Reply: The New telecom Policy 2011 is still under consultations. Once finalised, it will be available on Department of Telecommunications website
Reply: The New telecom Policy 2011 is still under consultations. Once finalised, it will be available on Department of Telecommunications website
The WTO Secretariat's Report (WT/TPR/S/249, page 142, para 68) indicated that a number of regulatory changes and legislative amendments have been introduced, but are still awaiting enactment, including: (i) the Banking Laws Amendment Bill 2011; (ii) the Bill on Factoring and Assignment of Receivables; and (iii) the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks Laws) Amendment Bill 2009, amongst others. These were in line with the 2nd phase of India's Roadmap for Presence of Foreign Banks in India and the Guidelines on Ownership and Governance in Private Banks.
Can we have a status update on the progress of these reforms and the timeline when they will be enacted?
In the interim, is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) still maintaining the quota of 12 foreign bank branches annually in India?