Picture 16
f. Repeat the procedure from a) to e) for the design directory.
6. The application is now accessible from an internet browser. Go to the Configuration chapter.
5.2 Installation on UNIX/Linux Servers
The location and the manner of installing the package depend on the specifics of your software. Your system operator should have all the necessary information.
It is important to set access rights to individual files. The files must have at least following rights:
6 Configuration
The next step before using the timetables is the configuration of the web application. Open the internet browser and the enclosed configure.php script (configure.asp for the ASP version). The script is stored in the basic folder of the application.
Picture 17
First, the password has to be inserted. Insert the default password - Popokatepetl (case sensitive), and click Login.
The configuration page, where all the necessary data for running of the application can be inserted, is displayed.
Notice: Configuration page is different for ASP and PHP scripts. PHP scripts support more features. Point 6.2 explains PHP scripts features and point 6.3 explains ASP scripts features. We suggest using PHP scripts, because our development is focused on them.
6.1 Password change and Product information
Picture 18
1. Change password: it is advisable to change the password immediately, since the default password is not secure. The password is changed by inserting a new password and clicking the Submit button at the bottom of the page. Even though other settings have not been changed yet, the new password is stored and can be used the next time the application is run. Since the session is still active (you are still logged in the system), the remaining data can be inserted, without reinserting the password.
2. Revision number: this field provides information and is intended for the support team in case of program malfunction.
3. Modifications: this field provides information and is intended for the support team in case of program malfunction.
6.2 PHP scripts features
Picture 19
1. Use Saturdays: choose Use for the display of Saturdays in the timetable.
2. Use Sundays: choose Use for the display of Sundays in the timetable.
3. Use reservations: choose Use for the display of the reserved timeslots in the timetable. In the opposite case, only courses which are in the timetable inherently will be displayed.
4. Dates with day names: choose Show, if you wish dates to be displayed with day names in the header of timetables.
5. Datetime format: insert a format for displayed dates. Examples: “DD.MM”, “MM-DD”, “YYYY-MM-DD”, “DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss”, “hh:mm DD/MM/YYYY”. The text can be formatted as you prefer however keep in mind:
a. DD will be replaced with the day,
b. MM will be replaced with the month,
c. YYYY will be replaced with the year,
d. ‘hh’ will be replaced with the hour,
e. ‘mm’ will be replaced with the minutes,
f. ‘ss’ will be replaced with the seconds.
6. Timetable valid until: insert the date until you want to display schedules. »0« means the value is not considered. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
7. Holidays: used to setup holidays display. Select Don’t show if you want that holidays are not displayed in the timetable. Select Show if you want that the holidays are displayed on a timetable in pink colour but courses on holidays are still visible. Select Override other if
you want that the holidays are displayed in pink colour and courses on holidays are not visible.
Use mark: select Show for displaying marked course timetables with Underline and Italic fonts. Select Don’t show for displaying marked course timetables with normal fonts. Main menu: use for displaying links to other scripts (view by Groups, Rooms, Lecturers
(Prof), more rooms (Classrooms), Courses and Students (Stud)).
Display last change time: select Show for displaying the date and time of the schedule last update.
Display week number: select Show for displaying the number of the week.
Details about the selection when printing: select Show for displaying the values of the chosen parameters (lecturer, course, year, subject areas, groups, ...).
Groups: if students are divided in groups with different schedules, check the Use field
(groups will be displayed in the timetable). In the opposite case check Don’t use.
Groups in cells: choose Show if you wish all groups to be displayed in the timetable cells as well. In the opposite case, they are displayed in the pop-up window.
Groups selector: choose Use if you wish to offer manual groups selection in groups script. In the opposite case, manual groups selection is disabled but timetables of all groups are displayed.
Groups password: indicate whether you wish to include the password function for viewing an individual group. If you include the password function, students will have to insert their password to use the groups script. The password is set up in the desktop application. Attention: it will not be possible to choose more groups simultaneously on the groups.asp/php page.
