Report by the Secretariat (WT/TPR/S/249): IV. TRADE POLICIES BY SELECTED SECTOR: (2) Agriculture: (ii) Agricultural policy objectives: Page 129, paragraph 18:
The Secretariat report provides a brief description of India's tariff rate quota (TRQ) system and its implementation. The paragraph also states that "Imports under TRQs are allowed only through eligible entities or designated agencies." How does India determine and designate these eligible entities or agencies (identified on page 48, paragraph 37)?
Reply: Para 2.59 of the Handbook of Procedures Volume 1 gives the details of the agencies and the same is available at Handling the TRQ requires a higher skill and thus the agencies notified are usually STEs from the respective sectors.
U.S. Follow-Up Question: Please provide detailed and specific examples of what entails the "higher skill" used to determine and designate the qualified agencies?
Does this list of agencies change over time? Where would one find the most recent list? (Note: We have consulted the referenced website and cannot easily find the list.)
Reply: Para 2.59 of the Handbook of Procedures Volume 1 contains the list of such agencies. These agencies are specialized agencies for handling bulk products, which ensures the basic principles of TRQ. Their performance could be monitored with ease and with satisfaction.