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ASUMDB2A 20.039 Tailoring example for dropped variables from DB2ACCT.

ASUMUOW 20.086 EXECAPPL, the "execution" APPLID, added to ASUMUOW.

ASUMUOWT 20.038 Create PDB.ASUMUOW from Landmark TMON/CICS + DB2ACCT.

ASUMUOWT 20.251 Change 20.221 to VMXGUOW caused ASUMUOWT to fail.

AUTOEXEC 20.252 Support for Version 9 TS M0 Production Release.

BLDNTPDB 20.323 Some combinations of arguments didn't work right.

BUILDPDB 20.310 TYPE30TD now has subtypes 2, 3, and 4 output.

BUILDPDB 20.319 OMVS task filled //SPIN, had TYPETASK='JOB' in error.


CONFIGV8 20.019 //USER or directory named "user" causes SAS errors.

CONFIGV9 20.252 Support for Version 9 TS M0 Production Release.

DAILYDSN 20.020 DCOLLECT datasets written to PDB instead of DATASETS.

EXddddd 20.266 EXdddddd members are now one executable statement.

FORMATS 20.127 IBM MSU Capacity for 7060s only in format table.

FORMATS 20.194 MSU constants updated for 2064-2xxx family.

FORMATS 20.291 Support for APAR OW57121 new SMF 99 trace codes.

FORMATS 20.292 Mapping of SAS Procedure Name to Product updated.

GRAFWRKX 20.105 Enhanced "Weighted LPAR Capacity" Graph/Tabular

GRAFWRKX 20.273 Workload Graph examples include MSU used by workload.

IMAC6ESS 20.332 Support for more ESS variables (on OUTPUT statement)

IMACESS6 20.090 Unknown ESS keys not skipped if GEPARMNR GT 1.

JCLTEST6 20.002 SAS V6, VMACTMV2, variable SYS000008 name too long.

JCLUOWP 20.312 JCL example for ASUMUOW using Views/Pipes corrected.


MONTHBLD 20.094 SORTEDBY= added to Monthly PDB datasets

READDB2 20.270 Enhancement for IFCIDs 202, 230, 230, not in SMF 102.

REXXWLM 20.289 Support to read Workload Manager's WLM Defs PDS.

RMFINTRV 20.168 MSU4HRAV corrected, MSU-related variables documented.

RMFINTRV 20.297 Workloads can use SYSTEM/SYSPLEX as criteria.

TRND23 20.239 Trending for TYPE23 (SMF Buffer Usage) was wrong.

TRNDRMFI 20.099 Variable MSU4HRMX was missing in TRNDRMFI.

TRNDRMFI 20.249 New TRENDOLD= parm lets you use GDGs for TREND.

TYPE102 20.228 QW0022TS/BT were wrong if your GMTOFFDB was non-zero.

TYPE102 20.336 Support for IFCID=247 in T102S2347 dataset.

TYPE103 20.104 TYPE103x HOSTNAME increased to $32

TYPE103 20.130 Support for APAR PQ61349.

TYPE108 20.032 Timestamps DOMBTIME/DOMETIME incorrect.

TYPE110 20.102 CICSJOUR was incorrect for CICS/ESA 4.1, 5.1.

TYPE110 20.108 Doc: Variable UOWTIME may look wrong, but it's okay.

TYPE110 20.200 Support for CICS Transaction Resource Class new data.

TYPE110 20.225 Support for CICS APAR PQ63143 changes to 110-2 stats.

TYPE110 20.293 UNKNOWN STID=115 messages should not exist.

TYPE119 20.085 Subtype 3 caused INVALID DATA, now corrected.

TYPE119 20.267 TSIPxxxx variables wrong in TYPS11905, other fixes.

TYPE120 20.029 Lower case "f" in DBCS variables changed to blank.

TYPE120 20.066 Datasets TYP120JC/JI were not sorted to PDB by _S120.

TYPE120 20.204 Support for SMF 120 subtype 7 and 8 WebSphere 4.0.1.

TYPE26J2 20.101 Support for JES "Z2 Mode" (INCOMPATIBLE JESNR).

TYPE26J2 20.149 TIMEBILD now uses correct SYSxxxx for time conversion

TYPE26J3 20.101 Support for JES "Z2 Mode" (INCOMPATIBLE JESNR).

TYPE28 20.316 Support for Tivoli Netview NPM 2.7 SMF 28 records.

