002 - Task Resource Utilization Table
003 - Span Authorization Table
First glance shows lots of interesting fields. If you
have type 38's from Version 1.1, see member SENDDATA and
email me a few hours worth, and I can enhance MXG with
these three new datasets.
Change 15.385 Support for TME 10 Netview for OS/390 1.1 SMF type 37
VMAC37 record IS already included in MXG, as there were no
Feb 18, 1998 changes to the type 37 record, although the table numbers
were changed in documentation: "TME 10 Netview for OS/390
Application Progrmmer's Guide Version 1 Release 1, pub
number SC31-8223-00 (but don't look for that order number
on the publication itself; only on the Readers Comment
Form could I find the pub number!). IBM saves ink???
That publication documents SMF 37, 38, and 39 records.
======Changes thru 15.384 were in MXG 15.09 dated Feb 17, 1998======
Change 15.384 Support for RMF Monitor III VSAM file adds support for
ASMRMFV new record types of CPU, PGP, and ENC, but I have not had
ASMRMFV test data (ASMRMFV, when assembled, converts the RMF III
Feb 17, 1998 compressed files into flat records for TYPERMFV to read),
so output records from ASMRMFV with CPU, PGP, or ENC
enabled needs to be verified with TYPERMFV. In addition,
the support for the CSR records cannot be finished until
we can get a hex dump of the ASMRMFV program when it
tries to read a CSR record. We have created a special
version of ASMRMFV, named ASMRMFVX, that will Abend S0C3
when it tries to read a CSR record; if you have those
enabled and can generate the S0C3 Abend Dump, please send
it (tape or printed) to Merrill Consultants so we can
decode that RMF III record as well.
Change 15.383 MXG 15.09 only. Comma missing at end of INCODE= caused
TRNDRMFI error. This was caught in my QA test, but I failed to
Feb 17, 1998 copy the change from the QA library back into the master!
====Changes thru 15.382 were printed in MXG Newsletter THIRTY-THREE====
Change 15.382 NPM variables STARTIME, ENDTIME, and DURATM had missing
VMAC28 value in dataset NPMINRTM from SMF type 28 subtype '30'x.
Feb 16, 1998 Valid STARTIME and ENDTIME were INPUT in the STT section
processing, but the SAA section also INPUT STARTIME and
ENDTIME, and when there were no timestamps in the SAA
section, their missing value overrode the valid STT
values. To correct, the calculation of STARTIME and
ENDTIME in the AOFTYPE='SAA' section is performed by
logic so that valid STARTIME/ENDTIME will be preserved.
Thanks to ???, Spar Handels AG, GERMANY.
Change 15.381 ASMTAPES Maintenance Level ML-16 now writes records for
ASMTAPES devices with four-digit UCBs. (We thought we had added
ZSMTAPES that support long ago, but testing uncovered our error.)
Feb 17, 1998 In addition, ML-16 corrects the "TEST" SYSPARM which did
not work as advertized. Note that "TEST" (which writes
to a flat file instead of SMF), does not support the WLM
(Workload Manager Fields) that ARE supported in non-TEST.
Thanks to Mark Schmitt, First Card, USA.
Change 15.380 Major enhancement to support for Boole & Babbage CMF
EXCMFVAL VSAM History File. MXG Previously decoded a dozen or
EXCMFVCD so subtypes, but this massive user contribution added
EXCMFVCF fourteen completely new datasets and their exits, and
EXCMFVCS creates variables in ten existing datasets that were only
EXCMFVDC a skeleton dataset before this change.
EXCMFVGL The bulk of this change was written by
EXCMFVHD Pino Todesco, Boole and Babbage, Australia.
EXCMFVMS This text will be updated with correct name, etc.
EXCMFVRV As test data is received from interested sites for the
EXCMFVSO subtypes not yet decoded, MXG will be enhanced to also
EXCMFVST support those subtypes.
Feb 15, 1998 This is also called "Mainview" by Boole.
Thanks to Pino Todesco,Boole & Babbage, AUSTRALIA.
Change 15.379 Two new reports for "Batch Window" analysis, one based on
ANALBATW PDB.STEPS as input, and the second based on PDB.JOBS were
Feb 15, 1998 written by Grant and contributed by Ken.
