~.,, • Goa, 24th December, 1964 series II no

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Goa, 24th December, 1964

SERIES II No -"5>2

.-----------.--.-. AU (?rrespondence, referring to allnoJl-nceme:1ts and


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• , B 0 I.?·lt~']~I JM


Government Pres:;


The subscribers to the Government Gazette «Boletil"U Oli .. ciab> whose subscription terms emi thii; year, are hereby not.:... fied that they should renew the san1£' by remitting the dU{' amount, so as to al'oid any interrrtption in its dispat(~h.

\Vhen 11.le postal registration fees a re not covered up, the subscribers will not have a right to r:~eeive any issue which they might have missed, when the Government rres~·; (Im-· prensa Nacional) can produce eY::dence that it has disp:.1tchecI the same issue.





The following promotions are Ord'E'ri!« on a purely tempo­rary basis -and until fuIi!her orders.

1) Shri BaJch:on-dra PrJ!o-lkar 11.'0W '\vor: . ..:Jng ~lS Fnrestel Dar-bandora in Colem Range 'is promoted as Range Forest Officer and posted a·s Spl. duty Ranger in Ponda Range with headquartl;-Ts at Ponda.

2) J:oao Olivelva Golimao nOw wcr-king as Forester Mar­dol in Ponda Range is prom:A:ed as Range FOl'1cst Officer and posted as Spl. d"lty Riang-er in Valpoi Range with his headquarters (l.t Va:'poi.

3) Shri Atman,anda Usg.aocar now working iUS Forester iKal!ai in Coh~m Range is promoted as Range Forest Officer and posted as Spl. duty Ranger in Sanguem Range willi headquarters at Sa.rnguem.

4) Shrr IOrishna X. Sukhatancar now working as Fo:res­ter Qanaaona in Canacona Hange js promoted as Range Forest Officer and posted as Spl. duty Ranger .m Canacona Range, with ,headquarters aft Canacona.

By order and in the name of the Administrator of ee the Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

R. K.Gupta, Deputy Secretary (P),

Panjim, loth December, 1964.



Admjnjstra~ao da Imprensa Nacional

Aviso ClOS aSBinantEls

Os 8.ssinantes do dloletim Oficiai» cujas assinaturas tor­minam no ano ('orrcnte sao in'formados de que as devem renovar, remetenlio a tempo a importilncia I'ospectiva, a rim

de nao sofrer iniel'rnp!;ao na remessa. Os 8.ssinantes :Jn~ nno paguem 0 registo do terao direito a eXE'mplar que lhes falte quando Nacional possa comp:mvar que fez a remcssa.


0rreio Impr

nao ensa






Sao dete11l11inadas as seg:uJ.ntes promo<;5es :de caraoter tcm­porario e -ate orden::> ulteriores:

11:) 0 Sr. Balcbondra Priolkar, ora excl'ce.nj;o as funGoes de. <-dF'o: e-E,t'erY, !em Darba,nd'o,ra daJ area de Calem, e prQ:IDov5.do a «Range Forrest OfficeI'» e coloioado como «Hpl. dut;i' Rangel'» da area de Ponda, com sede em Panda.

2) 0 Sr. Joao Oliveira. Cdlimao, ora. Lexercendo as funQoes .de «Forester», ,em M-ardol da al'1ea. de ponda, e pro­'movido a «Range Fora<>t Officer» (: coloca·como «SpI. duty Ranger» aa area de Valpoi, com sedc em Valpoi.

3) 0 Sr. Atmananda UsgaQcora exe:r;cendo as fungoes de «Forester», 'Eml Calai dE'. a:nea d" Colem, e promo~ vida a «H'ange Forest Of.f1cem e co:loc'ado como «Spl. duty Ranger» da area de Sangue-m, com Hedc em Sangue-m.

4) 0 Sr. Crishna X. Sukhatancal', ,ora exercendo as fun­goes de «l!'orest(;.r», em Oanaccna da. 8:rea de Cana­,0000, e 'promovido 's «Range Forest Offioer» e co1o­ca:do COmo «Spl. duty Rang-en da <'i;rea de Ganacona, com sede .em Canacona.

Po:r ordem -e c;m nome do Adm~.nistrador do territ6rio da Uni8.0, de Go:.'l.., Damao e Dio.

R. K. Gupta, !Secre.tario adjunto (P).

pangim, 10 de Dez:embro de 1964.



