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Thanks to John Carafella, CA (ex-ADR), USA.

Change 06.149 Reference to variable PRTY should have been PRTYJOB in

ANALDOS this DOS report example member.

Oct 30, 1988

Merci a M. Bernard, CRCAM de L'Aude, France

Change 06.148 All four CICS data sets built from type 110 CMF data can

EXCICACC now be directed to separate DD names. The existing macro

EXCICEXC _CICTRAN was unchanged, but the single _CICOTHR macro for

EXCICTRN CICSACCT, CICSEXCE and CICSYSTM data sets is replaced by


IMACCICS the same default as _CICOTHR had). This change was needed

VMAC110 by some sites to split CICSACCT data away from the other

Oct 29, 1988 data sets.

If there is an IMACCICS member in your USERID.SOURCLIB

library, you MUST replace it with IMACCICS from this MXG

version so that _CICACCT, _CICEXCE, and _CICSYSTM exist.
If there is an IMACKEEP member AND you have overridden

the _VAR110 definition therein, you must prefix the data

set names CICSACCT, CICSEXCE and CICSYSTM with the new

macro names to avoid potential compatibility exposures

The syntax required is:




Change 06.147 CICSTRAN variable TRMCHRCN (intended to be total chars to

VMAC110 and from terminal) has always been too large. It was the

Oct 29, 1988 sum of in/out chars for both primary and secondary (alt).

Primary are actual chars transmitted, but secondary is

primary characters plus IRC control characters to/from a

remote region or system-to-system. Now that I know whats


the sum of only PRIINCHR and PRIOUCHR.

Thanks to Dale Doolittle, Barnett Computing Company, USA.
Change 06.146 Variable SU_SEC (from TYPE72, indicates processor speed)

RMFINTRV is now added to data set RMFINTRV to make normalization

Oct 29, 1988 of CPU times more reliable.
Change 06.145 TYPE74 variables PCTPNCHA, PCTPNCUB, and PCTPNDEV were in

VMAC74 the MXG Supplement (page 434) but not created nor kept in

Oct 29, 1988 the data set. Now they are.

Thanks to Myles McCarthy, Fidelity Systems, USA.

Change 06.144 Incorrect assembly of CICS 1.6 MCT after PTF UL10276 that

VMAC110 changed FCAMCNT length from 2 to 4 cause short record to

Oct 28, 1988 be written. MXG circumvents with new line 390.1:


Thanks to Greg Goshia, Westfield Companies, USA.
Change 06.143 Line 269 should be +145 instead of +158 for the NETSPY

VMACNSPY variable XDOMAIN to be correct.

Oct 28, 1988

Thanks to Gary Zolweg, National Semiconductor, USA.

Change 06.142 A missing END statement in EPILOG CL 1000 code causing

VMACEPIL a syntax error was detected and corrected at 44700 (after

Oct 25, 1988 the statement BIETIME=BIETIME+CIGMTOFF;).

Thanks to Bruce Groeber, City Federal Savings, USA.

Change 06.141 "Nearly final" validation of VM/XA SP 1 and SP 2 corrects

VMACVMXA several variable's values, revised the reports to fit on

Oct 25, 1988 one line, added IODDEV summarization of I/O data into the

VMXAINTV data set, added and renumbered the 35 reports.

The logic for USER data was re-written to keep the first

user interval instead of deleting it (to capture the CPU

time to first interval).
Change 06.140 Continued enhancement of DB2PM-like reports added and a

ANALDB2R revised version of GRAFRMFI which restores the GROUPing

GRAFRMFI which was lost pending a zap from SAS.

Oct 25, 1988

Change 06.139 CICS reports from Landmark's Monitor are now produced by


TYPEMONI (Neither are anything to write home about, and will be

Oct 25, 1988 further enhanced in the future.) TYPEMONI was further

enhanced after Landmark 7.1 testing, and the logic in

de-accumulation of MONISYST re-written to properly take

in multiple systems data.

Thanks to Oystein J. Blix, Televerkets, Oslo, NORWAY.

Change 06.138 Support for SAS user SMF record (written by SAS provided

EXTYSASU exit described partially in SAS publication Y-103R which

IMACSASU is being re-written). The TYPESASU data set reports on

TESTUSER each DATA and PROC step's resource usage in a SAS job.



Oct 25, 1988
Change 06.137 Format MGBYTES now will handle Gigibytes and Terabytes

FORMATS (9999G and 9999T) if that many bytes are encountered (as

VMACDB2 was found in a VM/XA sites total paging space). DDNAME=

VMAC102 in PROC FORMAT is now LIB= (for PC-SAS and future).