Thanks to Grant Mackay, Standard Life, SCOTLAND
Thanks to Ken Williams, Southern Electric, UK.
Change 15.378 Some simple reports of Data Set activity based on the SMF
ANAL42 type 42 record's dataset TYPE42DS were contributed by
Feb 15, 1998 Ken from a previous lifetime.
Thanks to Ken Williams, Standard Life, SCOTLAND.
Change 15.377 Boole's CMF Cache Stats were split into two CMF datasets
VMACCMF CMF27CSC and CMF27C93, but there were no merge variables
Feb 15, 1998 with which to combine them, so the internal logic was
redesigned, so now the CMF27CSC dataset contains both
sets of variables. The CMF27C93 dataset is still built as
before (so your old reports won't fail), but you should
now use CMF27CSC for Cache reporting (and you can then
use your EXCMFC93 exit member to turn of creation of obs
in the now-archaic CMF27C93 dataset. Use CMF27CSC!
Thanks to Neil Ervin, Banc One Services Corporation, USA.
Change 15.376 Boole CMF subtype 16 record now creates two new datasets
EXCMF16M CMF16MAP (Virtual Storage Map) & CMF16LPA (LPA Modules)
EXDMF16L thanks to this significant user contribution.
Feb 13, 1998
Thanks to Paul Hill, Midland Bank, UK.
Change 15.375 IMS Log records from Boole's IMF and from SAP and IBM's
TYPECIMS IMS log records can now be processed in one pass of the
TYPEIMFL IMS log. Member VMACIMS had internal variable MSGDRRN
VMACCIMS (a numeric variable) replaced by CMSGDRRN (a character)
VMACIMS to avoid conflict between CIMS and IMS member, and some
Feb 13, 1998 lines were relocated in both VMACCIMS and VMACIMS, and
macro _IMS in member VMACIMS now creates the variables in
the header that VMACCIMS expected, and new macro _CHAIN
is defined in member VMACCIMS, replacing the inline code
that handled Chained Transactions in member TYPECIMS, so
the end result is that new member TYPEIMFL contains:
so TYPEIMFL creates all 25 datasets from IMF, IMS, and
SAP's IMS log records in one pass of the IMSLOG tape:
IMS36 IMS36M IMS5901 IMS5903 IMS5936 IMS5937
And if you don't want to create all 25 datasets, you can
use MXG's new &MACxxxx macro variable (Change 15.356) to
redefine the _Lxxxxx dataset macros to _NULL_ for the
unwanted data sets, and they won't be created:
would only create the 4 IMF and the 3 SAP datasets.
Thanks to Reinhard Kelm, GRZ, GERMANY.
Thanks to Friedhelm Danne, GRZ, GERMANY.
Change 15.374 There was no KEEPs example that worked with ASUMUOW, but
IMACCICS comments implied there was. Now the three examples show
Feb 12, 1998 the KEEPs for CICSTRAN that are required for ASUMCICS,
ASUMCICX, and ASUMUOW. The actual KEEPs examples use
the DROP= statement in the _K macro to control keeping.
Thanks to Tom Weiland, Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance Co, USA.
Change 15.373 Support for OS/390 Version 2 Release 5 is contained in
none MXG 15.04 or later, as there were no changes to the SMF
Feb 12, 1998 records between OS/390 2.4 and OS/390 25., and MXG Change
15.270 added support for Version 2 Release 4 in 15.04.
Change 15.372 Support for Boole's IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1) INCOMPATIBLE
VMACCIMS because 400 bytes were inserted at the end of the fixed
Feb 12, 1998 portion of the record, causing DBD counts to be wrong
without this change. The 400 bytes added only four new
fields: GMT Adjustment, UTCA, Checkpoints/Syncpoints
CTCKPNTS, Maximum Locks Held MAXLOCKS and Total Locks
Thanks to Reinhard Kelm, GRZ, GERMANY.
Thanks to Friedhelm Danne, GRZ, GERMANY.
Change 15.371 The new BLDNTPDB macro provides simple daily/weekly/
BLDNTPDB monthly dataset building and reporting from NTSMF data
Feb 12, 1998 records. This macro does everything for you, or you
can override its options. It even supports reruns!
Especially for new users who are not familiar with the
PDB architecture, this runs-only-on-ASCII-SAS example
should make life simple. More documentation on how to
use this facility will be forthcoming, and this is still
in development.
