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4.TRND72 line 001400 Semi-colon must be a comma

5.PDBTREND line 009500 %GRAFTRN must be %GRAFTRND

insert new lines after 011200:

011210 PROC SORT;



line 025900 Add DATETIME &DATETIME 8 before semicolon

new line 025910 IF DATETIME=. THEN DATETIME=.;

line 035400 Add DATETIME &DATETIME 8 at end of line

new line 035510 IF DATETIME=. THEN DATETIME=.;

Thanks to Alan W. Maloney, Telenet Communications, USA.

Thanks to J. D. Hill, CyCare Systems, USA.

Thanks to Pete Shepard, Ashland Oil, USA.

Thanks to Rich Lopez, Ethicon, USA.


This page is (almost) blank (intentionally).

End of Changes Log, but how's this for page filler, printed verbatim

from an entry in IBM's INFO/SYS (SMF6CPS is COPIES in TYPE6):

E343725 (HIT LIST 000003/000013)

LINES: 1 THRU 15 OF 15

H E343725 S=TOOLS C=GY4 D=JUL89 E=JUL91 L=00015



F -SUGG -OY21704--5665-27-501--IN-INCORROUT







89/07/19,CHICAGO FS


This is the true production release of MXG Version 6.6, Jan 21, 1989.
The library is now at Change 6.213 (NEWSLETTER THIRTTEN said 6.206).
MXG now produces 552 datasets with 18070 variables from 910 members.
The enhancements, installation instructions, compatibility issues,

documenation location, for MXG Version 6 are in Newsletter THIRTEEN,

which is now contained in member NEWSLTRS of the MXG Source Library.


Newsletter THIRTEEN additionally contains Administrative Announcements

Technical notes and enhancements planned for the next version of MXG.

After you have read NEWLETTER THIRTEEN, you will need to return to

this member to read the changes themselves, as much of the technical

information is contained in the detail change descriptions herein.
Note especially that Change 6.206 in this member has been changed

from that printed in MXG Newsletter THIRTEEN. The time between the

printer and tape building allowed enhancements and more consistent

naming conventions for the members which control the new Trend Data

Base enhancement. Note these related features implemented in that

The %VMXGSUM macro is a very powerful generalized algorithm to create

organized summarization of complex SAS data sets with a simple series

of parameters. Its use will go far beyond its first implementation

here in the Trend Data Base.
The ASUMCICS member uses %VMXGSUM to create Hourly CICS service

objectives (percent transactions responses in less than 1,2,3,5,8, 15,

etc. seconds) for each User, Transaction and Terminal, in the new

PDB.CICS data set. The ASUMJOBS member uses %VMXGSUM to similarly

calculate IWT (Initiation Wait Time) distributions hourly by job class

(percent jobs initiated in 2, 5, 15, 30 min, etc.) in the new

PDB.JOBSKED data set. These members implement the measurement of

service objectives as described in Chapter Eight.

%VMXGSUM is used in a different fashion in the four Trend Data Base

building members TRNDCICS, TRNDJOBS, TRNDRMFI, and TRND72, which take

the weekly PDB data sets and the Trend-to-Date accumulation and

produce the new updated trend-to-date ("five years in five CYL") data

base. These members, which can be executed after the weekly PDB has

been built with JCLTREND, provide the long range tracking, trending

and capacity modeling demonstrated in the graphs in Chapter Forty-Two.

Member GRAFTRND provides ready-made 18-month graphics.

The MXG Trend Data Base is a brand new implementation using new style

%MACROs to create a series of a DATA and PROC steps. It has not had

the intense testing the remainder of MXG Version 6 received (444 MXG

users have been using a pre-release of Version 6, many installing it

in a production mode). Thus, while I think it is real good, I reckon

it might still have a few cobwebs I missed. If you have problems in

using these new %MACROS, look real careful that you did not fail to

terminate every parameter with a comma. The %MACRO facility is

equally powerful and equally unforgiving. I almost included the

ASUMCICS and ASUMJOBS members in BUILDPDB to build PDB.CICS and

PDB.JOBSKED by default, but at the last minute decided it had not been

tested widely enough to justify that design. Do not hesitate to let

me know what was missed and what should be added.
Yes, VMers, the Trend Data Base implementation at present is only for

the MVS data sources. The %VMXGSUM macro, however, is there for the

using yourself, until next version, when there really will be support

for the VM Trend Data Base and the VM/XA Trend Data Base as well!

