1 In English only./En anglais seulement./En inglés solamente.
1 In International Standard for Phytosanitary Measures (2009) 15.
2 These objectives should be viewed in the context of the significant challenges faced by India including: a history of food shortages, a large segment of the population dependent on the agriculture sector for its livelihood, and hundreds of millions of poor Indians who spend most of their incomes on food. More than one third of the population, mostly rural Indians, still lives on less than US$1 per day. Indian farmers are a politically powerful voting bloc that has a major influence on Indian domestic and international trade policies.
3 Department of Commerce, Trade Notice No. 1/2010 of 17 May 2010 introduced clarification regarding the initiation of mid term reviews in terms of Rule 23 of the Anti dumping Rules (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Anti Dumping Duty on Dumped Articles and for Determination of Injury).
4 This question also applies to paragraph 16 of the Summary, which states the following: "India is one of the most active users of anti dumping measures among WTO Members. It initiated 209 anti dumping investigations against 34 trading partners during the review period, compared with 176 in the period covered in its last Review, and it imposed 207 anti dumping measures, compared with 177. The products involved included chemicals and products thereof, plastics and rubber and products thereof, base metals, and textiles and clothing".
5 Freight Subsidy (For Far flung Areas) Scheme 2002.
6 IAF is the International Accreditation Forum.
7 ILAC is the International Laboratory Accreditation Co operation.
9 Under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (SCM Agreement), developing countries receive special and differential treatment with respect to certain subsidy disciplines under Article 27. For developing countries listed in Annex VII of the SCM Agreement (including India) the SCM prohibition on export subsidies does not apply until (1) per capita GNP reaches a designated threshold or (2) eight years after the country achieves "export competitiveness" for a particular product. Article 27.6 of the SCM Agreement defines export competitiveness as the point when an exported product reaches a share of 3.25% of world trade for two consecutive calendar years. Export competitiveness is determined to exist either via notification by the developing country or on the basis of a computation undertaken by the WTO Subsidies Committee Secretariat at the request of any Member.