Thanks to Marti Henley, Matridigm, USA.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 15.370 Concurrency analysis routine ANALCNCR has new MYTIME=
ANALCNCR argument for sites that want to specify a non-standard
Feb 12, 1998 time period for summarization. (Note: the MYTIME=
specification is not used to "sync" the intervals, and
SYNCINTV=YES is ignored if INTERVAL=MYTIME is used.
Thanks to Tom Parker, CSC FSG Banking Division, USA.
Change 15.369 Trending for the ASUMUOW using the PDB.ASUMUOW dataset
TRNDUOW daily as input, rather than building ASUMUOW weekly, is
Feb 12, 1998 recommended for sites that need to analyze CICS MRO with
or without DB2 by UOWID, i.e., by Unit of Work ID, due
to potential large volumes of data, CPU time, work space
and I/O operations if the trending were done from the
weekly PDB.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 15.368 New argument DURATM=INTERVAL will cause variable DURATM
ASUMCICS to be created in VMXGSUM's output dataset, and DURATM
ASUMDB2A will contain the duration specified on INTERVAL (for the
ASUMDB2B "real" durations of QTRHOUR, HALFHOUR,HOUR, and DATE), to
ASUMHSM be consistent with MXG design intentions of having DURATM
ASUMJOBS in all interval datasets. The eight ASUMxxxx members
ASUMPRTR listed are the first to exploit this new DURATM=INTERVAL
ASUMTMNT argument for VMXGSUM. In addition, both VMXGSUM and
VMXGDUR VMXGDUR now contain new argument MXGWEEK= that allows
VMXGSUM you to change your "first day of the week" in Trending
Feb 12, 1998 datasets from MXG's default of MONday.
Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITSV Cary, USA.
Change 15.367 The EXCPNODD and EXCPTODD counts in step and job records
ANALMULT with MULTIDD='Y' (i.e., there were so many DD segments
Feb 12, 1998 that MVS created multiple type 30 records for a step)
are incorrect, because they are created for each step
record and are not summed across all of the multiple
records. Since these MULTIDD='Y' jobs are almost always
data center work (like SAR/RMDS/etc spoolers) the error
has not had any real effect, but this user has provided
a series of macros that will start with the raw SMF data
and correctly calculate EXCPNODD and EXCPTODD for these
MULTIDD='Y' tasks. Because it must sort lots of records,
and takes appreciable CPU and IO resources, I have no
plans to add the logic to BUILDPDB, but it is here if
you need it!
Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstadt, GERMANY.
Change 15.366 Member ANALUOW as announced in Change 15.205, but it did
ANALUOW not get copied into the MXG library until MXG 15.09, and
Feb 12, 1998 it was cleaned up and enhanced now as well.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 15.365 CICS DFHSTUP "Shutdown" reports CICNQG, CICLGS, and
ANALCISH CICLGR have been added to member ANALCISH.
Feb 20, 1998
Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.
Change 15.364 Support for StorageTek VSM SMF records adds 17 new data
EXSTCV09- sets for HSC subtypes 09 thru 26. The datasets are
EXSTCV25 named STCVSM09 thru STCVSM26 and they provide significant
VMACSTC measurements, including bytes read/written, duration of
Feb 12, 1998 mount, dismount, recall, migrate, etc., etc., etc!
Feb 20, 1998 The code has been syntax checked and subtypes 13, 14, 15
and 21 records have been processed.
Change 15.363 IDMS Journal Format Performance Records were apparently
TYPEIDMJ changed in IDMS Version 12, and the old Journal support
VMACIDMJ failed. This revision heuristically skips over the non
Feb 11, 1998 performance segments and has been tested with real data.
Unfortunately, the quick solution was to create VMACIDMJ
that knows about the idiosyncrasies of the Journal data,
but this means dual maintenance in VMACIDMS/VMACIDMJ with
each new version of IDMS!
Thanks to Alfred Mueller, ABN-AMRO Services Co., USA.
Change 15.362 NPM type 28 subtype 82 caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED
VMAC28 because 36 bytes were input when there were only 24. The
Feb 10, 1998 statement ELSE IF LENAOF GE 172 AND NPMSUBTYP NE 83X
must be changed to ELSE .... THEN INPUT +24 @;
Thanks to Mel Hitchings, British Telecom, WALES.
