Thanks to Howard Glassetter, Weyerhaeuser, USA
Change 15.264 IDMS 10.02 observations were not OUTPUT in the IDMSTAS
VMACIDMS dataset; the statement IF '1201' LE SMFHVER LT '1400' ...
Nov 3, 1997 that is immediately before %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(EXIDMTAS);
must be changed to IF '1002' LE SMFHVER LT '1400' ... if
you still have records from archaic IDMS 10.02 release.
It is possible there will be no obs in IDMSBUF and INT,
with 10.02 as well.
Thanks to Jill Billings, First Data, USA.
Change 15.263 Support for Boole & Babbage MQ Series 1.1.4 MVMQS 1.2.0
EXBBMQBP VSAM file of statistics records adds 3 new MXG datasets:
EXBBMQQM 'E1'x BBMQQMGR 125 Queue Manager Record
IMACBBMQ 'E2'x BBMQBUFF 96 MQ Buffer Pool Record
TYPEBBMQ 'E3'x BBMQPAGE 16 MQ Page Set Record
VMACBBMQ This Boole product is also called MainView for MQSeries,
Nov 2, 1997 and the MXG support reads their online historical files.
Change 15.262 Availability Analysis example using PROC CALENDAR and the
ANALAVAL PDB.SMFINTRV dataset (must be enabled in IMACINTV) is
Nov 1, 1997 provided in this nice user contribution.
Thanks to Rob Wunderlich, USS/POSCO Industries, USA.
Change 15.261 Cosmetic. APAR OW15518 is the IBM APAR that added the
YEAR2000 year 2000 support to all SMF-owned SMF records; the
Nov 1, 1997 member YEAR2000 incorrectly typo'ed OW16518.
Thanks to Don Friesen, B.C. Systems, CANADA.
Change 15.260 Cosmetic. Change @28 QWACRINV MGDB2RC16. to MGDB2RC15.
ANALDB2R and there will be a space between the reason and the
Nov 1, 1997 count of SELECTs and so it doesn't look overlaid.
Thanks to Bob Gauthier, American Stores Company, USA.
Change 15.259 Pairing DB2 type 102 59 and 63 records was wrong when
ANALDBTR there were multiple 63s due to lots of SQL text. The
Oct 31, 1997 correction is to only increment PAIRNR in the BEGIN63
OLDTME63 to the RETAIN and DROP statements, and to set
OLDTME63=QWHSSTCK; just before the OUTPUT statement.
This affected the S064058 file because PAIRNR was being
incremented by more than the one count MXG expected in
the IF HOLD63 AND HOLD64 logic block. This correction
was diagnosed and the fix coded by its discoverer.
Thanks to Ken Michalik, Kraft Foods, USA.
Change 15.258 Support for CICS APAR UN98309 (INCOMPATIBLE) which
IMACPTF adds new field RLSCPUT (MXG variables CPURLSTM and
VMAC110 CPURLSCN) to dataset CICSTRAN. You must update member
UTILCICS IMACPTF to enable macro _UN98309 if you install this
Oct 31, 1997 PTF, because there is no way to tell from the SMF
record that the PTF is installed. If you use any
of the "User" fields, or have any optional segments
(e.g., those created by Candle or Boole & Babbage)
those data will be wrong with this PTF until you both
install the MXG 15.06 or later version and update the
IMACPTF member. Sorry, but this is what happens when
IBM adds data to the type 110 transaction record without
changing version numbers (and there is no maintenance
level flag for them to update, either!).
MXG utility UTILCICS was updated and it will now detect
that APAR UN98309 has been installed on any of your CICS
regions; see its comments for instructions and output.
Thanks to Martin Peck, CA-IT/Capacity Management, GERMANY.
Change 15.257 Support for type 88 subtype 11 (System Logger Alter
EXTY8811 Structure) data creates new dataset TYPE8811.
IMAC88 Also, variable SMF88EDO is now input and created in
VMAC88 the TYPE88 dataset.
Oct 31, 1997
Thanks to Pat Quinnette, Principal Mutual Life Insurance, USA.