General Adminish'iltion Ilepartment

Civil Adrninistr9. t'ion Sel'vices



Fernandes to the post of de}'}\: of the CivU P'.dministration

Services Staff. made !by order dated 17th November 1961, pubLished in the Government Gazette n,O 48, S{':ries II, dated 30ith of the same month, and -lately renewed by order dated 5th December, 1963, published in the Government Gazett€ no. 5J., Seri.€s II, dated 18th of the same month, is renewed from 1'2th DeC'embelr .1·964, for n further period 'of one year.

By order and in the name of the Lieutenant Governor ot 'Goa, Paman: and Diu.

Sripad. Anant Nadkarni, Ex.-:)'fficio Secretary.

Panjim, 18th December, 19£h.

The temporary 'appointment of :s.hr-i Sadassiva Us-so Po­robo Dessai to the post of 2nd grade office·l" of the Civil Adm:inistration Services Staff, made by order dated ~nst Ja­nuary, 1962, pUblished ill, .the GuverJlffienit Gaz(~tte no-. 3, Se­:ties II dated 115-th -Feb::uaJry of tho:: same yca,r, and .lately renew~d by order dated 5th Df-cembar, 1963, published in the Government Gazette no. 51, Hm'ies, II, dated 18th Decem­ber of the same year, .is renewed from 18th De{':embe:r, 1964, for a further pe,riod of one year.

By order 'and dn the nalme of ,th0 Lieutena':l.t Gov(~rno! of Goa, Daman 'and Diu.

Sripad Anant Nadkarn'iJ Ex<:rCficio Secretary.

Panjim, 18th Decembel', 1Ho!

The :temporary appointm-en~; -of Shri Jose San~3,na Di~S Sapeco to ithe post of 2nd grade officer of the Cl'V~.l Aliml­nistration Services Staff, mad,: .by order dated. 31st .January, 1962, published in the Govern:nent Gazette no. 7, SerieH n, daJted 15th February of the £ame year, and late'ly renewed by '():rder dated '51th December, 1,H6'3, published fln -thl! G'ovel'll­m-ent Gazeute no. 51, :Seri~es .n, dalted 13th' De;}ernbe-r, of the sa:me year, ,i's renewed from 1:31:h DC'cember, 1964, for a fur­·ther peTi'od of one year.

By order and in Itb~e: 1J!8.J)W of the Lieutenant {':r:QveTnQT of Goa, Daman and Diu.

Sripad Anant Nadkarni, Ex·officio Secretary. Panjim, 18th December, 1ge4.

The It:emporary -a,ppointment of Mar·iano Crisologo Viegas to the post -of 3rd grade clerI{ oJ Comunidades, made 'by orde-r dat,ed -·22nd Nov-ember 1B63, ::puhlished -in the Government G.'1.­zette no. 48, series II, dated 28th of -the same month, is renewed from 4th !December ,1£'-64, for a fUrther period of

one year.

By order and in the name of the Administrator of the Union Territory of GOf, Daman and Diu.

Sripail Anant Nadkarni, Ex---(·fficio Secretary.

Panjim, 121st lDecember, 1961.

The tempora;ry a'ppointment .of ·pralbacora Sinai Coron.gow to the ,post of 1st gra-de -clerk of the Administr,ation of Bar­dez Comunidades, made Iby or-der dated i26th Nov-emOOr 1003, published lin the GOlVernment Gazette no. 49, Series II, dated 5th December 1964, as rellev.:·ed from 12th [)ecember, 19£4, !for a further :period of one year.

!By order and in the name of .the Administrator of the Union Teroritory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

ISripad Anant N-adkarniJ Ex·'officio Secretary. '\

Panjim, 21st (December, 1964.

By notificati:on -dated 10th December, 1964:

Umesha Ramachondra Po-i, :head of th-e teohnical depa.rt~ ment o-f the Administratio-n of Bardez Comunidades -resigned


Departamento d1l Administra(;ao Geral

Ser,ic;os de Administrac;ao Civil


"':-,~ Santana Francisco Fernandes -reno-vada, a partir ~e 12 de Dezembm de 1·964, a nomea<;ao 1ntenna ,para 0 QugaJr de aspiTante do quadro geral dos Sen~h;;os de AdrninistraQao Civil.. efectuada por portaria de 17 de No-vembro-de 1961, publol-cada no ?~oletim Ofical n." 48, 2." ser,ie, de 30 de No­vembro de mesano an:o e ll:IUmamerrte :renQvada por po'vtall'ia de 5 de Dezembro de 1963, publicada DO Boletim Ojicia.l n.'! 51, 2." ser.i:e, de 18 de mesmo meso

Por ordem e em nome do Governador-tenente de Goa, Damfio e Dio.