TYPE30 20.082 Support for z/OS 1.3 (COMPATIBLE).

TYPE30 20.101 Support for JES "Z2 Mode" (INCOMPATIBLE JESNR).

TYPE30 20.197 JOB=JES2 blank READTIME caused INVALID READTIME msg.

TYPE30 20.310 TYPE30TD now has subtypes 2, 3, and 4 output.

TYPE30 20.330 New CSTORE30,ESTORE30 variables in TYPE30_4,_5,_V.

TYPE42 20.082 Support for z/OS 1.3 (MXG Change Required).

TYPE42 20.129 Support for APAR OW54007.

TYPE42 20.134 S42DSBUF was incorrect, buffer type wrong.

TYPE42 20.182 SMF42NRS, JPF,JPE,JNF,JNE documentation wrong.

TYPE6 20.101 Support for JES "Z2 Mode" (INCOMPATIBLE JESNR).

TYPE64 20.212 Support for APAR OW56162 new SMF 64 CATALOG UPDATE.

TYPE70 20.043 Support for z800 2066 CPUs at OS/390 R2.8-2.10.

TYPE70 20.046 PCTCPUBY etc wrong with WLM IRD controling CPUs.

TYPE7072 20.089 Variable MSU72 created in TYPE72/TYPE72GO.

TYPE7072 20.140A Values in SMF70CSF,ESF now correct, IBM doc wrong.

TYPE7072 20.169 Variable SMF70LAC (4-hr MSU) added to TYPE70PR

TYPE7072 20.274 Support for APAR OW56739, RMF 72 subtype 3.

TYPE7072 20.307 Errors in TYPE72GO (MXG 20.08-20.09 only) corrected.

TYPE71 20.259 Medium Impact Frames ESFRMExx are now input in order.

TYPE72GO 20.045 Variable VALDSAMP now reset to equal R723CTSA.

TYPE72GO 20.069 Support for APAR OW52227 (Active Appl State) for WLM.

TYPE73 20.096 SMF73ACR='CFS' TYPE73 obs had PCHANBY missing.

TYPE73 20.172 Variables PCHANBY/PNCHANBY/PBUSBY carried forward.

TYPE73 20.240 PCHANBY/PNCHANBY mising with SMF73CMG=0.

TYPE74 20.116 Support for type 74 subtype 7 FICON data.

TYPE74 20.205 Support for z/OS 1.4 (COMPATIBLE), minor change

TYPE74 20.213 Support for APAR OW52396 (no change) SMF 74-7 FICON.

TYPE74 20.241 Support for APAR OW55968 (R744SST 4 to 8-byte).

TYPE78 20.050 Domain Error in 78 IOP corrected.

TYPE78 20.077 Using TIMEBILD, STARTIME was converted twice.

TYPE78 20.235 Support for APAR OW54010 Large Virtual Memory (>2GB).

TYPE79 20.083 Domain Error in 79-12, new CMG data now DIF()'d.

TYPE79 20.205 Support for z/OS 1.4 (COMPATIBLE), minor change

TYPE79 20.274 Support for APAR OW56739, RMF 79 subtype 3.

TYPE79 20.325 TYPE792 was incorrectly deaccumulated.

TYPE80A 20.010 Support for Top Secret V.2.

TYPE80A 20.218 Support for UID/HOME/PROGRAM OMVS/USS RACF fields.

TYPE80A 20.226 Example of RACF Filtering with TYPE80A and MACJBCK=.

TYPE90A 20.125 Support for type 90 subtype 32 (don't use TYPE90).

TYPE90A 20.281 VERSN90 is binary in some subtypes, was EBCDIC.

TYPE91 20.097 Domain Error in SMF91SDI/SDO corrected.

TYPE94 20.080 SMF94VLS now contains characters, new SMF94VLC.

TYPE94 20.206 Support for SMF 94 subtype 2 and subtype 1 new stuff.

TYPE94 20.265 SMF 94 FC4001 undocumented fields caused wrong value.

TYPE94 20.283 SMF 94 Subtype 2 now heuristically decoded.

TYPEAIX 20.091 Enhanced AIX PTX (Performance ToolBox) adds obj/vars.

TYPECIMS 20.138 CIMSDBDS DBDORG='00'X no longer output.

TYPECIMS 20.306 No observations in CIMSDBDS after Change 20.138.

TYPECPOD 20.230 Support for Control-D "POD" User SMF record.