Change 15.361 Creation of the WKnnPCPU, WKnnPPRV, and WKnnPUSR percent
NTINTRV values in the NTINTRV dataset was revised to convert the
Feb 10, 1998 percentages to durations, sum the durations, and recalc
the percentage values. If the DURATM of all PROCESS
intervals is the same, the new and old calculations are
identical, but the old calculations were wrong if there
were dissimilar values of DURATM in the PROCESS dataset.
Thanks to Wayne Holzback, Reynolds Metal Company, USA.
Change 15.360 Variable OTHRPUSR was not in the RETAIN list in member
NTINTRV NTINTRV, causing that variable to be missing from the
Feb 10, 1998 NTINTRV dataset.
Thanks to Marti Henley, Matridigm Corporation, USA.
Change 15.359 DCOLLECT variables DDCXSYS and DDCXREG were reversed in
VMACDCOL the input statement; DDCXSYS should have been first and
Feb 10, 1998 then DDCXREG second, as it was in DCOLLECT 1.2. In 1.3
the documentation reversed the order, but tests with
data confirm the real order is XSYS and then XREG.
Thanks to Mike Blocker, Fidelity Investments, USA.
Change 15.358 The TYPE42AU (Audit ACTIVATE, ENF, or VARY SMS events)
VMAC42 was not input correctly, but the record is also wrong!
Feb 10, 1998 MXG errors: insert +16 between INPUT and SMF42ETY.
change +72 to +88 before SMF42ESD.
IBM error: there are only 31 total bytes between SMF42ETY
and SMF42EVL, instead of the 32 documented.
I changed the +22 after SMF42ENM to +21 while
we sort out IBM's error.
Thanks to Michael E. Friske, Fidelity Investments, USA.
Change 15.357 Support for APAR OW29790 adds variables PGOALPCT and
Feb 10, 1998 dataset to track service classes served.
Change 15.356 This enhancement adds a &MACxxxx macro variable in each
DOC VMACxxxx member so that you can dynamically override the
VMXGINIT IMACxxxx member without having to EDIT and save an IMAC!
Feb 8, 1998 In each VMACxxxx member, a new line with "&MACxxxx;" was
added immediately after the %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(IMACxxxx).
For example, in member VMACHSM, the statements are:
Each of the &MACxxxx macro variables are initialized to
a null string, and GLOBALed, in member VMXGINIT.
So in your program, you can set the value of the &MACxxxx
macro variable equal to the old-style macro definition
syntax ("MACRO macro-name macro-text %" to thus change
the definition of the _L,_K dataset tailoring macros:
MACRO _Lxxxxxx - tailor Libref and Dataset Name
MACRO _Kxxxxxx - tailor KEEP/DROP list of vars
or to change the new _S PROC SORT macro added in 15.328:
MACRO _Sxxxxxx - PROC SORT and BY statements
or in a future version, change the planned _E Exit macro:
MACRO _Exxxxxx - will allow you to override the
%INC SOURCLIB(EXxxxxxx) exit.
and thus have complete dynamically tailoring for each
individual dataset. For example, for SMF 30, you could:
to create only the dataset TYPE30_4 from the subtype
4 record, and it would be written to the //MYDD library.
For a User-SMF record, where you must set the SMF record
ID in the MACRO _IDxxxx in the IMACxxxx for the product,
you can now redefine the _ID macro with the &MACxxxx.
For example, to process the HSM User SMF record and put
all HSM datasets in the //WORK library, you could use:
For those not familiar with the syntax of the %LET, you
use %LET MACxxx= before the old-style macro statements
and then you end the %LET statement with a semi-colon.
If the text contains semi-colons, you can instead use
%LET MACxxx= %QUOTE( whatever-with-semicolons) ;
For those not familiar with the syntax of the old-style
MACRO statement, it is simply
MACRO macro-name macro-text
and then a single percent-sign ends the definition.
If the macro text has a percent-sign, then double it:
This new &MACxxxx architecture is a significant piece of
the complete redesign to allow external control of all
MXG datasets. Because the &MACxxxx enhancement is safe
and can be used to override existing IMAC definitions, it
is added in MXG 15.09. The remaining pieces of this big
change will be implemented after MXG 15.15 has shipped!