Oct 24, 1988 New formats were added for QWHSIID and QWHSRMID variables

for DB2 Instrumentation ID and Resource Manager ID. Line

476 in VMAC102 was changed to RETURN from DELETE (with no

explicit OUTPUT statement, DELETE fell thru.)

Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVAG, GERMANY.
Change 06.136 Variables EXECTM and ELAPSTM for subtype 2 and 3 type 30

VMAC30 interval records (in dataset TYPE30_V) now are duration

Oct 20, 1988 of this interval, rather than from initiation of step.

Thanks to Marty Rhodes, Hertz, USA.

Change 06.135 Perverse issuance of VARY CPU command on all CPUs in one

RMFINTRV interval causes NRCPUS to be zero, causing zero divide!

VMAC7072 Now, test before divide is made where needed!

Oct 17, 1988

Thanks to Bob Rutledge, Sherwin Williams Paint, USA.
Change 06.134 IDMS TYPERTE data set variable RT1DCTUT (User CPU time)

VMACRTE for IDMS transactions which came from CICS using UCF (ie.

Oct 17, 1988 application code executes under IDMS, CICS is used only

as a terminal handler) was incorrectly recalculated in

lines 823-824 (apparently a circumvention from the past).

The re-calculation was eliminated.

Thanks to Myles McCarthy, Fidelity Savings, USA.
Change 06.133 IMS Log processing END= logic lost the last record of the

TYPEIMS raw log datasets, causing missing values in at most six

Oct 17, 1988 observations in IMSTRAN data set.

Thanks to Pete Shepard, Ashland Oil, USA.

Change 06.132 More DB2PM-like reports and enhanced friendliness are in

ANALDB2R this self-documenting replacement member.

Sep 26, 1988

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Dean Witter Reynolds, USA.

Change 06.131 The MXG error message text was changed to be more precise

IMACACCT if you encounter more job accounting fields than you told

Sep 26, 1988 MXG to expect.

Thanks to I. M. Ajzenszmidt, Australian Bureau Meterology, AUSTRALIA

Change 06.130 Support for Fujitsu's FACOM OSIV/F4 SMF data, due to

EXAIM.. major code contributions from the below named authors.

EXF1 Several classes of FACOM data records written to SMF are

FORMATS added by this change. First, PDLF (Performance Data Log

IMACFACO Facility) creates the type 127 SMF interval record; MXG

TESTFACO creates four TYPE127x datasets from member TYPEF127.

TYPEAIM. Second, FACOM SMF records type 1 and DSPRINT type 234

TYPEF... create datasets TYPEF1 and TYPEF234 datasets. Third, AIM

VMACAIM6 (Advanced Information Manager) database manager creates

VMACEXC2 type 110,111,112,113,116, and 117 SMF records which MXG

VMACF1 processes into 22 AIM11n_x datasets with member TYPEAIMx.

VMACUCB Fourth, VMACEXC2 and VMACUCB were modified to support VIO

XPDLPDA from FACOM MSP/E20 data (although you must edit IMACFACO

Sep 25, 1988 member to tell MXG you have MSP), and were also modified

to recognize 6421 disk devices in TYPE30xx, TYPE40, and

TYPE434 and PDB.STEPS and PDB.JOBS data sets. All other

SMF record written by FACOM appear to be compatible with

MXG SMF support. Twenty-eight new MXG datasets were added

by this change. Member TESTFACO (now a part of JCLTEST)

builds all FACOM data sets and is also presently the best

documentation. If Fujitsu will provide the format of the

PDL log data set, that data source will also be supported

but in the interim, if you have the PDA report program,

you can use XPDLPDA to read the report output format and

create PDL datasets much like I hope to build directly.

Thanks to David Fahey, Databank, NEW ZEALAND.

Thanks to Andrew J. Hood, Reserve Bank of Australia, AUSTRALIA.
Change 06.129 New member IMAC30IO defines a new macro _IO30IO which

IMAC30IO controls which I/O device counting variables (EXCP....,

IMACPDB IOTM....) are kept in the TYPE30_V, TYPE30_4, TYPE30_5,

VMAC30 TYPE434 and TYPE40 and PDB.STEPS and PDB.JOBS datasets.

VMAC40 No variables were removed from the previous default, but

VMAC434 the FACOM 6421 device was added (to be consistent with

Sep 25, 1988 the MXG default of keeping all possible variables). This

centralized control has been long overdue and should make

your life simple when you add/delete device classes in

the future. You should tailor this member for your site.