TYPECSF2 20.231 Support for Control-D "SF2" User SMF record.

TYPEDB2 20.173 QWAXvvvv variables shouldn't be used, but now valid.

TYPEDB2 20.195 DB2 QWACAWTK/M/N/O/Q ARNK/M/N/O/Q etc missing/wrong.

TYPEDB2 20.210 DB2 V6 variables QWACARLG & QWACAWLG were missing.

TYPEDB2 20.222 Negative DB2SRBTM with DB2 V7 forced back to missing.

TYPEDCOL 20.171 Variable DCDRECFM decodes FBA or VBA Record Formats.

TYPEEDGR 20.331 Support for DFSMSrmm Extended Extract 'X' records.

TYPEEMCS 20.165 Support for EMC's Catalog Solution user SMF record.

TYPEESPH 20.318 Support for Cybermation's ESP Product JOBHIST file.

TYPEHURN 20.248 Overlooked HU47xxxx and HU49xxxx variable input.

TYPEIDMS 20.237 Circumvention for IDMS Version 1500, no new data yet.

TYPEIDMS 20.304 Support for IDMS V1500 new subtypes 13, 14, 15.

TYPEIMSA 20.021 Syntax error. Two %%VMXGTIME( should be %VMXGTIME.

TYPEIPAC 20.014 Support for Mobius RDS InfoPac Subtypes 6 and 7.

TYPEMPLX 20.141 Support for IMPLEX Version 2.1 has been coded.

TYPEMVCI 20.263 Support for BMC MVCICS 5.6, fix for 5.5 CMRDETL data.

TYPENDM 20.211 NDM/Connect Direct writes invalid SMF record.

TYPENPIP 20.070 Support for new IBM Product NPM/IP monitor SMF.

TYPENSPY 20.305 Support for NetSpy Version 6 subtypes G,H (COMPAT).

TYPENTSM 20.100 Support for Citrix process record.

TYPENTSM 20.132 Support for NTSMF File System Collector. NT DCOLLECT!

TYPENTSM 20.144 PROCESS object POOLxxxx,HANDLES were wrong.

TYPENTSM 20.156 Support for NTSMF 2.4.4, MODULE Object, Disk percents

TYPENTSM 20.176 Support for Oracle and Analysis Server NTSMF objects.

TYPENTSM 20.276 Support for MS E2K SP3, XP Prof, new vendor objects.

TYPENTSM 20.286 MicroSoft added instance names for SMF objects.

TYPEOMCI 20.234 Support for Candle Omegamon for CICS V520 User SMF.

TYPEOMVT 20.189 Candle OMEGAMON/VTAM Release 5.2.0 IRNUM=27 corrected


TYPEORAC 20.007 Support for Oracle OSDI format (8.1.7) (INCOMPAT).

TYPEORAC 20.111 Oracle OSDI Subsystem Name text externalized.

TYPEQACS 20.004 JBCPU/JBTCPU wrong in QAPMJOBM, IBM doc is wrong.

TYPEQACS 20.078 AS400 4.5.0 INVALID data, 5.1.0 JBEDBC/JBTDCB fixed.

TYPEQACS 20.260 Support for AS/400 5.2 Collection Services (INCOMPAT)

TYPEQACS 20.295 AS/400 CPU times merged in optional QACSCPU dataset.

TYPERMFV 20.334 Numerous enhancements/corrections to RMF III support.

TYPESAMS 20.192 Support for SAMS:VANTAGE 3.2.0 OBJ=POOLS record.

TYPESASU 20.236 Variable SASPROD, SAS Product Name, now kept.

TYPESRMH 20.317 Security Resource Manager for MVS V2.3 correction.

TYPESTC 20.088 Support for St. 27/28/29 of STK HCS/VSM records.

TYPESTC 20.220 STC28TIM in STCVSM28 from STK User SMF was wrong.


TYPESYNC 20.309 Support for SYNCSORT for z/OS 1.1 SMF record.

TYPETAND 20.106 Support for G06/G08 TANDPROC LRECL=442 (INCOMPAT).

TYPETAND 20.250 Support for Tandem G07 new data, fix TANDPROC G06.

TYPETMDB 20.095 TMON/DB2 Timestamps wrong if GMT Offset is nonzero.

TYPETMDB 20.139 Landmark TMON/DB2 datetimes wrong if GMTOFF GT 0.

TYPETMDB 20.161 Support of ASG-Landmark TMON/DB2 Version field 3.2.


