Report by the Secretariat (WT/TPR/S/249): III. TRADE POLICIES AND PRACTICES BY MEASURE: (2) Measures Directly Affecting Imports: (vi) Import prohibitions, restrictions, and licensing: Page 55, paragraph 58:
Please explain in greater detail what the actual user condition is that is associated with import licenses.
Reply: This has been described under para 9.4, 9.5 and 9.6 of the Foreign Trade Policy (2009 2014) which is available at website The Foreign Trade Policy has been notified to WTO.
US 48:
Report by the Secretariat (WT/TPR/S/249): III. TRADE POLICIES AND PRACTICES BY MEASURE: (2) Measures Directly Affecting Imports: (vi) Import prohibitions, restrictions, and licensing: Page 56, paragraph 59:
Please explain the rationale for assessing application fees on the basis of the c.i.f. value of imports instead of the cost of services rendered as prescribed in GATT Article VIII.