Sripa-d Anant Nadkarni, Secretario ex-officio.

Pan~im, 18 de Dezemhro de 1964.


Sadassiva Uss6 Porobo Dessai -renovada, a partir de 18 de Dezembro de }S64, 3J n'Nne.aQao in:te.r;na .para ° Iugar de segundo-ofidal do quadro geral dos Serv,i<;os de Adminis­tragao Civil, :efectuada par portaria de a1 de Janeiro de 1962, pubHead-a no Boletim Oticiai n." 7, 2.3 s:e-!'i'e', de 15 de lFeverei1ro do mesmo ano, e ultimamente renovada por portana de 5 de Dezembro de 1963, publicada no Boletim Oficial n.O 51, 2.a se· :t:ie, de :18 de Dezembro do mesmo <'lIla.

Por ordem e em nom,~ do Governa<1or-tenente de Goa, IDamao e Ilio.

Sripad Anant N adkarn~J Secretano ex-officio.

Pangirn, 18 de Dezembro de 19£4,

J'OSe San tana ':Di:as Sape~() --renovada, -a partir de 16 d'8 Dezembro de 19'64, a nomea~ao int.erina .para 0 lugar de segundo·of.icial do quadro geral dos ServiQos de Adrn:inis­tragao Civil, efectuada por 'portaria. de 31 de Janeiro de 1962, publicada no Boletim Oficial n.O 7, 2.3 seIde, de 16 d-e Fevere·iro {to mesmo ano, e ultimamente renovada por .porta­ria de :5 de Dezembro de 1963, publicada no Boletim Ofi.cial

n.O 51, iZ." serie:, de 18 de D-ezembro do mesmo ano.

[Po-r ordem e oem nome do GQvenla

Sripad Anant NadkanliJ Secretario ex-officio.

Pang-im, 18 de Dezcmbr·:) de 1964.

Ma.l"'i-ano Cris61ogo Vieg3.S -renovada, a partir de 4 de Dezembro de 1964, por ,roms um ano, a nomeaQao interina para 0 'lugar de escrivao de 3." cla.s~e das. comun.idades, efec~ tuada pOl' portaria de :22 de Novembro de 1963, publi-cada no Boletim Oficial !l.O 48, 2.a setie, de 28 do mesmo meso

Por ordem e em nome do Administrador do territorio da UnUi.o de Goa, Damii.o e Dio.

Sripad Anant Nadkarni, Secretario -ex-officio.

Pan.ooim, 2'1 de IDezembro de '1964.

Pr&bacora 'Sinai 'Corongot6 -:renovada, a partir de 12 de (Dezembro de 19£4, po-r mruis urn ane, a norneaQao interina ,para

o lugar de auxjJjar de 1.a olasse c,a .Administra~ao das Cornu· nii'Boletim Ofic-ialll1." 49, ,2.a s-erie, de 5 de Dezemb-ro de 1963.

Por ordem e em nome do Administrador do territ6riQ rla Uniao de Goa, Damao e Dio.

Sripad Anant Nadkarni, Secreta1"io exo.-Officio.

Pangim, 21 de Dezembro de 1964.

Por despacho de 10 de [)eze-mbro de 1964:


~Umesha Ramachondra P-oi, teen·leo de,Qbras jun,to d'a Admi~ nistra-gao -das Comuilldades de Bardes -reso~dido -a seu



24Tlb DECEMBER, 1964



. at his ,request from the service -agreene,;.i.t .<:-.igned by Lim on :29th December 1960, and ,pubLished in :::le GO'lcrnment Cazeth no. ,I, 'Seri-es IJ, dated '5th J-anuary H 81.

Directorate of Civil Administration Services, of Go,,!, 24th December, 1964. -The Director, Sri f)·'1ri .!l.nGnt Na,U\.and (E~-off.icio Secretary).