(To not keep the non-existent IOTM.... variables in the

TYPE434 and TYPE40 data sets, _IO30IO is actually made

up of _IO30DR (drive count), _IO30EX (EXCP variables),

and _IO30TM (IOTM variables). TYPE434 and TYPE40 use

only _IO30DR and _IO30EX so as not to change the size

of these obsolete data sets.)

Change 06.128 Support for Boole & Babbage IMF Release 2.5 was added. A

EXIMFDB2 new CIMSDB2 dataset, with one observation per transaction

VMACCIMS that accesses DB2 data, is created to count SQL activity.

Sep 23, 1988 Nine new variables (CPUDB2TM,EXTSSID,IMEUTRN,MSGDRRN,


to CICSTRAN data set. Fourteen new variables (BHTOON,



but two are one byte Y/N flags) are added to CIMSPROG,

and CPUMSKTM was renamed CPUCSKTM in CIMSPROG to reflect

that it is control region, not message region CPU time.

Not only did Boole provide documentation before shipment

of the new version, they also provided actual test data

for validation!!!! The major impact of IMF 2.5 is its

capture of DB2 resources used by IMS transactions, and

the ability to identify SQL activity for DB2 under IMS.

Note that the rename of CPUMSKTM to CPUCSKTM in CIMSPROG

requires you to make the same change, if you actually use

that variable in your IMS reporting.
Change 06.127 Zero divide error in NETSPY because test X2='80'X in line

VMACNSPY 358 to decrement TRANSNO should be X2='.1......'B. Also

Sep 23, 1988 this change added variable VLU (for virtual LU to applic.

session), sets SESSMGR only for session manager to applic

session, and no longer calculates targets if SESSMGR, as

targets are not only inappropriate, but data not valid.

It was interesting to note that NETSPY created 842 tracks

of 121,986 SMF records, but MXG needed only 479 tracks to

store 73,491 LU, 64691 LINE, 1935 APPL and 544 NCP obs,

or 40MB SMF was stored in 22MB of SAS data libraries.

Thanks to Gary Zolweg, National Semiconductor, USA.
Change 06.126 Pre-release 6.4 spelled SQAFXMX as SQAVXMX in the KEEP

VMAC22 list for TYPE71 data set, and the second LSQAEXAV in the

VMAC71 KEEP list for TYPE71 should be LSQAEXMX. In VMAC7072 the

VMAC7072 variable TOTIORAT should not have been in the KEEP list

VMAC78 (TOTIORAT was replaced by IORATE, but the name was still

Sep 26, 1988 in the KEEP= list. Since TOTIORAT was never referenced,

it never existed in the data set. SAS does not validate

that variables in a KEEP= list actually exist (though it

does validate the KEEP statement) and MXG exploits this

ability to have a variable in the KEEP= list which is not

kept if it is not created in the code. However, in this

case, that was not intended!). Also in VMAC7072, SMFTIME

was added to TYPE70PR data set. (I really don't think it

should be, since STARTIME is the analysis time stamp to

be used, and STARTIME+DURATM provide the ENDTIME, but as

SMFTIME is redundantly in TYPE70, it makes sense to keep

it also in TYPE70PR for consistency.) In VMAC22 dataset,

VMAC78, the test (to prevent divide by zero) in line 1723

should be CHPIDTKN+PCTCUBSY; occasionally a missing value

for PCTCUBSY resulted when it could have been calculated.

Thanks to Roger Drabyk, Manitoba Data Services, CANADA.

Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, Gothaer Versicherungsbank VVAG, GERMANY.

Thanks to Jan van Lent, Sokker, NETHERLANDS.
Change 06.125 CICS program compression count and duration, PCCMPRCN and

VMAC110 PCCMPRTM were in the wrong KEEP= list, and thus were not

Sep 21, 1988 kept in CICSYSTM dataset. Remove the two variables from

CICSTRAN KEEP= list and add them to CICSYSTM KEEP= list.

To summarize CICS variables which deal with compression:

CICSYSTM contains the interval count and duration of the

compressions (PCCMPRCN,PCCMPRTM) and the number of bytes

compressed (PROGCOMP) during the interval. If you want to

know which transactions were compressed, the detail data

is in the CICSEXCE exception data set variables PGMCMPCN

and PGMCMPTM. Compression is not reported in CICSTRAN.

(Note however, that there could have been non-zero values

of PCCMPRCN and PCCMPRTM in CICSTRAN before this change.

The values would have been wrong and were being carried

forward incorrectly from the prior CICSYSTM record.)

Thanks to Jim Gilbert, Texas Utilities, USA.