TYPETMO2 20.140 Landmark TMON/CICS datetimes wrong if GMTOFF GT 0.

TYPETMO2 20.187 MONITASK variables STORVIOL/ABNDMONI weren't created.

TYPETMO2 20.253 Support for ASG-Landmark TMON/V2.1 TH01595 (COMPAT)


TYPETMVS 20.201 Support for ASG-Landmark TMON/MVS V3 (INCOMPATIBLE).

TYPETNG 20.028 Support for CA TNG for Windows 2000.

TYPETNG 20.062 STARTIME in TNG datasets was an hour early.

TYPETNG 20.092 Support for many new TNG Platforms (SOL, AIX) etc.

TYPETNG 20.180 TNG Start Hour defaults to zero, externalized.

TYPETPMX 20.208 TYPETPMX variable SPACE renamed to SPACERQ.


TYPEVMXA 20.081 z/VM MONWRITE DATABYTE=0 caused MXG to stop reading.

TYPEXAM 20.315 Support for Velocity Software's ESAMON VM Monitor 3.2

TYPSMQM 20.188 Example member to read //SMF to create all MQM data.

TYPSTHST 20.202 Support for BMC's Mainview for DB2 THRDHIST file.


UNIXSAR 20.314 Enhancements to process unix sar command output.

UTILBLDP 20.013 Enhancement, examples for only RMFINTRV, JOBS.

UTILBLDP 20.329 Enhancement if BUILDPDB=NO is specified.

UTILEXCL 20.008 UTILEXCL caused ASUMUOW to fail, missed IMS data.


UTILEXCL 20.074 Excluded fields from multiple CICS versions support.

UTILEXCL 20.084 Final (?) cleanup covers all reported optional data.

UTILEXCL 20.118 Support for CANPROD2/CANPROD3 optional CICS data.

UTILEXCL 20.148 Support for multiple CMODNAME,CMODHEAD='USER' fields

UTILEXCL 20.223 USERCHAR variable generated wrong INCLUDE post 20.148

UTILEXCL 20.256 Major UTILEXCL enhancement, MCTSSDCN/DRL DO grouping.

UTILRMFI 20.162 Revised to use identical arguments as %VMXGRMFI.

VGETDSN 20.035 New utility to get DSNAME, can allocate next GDG.

VGETJESN 20.190 "Z2" Jnnnnnnn JESNR support protects SMF 6 record.

VGETJESN 20.326 Type 30s with JCTJOBID='INTnnnnn' protected.

VMAC115 20.288 Support for MQSeries V5.3 (COMPATIBLE) new data.

VMAC116 20.288 Support for MQSeries V5.3 (COMPATIBLE) new data.

VMAC7072 20.272 Zeroed MSU variables from old S/390 are now non-zero.

VMAC80A 20.257 Message VMAC80A.WARN. MORE DTP... revised, 15 kept.

VMXGFOR 20.327 All %VMXGFOR were removed, to avoid a SAS zap.

VMXGINIT 20.278 %UPCASE added by 19.295 was dropped in 20.019

VMXGINIT 20.296 Macro variables &TRNDIN,&TRNDOUT defined for TREND.

VMXGRMFI 20.017 OPTIONS OBS=0 could cause errors.

VMXGRMFI 20.079 Mismatch now reports all INn status variables.

VMXGSUM 20.017 OPTIONS OBS=0 could cause errors.

VMXGSUM 20.094 SORTEDBY= added to Output VMXGSUM dataset.

VMXGSUM 20.142 SORTEDBY= filed if dropped variable only in SUMBY=.

VMXGSUM 20.238 Documentation: Don't use TEMP01 with %VMXGSUM.

WEEK70PR 20.199 Typo SAT.TYPE70PR read twice, FRI not read.

WEEKBLD 20.094 SORTEDBY= added to WEEKLY PDB datasets

Inverse chronological list of all Changes:

NEXTCHANGE: Version 20.
====== Changes thru 20.341 were in MXG 20.20 dated Feb 5, 2003=========
Change 20.341 Support for APAR OW57396 adds two flag fields, SMF22CYS

VMAC22 and SMF22PCY to the TYPE22_A dataset (the APAR calls the

Feb 6, 2003 two fields SNSSDST3 and SSCBDVC4, to describe the reason

for the state-change interrupt during FlashCopy.