-----<....... --_.-----_.-

Home Departmenl


::.:: HD:34-10480/6·1

Shr,i Abhij'iJt Miltra, IPS, of th'e Government 'Of DelJ:j, and Himachal Pra;desh, wh~ose servi'Ccs ha.·,r:e' be'(~n pl'aced <.\,t the disp.osaa !Of GoV'ernm:el1lt 'of ,QOIa, :Oa.,"'11'31. and Diu is appJoilnted wl:th effect firron ;l4:th November }964 fOT'eIl:o'on) against. the p:o-st cr:OOJted -m It-he' GoveJr.l1lIlte:nt o.1'6er no. HD.3-4-8?<7-9/M druted th'el '30th iNov:emb'er 1·9,64. 8hri A )hLji:t Miitra is entitled to hiG g.rade pay 13;00 'oth'eT d'eputa.ti'on terms ·as sanc:ti'O:'1.ed ,by

,. !the' GovC>i"llIIT)~t of ]Jndia and as am.e...""lC:E.d fr:>m ti

By order and in the name of t:le Admi'lli'Stra,Lor of the Union Territory of Goa, Da urn and Diu.

B. K. Ohougule, Chief S-ecr.eta-ry. lPanjiJrn, 2nd Decem:b'C'r, 1'964.



Shr1 R. K. Ka%,swad, P.rincipal, :P.-)lic'C Training School, Valpob, is gral!1lted '15 days erurnre'd .lea.ve from 5th August 196-1:

, to '1,9th Augu£lt -1·96,4. On exp:fLry 'Of fe we he: is re-posLed a,.q

\ princip:a:l, ~PQlliC'e Trailnlilng .schonl, Va:f.'oi.

By order ami in the name of the .I'Ldministrator of tlv~ Union Territory of Goa, Da..man :tJld Diu.

B. K. Mainkar, Under Secretary. Panjim, 2nd D-ec:emaer, 1,964.

Planning and Development )',par.·ment


In pursualJ.!c:e of SubRCl'wuse (e:) of (1<1:1.1s0' (2) of th,,~ Goa, Da:man alTIJd ID'u Ri'~e (,ConbrOlI '0:1: lP,ri-8~!l, Regul.wtion '01' DisR .po-sa'l and AcqU"i·s~ti::)n) Ol'd!zr 19'6! ari~d fllrthe:,r to' notW(~ati'.:)n -issued in the Government Gazetke no. ·W. Series I. daLd the 2-6th N'ov20mber 1.S64, ,the' Admi:nr,stmitJ r 'of Goo., Dama 11 and Diu henz-by 'ap·p.oi'Il'ts the f.a-How·j.ng oJfj 8':;:'fS 'lIS Specified Au­thmrtty for th'e purpose 'Of d3Juse.s shov, n a:gn-in:st the!,r desigR


1. Under Secretary (tDevel'op­~~'or '"the purpJ.s3 'of aU clau­m'-erlJt) and J\lDark,eting Offi­ses nf the o.rder. cer, attached ,to the Regis­trar of Cooperative So:cieR ti!es.

2. !i'o'rest ;Guards. ]~Ol' tl ;:: -pu!'p::>se .of dausc ('n >:: the Order.

By order and in the namB of :~.he Administrai.or of

the Uni'on Territory of Goa, DB:Jnan ~:llld Diu.

...4.. F. Oouto, Development Commisslo:1(~I'.

PanJim, 14th De:cember, 1,934.


In pursuance of Sub--Clause (c) of ciause (2) of the Goa, Daman and Diu Rice (Control on Prices ~gulation of DisR nosal and Acquisition) Order 1964 and notwithstanding all other Notiftcations issued ill this beh&J.t, tbe Administratorof Goa, Daman :and Diu hel'ie:by appoints the S3Jrpanches and S'ecretariies of p.unchayats in this Unicn TelTitory as SpeciR fietl Authority for .the purpooe of Cll:J_uses (4) and (7) of aboVie lreferred to o.rder.

U3y order and hl the name of the Adm~nistrator Df the ., ') Union Territory of Goa, Daman and Diu.

A. F'. Oouto, Development Comcrni,:.;gj'oner. Pan;im, 16th December, 1964.



----..---_. -.---,,---~ --.--~-~-...­

~ :.

,pediClo 0 contrato de prestaQao de servico assinado Jm 29­

.de DC2embro d(' 1960 e publicado no Bolet~:m Olicial n.O 1.

2." ~{:~i'~, de 5 (~;e J'3.'o-ciro -<1<:-19'01.

Direcc;ao dos Servieos de Admi:1istracao Civil, -em Goa, Z4 de Dezembr{) de 1964-. -0 Director, Sripad Ar.ani N"ad-lw1'ni (SecreUu'io ex-offici.o).