==========================Changes Log==================================
All changes listed below have already been made in this MXG library.
Some of the changes contain the code with line numbers, because those

changes were provided by telephone prior to this production shipment.

You MUST read each Change description below to determine if a Change

will impact your installation. For each impacting change, you should

also read the comments in the beginning of the source members that

are listed under the change number. Notes, comments, and last minute

documentation are usually found in comments in changed members.
=============Changes thru 6.213 as of Jan 21, 1989 ===================
Change 06.213 Talk about making it under the wire, as I was headed to

XMACEPIL the data center to build the production tapes, the mail

Jan 21, 1989 delivered the Candle documentation of changes in their

EPILOG 1000 for CICS Version 440 record formats! Because

the records are changed in so many places, and because I

did not have test data for validation, this new member

contains syntax tested code only, and only applies to

Version 440 records, which are incompatible with their

Version 430 records. See comments at beginning of this

new member. There are 46 new variables (at the end of

the KEEP= list, starting with BI4GLPGM), and there were

21 variables removed (see blanks where they used to be

in the KEEP= list, compared with VMACEPIL member!)

Thanks to Ashok Argarwala, Candle Corporation, USA.

Change 06.212 The SAS supplied EXEC for SAS under CMS does not test to

EXECDALY see if you issued a GLOBAL MACLIB statement to CMS before

REXXDALY you invoked SAS. The SAS EXEC itself issues a GLOBAL

Jan 19, 1989 MACLIB statement for the AUTOEXEC MACLIBs. Since the MXG

execution instructions under CMS (p. 24, MXG Supplement)

tell you to GLOBAL MACLIB USERID SOURCLIB and then type

SAS, the concatenation of USERID and SOURCLIB MACLIBS

is disconnected by SAS's EXEC, and your MXG program may

fail with "Member Not Found". The simplest solution to

execute MXG under CMS SAS is probably to create your own

copy of the SAS EXEC, and add the USERID and SOURCLIB

names to the list of MACLIBs globalled therein. The SAS

Institute plans to change their EXEC in a future version

to check for GLOBAL MACLIBs first, and if found, to add

SAS's desires to your already stated command.

Thanks to Steve Morton, SAS Institute, England.

for bringing this to my attention.
Change 06.211 The RACF report for Insufficient Authority now includes

ANALAUDT the INTENT and ALLOW values, and for RACFAUTH='10'X the

Jan 19, 1989 AUTHRITY=AUDIT was corrected to AUTHRITY=SPECIAL.

Thanks to Wing Louie, Metropolitan Life, USA.

Change 06.210 Newsletter THIRTEEN went to the press on Monday, and it

TYPEIMS said IMS FASTPATH log records were not supported in 6.6.

Jan 19, 1989 I had really planned to add it during this week while

the newsletter was at the printer and while my QA tests

were executing. SAS Europe had provided me with test data

and a copy of DBFULTA0 output for validation. I had the

printed assemblies of ILOGREC RECID=ALL for IMS 1.3,2.1,

and 2.2 at hand, as they contain the DSECTs of all IMS

log records. When what to my dismay, do I find that IBM

does not print the format of the X'59' FASTPATH IMS log

records, even when TYPE=ALL is specified. I have been on

the phone to IBM support with still no answer as to how

or where these records are documented, and I have run out

of time. Well, there's always the next version. Sorry!

Of interest, however, was IBM Level One's sincere comment

that no one knew much about fastpath, because they only

rarely get a call about fastpath!

