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result of the previous logic change.

-Additional logic sets missing values to zeros for those

queue stats (cpuq defrq ioq pageq pswait runq stgq swapq,

and their derived percentages).

Thanks to Steve Glick, Southern Methodist University, USA.

Thanks to James Farnsworth, Carolina Power & Light Company, USA.

Thanks to Jeff McCourt, The Continuum Company, USA.

Change 06.037 This change revises and replaces 6.011, which added only

IMACCADI the EXD support. SYSOUT handling products CA-DISPATCH and

IMACEXD EXD create modified type 6 SMF records. This change adds

VMAC6 support for those modified record, but the user who does

Mar 05, 1988 not have those products will not see the new variables in

her TYPE6 data. The algorithm to accomplish this task is:

The new variables are already in the KEEP= list in the

definition of _VAR6 macro in member VMAC6, but the code

that references the new variables are commented out in

the associated IMAC.... member. To create either set of

variables, you need only copy the appropriate IMAC.... to

your USERID.SOURCLIB, remove the comments and TYPE6 will

contain the new variables. If you also want them in your

PDB.PRINT data set, you need also edit IMACPDB and add

the variables to _PDB_6 definition therein.

Thanks to Larry Miller, First American National Bank, USA.

Change 06.036 The JOB variable has been added to the new type 41 (DIV,

VMAC41 Data-In-Virtual) SMF record by IBM, but I can't find the

Mar 05, 1988 APAR/PTF which made the change. Only the JOB was added;

the READTIME is still not there, so you can not merge a

TYPE41 with the other SMF records of a job! This will be

an important record in MVS/ESA in the future, as DIV is

the primary physical implementation for the data spaces

announced in MVS 3.0. At least I think thats right. If

you are testing DIV, you should see APAR OY09833 which

fixes a DIV problem with missed RPS revolutions (and the

concomitant elapsed time elongation) with 3380s behind

Model 23 cache controllers!

Change 06.035 The VVR decoding worked perfectly, unless the ENTRNAME is

VMAC60 exactly 44 bytes (which caused "SUBSTR ARGUMENT INVALID"

Mar 05, 1988 message). To repair, replace existing lines 76 thru 83

(that's 8 lines) with these seven (renumbered) lines:




+1 0079



@; 0082

Thanks to Thomas Frenkel, CITIBANK N.A. New York, USA.

Change 06.034 The VMSORT product from VMSI can cause a spurious Detach

VM or your 190 disk. The Vendor fix is S140520.

Mar 05, 1988

Thanks to ???, ???.

Change 06.033 The references on pages 247 and 252 of the MXG Supplement

TYPEMONI concerning the count of Landmark CICS transactions in the

Mar 05, 1988 history summary records should read that TATASKNR (and

not the other variable TASKNR) contains the total count.

Thanks to William Pedilla, Farmers Insurance, USA.
Change 06.032 This is hopefully the final hit on the IDMS Performance

VMACRTE Monitor (RTE) data sets. The INPUT TAWPGMLL statement at

Mar 05, 1988 line 964 needed to be INPUT +4 TAWPGMLL to skip over the

TASKID. This only affected the first six copies of 6.1.

Thanks to Rodney L. Reisch, General Electric Silocon Products, USA.
Change 06.031 This logic change in SPINCNT logic really only affects a

BUILDPDB site which wanted to SPIN once and only once (to BUILDPDB

BUILDPD3 once a month, for example). The old algoritm would SPIN

Feb 17, 1988 on the first day (_SPINCNT = 0) or on the third day

(_SPINCNT = 1), but it would not SPIN on the second day.

Change 5.134 attempted to address this problem, but it

did not help. This piece of logic has always been wrong

in MXG, but Leigh tracked it down and fixed the problem

for all of us.

The SPINCNT logic is described in Chapter Thirty-Three.

Start first with the Supplement, then the earlier Guide.

There will be a slight impact on current PDB users, as

this correct algorithm PDBs (verb) the data on the day

it should have, which is one day earlier than before:


_SPINCNT Old Algorithm Correct Algorithm

0 PDBs today, PDBs today,


(No change here).
1 SPINs twice, SPINs today,

PDBs third time. PDBs tomorrow.

2 SPINs thrice, SPINs twice,

PDBs fourth time. PDBs third time.