Change 15.355 Variables ASICSAA, ASISQAA, ASIECSAA and ASIESQAA were
VMACRMFV horifically large, because they should have been read in
Feb 5, 1998 with &RB.4. informat instead of &PIB.4.
Thanks to Peggy Dunne, Depository Trust Company, USA.
Change 15.354 All VMACs that process SMF records were made consistent,
VMACSMF by locating the "IF ID = ..." statement immediately after
BUILD606 the MACRO _CDExxxx statement. All new VMACs have been
BUIL3606 written that way, but some old VMACs had LABEL statements
Feb 5, 1998 between the macro definition and the IF test. Now that
the _CDExxxx macros for SMF records all start with the IF
test for record IDs, the efficiency improvements of MXG
Change 15.329 are revised again. Instead of the logic
now, the logic
can be used, eliminating the extra test imposed by the
external IF statement.
The VMACs whose IF statement was relocated are:
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 15.353 Support for Landmark's TMON for CICS Version 2 (MXG1506)
VMACTMO2 conflicted with ITSV because some variables were changed
Feb 5, 1998 incorrectly by MXG, and some variables were not created.
Variable MONIMANT is now created, variable TATASKNN is
re-spelled TATASKNR, variable CICSLV is renamed to be
CICSLEV (Landmark changed it from PIB1 to $CHAR4 so I
had no choice), and variable FACTYP is changed back to
PIB1 and formatted as it was in prior versions.
Thanks to Rod Gaas, Eagle Star, UK.
Change 15.352 MXG 15.08. The label for variable S1ELEMLO was typed as
Feb 4, 1998 or produce an error message! The extraneous characters
are now removed. Also, macro _CICSTCMN was added to the
KEEP= list for dataset CICSSMED so the common variables
(in particular, SYSTEM and SMFTIME) will now be kept.
Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITSV, USA
Change 15.351 Cosmetic. Variable LCSLOV1 label should have been
Feb 4, 1998
Thanks to Ley Teng, QANTAS, AUSTRALIA.
Change 15.350 The explicit dataset names TYPE72 and TYPE6 were replaced
ASUMPRTR with _LTY72 and _LTY6 macro names instead, so that if you
Jan 31, 1998 re-direct either dataset from the default of "WORK", MXG
will find it where you put it.
Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITSV, USA.
Change 15.349 The example "reptprod" file to control fields extracted
ADOCMWAI from HP's MeasureWare for AIX is now provided in the
Jan 28, 1998 ADOCMWAI member.
Thanks to Lorenzo Wright, NCCI, USA.
Thanks to Thierry Van Moer, Comparex, BELGIUM.
Change 15.348 Member VMACTRNS was a copy of VMACTRSN that had been
VMACTRSN saved under the incorrect VMACTRNS name, so the member
Jan 27, 1998 VMACTRNS has been deleted.
Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstadt AG, GERMANY.
Change 15.347 The VMXGFOR references in the commented out example that
RMFINTRV can be used to read SMF directly must all be %VMXGFOR.
Jan 27, 1998 Only if you remove the comment block to read SMF direct
would you see this error.
Thanks to Jim Chappell, Pacific Power and Light, USA.
Change 15.346 Support for Landmark for MVS Version 2 segments that were
VMACTMV2 not available for testing in MXG 15.08. New segments
Jan 26, 1998 that have now been data-validated are: JD, LM, and TR.
These record subtypes caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.
Thanks to Jonathan McVey, Lowe's Company, USA.
Thanks to Mark Derreks, Hershey's, USA.
Change 15.345 MXG 15.08 only. The new MACRO _SCICEXC should have had
IMACCICS &PDB..CICSEXCE instead of &PDB.CICSEXEC. Fortunately,
Jan 20, 1998 the new macro is not (yet!) used in MXG code, so there
was no execution error.
Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.
Change 15.344 Variable NTVERSP was truncated to 12 positions, so it
VMACNTSM had only "Service Pack" instead of "Service Pack 3".
Jan 20, 1998 Move the NTVERSP in the line with $12 to the next line,
with $32, so it will be 32-bytes long.
Thanks to Marty Henley, Matridigm, USA.
Change 15.343 MXG 15.08 only, JES2 only. Change 15.329 reordered the
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