Change 15.256 OPC segmented type 29 records caused INPUT STATEMENT
VMACOPC EXCEEDED error; MXG only inputs the EQE control block
Oct 31, 1997 fields, which does not exist in the segmented records,
so now MXG verifies both the length and EQE eyecatcher
before decoding type 29 records.
Thanks to Randy Shumate, LEXIS-NEXIS, USA.
Change 15.255 Windows NT on a multiprocessor (two or more engines) was
NTINTRV not summarized correctly; each engine created a separate
Oct 30, 1997 observation in the NTINTRV dataset. This revision will
correct that MXG design error by summing INTPROR before
the merge and creating NRCPUS variable to count engines.
Most of the fields from the PROCESOR record exist in the
SYSTEM record, but the percentage values are slightly
different between the records. Variable ACPBYPAS in the
SYSTEM record appears to be half of the sum from the
PROCESOR records with two engines, so the (believed!)
more correct value from PROCESOR is used, rather than the
values from the SYSTEM record, by moving INTPROR to the
end of the MERGE statement (so its values will override
variables of the same name).
Change 15.254 Of no real impact, because adding zeros has none, but MXG
VMAC30 created additional observations in TYPE30_V/30_4/30_5 if
Oct 29, 1997 there were type 30 records containing only MULC or OMVS
segments. These observations had MULTIDD='Y', a flag
that this step record contained only EXCP segments, and
had zeroes for all resource variables, because resources
in the MULC (Measured Usage) and OMVS (Open Edition/MVS)
segments are output in TYPE30MU or TYPE30OM datasets.
Prior to MXG 15.05, when there was more than one multiple
record from a step, they were identical and MXG's NODUP
in PROC SORT deleted all but one. But Change 15.235 in
MXG 15.05 added variable EXTRMULC to be kept, and as its
value was not the same in each multiple record, MXG did
not delete any dupes, and comparison of MXG 15.03 and MXG
15.05 showed different messages on the SAS Log about
duplicates. While they were still zero and had no
impact, they should not have been output in the first
place. So MXG has now added a test
so that only multiple records due to EXCP segments will
be output into the TYPE30_V/TYPE30_4/TYPE30_5 datasets.
In TYPE30MU dataset, INITTIME will be the job or step
initiate time for subtype 4 and 5 records, but it is now
set equal to INTBTIME in the subtype 2 and 3 interval
records so that duration of the interval can be known.
There can be multiple records created due to too many
ARMS (Automatic Restart) segments, but I have no data
with ARMS segments to investigate what I should do with
those records. Variable EXTRARMS will be nonzero if you
have ARMS segments causing multiple records, and it is
kept in TYPE30_V/_4/_5 datasets. In fact, only the data
in the first ARMS segment is actually input by MXG.
Thanks to Tom Elbert, John Alden Systems Company, USA.
Change 15.253 Text of Change 12.255 now points to revision in Change
CHANGESS 15.061, whose text was also revised to TYPE78CF rather
Oct 29, 1997 than TYPE74CF!
Thanks to Jack Fausti, EDS, USA.
Change 15.252 The example for pre-CICS 4.1 GMT protection should have
ADOC110 spelled STRTTIME instead of STTRTIME.
Oct 29, 1997
Thanks to Rey Marquez, General Accident, USA.
Change 15.251 The CICINTRV logic was still wrong after Changes 15.219
CICINTRV and 15.092. The first interval was dropped when it was
Oct 14, 1997 valid, the COLLTIME value was reset to the start time of
Oct 29, 1997 the interval, variable STARTIME was not propagated into
the PDB.CICINTRV dataset, and the HALFHOUR default value
for MACRO _CICINTV produced strange results in DSGCNT if
15 minute interval data was input. To correct the logic,
DURATM and STARTIME were added to the KEEP= list in the
one-per-interval datasets (i.e., the ones that are not
VMXGSUMed), the DROP of SMFSTRQT was removed (to help in
debugging), and the major logic changes were in both the
big MERGE step (to not drop first interval, and to create
STARTIME) and in the final VMXGSUM (which now uses the
STARTIME rather than COLLTIME to cluster records. This
has been tested with broken data (i.e., an interval with
only FCR (file close) records, which will happen when SMF
is dumped before the end of the interval) as well as with
USS/REQ/EOD records interleaved with INT records, and now
the data looks correct.
