"Gewerke" (vakman) en eigenaar hoogoven en mijnbouwmaatschappij in Stachelauer Hütte

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Generatie XVII

OUDSTE VOOROUDERS (Oldest Ancestors)


Stamoudbetovergrootouders Generatie XVIII

KLÜNTZING Henrich x Anna

Stamoudbetovergrootouders Hoofdstam Liese Generatie XVII-1

LYSE Peter x Clara


† rond 1580

Burger te Olpe.

De eerste bekende vertegenwoordiger van dit geslacht LIESE leefde rond 1534 in Drolshagen. In de Akte van het klooster te Drolshagen bevinden zich twee oorkonden van 1534, waarbij de "Abtissin", Anna von den Steinen, een ruilverdrag afsloot met Hermann Romer von Gerlingen en zijn vrouw Tigge.

Hierin wordt Peter Lyse vernoemd:

"Das Romersche Grundstuck ligget vor dem Resypen, in Middel-gude, vor dem hamer, den Tiggen Goddert des genannten Romer Eidam und Lysen Peterchen, beide von Drolshagen, mit rade, weten und willen des conentes uss-gebuwet und in were gestellt auch wederum buwefällig laißen werden und dem cloister syne jarpension vorenthalden, " usw.

De later voorkomende familie Liese uit Olpe is hiermee hoogstwaarschijnlijk verwand omdat zij ook leengoederen van het klooster te Drolshagen (n Kreuz-Ohl bij Olpe) bezaten en omdat ze aan de oude "Heeresstraße" naar Drolshagen, "vor dem niedersten Tore, bei der lange Brücke" woonden.

Staatsarchief Münster i. W. (Kr 125), Klooster Drolshagen, Urk.Kr. 286


LYSE Johann x


† 1592

Stamoudbetovergrootouders Generatie XVII-2


Rechter te Bilstein


VON DER HARDT Franz x BECKER Dorothea.

° Bilstein ± 1533 uit Kirchhundem

x ±1560

Rechter van de Keurvorst te Bilstein

Stamoudbetovergrootouders Generatie XVII-3


Uit Hundem


1 BECKER Elisabeth Dorothea x STAM Heinrich


2 BECKER Agnete (Netten) x STAM Peter

† op brandstapel 30-7-1590

x 1567 Emlinghausen

3 BECKER Dorothea x VON DER HARDT Franz

° Bilstein ± 1533

x ±1560

Rechter van de Keurvorst te Bilstein

4 BECKER Jost (Kopmans Jost te Kirchhundem) x
5 BECKER Adolf x HEITSCHOTT Elisabeth

Jost BECKER had to on 16-7-1590 on the orders of the "Amtsdrosten" Caspar von Furstenberg Nisar Ahmad locking up his own sister in the prison. She is on 30-7-1590 died at the stake. On 4 september 1591 was born in Olpe "Wickersche" (fortune teller) questioned and subjected to a God's judgment. Here she was with the hands bound at the feet and then let them thus to a cord in the

water bags. When they then underwent was proven her innocence, she continued to the surface, then she was guilty and was then condemned. They known different region and also "Richterse" kloeg picaresque, Dorothea Becker. At a confrontation, however, wanted nothing to confess and was acquitted. (Geschichte der Pfarrei Olpe, p. 117-118 and HST.)

Stamoudbetovergrootouders Generatie XVII-4

KLÜNTZING Hupert x (HUPE) Margaretha

Vermeld van 1573 tot 1635

Mogelijke vader: KLÜNTZING Henrich x Anna

Burgemeester, Consul, Kerkprovisor en handelaar te Olpe

Hupert is mogelijk vader of oom van Peter KLÜNTZING

Mogelijke kinderen:

1 KLÜNTZING Margaretha



4 KLÜNTZING Joannes, Magister of Professor aan het Jezuïetencollege te Paderborn


6 KLÜNTZING -- x FRENCHHAUß Peter, Burger en "Weinwirt" te Olpe

7 KLÜNTZING Margaretha x FRENCHHAUß Henrich

Generatie XVI

Stamoudovergrootouders Hoofdstam Liese Generatie XVI -1

LYSE Johann x


† 1592

Citizen to Olpe, lived at the lowest port. On 2-10-1579 will get from the "to" von Wicholl Abtissin drolshagen a third part "Wiesenplatzen beim creutzohl", to which his father, Peter Lyse, had to borrow. On the same day gives "Johan Lysen loan agreements to Peter Lysen Sone". In 1582, the "erbar undt frohme Johanne Lisen vür der lowest Pforten" deposit for Wilhelm Knobbe, "citizen" to Olpe and father of daughter in law. Johan signs with handwriting and "Pitzier".Zoon:

