Reply: Many States use NIC solution for e procurement. Under the national e procurement mission, all entities are being encouraged to migrate to e procurement
Reply: Many States use NIC solution for e procurement. Under the national e procurement mission, all entities are being encouraged to migrate to e procurement.
Could India indicate the main differences between the specialised procedures in the railway, postal, telegraph and defence sectors and the GFRs and other general procurement directives and guidelines?
What is the treatment accorded to foreign suppliers under those specialised procedures?
Reply: Replies to earlier questions may also be seen. Detailed instructions relating to the procurement of goods can be issued by the procuring ministries/departments in conformity with the general rules contained in this chapter. Unless specifically indicated in the tender notice/document, both domestic and foreign suppliers can participate against open tenders.
Could India further detail its requirements in terms of technology transfers in global tenders?
Reply:Procurement by all central miniseries are subject to General Financial Rules (GFRs), 2005 and GFR. Search for the appropriate technology is a commercial decision of the enterprises.
A high level Inter Ministerial Report, "Report on Steps to be taken by the Government of India in the context of Data Protection Provisions of Article 39.3 of TRIPS Agreement" in May 2007 suggested that Indian legislation regarding data protection for pharmaceuticals may not be TRIPS compliant, and put forward a recommendation on how the problem could be solved. The EU also learned that a new legislation is being developed in India concerning plant protection products.
Could India inform whether it intents to follow the recommendations put forward in this report, and if so, to indicate the possible timeframe for such changes? Could India provide information on this new pending legislation?