Note that an observation in PDB.CICINTRV with missing for
DURATM is a "broken data" interval in which only event
data was found, and STARTIME will equal COLLTIME since
there is no interval duration in the event records.
It was invalid values for DSGCNT (Current Nr of Tasks)
in Dan's reports that led to this revision, so I also
moved DSGCNT from the MEAN= list to the MAX= list as it
is more useful as the maximum number of current users
when multiple intervals are summarized than the average.
Sites with SAS IT Service Vision (ITSV) should install
MXG 15.06 or later if they want to use PDB.CICINTRV
table. With MXG 14.07 thru MXG 15.05, SAS ITSV will
generate a warning message because variable DATETIME
was not found in PDB.CICINTRV. You could delete the
statement DROP DATETIME in member CICINTRV in those
earlier versions and ITSV will populate its tables,
but only the MXG 15.06 version of member CICINTRV
creates a legitimate PDB.CICINTRV dataset.
This change did remove the DROP DATETIME; statement
that was added in MXG 14.07. Eventually, the variable
DATETIME will be deleted, because STARTIME is the name
that should be used, but both are now kept to protect
ITSV until it is updated to use STARTIME.
Early versions of VMXGSUM created variable DATETIME, but
that was not my intention; instead, the original named
variable (i.e., the one used in the DATETIME= argument)
is intended to be used for the summarized datetime value.
Thanks to Dan Gilbert, Bergen Brunswig, USA.
Thanks to Ken Whitehead, Bank of New York, USA.
Change 15.250 The test IF CPUTM NE CPU72TM in RMFINTRV that validates
RMFINTRV that the sum of your work definitions (CPU72TM) is equal
Oct 13, 1997 to the sum of real work (CPUTM, all non-report perfgrps
or service classes) was too strong. Truncation effects
caused fractional differences (1E-9) when totals really
were equal. In the worst case, with 1000 numbers summed
at .01 second resolution, if all lost the max of .001,
a maximum difference of 1 second could exist, so the test
was revised to report error only:
This test only comes in to play if you have enabled
IMACWORK to use both control/report performance groups
or service/reporting classes to define workloads.
Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.
Change 15.249 Support for NTSMF Version 2.1 Final Changes (INCOMPAT).
VMACNTSM In the final Beta Tests of NTSMF Version 2.1, we have
Oct 13, 1997 decided to make a structural change in the timestamps of
NTSMF records that can affect the NTINTRV dataset, so
now, MXG 15.06 (or at least Change 15.249) is required
for NTSMF Version 2.1. Prior versions are not affected.
Prior to 2.1, all NTSMF records for a interval had the
same SMFTIME timestamps and DURATM durations, because
only one call to the Registry for all objects was made.
A single call sometimes generated 300K bytes of data,
which the Registry did not handle well, but in using just
one call to the registry we got back every counter in
every object, and we had wanted to allow the collection
of only some counters in some objects.
So NTSMF 2.1 now will issue multiple calls (one per
object) so you can tailor which counters are collected.
But the multiple calls create records with slightly
different SMFTIME timestamps, varying by the milliseconds
it takes NTSMF to get from the first to the last object,
and since NTINTRV uses STARTIME=SMFTIME-DURATM to collect
all of the records for an interval, STARTIME would not be
constant for each interval, which would cause multiple
obs in dataset NTINTRV for each real interval.
That is the incompatibility which is eliminated by this
change. NTSMF 2.1 writes a configuration record with
OID=0, OBJECT=0 (which contains fields that used to be in
each record's header that were moved to this record as
part of 2.1's "reduced header" redesign to reduce data
volume, as well as configuration information). This 0,0
record is now written at the start of each call sequence,
its DURATM is the duration since the last call sequence,
and MXG now uses the 0,0 record's SMFTIME-DURATM as
the retained STARTIME value for all records until the
next 0,0 record is read. So STARTIME will be constant
for each interval, NTINTRV will be correct, and each
individual record's timestamps, SMFTIME, can be examined
to see how long it takes NTSMF to write a set of data!