Footnote: Two Level 1 calls and one Level 2 call later,

but only hours before the production building of MXG 6.6

begins, I did get at least the DBFK.... member names in

DCSOURCE that are supposed to contain the needed DSECTS!
Change 06.209 The response time (RESPNSTM) in the IMSTRAN data set was

TYPEIMS incorrect in some cases when multiple transactions were

Jan 17, 1989 processed per program schedule (eg., WFI). The reason

was that in step 8 the merge of input and output records

did not match in all cases; if an output record is missed

the original code merged the input record with the NEXT

output record. The result was an increasing RESPNSTM

for MULTRANS as much as the time of day continues!!! The

logic now balances the timestamps when output records are

missing by recognizing the condition and then setting the

values missing. An output record will be missed for any

transaction which had not completed when the IMS log was

dumped, but the effect of a single missed output record

was propagated into several IMSTRAN observations.

Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVAG, GERMANY.
Change 06.208 VM/Monitor fields which were divided by 16384 appear to

VMACVMON be slightly in error; the correct divisor should have

Jan 17, 1989 been 16666.666 (which is 1000000/60).

Thanks to Rob Owens, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.

Change 06.207 DB2 Trace records, when written to GTF only, are limited

Jan 17, 1989 to 280 bytes (a 24-byte GTF header, and 256 bytes of DB2

trace data per record). The most important trace records

fit in the 256 byte limitation, but Trace events needing

more than 256 bytes are internally "spanned" by DB2 into

several GTF records. Unfortunately, these are not valid

VBS records, and are not straightforward to decode. The

MXG 6.6 support for GTF format DB2 trace data processes

only the un-spanned records at present. If a real need

exists (only startup records are spanned thus far), we

will investigate enhancing the MXG algoritms with you.

I still think GTF is the wrong place for DB2 Trace. In

the first place, the detail accounting reports in member

ANALDB2R meet the needs of almost all DB2 administrators,

and trace should be limited to special occasions. If you

must trace, you should use good sense and SMF files, and

"To ensure adequate buffers exist, specify CISZ(4096)

and BUFSP(81920) for each SMF VSAM data set"

as IBM recommends in SC26-4095-2.
----Changes thru 6.206 were printed in MXG Newsletter THIRTEEN-------
Change 06.206 The MXG MVS Trend Data Base preliminary implementation.

ASUMCICS This series of members are the beginning of the long

ASUMJOBS overdue (almost "fabled") enhancement to provide for

GRAFTRND the long term trending of response, resources, etc.,

IMACSHFT in a very small data library referred to as the Trend

JCLTREND Data Base. More will be written later on its use, but

PDBTREND for starters, PDBTREND will build an initial trend data

TRNDCICS base from the past and thereafter JCLTREND will update

TRNDJOBS the past weeks data into the Trend Data Base, and give

TRNDRMFI management-pretty reports for the past eighteen months

TRND72 trends! The member naming conventions to be used are

VMXGDUR ASUM.... for the first summarization from detail data

VMXGSUM into an interval (eg., hourly) from PDB input back into

Jan 15, 1989 a new data set in the same PDB and TRND.... for second

summarization from one interval (eg., hourly) into a

diffeent (eg. week-shift), from WEEK input combined

with existing TREND to create updated TREND data set.

ASUMCICS - Creates CICS interval summary and response buckets

from detail transaction data (CMF or Landmark!).

GRAFTRND - Graphs of CPU capacity with simple linear regression

prediction CPU usage from TREND.RMFINTRV. See member.

IMACSHFT - Existing IMACSHFT was modified to return both a SHIFT

variable and the start-time of the shift for TREND.

To be compatible with TREND, you must replace your

present IMACSHFT with this new member. The internal

logic was restructured to pass back a modified value

for the inputted variable DATETIME, but there was no

change in the value of SHIFT passed back by IMACSHFT.

JCLTREND - Example JCL to execute weekly after your weekly PDB

has been built, to update the existing Trend Database

with the new week's data. This usually is best run

after you have examined your weekly runs, as there is

no supplied code for backout if you mess up!

PDBTREND - Create your Trend Data Base for the past directly

from weekly SMF files or already build weekly PDBs.

Start here, and work backward in history as far as

you want to go. Each execution adds another week to

your Trend Data Base.

TRNDCICS - Builds TREND.CICS dataset.

TRNDJOBS - Builds TREND.JOBS dataset.