Departamento do Interior



o Sr. Abhijit Mit.ra, IPS, d'o Go-V20l"ll'() de Delhi '(: Hhnalchal Pradesh, 'cuj'Os 'S'eI'Vigos fo,ram posto.s a djsposilg8,'O uo Governo de Goa, Dama:o e' rHo, e nomeaXl);), -c:om 'ClfeDto :a. partir d:e 1'4 ~'ove'l1lbr.G de ..1964 (ant'es -do 'mei'o·dia) para. 0 lv.gar crjado pella Portari:al n." HD:34R S:379/'64, de 30 de N'Ov:eJnbro' de 1964. () 'Sr. Abhijit MJtra :teTEL ditrc:~to no ven:cimento e:orresponR de:ntc a sua 'ca¢eg:n"ia ,e as demais Gondigi5-es de de.'>tacamento :llutor1za:das pelo Govern'o da Ind'i0." C'()m as ai!tera~5es que as 1nesnvJ.S vR:rem a sofrer pzriodJ.ca!lll'ente.

POl" ordem e em nome do Admirnistrrudor do terriltorio da Uniao d8 Goa. Damao e Di'O.

B. J{. Ohougule; Secretario-Chefe. P'angLr::'l, 2 de Dtzembro de-1964.



,Sao ,{;cnce:dildos ao Sr. R. K. K3k,.;swad, director da Escola d2: TTc!\'l'-) iP.o:Iic:ia:l. -em Valpoi, quinze diM de liJc:enga.! dilscipli­11:3.!r, de t5 a 1£1 de Agostc' de .1964. Apos {} tcrrno dJa licenga (l 'l11'CSD10 reassumh"a as fun~5e'S ce' direclo::' da Escola de T'reino PoI.iJ~:aJ, ;Em Va:lp.oD.

Po)' ordem e em nome do Admini'stra'do,r d(~ Goa, Damao 'e Dlo.

B. K. J1"ainkar, S:lbsecr-etiirio. Pam.g:r::1, ,z de D(~zembro de 196-·L


Departamento de Planifica~iio e Fornento


De -ccnbrm'll:1ad,~ com '8. atlin-ea (c) do ar:Ugo (2) do «G.oa, Daman and Diu Ri<:::e ('Control on Prices, Regulation of iI)-is· po-sal 'rund Acquisi'sinn) o.rder 196·1» e' ;em adKam'ento ao desR 'pacLtJ 'llubh,ca-d'o n:> Bole'hm Ofic-ial n." 48, 1.a S'.~rl'e, de 2'6 'de NO'~embro de 1<964, 0 Admi,ni13-trad'or de' Go-a, Damao 'e Dio designa os seguintes funL(!.i"anarlO's .c.offi'O autori'd.aJd'~ nomeada para O~: mns dos aJ'ti'gos indica:dos em relac~L'o .&:>s mesmos:

1. s.ulJ.::cc:r:etario (Fomento) e ,P.8Jl"a. us f1'l13 de tode-s oS arR

oficiu.l encarregado da c:omR pra E: venda il'O n18rcau:o, adstrito a:o 'R(~gista.dor de 'S'Oc:k:~dades eoopelwtivas.

2. Gua:::'das f1l'orestals.
Po)' ordem c em nome do ca Dniao d·~ Goa, Damao

it ,gos da r~E~ferLda porta-ria.

Pal'a os nns 'C.o aTtigo (7) da referida por.t-aria.

.Administrador do territorio e Dio.

A. F. Couto, Comlssario de Fomento. Pang,m, ;1:4 de Dezembro de 196!.


De conformidadc com -L alinea (,c:) do artigo-2." do «Goa, Daman and Diu Rk.e (Control on Prices Regulation of DisR po-sal 'a::ld tAcquisition) Order 196'1» 'e S€1TI cmb2..rgo de todos os demais despachcs emitidos para este efeito, {) AdrninisR trador de Goa, Damfuo-,e Dio, design,a 'Os presidentcs e secre­tarJos dos Panchayats deste territ6li'O da Uniao, como autori­dade nom0ada para a'S fins dos artigos (4) e (7) o.a iportal'ia aCima Ifef-erida.

POl' ordem e em nome do Administrador do territ6rio da Uniao de Goa, Damao e Dio.

