The Department of Telecommunications (DoT), at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology amended the guideline for security related concerns for the expansion of Telecom Services in March and May, 2011. According to the guideline, it is stipulated that the licensee may only induct network elements into his telecom network which have been tested by a relevant contemporary Indian organization. It is also stipulated that only Resident and trained Indian Nationals can handle interception and monitoring cases. Japan considers these regulations may disadvantage to foreign made goods or operators compared to domestic goods and operators, and is incompatible with WTO Agreements. In this regard, please describe the specific views of India. Also, Japan would like to know what India thinks about notifications based on the TBT Agreement with regard to this regulation.
Reply: Compliance is not about Indian contemporary organisation, but it is that network elements should have been got tested as per relevant Indian or international security standards.