Concerning paragraphs 135 to 138 of Article III and Table AIII.5 in the Appendix Tables, India has been imposing some export prohibitions. Could India please answer the following points:
(1) Has India notified the WTO of these measures? And if not, when is India going to notify them?
(2) Has India held consultations with other members as is stipulated in Article 12.1(b) of the Agreement on Agriculture?
(3) Which article of the WTO agreements are these measures based on?
Concerning paragraph 136 and Table AII.5, some products (e.g. basmati rice, organic non basmati rice and organic wheat) are not subject to export prohibitions. What are the reasons for these exceptions?
(ii) exceptions for certain members
Concerning Table AIII.5, exports to some Members are not subject to export prohibitions. What are the reasons for these exceptions, and what are the legal bases for these exceptions?
(5) As an exporting Member, what does India think about the ramifications which export prohibitions have on importing Members?