Thanks to Susan Greenlee, IBM, USA.
Change 20.340 Summarized RMFINTRV data (for example, RMFINTHR from 15

RMFINTRV minute RMFINTRV data) will have a high value for MSU4HRAV

Feb 6, 2003 in any interval that crosses an IPL. The interval will

have a DURATM considerably smaller than your requested

hour summary, so these intervals can be detected/deleted

by testing for DURATM less than your summary interval

This is an MXG coding error, only in RMFINTHR; the

ASUM70PR and ASUMCEC data is correct across an IPL

(but note that MXG keeps history, and uses those

prior hours, IBM's SMF70LAC starts new with each

IPL, so "correct" is in the eyes of the beholder).

and I will eventually take time and figure out how to

correct the logic, but not right now!

Jun 9 2003: See Change 21.094.

Thanks to Craig Collins, State of Wisconsin, USA.
Change 20.339 Support for MainView TCP/IP SMF record with many datasets

EXMVTPA and almost all of them are wrong; the only documentation

EXMVTPC available was the sample SAS code from BMC, and it was

EXMVTPD restructured into MXG source format, labeled, etc., and

EXMVTPF then the test records were examined, only to find that

EXMVTPH the data and sample code do not agree.

EXMVTPI If you are interested in this support, please contact me,

EXMVTPN send me your current SMF records, and I will pursue the

EXMVTPO actual DSECT documentation so I can rewrite the support.

EXMVTPP And since I could not validate the new support, there may

EXMVTPR be variable names in conflict with existing MXG names

EXMVTPS that may need to be changed.

EXMVTPT But at least the structure and contents of all of the 14

EXMVTPU new datasets is complete!







Feb 6, 2003
Change 20.338 All ADOCxxxx members were programatically updated with

ADOCs all variables created by MXG 20.10, but all existing

Feb 6, 2003 comments and descriptions (manually made) are preserved

by a slick utility program Freddie developed to read the

old and merge in the new (and by agreed syntax standards

in the ADOCs structure, so his program works!).

Thanks to Freddie Arie, TXU, USA.
Change 20.337 Using example 4 in UTILEXCL, which reads CICS records to

UTILEXCL create and write member IMACEXCL to your USERID.SOURCLIB

Feb 5, 2003 tailoring library, writing to this DD statement:


then the example reads that IMACEXCL member from that

dataset, using %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(IMACEXCL); from this DD:




entry "OUT OF EXTENTS", with both SAS V8.2 and V9.0, but

only when:

the USERID.SOURCLIB was extended into another extent

by the writing of the IMACEXCL member to the PDS.

Breaking the example into two MVS steps did not fail; the

IMACEXCL member was read correctly from the extended-PDS

in the second step. While this will ultimately be fixed

by SAS (I hope!), if you use this technique of writing to

your USERID.SOURCLIB, you should make sure it has a large

primary, and compress it after each run, to avoid this


That same error message is also documented in NEWSLTRS

for a completely un-related problem: if you have your

datasets in your //SOURCLIB concatenation that are

mixed PDS and PDSE source libraries.

Only all-PDS libraries is guaranteed to be error free!

The error will be discussed with SAS Institute, and this

note will be revised if a correction becomes available.

No code change was made; documentation only.

Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.
Change 20.336 Support for DB2 Trace IFCID=247 (SMF 102 subtype 247) now

VMAC102 populates the trace variables in dataset T102S247.

Feb 2, 2003

Thanks to Terry L. Berman, DST Systems, USA.

====== Changes thru 20.335 were in MXG 20.12 dated Feb 2, 2003=========
Change 20.335 Support for ASG/Landmark TMON for CICS/ESA Version 2.2.


Feb 2, 2003 -Field inserted in 'TP' record header and sub records.

-Field inserted in 'TR' record header.

-Field inserted in 'TK' record header.

-Field inserted in 'TS' record header.

-Field inserted in 'T2' record header.

-Field inserted in 'TM' record header.

-Field inserted in 'TN' record header.

-Field inserted in 'TT' record header.

-Field inserted in 'TX' record header.

-Fields inserted and removed in 'TA' record.

-Some overlooked $CHAR fields are now formatted $HEX.

-Useful new MQSERIES counts/duration variables are created

in MONITASK dataset.
Change 20.334 -ZRBDVT kept twelve accumulated start and end values which

VMACRMFV are unneeded and are now dropped; the delta values are in


Feb 3, 2003 and SWPODLTM. The _SZRBDVT now actually sorts vice copy.

