Reply: Sugar is now freely importable and the customs duty has been brought down to NIL.
New Zealand 7:
1.Report by the Secretariat (WT/TPR/S/249): pg 129, para 10: The report notes an Inter Ministerial group was set up in early 2011 under the Ministry of Finance, to review the overall inflation situation, with particular reference to primary food articles. Is there a time frame for when the group may make recommendations and will the recommendations be publicly available?
Reply: The Inter Ministerial Group (IMG) was constituted on 2 February 2011, under the Chairmanship of the Chief Economic Adviser, "to review the overall inflation situation, with particular reference to primary food articles and suggest corrective measures". Based on the deliberations in the first four meetings of the IMG, a position paper (Position Paper No. 1) has been put on the Ministry of Finance website (