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Sep 12, 2005 should have been NR43SEGS.

Thanks to Bill Arrowsmith, Euroclear, BELGIUM.

Thanks to Stephen Morris, National Australia Bank, AUSTRALIA
Change 23.240 IRESPTM, the response time of the CICS Unit of Work, and

VMXGUOW ELAPSTM, the total elapsed duration of the DB2 portions

Sep 9, 2005 of the Unit of Work, some which could be in parallel,

are revised. IRESPTM is now the maximum of the CICSTRAN

segments in this unit of work, while ELAPSTM is the sum

of the individual elapsed times of the DB2ACCT segments,

in the PDB.ASUMUOW dataset built by INCLUDE of ASUMUOW.

In addition, new variable DB2IDLE, which was originally

created by archaic ANALDB2C, but lost when ASUMUOW was

built, is now created. DB2IDLE is the elapsed time from

last CICS ENDTIME to the DB2 QWACESC End time, and is the

duration when the DB2 thread was idle, but has not ended,

presumably for possible thread reuse. DB2IDLE is then

subtracted from the sum of the DB2ACCT ELAPSTMs, so the

final ASUMUOW ELAPSTM does NOT include DB2IDLE time.

-This change can make ELAPSTM smaller than before, for

serial transactions that had DB2IDLE time.

-This change can make ELAPSTM larger than before, for DB2

Parallel transactions (DBPARTY='P'), because the prior

ELAPSTM was start to finish. But since parallel=3 can

burn 3 hours of CPU time, the elapsed time must be the

sum of the parallel elapsed time, rather than start to

finish of the unit of work.

-In addition, the _TRANUOW user exit has these additional

variables available for examination, etc.



HOLDFSTR: Min of CICS STRTTIME start datetime

HOLDLSTR: Max of CICS STRTTIME start datetime

HOLDFBSC: Min of DB2 QWACBSC begin datetime

HOLDLESC: Max of DB2 QWACESC end datetime

Thanks to Hugh Lapham, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, CANADA.

Change 23.239 Support for DURATM keywords TENMIN and FIVEMIN. Code had

VMXGDUR been added in VMXGDUR, but not in VMXGSUM. Obscure notes

VMXGSUM in member VMXGSUM did say that if you use DURATM= with an

Sep 9, 2005 unsupported keyword, variable DURATM will not be created.

The actuality is that these DURATM= values:



do create variable DURATM, while these DURATM= values


do not create variable DURATM.

Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA.
Change 23.238 Sites that run UTILEXCL daily to create IMACEXCL code

UTILBLDP (due to frequent CICS dictionary changes), normally write

Sep 8, 2005 their IMACEXCL code to a "flat file" rather than a PDS

(avoids need to compress the PDS), adding //IMACEXCL DD

to point to that code, and adding %INCLUDE IMACEXCL;

using MACKEEP= logic. However, the include of an external

DD statement was not supported in UTILBLDP. Now, it is,

with the new IMACEXCL= argument.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 23.237 -Variables NRIFACPU and NRIFLCPU are added to PDB.ASUM70PR

VMAC7072 and PDB.ASUMCEC datasets built by ASUM70PR for processors

VMXG70PR that populate 'IFA' and 'IFL' in SMF70CIN (only z9 now).

Sep 7, 2005 Variables LPnDSA are now labeled.

-MXGCIN variable now contains new IFA and IFL values.
Change 23.236 Support for Endeavor Release 7; there were no changes to

VMACENDV their user SMF record.

Sep 6, 2005

Thanks to Herb Strozinsky, US Bank, USA.

Change 23.235 DB2TCBTM for Rollup observations (DB2PARTY='R') is wrong

VMACDB2 and could be less than QWACAJST (the TCB time in DB2).

Sep 6, 2005 APAR PQ41012 documented that in rollups the accumulated

Elapsed and TCB were in QWACESC & QWACEJST, but only the

elapsed time was corrected in Change 22.121. Now, the

DB2TCBTM is recalculated when DB2PARTY='R' is set, using:


(The final component, QWACTRTE is added in later.)

Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.
Change 23.234 Peter Enrico's presentation at SHARE in August 2005 had

GRAFWLM graphs of CPU utilization grouped by SYSSTC, SYSTEM, work

Sep 8, 2005 with a goal, and work without a goal, to show how much

work could or couldn't be managed by WLM. This analysis

produces similar SAS/GRAPH stacked bar charts, showing

CPU Time and MSU consumed by these groupings from top to
















(All unclassified discretionary work - should have

no unclassified work!)


(All work classified as discretionary, regardless

of importance. Discretionary work is work in a

service class period that does not have a goal.

An example of the output can be viewed at


See comments in the member for usage documentation.

Thanks to Peter Enrico, Enterprise Performance Strategies, Inc.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.

Change 23.233 Several corrections and enhancements to Web Log support:

VMACWWW -ELAPSTM, at least for BEA WebLog was way too small; their

Sep 2, 2005 "time-taken" field contains 'seconds.fraction' value, but

Sep 3, 2005 MXG expected a millisecond integer value. Now, MXG will

detect a period in the time field, and inputs ELAPSTM as

'seconds.fraction' when a period is found; otherwise, the

field is input and divided by 1000 to get seconds.

-Example FILENAME now has LRECL=4096 to match the INPUT

$VARYING4096. If LRECL was not specified, LRECL=255 is

the default, which causes "ONE OR MORE LINES TRUNCATED".

-TRANSLATE(RECORD,' ','09'x); added, because BEA log has

a hard tab, '09'x between fields instead of blanks.

Dealing with '09'x can be nasty, since it is usually

turned into a blank by most editors, and blanked by

SAS when input records are displayed, so you often

don't even know there's an '09'x value, until your

read and display the field in hex, using:


-Change 23.026 protected one of the two URIQVALU=SUBSTR();

now both are protected for URIQVALU=0, which happens when

when an = in the URIQUERY string is immediately followed

by an &, causing LTOAND=1 and thus causing URIQVALU=0.


Before Change 23.026, CSBYTES and SCBYTES were kept as

length $4096 because MXG used CSBYTES=WORD(....); and

WORD's is $4096, so CSBYTES/SCBYTES wasted space when

SAS compression was not used (COMPRESS=YES is default).

That change made them numeric, saving space, but they

were now 4-byte length due to MXG's DEFAULT=4. However,

byte-containg fields need more resolution, and thus they

are now properly set to LENGTH &MXGBYLN. ;

-BYTES added to KEEP= list for _VWWWIIS and WWWIIS22 was

added to $16 length statement.

Thanks to Andrzej Dabrowski, Computing Services, CSIR, SOUTH AFRICA.

Change 23.232 NDM dataset NDMPS ('PS'/'SW' records) now has variables


Sep 1, 2005 both input and kept, if this is an 'SW' subtype.

-Missing value messages were eliminated for DATE fields

that are known to have missing values; MXG now tests the

DATA field before constructing the DHMS function inputs.

Thanks to Tom Neurauter, Fidelity Systems, USA.
Change 23.231 Support for DB2 IFCID=225 variables

VMAC102 QW0225FA QW0225GA QW0225VA QW0225SJ

Sep 1, 2005 that report DB2 storage used "Above The Bar".

Thanks to Valerie J. Chisholm, Aetna, Inc, USA.

Change 23.230 "EXIT-DRIVEN" MXGTMNT Tape Mount Monitor is AVAILABLE!!

ASMTAPEE ML-35 should be the FINAL iteration in this major effort

ASMHSCEX that replaces the original sampling tape mount monitor

Sep 1, 2005 (it sampled the tape UCBs every 1/2 second, working just

fine for many years of real tape drives, but sampling

now misses many of your very fast VTS tape mounts)

with this event driven monitor that instead uses exits to

capture EVERY tape mount for real drives, silos, and/or

VTS devices, whether mounted by IBM or STK software.

-What's now available is this enhancement that supports

multiple instances of STK's HSC and/or CSC running in the

same system.

-The Exit Driven architecture has been available for some

time, using the IBM Volume Mount exit for all real tape

devices (whether IBM or STK drives), and for IBM VTS.

It was the enhancement to use the STK User Exit in their

HSC and CSC software, used for STK Silos and STK VTSs,

that was extremely difficult to develop, primarily due to

the complete refusal of STK to provide any technical help

(i.e., STK wouldn't/couldn't tell in which address space

their exit was executed!), so MXG's asmguy@mxg.com had to

figure it all out without assisance from that vendor.