Thanks to Gary Smith, Southern California Edison, USA.

Thanks to Ken Thomas, Maryland Casualty Company, USA.

Change 06.124 NPM 1.3 TNL SN25-2063 to SH20-6361 describes 5 segments

EX028CM4 and 14 subtypes not in the original type 28 appendix. The

EX028CM5 change creates four new data sets (NPMCMDRN, NPMCMNSA,

EX028IN8 NPMINNSA, and NPMNPTAK) and expands the documentation in

EX028NTK comments at the beginning of VMAC28. MXG support for the

VMAC28 type 28 SMF record now creates 28 data sets from the 53

Sep 21, 1988 subtypes containing from one to three of the 31 different

data segments. The five new segments (BAN, BAS, DRN, MSA,

and NTK) have been syntax checked, but no data for these

segments has yet been encountered.

Change 06.123 The OPERATOR variable in CICSACCT for CICS 1.7 is wrong.

VMAC110 CICS 1.6 contained a 3-byte OPERATOR field in CICSACCT,

Sep 20, 1988 CICSEXCE & CICSTRAN data sets. CICS 1.7 introduced a new

8-byte USER field, but also carries a 4-byte OPERATOR

field in EXCE and TRAN (but not in ACCT!). This made the

MXG variable OPERATOR in CICSACCT for CICS 1.7 either a

blank or the value from the prior CICSTRAN observation.

(To further complicate the matter, OPERATOR in CICSTRAN

and CICSEXCE does not match the first four bytes of USER;

the fourth byte of OPERATOR is null (hex 00) but the 4th

byte of USER is a character! This problem was fixed for

CICSACCT under 1.7 by now storing USER into OPERATOR (it

should have been set blank since it does not exist, but

this way you might not have to change reports that use

OPERATOR from CICSACCT. For CICS 1.7, you really should

use USER instead of OPERATOR in all your reports.

With both 1.6 and 1.7, you can still change your

reports from OPERATOR to USER, and can insert



and therby put the 3-byte OPERATOR value from CICS 1.6

applications into the 8-byte USER variable.

Thanks to Tom Elbert, John Alden Life Insurance Co, USA.
Change 06.122 NPM 1.3 defined multiple fields at same location in STT.

VMAC28 Insert line 947.1 @; IF NPMSUBTY EQ 20X THEN INPUT

Sep 20, 1988 insert line 949.1 @; ELSE IF NPMSUBTY EQ 30X THEN INPUT

and change lines 950-951 from PIB4. to PIB2.

so that TOTLOVER/TOTLOSSQ are read for subtype 20x and

OBJPERCT/OBJCNTNR (now PIB2.) are read for subtype 30x.

Thanks to Bob Smith, Nissan Motors, USA.
Change 06.121 Incorrect test in NPM 1.3 type 28 record caused some CDS

VMAC28 segment data to not be read for subtypes 31x thru 35x.

Sep 14, 1988 In line 691, change LE 35 to LE 35X

Thanks to Bob Smith, Nissan Motors, USA.

Change 06.120 Boole's IMF ARRVTIME field for a fastpath record actually

TYPECIMS contains INPQUETM duration! (Sure glad this user found it

Sep 13, 1988 but sure wish the vendor had told me first!)

Insert six new lines:




END; 428.4

ELSE DO; 428.5

END; 434.1

Thanks to John Donoghue, Bank of Ireland, IRELAND.
Change 06.119 Variable PGMLODTM, "Program*Loading*Duration" was added

TYPEIMS in line 1007, immediately prior to STRTTIME=GUTIME


PGMLODTM is included in the calculated INPQUETM. This

new variable allows identification of IMS programs with

a large load time (often due to poor loadlib blocksize).

==========Changes thru 6.118 were the real 6.4 pre=release===========
Change 06.118 The first prerelease of 6.4 was insufficiently tested.

BUILDPDB 1.BUILDPDB line 74, remove SMFTIME from BY list for SORT


VMACSYNC 2.BUILDPD3 line 78, remove SMFTIME from BY list for SORT



Sep 9, 1988 4 VMAC74 line 3451 for MVS/ESA should be GE 100 instead of

GE 99, and line 3452 should be INPUT DASDRCFG instead of


5.VMAC102 insert new line after 440:


Thanks to Dave Greene, Kwasha Lipton, USA.

Thanks to John Thai, Health Insurance Commission, AUSTRALIA.

========Changes thru 6.117 were a limited pre=release of 6.4=========

Change 06.117 The PR/SM data set TYPE70PR is now created by default in

BUILDPDB both BUILDPDB (JES2) and BUILDPD3 (JES3) PDB libraries.