10 SPINs eleven days, SPINs ten days,

PDBs twelfth day. PDBs eleventh day.

line 375 385 SUM( ,0.5); SUM( ,0);
line 380 390 GT GE
Thanks to Leigh Miller, GRE Insurance Ltd, Camberwell, VIC, Australia
Change 06.030 ANALMNTS adds a new capability to MXG by providing a way

ANALMNTS to calculate a useful "typical" average time per tape

EXTY74 mount for each tape drive for each hour when there were

Feb 16, 1988 mounts on that tape drive. ANALMNTS merges the TYPE74

mount pending durtion with the TYPE21 count of dismounts

during the RMF interval to calculate AVGMNTTM for each

hour for each device. Because TYPE21's timestamp is the

dismount (could be much later than mount timestamp), the

values calculated do have some ambiguity - occasionally

very large differences are observed between the actual

mount time and that calculated by this algorithm. More

on the validation of this algorithm later. Call if you

want to use it.
In developing ANALMNTS, the MXG Default for TYPE74 which

creates observations only if PCTDVUSE or SIO74CNT are non

zero (Default in EXTY74) was enhanced to OUTPUT TYPE74 if

mounts were pending, even if nothing else happened. This

change in MXG default is needed if you create type 74 RMF

records for TAPE and want to use ANALTAPE to estimate the

mount time. The number of additional observations should

be minimal (but their absence added 6 hours to validate


Thanks to Dan Kaberon, Hewitt Associates, USA.

whose originally proposed the algorithm last year, and who helped me

with this one. He has given IBM a suggestion to add two fields,

total mount and number of mounts, to the TYPE74 interval record,

which would (if IBM responds) permit un-ambiguous average tape mount

time calculations from TYPE74 records directly for each RMF interval

for each device.

Change 06.029 NLDM TYPE39 variables TBYT.... and CBYT...., Text/Control

VMAC39 bytes between primary and secondary were reversed. The

Feb 16, 1988 .BYTPRSC variables should have been .BYTSCPR and vice


Line 306 should be ....PRSC

Line 308 should be ....SCPR

Line 310 should be ....PRSC

Line 312 should be ....SCPR.

Thanks to Mike Paller, Harris Corporation, USA.
Change 06.028 TYPE71 variables PAGBLMN and PAGBLMX (min and max number

VMAC71 of pageable frames) for MVS/XA have always been reversed.

Feb 16, 1988 (I guess this has been overlooked since almost everyone

looks at fixed pages rather than pageable; also, PAGBLAV

(average number of pageable frames) was always correct.

Lines 545 should be: PAGBLMN=PAGBLMN-FIXEDMX;

Lines 546 should be: PAGBLMX=PAGBLMX-FIXEDMN;

because in MVS/XA, the inputted PAGBL.. field is actually

the total frames, and max PAGBL is when FIXED is minimum.

Thanks to Kathy Manos, Stroh Brewery Company, USA.

Change 06.027 Syntax errors which slipped into the first pre-release of

VMAC28 NPM 1.3 support in MXG 6.1. Affected only 5 pioneers.


Feb 15, 1988 Line 576, remove BINDCODE (from the $HEX2. line).

Line 577, add BINDCODE (to the HEX2. line).



Restore MACRO _ROSCDDN WORK % which had been deleted

in error.

c.NPMFCCCT was renamed to NPMFCCTM to be consistent with

NPA names and meanings, and the PCTBUSY and PCTSLOW

variables were added to the NCP statistics, PCTBUSY to

the other interval data sets. With these additions, the

NPM data sets should be usable in place of TYPE38 data.

(I'll try to get a mapping together in the next release).

This paragraph added March 7, 1988.

Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.

Thanks to Rodney L. Reisch, General Electric Silicon Products, USA.

Change 06.026 The Compatibility notes in MXG Version 5.5 should have

TYPE74 noted that TYPE74 data set will usually have fewer OBS

Feb 9, 1988 under 5.5 than with 4.4. TYPE74 only contains OBS if the

device was busy (PCTDVUSE), but a 4.4 error carried this

to the next device, causing 4.4 to output an extra OBS

for a device which had had no activity. No big deal here,

except for the time it took this user to validate that

the change was correct and for the good!

Thanks to Barry Pieper, First Bank Systems, USA.
The previously thanked Tom Frenkel gets to see his name now correctly

spelled, and his company as Citibank, and not its competitor!

=============Changes thru 6.025 as of Feb 4, 1988 ===================

======First pre=release of 6.1 included Changes through 6.023=========

Change 06.025 A new MXG Exit for the PDB has been created. EXPDBSPN is

BUILDPDB taken after yesterday's SPIN data sets and today's new

BUILDPD3 SMF data sets have been interleaved, but before the MERGE

EXPDBSPN in which the decision TO SPIN or NOT TO SPIN is made. It

Feb 4, 1988 may be necessary for NJE sites, where NJE creates type 6

records for the same job with multiple JES numbers. One

site is trying to use this exit to find the correct JESNR

(from the type 26 original JESNR) and store it into TYPE6

so that MXG will then assemble them all into the one JOBS

observation for the job. It may have other uses, too.

