Reply: The actual cost of services rendered is much higher than the existing application fee. However, the application fee is being reviewed.
Colombia 3:
According to paragraph 62 of the Secretariat Report, imports of certain goods are restricted (i.e. subject to a licence) when the c.i.f. price is lower than the minimum import price.
3. Is the importer given the opportunity to prove the amount paid or payable? If it is shown that the value to be declared is actually that which has been negotiated whether paid or payable, must the importer in any event adjust this value to the minimum price in order to obtain the licence? If determination of the customs value of such goods is based on minimum prices, would this not be inconsistent with Article 7 of the Agreement on Customs Valuation?
Reply: All goods imported into India are valued for customs purposes under section 14 of the Customs Act, 1962 read with the Customs Valuation Rules, 2007. Under the said Rules, there is no provision for imposing minimum prices for the purpose of customs valuation.