-Both ASMTAPEE and ASMHSCEX were updated by this change.

-The solution for multiple HSC/CSC is in the new ASMHSCEX,

which now create two exits, SLSUX01 for HSC, and SCSUX01

for CSC, so all you're HSC guru will have to do is to

define the appropriate exit to whichever one (or ones)

your site is running for your STK Silos and VTSs.

-What to do when both are run:

There may be a little extra overhead for those sites that

run multiple exits on the same system, but that won't

affect a site that only runs one exit. Exit 01 in HSC or

CSC behave the same; either exit will provide the

information we need. With ML-35, you can run any number

of those exits, but now, we'll create only one record per

tape mount!

Asmguy's advice when both are running is to pick one,

whichever is most likely to be active all the time, and

define the exit to it. If you want to run multiple exits

on the same SYSTEM, ML-35 will allow this, but there is

additional overhead involved. If you chose to do this,

you can just define the exits as you would normally, and

no change is required to ASMTAPEE, as it automatically

will detect that multiple exits are running, and respond


-ML-35 ASMTAPEE is NOT compatible with earlier ASMHSCEX.

You must use the ML-35 ASMHSCEX with the ML-35 ASMTAPEE.

- ML-35 corrected several old ASM coding exposures found by

Dick Zieske, mostly dealing with cleanup of CSA when

MXGTMNT is cancelled, rather than STOPed, or if MXGTMNT

ever ABENDS (which has never happened in production)!

- Sampling is still used for Tape Allocation records.

Thanks to "asmguy@mxg.com" who has figured out how to use the HSC/CSC

exits in spite of complete lack of help from STK.

Thanks to Dick Zieske, AIG, USA.

Thanks to Steve Martin, Fidelity Systems, USA.

Thanks to Paul Naddeo, FiServ, USA.

Thanks to Jeff Holst, FiServ, USA.

Thanks to Normand Poitras, IBM Global Services, CANADA.

Thanks to Dan Squillace, SAS Institute Cary, USA.

Thanks to Shirley Fhng, Hong Kong Shanghai Bank, Hong Kong.

Thanks to Shane Dowling, DEWR, AUSTRALIA.

Thanks to Scott Chapman, American Electric Power,USA.

Thanks to Patricia J. Jones, DST Systems, USA.

Change 23.229 Support for DEVTYPE='3592' tape devices. Observations

VMACTMS5 were output by MXG for those devices, but variable DEN

Aug 31, 2005 was not decoded, causing "DENSITY IS MISSING" non-fatal

log messages; more important: variable DEVTYPE was blank.

DEN and DEVTYPE are populated by table lookup in the MXG

program, after I find out what hex value CA has chosen.

Thanks to Todd Wright, CSC Australia, AUSTRALIA.
Change 23.228 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD error from IBM ATL record

VMACEREP that had a message shorter than the 96-bytes that MXG had

Aug 31, 2005 hardcoded for the INPUT of ETRMESSG. Code was revised.

Thanks to Steven Clark, DHL, USA.

Change 23.227 The NDMCT dataset contains accumulated NDMCPUTM for multi

TYPENDM step processes; deaccumulation is always done by MXG in

VMACNDM the "_Sdddddd" macro, the "Data Set Sort" macro, so the

Aug 31, 2005 heuristic logic to sequence and deaccumlate adjacent data

was added to the _SNDMCT macro.

-The TYPSNDM macro automatically sorts the output, but if

you have added processing of NDM data to your BUILDPDB,

you should replace your PROC COPY; SELECT NDM:; with the

"Product Sort" macro _SNDM in your EXPDBOUT member to

sort all of the NDM datasets, and deaccumulate NDMCT.

-If you are using ITRM, you only need the _SNDMCT "Dataset

Sort Macro" in your EXPDBOUT, since ITRM will separately

handle the adding of the other NDM datasets to DETAIL.

-While the TYPExxxx members normally only write to //WORK,

when an xxxx product requires deaccumulation, I add the

_Sdddddd data set sort macro (s) to the TYPExxxx member

to ensure you don't accidentally use the unaccumulated

data, so _SNDMCT was added to the TYPENDM member's code.

