(1)Would India kindly provide the following information?:
i) The crops subject to minimum support prices (MSPs) each year from 2006/07 to 2009/10
ii) The minimum support prices of each crop from 2006/07 to 2009/10
iii) The purchased quantity of each crop by government designated agencies in the Price Support Scheme(PSS) each year from 2006/07 to 2009/10.
2) Is there any limit to the purchased quantity in the Price Support Scheme (PSS)?
3) Is the intervention in the PSS decided on and implemented in each state/region or throughout the country?
Reply: The crops covered under minimum support price (MSP) operations during 2009 10 are indicated at footnote 26 under paragraph 33 of the Secretariat Report. There is no change in the coverage except exclusion of Tobacco from 2008 09 onwards.