A. F. Couto, Comissario de Fomento. Panglm, 16 'de Dezembro de !l.964,.


,~_ 'I



Dev,~loprn(Hr:' Department


CDJ3 -:)651-/32543

The period of the lliock AdV'l;SOry Comu.Jttces co-imtituted iirn all the C. D. Blodu; of U1e Umon Tel "1:tory under this off.i'Ce Order rr1"o. ODJ3-17,M-·J:631£ dt. :23-7-M is further -0){­tended for a perirOd of (me! ye--ar or un'tlil fn rther orders con· s]s;ting 'of thB same m'.;mber;; as n'ohfied und,-,:, ONbr no. CDR­..:2,434 dt. J.3-9-63 and 110. CDB-2380 dated 21-'5-G4 respec­


By order and in the n:l,::ne of the Admi~strator of the Union Territory of G!)a, Daman and 1)lU.

...4.. F. Oouto, Development Com:missioner.

Panjim, "25th Novemb0I', J-,96,1.


Directorate of Civil Su pplies and Price CCln-rro!


Sarva:.sMir Roghunath B:.l;)U Sf.tardekar, :3ene'cVto }j'eTnan·· des and Hassan are h£lreby :emporari1y appoInted to the posts of wa:tchm.en for ws..re,hot:ses of the Dke:ctorate of Ci:vi! SuppliJes and Price Control in the scale of Rs. '!O-1-80-EB-· -1-80 pI,us ailo.wance.::~ at C'er:tral G::>vernm"~nt rates agains'~ the posts created by OrdeT da:~ed the 22nd July, :1964.

By order and in the name of the Administr;3,.tor of the Union TerJ.'itory of Gc'a, Daman and Diu.

A. F. Couto, Dev-e:opm-eLt Commissioner,

PanjL'l1, 15th December, t'~64.


Committee in Charge of fhe Conservation of fhe !lunds

he fce nJ.

AppUcatiJons ar:e invited f.or the following lnsts: :in the Committee in Charge of Jre Conservation of the Bur~Us:

One (1) Assista,nt Ex ~eutive EJngine:er-:

a) Qua!1f'iJca;tions 'zmd (~xperi'er_ce: -Degl-ee _in Civ'.d Engi­nreerhng of a recognis'e-o. Un~'.ve!'sity wi:th a mi.-ni.lnlUm expe'li­ence of 3 yea;rs in Civil KngUwel'ing line in SoU Con.~en_'V8JtjOl1 a!l1d 1l\1inc'r Irrilgation.

b) Age 'limi,t: -35 years. -c) Soole cl pay:--Rs_ 400-400-·430~30-'600-'35-S70-EB-'35-95e, plus ,usuaJ allowances' '8-dm ~,~il:;1{~.

Three (3) nlistries:

a) Qualifimt'IQ·ns and Experhmce: ---l\.ils,tri'culation or it3 equilVaient wiJth 3.1n €xperie ~ce: ia::l -the \york of supe.rvwiron of embankments' work.

b) Age Emit: -2·1 :to 3(, years. c) .gC3JI.e 'Of pay: -Rs. 1-:~O-3-1,3'l-4-H3-E;:~-4.-155, plus 'Jsua.! all'oW8.iUces admissi,bl'e.

Two ('2) ~'as:ka1's:

8,) Q1J-8;lif~c;a;tio:ns: --f,'01;_[1t:l st3.0."1dard of IDngH-sh 'Or Ma­

!raJthi 'Or Portuguese. -b) kge HmLt: -21 :to '30 years. :c) S'caJe of pay: -R'S. 70-1-80-EB-I-85, plus ,usual 'allowan­

ces admissible.

Appllc.a:hi1Q'DS should reach. the-Off~lce 'of the Pres:xJ:ent of the Committee ~I!l Cha;rge of the -Cons-ervation of the Bunds :Ln GOIa., :cm or -before th>e 30:'11 De:;:e-mber, .1964, w,l!th the copies of the testiJmonirus.

Candidates considered edgible wiU be required to attend !in.tierview at t:hei~r Gwn evE: t.

The Committee in Cha.rg~ 'Of the Conservation :of the Bunds in Goa, 14th December, 1964. -The President, .1:(, 0.