BUILDPD3 Non-zero observations will exist only if PR/SM data is

RMFINTRV found in your SMF data. (There is essentialy no cost to

TYPE7072 SAS to build a zero observation data set.) In addition,

Sep 6, 1988 the variable PARTNCPU (the number of physical processors

available to this partition) has been added to data sets

TYPE70 and TYPE70PR data sets (both in TYPE member code

and in the PDB and RMFINTRV built data sets).

Thanks to George Scott, Rockwell International Corporation, USA.

Change 06.116 IMS log record processing has been completely redesigned

IMACIMS to capture actual transaction response. Prior MXG logic

TYPEIMS created an observation for each program schedule event,

VMACIMS even though many transactions may have been processed

(each with its own response time) by a single schedule.

Sep 6, 1988 This complete re-design recognizes individual transactns

and calculates individual responses. Since there still is

only one 07 log record with CPU and DL/I counts, they are

averaged across the multiple transactions per schedule.

Pete tested with IMS 2.1. IMS 2.2 log changes were then

put in, and tested with independent 2.1 and 2.2 data from

two sites with IMF data for comparison. Log processing

will never be as accurate as Boole's IMF monitor data,

(IMS log time stamps are only to .1 sec), but this new

design matches transaction counting exactly and appears

to accurately capture IMS response time nearly as well

as does IMF. In addition, Pete found excellent match to

NETSPY measured response time in his production world.

As this is a major re-design, check it out for yourself

and call us for any new info from other MXG users as the

re-design becomes more widely distributed in MXG 6.4.

Note that the 6.3 code (which supported IMS 2.2 with the

old algorithms) was copied into the Z....... members just

in case you want to compare.

Thanks to Pete Shepard, Ashland Oil, USA.
Change 06.115 EXPLORE/VM (a product of Goal Systems) data is processed

IMACVMXP with this contributed enhancement. Comments in TYPEVMXP

TYPEVMXP discuss how to invoke this code to read the EXPLORE DD

VMACVMXP and create the six VMXP.... data sets. This code has not

Sep 1, 1988 been validated with data in Dallas, but it has been in

use for some time by its author.

Thanks to Pete Shepard, Ashland Oil, USA.
Change 06.114 An additional daily report from VM SP monitor data is now

ANALVMDY in member ANALVMDY which is included by EXECDALY.

Aug 24, 1988

Thanks to Steve Glick, Southern Methodist University, USA.

Change 06.113 The average Definite Response AVGDRSP is now calculate in

VMAC28 appropriate NPM data sets (along with AVGHOST, AVGNETW

Aug 24, 1988 and AVGOPER previous calculations).

Thanks to Ron Clark, Chemical Bank, USA.

Change 06.112 The DOS POWER Account Version default was externalized in

IMACDOS new member IMACDOS. The default now expectes DOS VSE SP2

TYPEDOS Release 1.3 or later format data. Comments in IMACDOS

Aug 22, 1988 describe how to change to process earlier version data.

Thanks to Dick Whiting, Precision Castparts, USA.

Thanks to Bruce Groeber, City Federal Savings, USA.

Change 06.111 Continued validation and documentation expansion enhanced

VMACVMXA the VM/XA monitor support. Protection to delete duplicate

Aug 30, 1988 data was added. The VXIODDEV data set now contains an obs

only if there was activity to the I/O device during the

interval. The NODUP option was added to delete duplicate

input data records (which can happen if MONWRITE outputs

are repetitively concatenated). If MONWRITE fills a mini

disk, data blocks are lost. Concatenation of that file to

later MONWRITE output caused the new control interval

record to be swallowed as if it were the missing data

blocks! MXG now looks for and corrects this situation.

Twenty-eight reports are now created (by default with the

_VMRPT or nnth with _VMRPTnn invocation) from VMXAINTV.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Dean Witter Reynolds, USA.

Change 06.110 This JCL example was less than clear, as it contained the

JCLPDB SOURCE option twice. It is now clearer.

Aug 22, 1988

Thanks to John Kenworthy, Naval Military Personnel Command, USA.

Change 06.109 The GMT offset added to EPILOG CL 1000 V430 records is

VMACEPIL now decoded correctly and is added to the record times to

Aug 12, 1988 produce local time-of-day timestamps in MXG data set.
Change 06.108 The ACCOUNT data set (which contains PDB.JOBS variables

BUILDPDB that are to be "back-merged" into PDB.PRINT and PDB.STEPS

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