When groups password is on, enter groups name manually: select Use if you want the group script user inserts group name (user name) manually. If you select Don’t use, the user can choose a group name from the list.
iCal for groups - Subject: is used to adjust data displayed in the Subject of iCalender file for groups. You can choose among WTT, Course, Room, Course type (Type), Group and Lecturer (Tutor).
iCal for groups - Text: is used to adjust data displayed in the Text of iCalender file for groups. You can choose among Course, Room, Course type (Type), Group and Lecturer (Tutor).
Lecturer’s password: indicate whether lecturers need to insert their password to use the prof script or not. If you include the password function, lecturers will have to insert their password to use the prof script. The password is set up in the desktop application.
When lecturers password is on, enter lecturers name manually: select Use if you want the prof script user inserts lecturer’s name and surname (user name) manually. If you select Don’t use, the user can choose a lecturer’s name and surname from the list.
Whole schedule for lecturers - Sort by date: select Use for displaying whole schedule
on prof script by dates (each date is one record). If you select Don’t use schedules are
displayed by days in week (e.g. Monday’s schedule is only one record – with a description
from which to which week a schedule is carried out).
Whole schedule for lecturers - Reservations: is used for display settings of lecturers’
reservations on prof script in the case of whole schedule display. Select Don’t show for not displaying the reservations (e.g. reservations are used as blockades). Select Show reservation for displaying only the list of reservations (e.g. reservations are used as comments in the timetable and therefore actual time is irrelevant). Select Show
reservation and date for displaying reservations with day, date and hour (e.g. reservations are used for exams, colloquia, etc. and therefore the actual time is important).
Ical for lecturers - Subject: is used to adjust data displayed in the Subject of iCalender file for lecturers. You can choose among WTT, Course, Room, Course type (Type), Group and Lecturer (Tutor).
Ical for lecturers - Text: is used to adjust data displayed in the Text of iCalendar file for lecturers. You can choose among Course, Room, Course type (Type), Group and Lecturer (Tutor).
Hide subject area code: select Use for displaying subject area’s code beside the name of the subject area on the groups and courses scripts. Select Don’t use for not displaying subject area’s code.
Show duration (rooms.php): used for time display in the pop-up window that opens
when clicking on a timetable or a reservation on the script rooms. Select Use for showing
duration in hours (e.g. 2h) in addition to start hour. Select Don’t use for displaying from
which to which hour it will take (e.g. 12:00-14:00).
Display number of students (rooms.php): used for displaying number of students in the group in the pop-up window that opens when clicking to timetable on rooms script. Select Show for displaying number of students in the group in addition to group’s name. Select Don’t show for and number of students is not displayed.
6.3 ASP scripts features
1. Groups: if students are divided in groups with different schedules, check the Use field
(groups will be displayed in the timetable). In the opposite case check Don’t use.
2. Reservations: choose Use for the display of the reserved timeslots in the timetable. In the opposite case, only courses which are in the timetable inherently will be displayed.
3. Professor password: indicate whether lecturers need to insert their password to use the prof script or not. If you include the password function, lecturers will have to insert their password to use the prof script. The password is set up in the desktop application.
4. Groups password: indicate whether you wish to include the password function for viewing an individual group. If you include the password function, students will have to insert their password to use the groups script. The password is set up in the desktop application. Attention: it will not be possible to choose more groups simultaneously on the groups.asp/php page.
5. Use Sundays: choose Use for the display of Saturdays in the timetable.
6. Groups in cells: choose Show if you wish all groups to be displayed in the timetable cells as well. In the opposite case, they are displayed in the pop-up window.
7. Groups selector: choose Use if you wish to offer manual groups selection in groups script.
In the opposite case, manual groups selection is disabled but timetables of all groups are
Dates with day names: choose Show if you wish dates to be displayed with day names in the header of timetables.
Timetable valid until: insert the date until you want to display schedules. »0« means the value is not considered. Format: YYYY-MM-DD.
Display last change time: select Show for displaying the date and time of the schedule last update.
Details about the selection when printing: select show for displaying the values of the chosen parameters (lecturer, course, year, subject areas, groups, ...).
Week number: select Show for displaying the number of the week.