-ZRBGEI kept four accumulated start and end values which

are unneeded and are now dropped; the delta values are in

new variables GEIESPM and GEIESPR. OS/390 set several GEI

fields reserved, causing CPUWAITM to be zero and PCTCPUBY

to be missing. The PCTCPUBY is in dataset ZRBCPU.

-Variable ASIAUXSC is now divided by sample count, and the

_SZRBASI now actually sorts vice copy.

-ENCG3 record with RDW=804, DEO=@296 DEL=608 caused INPUT

STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD ERROR and is now protected, but

it was caused by using ASMRMFV program earlier than MXG

20.02, which corrected Enclave support. No-longer-needed

triplet variables are no longer kept.

-All _SZRBxxx macros now PROC SORT their dataset to PDB

(most just had a Data step) because their _BZRBxxx macro

now have BY-list variables of SYSPLEX SYSTEM SSHTIBEG and

possibly more.

Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.

Thanks to John Gebert, Office Depot, USA.

Change 20.333 Using READDBw with IFCIDS=ALL is strongly disrecommended,

READDB2 as it requires massive virtual storage and compile time

Jan 31, 2003 to generate the data step for all 300+ DB2 trace records,

and you could never have all those IFCIDs enabled; if you

did, you'd be running an SMF stress test, not a DB2 test!

but now, IFCIDS=ALL will compile correctly; Change 20.270

introduced syntax errors when IFCIDS=ALL was used.

Additionally, IFCIDS= 1 2 are now supported as arguments

(although they are redundant with ACCOUNT).

Thanks to John Gebert, Office Depot, USA.

Change 20.332 -IMAC6ESS: Support for optional ESS variables from OUTPUT

FORMATS statements, including the USERDATA= field, which can be

IMAC6ESS used: USERDATA=(ACCT=123456) to set accounting fields

VMAC6 for each OUTPUT statement, new variable ESSUSDAT, plus

Jan 31, 2003 less-important variables ESSTRC, ESSDATCK, ESSCHARS-4,

Feb 3, 2003 ESSUCS and ESS0013 for undocumented IEFDOKEY='0013'x.

Feb 4, 2003 Protection added if more than four ESSCHARn fields are in

the SMF record.

-VMAC6: Variable BINUSED='00'X is set for non-PSF type 6

records; all BINxxxxx fields only exist in APF-PSF data.

-FORMATS. Variable BINUSED's format MG006BN was updated

for bins 3,4 and combo's of bins, "NOT PSF" for '00'x.

Thanks to Ricke Godehard, Itellium, GERMANY.
Change 20.331 Support for DFSMSrmm Extended Extract Data Set Records,

EXEDGRX which are written as EDGRTYPE='X', along with the other

IMACEDGR records, by IBM's EDGHSKP program to a flat file that is

VMACEDGR read by MXG from the INFILE name of EDGHSKP. The new 'X'

VMXGINIT record creates new EDGRXEXT dataset with all variables

Jan 30, 2003 from the 'V' volume record (MXG dataset EDGRVEXT) and all

of the variables from the 'D' dataset record (MXG dataset

EDGRDEXT); now that I've written the code to create the

new dataset from the new X record, I realize I could have

instead created it simply by MERGEing the EDGRVEXT Volume

and EDGRDEXT Dataset MXG dataset, since the X record is

completely redundant with the V and D records. IBM added

the 'X' record with APAR OW47651, June, 2001.

Thanks to Donald P. Ludwig, United Health Care, USA.

====== Changes thru 20.330 were in MXG 20.11 dated Jan 30, 2003=========
Change 20.330 Useless MSO-based variable PAGESECS (SMF30PSC):

BUILD005 the CPU-TCB-only-based memory occupancy page-seconds,

BUIL3005 the soon to be useless variable RESESFTP (SMF30ERS):

VMAC30 active-time-based expanded memory storace occupancy,

Jan 30, 2003 and the very useful variable IARVPSEC (SMF30PSF):

active-time-based central memory storage occupancy

were all 2.4% too low; IBM now documents them as being in

'page-milliseconds - 1.024 milliseconds', but MXG had

used 1000 rather than 1024 in its internal conversion.

This change creates new CSTORE30 and ESTORE30 variables

with the average storage occupancy size in bytes, for the

TYPE30_4, TYPE30_5, TYPE30_6, and TYPE30_V datasets, and

those new variables are also propagated into the dataset


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