- This change also creates variable PRODTYPE (Server/WS)
and DSCNAME (NTSMF data set collection that was used)
from the 0,0 configuration record.
Change 15.248 Support for Applied Expert System's Clever TCP/IP SMF
ADOCCTCP record creates two new datasets:
EXCTCPPR CTCPPERF - Clever TCP/IP Performance Statistics
EXCTCPWL CTCPWORK - Clever TC/IP Workload Statistics
Oct 13, 1997
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.
Change 15.247 Support for HP MeasureWare for Terra Data Operating
ADOCMWTE System creates six new datasets:
IMACMWTE The Report Macro for Terra Data extract is contained in
Oct 13, 1997
Thanks to Alfred Holz, Medco Data Corporation, USA.
Change 15.246 When you used TYPEEREP to read the DASD (i.e. online)
ADOCEREP SYS1.LOGREC file, MXG read the entire file, all the way
IMACEREP to End-of-File, but the DASD file contains old records
VMACEREP that should not have been read. The first record of the
Oct 12, 1997 DASD file is a header record that contains the pointer
LASTTR to the last record written. IBM utilities CLEAR
SYS1.LOGREC by updating LASTTR and leave all the records
where they were. Now, MXG detects that there is a header
record and uses its LASTTR value to STOP the input from
SYS1.LOGREC after that logical end of file record. (If
you should ever want to read the entire DASD LOGREC file,
new macro _READALL in IMACEREP will let you change the
MXG default) Note that this was only a problem if you
read the DASD SYS1.LOGREC file; the dumped file contains
only the valid records, and there is no header record in
the dumped file, so MXG reads dumped data to end-of-file.
An old IBM reference, RTA000138425 dated 11/13/1996 has
more discussion, including pointing out that SYS1.LOGREC
and EREP may not necessarily point to the same file!
This MXG change only applies if you use TYPEEREP to read
the online, DASD, SYS1.LOGREC, as only it contains the
header record. If you were reading the dumped EREP data
records, on tape or DASD, there are no dead records nor
any header, and reading to end-of-file is what you want!
Thanks to Christophe Faure, ATOS Group, FRANCE.
Change 15.245 DB2 Type 102 Subtype (IFCID 140) INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED
VMAC102 error due to trashed record. The data thru QW0140UR is
Oct 11, 1997 valid for the Object-Type=Plan record, but the XL8 field
QW0140HO contains '40ffff4040404040'x, and QW0140LL has
'4000'x, (indicating 16,384 bytes of SQL text follows),
but QWT02R1L is only 82 bytes (and there are 9 bytes in
the segment following QW0140LL). It looks to me that the
QW0140HO field was filled with 9 bytes rather than 8, and
it overlaid the first byte of QW0140LL. MXG previously
added protection for this IFCID=140 record when there was
no SQL text in Change 15.216; this Change makes the line
look like this:
The site will pursue the bad record with IBM.
Thanks to Michael Oujesky, MBNA, USA.
Change 15.244 New variable CPU72TM was formatted TIME12.2 before it was
RMFINTRV output, but was not formatted in the step in which it was
Oct 11, 1997 created and in which it was PUT in an error message, so
it is now FORMATed when created.
Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.
Change 15.243 DFSORT APAR PN71337 added flag fields (Compatibly) which
VMAC16 are new variables in MXG TYPE16 dataset:
Change 15.242 Utility program to re-create SMF VBS data records from a
UVBSNRDW downloaded SMF file that had BDW and RDW stripped. If
Oct 9, 1997 you don't download correctly (see member SENDDATA), you
can end up with an SMF file of only records; the BDW/RDW
are removed when you download from a RECFM=VBS instead of
using the RECFM=U copy. This has happened enough times
that I wrote this utility to reconstruct the original SMF
record, adding the missing BDW (Block Descriptor Word)
and RDW (Record Descriptor Word). As written, the logic
only works for SMF records that have only one instance of
SYSTEM per record (DB2 and CICS qualify); it would need
to be extended for records like JES type 26 that has the
SYSTEM repeated in several places, but it worked so I was
able to reconstruct the problem in the site's SMF data,
and to discover their error had been previously fixed!