Thanks to Thomas Clark, SEI Investments, USA.
Change 23.226 Nearly Cosmetic. MXG deleted STK subtype 4 records that

VMACSTC were in error (see Change 23.125), but did not print a

Aug 30, 2005 message on the log that you were missing that PTF.

Now it does advise you that records were deleted.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 23.225 Requesting RUNTRND=DAILY in %BLDSMPDB did not work as

BLDSMPDB expected.

Aug 30, 2005

Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA.

Change 23.224 Cosmetic corrections found during ITRM dictionary build.

VMXG70PR -TYPE70LP: SMF70DSA was not labeled.

VMACCMF -CMF27C93: C2795RFL,C2795RTY "THUS:" removed from label.


VMAC79 -TYPE791/TYPE792: R791NFFI,R792NFFI were not labeled.

Aug 30, 2005

Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITRM Cary, USA.
Change 23.223 Support for Mobius/IPAC Release 6.3 (INCOMPAT, because of

EXIPAC08 changes in the length of IPSPAGE/IPEPAGE fields in the

IMACIPAC subtype 1 record). Other changes in this release:


VMXGINIT -Variable IPLOC is now $8; it includes the former reserved

Aug 30, 2005 one following byte.

Aug 31, 2005 -New subtype 8 creates dataset IPAC08, similar to IPAC03.

-But, there still is no change in their VERSION field, so

the LENGTH of the record must be used to identify the new

data added to the subtype 1 and 3 records.

-And, the vendor documentation for Release 6.3 does not

document the SMF records they write:

The REQSTART and REQEND documentation is unchanged, but

records show the values are reversed physically, with

END first and START last, and the format of their time

part still says 0hhmmssF, but the data shows four-byte

EBCDIC numeric HHMM value.
The vendor's technical support chose not to compare the

hex dump of their defective record we sent, which shows

the START field with 2208 and the END field with 2205,

but simply replied that their their dsects were the

definitive documentation source.
Just in case they ever acknowledge their error, and fix

their code so the records match the "definitive" DSECT,

MXG code now tests START versus END and reverses their

values if necessary.

Thanks to Erik Janssen, ING Netherlands, THE NETHERLANDS.

Thanks to Debby Blackey, HCA Health Care, USA.

Change 23.222 Change 23.216 was updated for APAR OA10346; new values

VMAC7072 in SMF70CIX for "IFA", "IFL", are now used to create new

Aug 29, 2005 NRIFACPU and NRIFLCPU variables, and the count of those

non-"CP" engines is subtracted from variable PARTNCPU.

Without this change, PARTNCPU included IFAs and IFLs.

MXG variable MXGCIN was also updated with new SMF70CIN.

Data from z9 processor was used to validate this change,

which also validated Change 23.186, the z9 support.

Change 23.221 The default example variable names for the TSO workload

RMFINTRV was incorrectly/accidentally changed from the historic

Aug 29, 2005 "TSO" to "TSOP" in the RMFINTRV member in MXG 22.07.

The example is now corrected so the TSO variables will

start with just the historic "TSO" prefix. If you have

your own tailored RMFINTRV member, it controlls the names

of the variables, so this change would have no impact.

However, if you were using the MXG 22.07-23.07 default,

this change could cause your reports to fail, since your

reports expect TSOP.... variable names, so your best

choice is to copy the RMFINTRV from 22.07-23.07 into your

tailoring library, and your variables will continue to be

spelled TSOPxxxx. I made his reversion because the MXG

example reports expect the TSOxxxx variable names.

Thanks to Paul N. Ross, Computer Sciences Corporation, USA.
Change 23.220 MXG logic error caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED INPUT

VMAC80A for a valid SMF 80 record that contained no segments.

Aug 30, 2005 I noted the "USER IS NOT DEFINED TO RACF" bit was on.
Originally I had the customer open a problem with IBM

for their "short record" error, because the OFFSET was

greater than the LENGTH of the SMF record, but now I am

"eating my own words", as the record was completely valid

and it was an MXG logic error that wasted both IBM's and

this MXG Customer's time:

IBM's response was completely accurate and to the point

and completely detailed the offset and locations that

proved the record was completely valid. It's one of

the best written and complete replies I've seen!

I had inserted code in MXG to read in a 4-byte test for

a vendor product, but I put the input before the group

DO _I_= 1 TO NRSET that input the segments that exist.