LYSE Johann Hanß x KNOBBE Elsa

° Olpe

Stamoudovergrootouders Generatie XVI -2

KNOBBE Wilhelm x HILLE Berta (Hilleberten)

Burger te Olpe

"Schwört Urfrieden" in 1582

Merkwaardige akte in stadsarchief Olpe, zie Förck, blz 84


KNOBBE Elsa x LYSE Johann Hanß

° Olpe

Stamoudovergrootouders Generatie XVI-3

VON DER HARDT Franz x BECKER Dorothea.

° ± 1533 Uit Kirchhundem?

x ± 1560

Rechter van de Keurvorst te Bilstein

Volgde school in Attendorn en in het ambt Fredeburg

Woonde altijd in Bilstein


1 VON DER HARDT Eberhardt

† 1615

Vikaris en Kanonikus te Mainz

Oprichter van de "von der Hardt'sche Stiftung", samen

met Joh. Gottfried von Furstenberg uit Mainz, Domhernn

van Mainz, Trier en Paderborn

2 VON DER HARDT Valentin x BECKER Margareta

° Bilstein 1575 ° Bracht 1575

Burgemeester in Bilstein

x Kirchveischede 1595


Notaris en rechter te Bilstein

4 VON DER HARDT Elisabeth x AB ENNEST Johann

x ±1618
5 VON DER HARDT Gertrud x KAUFMAN Balthasar

x ±1600 In Ronard
6 VON DER HARDT Dorothea x DETTMER Evert

xx KRAFFT Johann

Stamoudovergrootouders Generatie XVI-4


Getuige in 1496 en 3-4-1508

Stichter van Vikarie in 1524

Waarschijnlijk vader van:


Uit Olpe v: KLÜNTZING Peter

x ±1595

Stamoudovergrootouders Generatie XVI-5


Vermeld in 1572

† vòòr 1645

Burger en burgemeester van Olpe in 1596 en 1610



Uit Olpe

x ±1595
Uit Heimatstimmen 1953, s. 711 + 738 (N. Scheele)
Die "ab Hardt'sche" Stiftung"
Franz von der Hardt was in the 16th century Court of the elector to Bilstein. His wife, Dorothea Becker (Who Richter'sche) was in the period 1575-1590 in sad witch processes involved. By her innocence and bravery she was acquitted each time. Jost BECKER, the brother-in-law of Franz von der Hardt, had to on 16-7-1590 on the orders of the "Amtsdrosten" Caspar von Furstenberg Nisar Ahmad Becker his own sister shut up in prison. She is on 30-7-1590 died at the stake.
On 4 september 1591 was a born in Olpe "Wickersche" (fortune teller) questioned and subjected to a God's judgment. Here she was with the hands bound at the feet and then let them thus to a cord in the water bags. When they then underwent was proven her innocence, she continued to the surface, then she was guilty and was then condemned. Were about her fate was nothing mentioned.

This "Wickerse" known different region and also "Richterse" kloeg picaresque, Dorothea Becker.

Dorothea would have visited the sick wife of Caspar von Fürstenberg. Which is then 8 days later died. Dorothea, the "Beckersche", was soon suspected to have affected this. At a confrontation, however, they wanted nothing to confess. She was for some years in the witches Tower held captive but was eventually acquitted. Dorothea Becker is one of our real ancestors.

(Geschichte der Pfarrei Olpe, blz. 117-118 en HST.)

Their oldest child, Eberhard von der Hardt, became "Domvikar" and "Kanonikus" of the St. Petri Stifts in Mainz. († 1615). Eberhard founded with the support of his Danvers Johann Gottfried von Fürstenberg, "Domherrren" of Mainz, Trier and Paderborn, a foundation which grants priority to his blood relatives. In the beginning, the capital ± 4,000 "Guilder Batzen." One could then get an annual scholarship for 12 years from 20 to 100 Guilder Batzen. The conditions for this are also described in Heimatstimmen pages 711 to 719.

Thanks to this "ab Hardt'sche Stiftung" have many descendants of this family the opportunity to study. Here one can find many people who have become very well known. Would present about 90% of the population in and around Olpe-Bilstein blood relatives are of these families von der Hardt and Becker. There is always much published and discussed over the rights to this scholarship.

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