Departomerrro dE:' Fomenl'o



o pcriodo dalS ComissUes Cons-u:l:U'Tas das are-as conc<>-l'il~as, consbiJtllidas -em tod-as ~(.S areas conoe.lhias do terr~torio da Um.a:o, de Goa;, Dama:o e Dia, ,pe1a Portal':a n." CDB-17'54-1u319, de 23 de JUlho de 1964 e compos·;:.a,s dos mesmos ,vogais de­s1g:nados pelas Portariiat; n." ODB-i24'34, de 13 de. S-etembro de rl-96'1 en." .pDE..o2'380, de 1.21 d2~ },fl9io de 1964, re-s-PElctiva­mente, e plQr-ro.gad-o por maltS urn 'ano Oli ate ordens ult'eri:or0s.

POl" ordem e em nJ-me do il..dministrador do territorio da Uniao de Goa, Damao e Dio.

A. F. Couto) Comissarlo de FOITeento .

Pangim, 26 de Novembro de 1364.


O:,reccsao dos Servi<$os de Abastecimento Civil e Cc:ntrole de Pre<.;os


Roghunath :8ab'(1 Satardekar, Bened-ito Fernandes e Hassan -nOlr.zados, .temporiLri,':unente, gua,rdas dos a:rmazens da Dirccgilo dos ServiQos de Abas';ecimento Civil e Controle de pregos, na es-cala de ItIX3. 70~1-80-EB-1-85, aorez:c.I'Cla dos sub­sidios fjxados pelo Governo Ce:ntra"l, nos luga:-cs crlados por portaria d~ 22 dQ J'ulho de cl'S£4.

Por ordem '0 em nome do Admillistradar do territ6na da UnHio de G0a_ Damao ~ Die.

A. F. Conto) Comissario de Famento.

Pan,;im, 1'5 <1e Dez'3mbro de 1£64.


Comissao Encarregada de Conserya~ao de Valado.

Aviso n.o

kCe" twm-se requerim,entos pant 0 p:rnvime.nrto dos segui.rltes lugare,-3 da Comissao Encarregada da C(}nserva~ao de Valados:

U~n cl1genhei~o executivo -a.s,.;istcnte-:

a) ~{'Lb:;:Ye:a,;5es e ex:)'e.ri~nciE..: G:r;au '€ill -eng8-nha~r.iar civil du11l<.'1. Cniven>:idade rc:c-c'nhec:'da, (';om 0 minimo de tres anos de ex'r"t:r16nd~1, no ranTO de <€.ngenharia c:iv:::} na e-onservaQB.o do 's.ob e i'r-rigz.:ga-o e-:n :peq'..wn,_<:t 'c3calL

-b) I,i:.-nj,tc 'de' id-ade: 35 an'c) }~~,-c-aLa (1e v:enC:jmmto: Rps. ·lOO-400-'450-30-600-35-670­-EB-S;)~:-}50, a::Tes-cilda do'U:bros sU:J'sidi-es admi'ssive-:s.

T:'e3 m~'."trjes:

a) HabiEta(;oes e expenencia: Matticula Oll curso equipa­ract-o, r;em exp01"i'enci2, com:> vigr.a, >IJ.'a8 o'bras de-vaiados. b) Limi-t-e c:e 1dade: ,:21 a 30 a:nos. e) ::i}';;,cala 'lie v-encirm ento: Rp:,. 110-'3-1S'I-4-H_'3-EB-4-155, aJcrBsc'~dOl, doubros subsidi'(>s adwJoSsive\3-.

a.) aah~:litaQoe'.s: 4.~ :;:}as.S'e de iT-gles ou marata ou por­tu~ue5.

-b) Limj't;e de ld'axl:e: :~::l a 30 a.nos. c) E::::;c.ah d'20 v:w~:m(~mt--o: Rps. 704-80-EB-1-85, a-cl"e.S~i'da (]'Orutnls s~l1::skli:os adn1i':siV'0i,s.

Os t~eque-ri!ru.eLrl:t{ls, a_-companhados de copias de cer:tifiicad-os, deV'em 0hega'l' a ,R,iz,p..udJigao do Pres.i'denua do., COmissa'o En­c:ar:regaia da' Oon.se:rva~a:o de' Val&d'os, ,em Pangim, Goa, ate 30 de Dez-2mbT,() -de 18'0'!.

Os c~mdidatos que '2stiverem em condig5es de serem admi­tidos Ce,rao d(~ c:ompare..:~e'r a entre,vista a sua' custa. -:::0

(> Comi{isaO Enoorrcgada da Conservagao de ValadO'3, em Goa,

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