My input was always executed, even when NRSET=0!

That IBM reply recommended the use of the count field,

which is now done, but I also test LENLEFT GE 4 to make

sure there really are 4 bytes left to be read.
The error was overlooked when tested with the vendor SMF

because they all had the field, and there were no errors

when QA SMF 80s from several sites were read, so the code

was released in October, 2003. Since then, billions and

bullions of SMF 80 records have been read, and all had

one or more segments and no error.

I can live with those odds!
Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC Bankverzekieringsholding, BELGIUM.

Thanks to Victor_Van-Cakenberghe,IBM, BELGIUM

Change 23.219 The ICF Catalog 05 record variable GATGEN should have

VMAC6156 been input as &PIB.2., instead of one byte, and variable

VMACCTLG GATWRAP='Y' is now set if the first bit of GATGEN is on,

Aug 29, 2005 to mark that this GDG member has "wrapped"; i.e., its

generation number has exceeded 9999. If GATWRAP is on,

GATGEN=GATGEN-32768 to contain the correct Gen number.

This discovery was precipitated by IGD07001I ABENDs in

production, which occurred when a GDG that had GATWRAP

on for some members, and GATWRAP off for others, when

that GDG generation number goes from 999 to 1000.

Normally, when all members of a GDG have wrapped, the

next catalog action turns off the wrap bit in all of

the catalog records. For a "normal" GDG, that should

happen when the +256th gen is created after wrap, as

only 255 members can exist in the catalog. But this

site had had a very old application that originally

created +1 thru +5 each day, and then deleted +1 thru

+4, leaving only +5 in the catalog. However, back when

Clinton was President, an application change was made

that created only +1 thru +3 and deleted only +1 & +2,

so there were 2 old GooooVoo's left in the catalog.

When the GDG wrapped, and when the create of +1 would

have created G1000V00, those old GooooVoo's still had

their wrap bit off, and the production job failed:


Return Code 140:

Inconsistent or conflicting arguments were provided.

Reason Code 122:

Catalog G1000Vxx will cause the GDG to exceed the

limit of 10,999.

Programmer Response:

Clean up the GDG in error then catalog G1000Vxx.

The site found Information APAR II07276, which explained

how wrap works, but it says to 'see the "Z" page for

internal details of the wrap bit interface'.
So the site asked IBM Support: "We need to identify other

GDGs that have the same exposure to causing ABENDs. Can

I look at the 'Z' page? Does the 'wrap bit' appear in

SMF 61, 65, 66 ICF Catalog records?"

IBM Level 2 Catalog Support refused to answer the quite

valid question, with this answer:

"Unfortunately, the 'Z' page in our info APARs refer to

information meant for IBM eyes only, for helping us get

to problem determination quicker. We are not at

liberty to discuss any control block internals that are

not provided in our published manuals. As for

information in SMF records relating to this, this info

would be included in the updated record portion

of the SMF record, however we cannot discuss offsets

for those either. I am sorry I cannot be more helpful.

Please let me know if there are any other questions

that I can answer for you."
Even escalation to my IBM Poughkeepsie z/OS support did

not convince IBM Level 2 Catalog Support to identify

which bit is the "GATWRAP" bit. The ICF Support and

Developers hid behind "OCO", Object Code Only, as the

reason they could not provide catalog record

documentation (but DSECTS are NOT CODE!).

So I suggested the site could create a GDG and force it

to wrap, and by examining SMF records, we concluded that

first bit of GATGEN was the GATWRAP bit.
Then, I remembered I still had lots of archaic printed

manuals, and located the very old "MVS/XA Catalog

Diagnosis Reference for DFP Release 1.2", which confirmed

that the GATWRAP bit was indeed the first bit of the

GATGEN field in the 05 Catalog Record!
Thanks to Daniel F. Schwarz, Inc, Univ of Wisconsin Hospitals, USA.

Thanks to Joseph Stoll, University of Wisconsin Hospitals, USA.

Change 23.218 Format $MGDB2PT did not have value for 'R'='R:ROLLUP'.


Aug 23, 2005

Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.

Change 23.217 Typo at line 392 had WEEKBLD instead of _WEEKBLD.


Aug 23, 2005

Thanks to Hugh Lapham, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, CANADA.

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