The Report mentions India's export restrictions on cotton and cotton yarn. India has removed the export quota on cotton yarn with effect from 1 April 2011. As regards raw cotton, India still maintains an export quota; however, on 8 June 2011 India has decided to increase the export quota on raw cotton for the 2010/11 season ending on 30 September 2011.
Could India consider a complete removal of the export quota on raw cotton? Alternatively, could India give an indication of the possible export quota for the next season beginning on 1 October 2011?
Reply: Cotton and cotton yarn are now freely exportable subject to registration by Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) in the Department of Commerce. The detailed procedure for registration is available at website
If these central public sector enterprises (CPSEs) undertake commercial activities, is there any means of enforcing the principle of competitive neutrality? (This is, ensuring that those enterprises don't have undue advantages due to their public status over their private competitors)