TRND72 - Builds TREND.TYPE72 dataset.

VMXGDUR - Calculates durations of HOUR, DATE, WEEK, MONTH.

Will optionally calculate SHIFT using IMACSHFT.

Input variable DATETIME contains the timestamp to

be examined. Will calculate SHIFT using IMACSHFT

and will reset DATETIME to the timestamp of the

beginning of the shift interval.

VMXGSUM - The heart and soul of MXG summarization. Contains

multiple macros which make it act like a PROC

that lets you summarize detail data into interval

data and interval data (eg. hourly) into other

intervals (eg., weekly), taking into account the

things like rates and percentages which must be

expanded, summed, and then contracted in the

summarization process. "Self-Documented" - ha?

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Hopf Consulting, USA.

for lots of help with %macro implementation.

This is the essence of the system which generated the graphs in

Chapter 42 of the MXG Guide. Five years data in five cylinders!

Change 06.205 Several graphics enhancements were made to make MXG

GRAFRMFI co-exist better with SAS/GRAPH. Device selection in

VMXGGOPT GRAFRMFI is now enabled with the new %VMXGGOPT macro

XADMDEFS which added support for IBM3179, IBM3279, IBM3287,

Jan 15, 1989 ZETA887, TCX4107, IBM3800, and especially for SAS/PC.

Member VMXGGOPT allows for the dynamic selection of

graphic devices; see documentation in that member.

XADMDEFS is also referenced in VMXGGOPT; it provides

the GDDM ADMDEFS for IBM 3800 and 3820 graphics.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Dean Witter Reynolds, USA.

Change 06.204 MXG had provided FMXGUCBL and VMXGVTOC to capture DASD

ASMVVDS space management data, but VTOCs do not provide data on

EXTYVVDS VSAM files. This contracted enhancement now provides

IMACVVDS DASD Space management for VSAM files. Instead of the

JCLVVDS VTOC, space information on VSAM data spaces is in the

TYPEVVDS VVDS, located on each volume which contains VSAM data

VMACVVDS spaces. MXG provides the Assembly source code and the

Jan 15, 1989 JCL to create the ASMVVDS program in member ASMVVDS.

Once assembled, program ASMVVDS can be executed by the

JCL in JCLVVDS, and the VVDS data is extracted and then

written to a flat file, or (my recommendation), can be

written as an SMF record. Once the VVDS data is in the

flatfile or SMF record, member TYPEVVDS will create

the MXG dataset TYPEVVDS which can be then used to

measure, manage, and charge back VSAM DASD space.

See comments in member ASMVVDS; this program must be

authorized to read the VVDS.
Change 06.203 Although no data has been made available from VM/370

IMACVMON Release 6, comparison of IBM's documentation and the MXG

Jan 15, 1989 code in VMACVMON strongly suggests that MXG will support

the Release 6 records, provided only that both the _HPO

and _MP macros defined in IMACVMON are enabled. In fact,

both were required enabled for Release 5 with or without

HPO. The defaults have now been changed to enable both

_HPO and _MP since few new MXG sites will come up on 4.2!

This should not affect current MXG sites, since you have

already tailored IMACVMON into your USERID.SOURCLIB and

that member will override the new defaults in MXG!
Change 06.202 NPM 1.3 type 28 support was enhanced to include subtypes

FORMATS x60-x62 (new with Network Gateway Accounting), and the

VMAC28 additional variables added to the MSA, BAS, BAN, and NTK

Jan 15, 1989 segments. No NGA data has been available for testing, but

having the code in place means that you won't need a new

version of MXG when you install NGA later this year. IBM

really came through in time with this documentation!
Change 06.201 DB2 Trace records processing code has been enhanced to

IMAC102 read most new fields added by DB2 Version 2.1. This is

IMAC102A also a major restructure of the code. Not all of the new

IMAC102B subtypes have been tested against 2.1 data, so there is

VMAC102 a slight risk in using the type 102 code in this version

Jan 14, 1989 of MXG. A new macro, _DB2IID is defined in IMAC102 that

can be used to delete specific IFCID (subtype) values if

there are any problems. All TRACEnn labels were removed,

and comments in IMAC102 identify which IFCIDs are in each

trace class.