Datetime format: insert a format for displayed dates. Examples: “DD.MM”, “MM-DD”, “YYYY-MM-DD”, “DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm:ss”, “hh:mm DD/MM/YYYY”. The text can be formatted as you prefer however keep in mind:
a. DD will be replaced with the day,
b. MM will be replaced with the month, c. YYYY will be replaced with the year,
d. ‘hh’ will be replaced with the hour,
e. ‘mm’ will be replaced with the minutes, f. ‘ss’ will be replaced with the seconds.
6.4 Administration
Picture 20
1. Save to log: indicate whether lecturer’s log-ins should be stored in a server file. The administrator can later check the file by using the admin script.
2. Log Filename: the path to the file and the name of the file to which the log-ins described in the previous point are stored. For example C:\Log\WiseTimetableLog.txt (the directory has to exist).
3. Administrator – first name (on PHP and ASP scripts): insert the name of the person from the Tutor table in the Wise Timetable database, who will have access rights to view the log-ins. The admin script will, if/when used, check if the inserted password matches the password of the user as stored in the database.
4. Administrator - last name (only on PHP scripts): insert the name of the person from the Tutor table in the Wise Timetable database, who will have access rights to view the log- ins.
6.5 Settings
Picture 21
1. Web character encoding: character set to be used for displaying a web page in browser.
2. Ajax character encoding: character set to be used for Ajax communication (it is not necessary the same as for displaying a page in browser).
3. Database Type: choose the database type that you use.
4. Connection string: insert the character string which is used by the program to connect to the database.
a. The ASP version requires the DSN connection, which has been set in the Connection to data chapter. An example of the insertion: »DSN=WiseTimetable« (without inverted commas). If you did not insert the data on the database user at that time, it can be inserted now in the following manner:
b. The PHP version requires a connection string in the following form:
for MySQL: »mysql://DBusername:DBpassword@mysql-server:port_number/
for MSSQL: »Driver={SQL Server}; Server=rver>; Database=tabase>;
5. ADOdb Driver Location: is relevant only for the PHP package version users. Insert the path to php library/driver for database access. The path is usually the following: »/apache/ adodb5/adodb.inc.php«, however, it also depends on your server settings.
6. Language: choose the language in which the timetable data should be displayed.
7. Application path: insert the complete path to thefiles, which are a part of the application.
The path ends with a slash, in the Microsoft environment with »\«, and in the UNIX/Linux
with »/«. Examples: »C:\Web\Timetable\« and »/var/www/timetable/«.
The files stored in the subdirectory design, determine the visual appearance of the
timetables on the internet. They can be created by the users in order to match the visual
appearance of their portal. The instructions for modifying the design are accessible at our
FTP server and at the following address: http://www.wisetimetable.com/images/import-
6.6 Custom page messages
Additional notices are set here. They are displayed as titles at the top of the relevant page. They serve as additional information. See the following example (Picture 22):
Picture 22
6.7 Additional Information
Once the configuration of the Wise Timetable Web application is finished, the Submit button should be clicked. After submitting, try out one of the scripts. If the procedure has been carried out correctly, the pages will be displayed and will contain data from the database.
The configuration script (configure.asp or configure.php) can be deleted at this point to ensure complete security. The data is stored and the program runs independently. If the script is not deleted, it is still secured by the personalized password you have just changed.
7 Help
The Chapter provides information on the most frequent problems encountered during the installation. The content is regularly updated.
7.1 Choosing more groups for simultaneous viewing on the groups.asp/php page
You have probably indicated that you use groups (Groups=Use) during configuration and they need an access password (Groups password=Use). Each group has its own password, therefore more groups cannot be chosen simultaneously. If you set the Groups password parameter to Don’t use, it will be possible to choose more groups simultaneously.
8 Error report
We wish to annul potential errors in the shortest time possible and save your precious time. Before you send an Error report, we politely ask you to check if the solution to the problem is not already provided in the Help chapter. If that is not the case, please send us an e-mail including:
• To: support@wise-t.com
• Subject: Wise Timetable Web: error report
• Describe the problem in brief and include the following information:
• The database used (MySQL, MS SQL), and its version.
• Website building language used (ASP or PHP).
• If the pages are publicly available, give the URL, otherwise include the picture of the
window where the error occurs.
• The lib/setup.ini file (which contains the connection to the database, therefore you
might wish to delete this information).
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