Reply: As of now, there is no proposal to open legal services for foreign investment.
As regards postal services, we note that a Postal Bill has been prepared by Indian government. Could India please give an overview of any restrictions reducing the current market access/scope of business and any new requirements and obligations for foreign postal or courier companies?
Reply: The Post Office Amendment Bill is presently under consideration of the Government and has yet not been introduced in the Parliament.
With respect to retail services, India is considering 51% FDI in multi brand retail. Could India confirm when this will come into effect and what the requirements for investment (thresholds, mandatory investments, etc.) that will be put in place for foreign players to operate are?
Reply: The existing policy allows for 51% foreign direct investment (FDI), only in single brand retail trade, subject to specified conditions. FDI in multi brand retail trading is prohibited. Government of India had released a Discussion Paper on the subject of "Foreign Direct Investment in Multi Brand Retail Trading", in order to obtain stakeholder comments, for informed policy making. Comments were received from a number of stakeholders. The discussion papers, as well as the comments received thereon, are in the public domain. The Government has not taken a final decision in this regard.
Regarding security services, has India taken any steps to raise the current FDI equity cap? By when can this be expected?