TYPEIMS removed, because SAS not only does not support deletion

Jan 14, 1989 if _IMSTRAN is a tape, but it creates a condition code

twelve! The purpose of the delete was to re-use the

same space on disk; thus if you create IMSTRAN data on

disk, you will need to do your own delete, eg.:




Thanks to Tim Follen, Blue Cross of Ohio, USA.

Change 06.199 DB2 data written to GTF is now supported by the use of a

ANALDB2R new _GTFDB2 macro added to VMACSMF. Members TYPEDB2G and

TYPEDB2G TYPE102G are their "no-G" members with _SMF replaced by

TYPE102G _GTFDB2. If you write DB2 trace data to GTF, you must

VMACSMF apparently specify the complete 0FB9 Event ID to GTF at

Jan 11, 1989 startup; Ron responded with only FB9 and the GTF records

unexpectedly contained EFB9 as their EID! The member

ANALDB2R was also enhanced with the new GTF= option to

use that data source for DB2 reports, and a new option

PDBOUT was added to create an output copy of the DB2

data sets if desired.

Thanks to Ron Roberts, The Equitable Life Assurance Society, USA.

Change 06.198 Support for COM-PLETE SMF Accounting Records creates four

EXCOMASR data sets, one from each of the four records. COMPULON,


EXCOMLOF ULOG Off, Checkpoint, and program termination. Only the

EXCOMCKP COMPUTRM data records have actually been fully tested.





Jan 11, 1989

Thanks to Karl Smit, Decision Support Services, SOUTH AFRICA.
Change 06.197 IBM's SNA Application Monitor "SAMON" Release 1.2 creates

EXSMOASR an SMF-format record for a SDXKSTA0 Statistics Data Set.



EXSMOTLR SNA Application Monitor Operations and Diagnosis Guide

EXSMOTSR pp.86-98. Caution: no data records have been received

EXSMOUSR as yet, so this code has only been syntax checked.




Jan 11, 1989

Thanks to Jim Gilbert, Texas Utilities, USA.

Change 06.196 This VM/370 report caused an error when no channel data

ANALVMDY was collected, because PROC TRANSPOSE does not create the

Jan 10, 1989 COLn variables when there is not input data. This causes

the RENAME COL1=BUSYPCT statement to fail. To fake out

the SAS compiler to avoid the error, the statement

IF COL1=. then COL1=.; was inserted after the RENAME.

This trick creates the numeric variable COL1 to satisfy

the SAS compiler, but does not change its value if it

already exists.

Thanks to Jay Cicardo, Southwestern Bell, USA.

Change 06.195 This paper on the VM/XA Monitor Facility will be

DOCVMXAF published later this year in a major journal, but

Jan 10, 1989 its author has been kind enough to share his work

with MXG users.

Thanks to Richard Steele, Louisville Gas and Electric, USA.
Change 06.194 The 1987 CMG Paper (Proceedings, pp.432ff), "A Method for

ANALCACH Reporting Cashed I/O Subsystem Performance", by Nancy

Jan 10, 1989 Nearing, Washington Consulting Group discussed methods

to depict cache performance characteristics, using both

RMF type 74 records and the RMF Cache DASD Reporter FDP

SMF records (MXG member TYPECACH). The report examples

in that paper are implemented in this contribution.

Thanks to Bruce L. Green, Medical Information Bureau, Inc, USA.

Change 06.193 RMDS enhancements suggested by this user led to a

VMACRMDS general cleanup of RMDS Version 3 SMF record code,

Jan 9, 1989 and capture of additional useful RMDS data fields.

Thanks to Jenell Ratterree, The Cooper Group, ENGLAND.

Change 06.192 HSM Processing. This is a significant contribution from

JCLHSM this user, a complete self-contained system. I have not

VMXGHSM really tested the code with real data. I simply put all

Jan 9, 1989 the macro definitions into a the single VMXGHSM member,

syntax tested the code with no input records. It will

be examined and documented in the future, and possibly

data set names will be prefixed with HSM

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