Change 15.241 MQ Series type 116 SMF record with blank for CICS Task Nr
VMAC116 caused INVALID DATA FOR QWHCTASK message. The input of
Oct 7, 1997 QWHCTASK was protected by adding the double questionmark:
QWHCTASK ?? &PD.4. to suppress the error message and the
hex dump of the record. QWHCTASK was input only if CICS
attach (QWHCATYP=1 in MQ Series), but MXG did not expect
records with blank values.
MQ Series SMF type 116 record questions answered by IBM:
1. I have SMF type 116 record subtype 0 with QWHCATYP=1
(CICS), but the Thread Cross Reference Data is all
blanks (i.e., the CICS "thread number" QWHCCTNO,
"transaction name" QWHCTRN, and the CICS "task number"
are hex 40's). The CPU time field is hex zeroes, as
are all of the GET/PUT counts.
MQSSeries System Management Guide for Version 1.1.4
SC33-0806-04 page 343 discusses that there may be up
to 9 records containing zero CPU time. Do the blank
values in the CICS fields only occur in these records
with zero CPU time, and is a record with zero CPU time
always going to have blanks for the CICS fields, or is
the zero CPU and the blank CICS fields unrelated
conditions. Aren't blanks an error?
IBM ANSWER: Regarding records with zero cpu time on
CICS adapter related records, the null
records relate to the main CICS TCB and
8 MQ-related CICS TCBs. Depending on the
activity in the queue manager, these null
records will be written.
2. There is a third, undocumented self-defining section
in type 116 records that contains non-zero values,
including two TODSTAMP fields. The Offset of the
triplet is 36 decimal, and the note in Table 25 states
"other self-defining sections refer to data for IBM
use only". However, the data values may be of
significant value to our customers but I need
confirmation of their meaning, as well as the other
fields in the undocumented section:
- The two TOD stamp fields at the beginning of the
section look to be a start time and an endtime, and
as there is no other start time in the record, it
should be kept to measure event duration.
- The end timestamp has more resolution than the .01
seconds to which the SMF record timestamp is
truncated. Additionally, there is yet another
undocumented TODSTAMP field in the record, in the
Message Manager Accounting record QWHS section, as
the first eight bytes of the reserved field at
decimal offset 16, and this is also an ending
timestamp, but it is 26 microseconds later than the
ending timestamp in the undocumented section, so it
is clearly the timestamp of a third event.
Start Time in Undefined Section 05OCT97:04:15:42.970238
SMF Record time stamp 05OCT97:12:50:25.43
End Time in Undefined Section 05OCT97:12:50:25.438630
Reserved Time in QWHS Section 05OCT97:12:50:25.438656
By understanding what events are being timestamped,
the delta-time between them can often be used to
characterize short term problems and long term trends,
so I request information as to their meaning. In
addition, there are a number of fields in the
undocumented section that are non-zero; since they
exist in the site's SMF record, knowing what they
count so that they can be decoded would help our
mutual customers to better measure their MQ Series
The sample 116 record in SC33-0806-04 on pp 344-346 has
similar data, with SMF time of 29MAR94:16:43:15.17, its
start at 16:43:13.500017, and its two end times are at
16:43:15.174748 and 16:43:15.175460, for a delta of 712
microsec! What is happening during that delta duration?
I am aware that while the SMF time stamp is on the local
clock, all three undocumented TOD stamps are on the GMT
clock. The delta between SMF time and the end time will
let me discover the GMT offset to convert to local for
comparison with other SMF data records from CICS IMS,
IBM ANSWER: The additional data is not strictly just
for IBM use; it's just that the additional
data is not used for any purpose by MQ.
Part of this core code for MQ is based on
DB2, and while MQ cannot guarantee any of
the information in the additional section,
the layouts for DB2 Accounting Data may
indicate the contents of this section.
BARRY's STATUS: If you want to look deeply into MQ Series
with type 116 records, send me some data
records and I will decode the extra data
segment to see if it really is useful.
Thanks to Ken Whitehead, The Bank of New York, USA.
Change 15.240 Variables that had duplicate entries in LABEL statements
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