Change 06.024 DISP=(MOD,CATLG) is used in JCL examples to show you how

Feb 4, 1988 to create the data set if it doesn't exist and to use the

DOC existing copy if there is one, and to not have to EDIT a

JCL file. It turns out that if the VOL=SER parameter is

also on the DD card, the job dies with a 213-04 ABEND!

It's not clear why, but that's the way it is with JCL.

(Actually, if your installation uses the VOL=SER for you

to specify a generic for a group of volumes, MOD,CATLG

may still work, since that installation modification does

not actually send a VOLSER over to the JES Converter.)

The moral is, don't specify VOLSER and MOD,CATLG works!

Thanks to Jim Groseman, Duquesne Systems, USA.

Change 06.023 VM/Monitor data on Jan 30, 1988 from 21:29:55.02 until

Feb 4, 1988 the monitor was stopped will have STARTIME beginning at

VMACVMON 06:46:48.97 on July 11, 1987, 203.613 days earlier. The

VM/Monitor records contain only five bytes of the actual

8-byte TOD datetime stamp. Five bytes holds 203.613 days.

MXG implemented a slick algorithm to figure out exactly

when the current 203-day interval began (BASETIME) so the

5-byte MNHTOD could be added to create STARTIME. (You can

not just use the COLLTIME in the 0.97 record because it

is only accurate to a full second.) Once the BASETIME had

been set by the first record, however, MXG failed to test

to see if MNHTOD had wrapped into the next interval! This

could easily have been missed, since Jan 30 was a Sat.

(The next exposure is 21AUG88:12:13:00.97, a Sunday!)

-Add LASTHALF to the retain statement at line 284.

-Replace THEN BASETIME=BASETIME-FFFFF; in two places, in

lines 275 and 2025 with





-Insert after line 278




Change 06.022 -Further validation of MXG IMS log data sets with the IBM

Feb 3, 1988 utility's output by Pete uncovered several enhancements,

TYPEIMS as well as legitimate differences in transaction counts.

VMACIMS The IBM utility does not begin counting transactions til

it finds an IMS checkpoint record, but MXG starts with

the first 07 record found. If the IMS log tape does not

start with IMS startup, MXG will count all, IBM won't!

Pete also improved the match-up logic, using DLRTOKEN in

addition to PSTNUMBER TRANSACT. Additionally, variables


added to the IMSTRAN data set. There still may be minor

glitches in MXG, but the quality of the data gets better

each time someone like Pete really digs in.

-Member EXIMSCDE was deleted from the SOURCLIB. It was a

test member, and should have not been in 5.5. References

Thanks to Pete Shepard, Ashland Oil, USA.
Change 06.021 SYNCSORT sort SMF record timestamps SORTEND and SORTBEGN

Feb 3, 1988 and calculated ELAPSTM were incorrect. BEGIN and END were

VMACSYNC four PK1. fields with HH,MM,SS,TT and ELAPSTM relocated.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Dean Witter Reynolds, USA.

Change 06.020 -The technique (described on page 10 of MXG Newsletter 11)

Feb 3, 1988 to build the month PDB using only one tape drive should

MONTHBLD have the DCB=TAPETEMP added on the FILE MONTH statement

at line 144:


(If you specified a DCB on the MONTH DD card, you did

not notice the problem. Without a DCB parameter, SAS

uses the FILE BLOCKSIZE, which defaults to 6400 bytes.

As long as the internal length of a SAS observation is

less than 6400 bytes, no problem, but TYPE78VS data set

(among others) is larger than 6400 bytes. This change

uses the build data set block size for the MONTH file.)

-A new line (95.1) should be inserted before the percent

sign which terminates the MACRO _MNTHBLD definition:


This will keep the size of the DUMMY allocation within

its 3-track allocation.

Thanks to Lee Salley, Westinghouse, USA.

Change 06.019 This MXG function dynamically allocates all online DASD

Feb 3, 1988 volumes in preparation for VTOC reading. This function

FMXGUCBL uses MVS/XA UCB look-up logic, and thus the function does

not work under MVS/SP at the present time. If you fix it

to execute under MVS/370, let us know and we'll share.
Change 06.018 Lines printed by VPS (SYSOUT spooling product) are seen

Jan 27, 1988 in PDB.PRINT as external writer lines rather than print

VMAC6 lines because VPS product does not store printer name in

output device field. VPS records contain string "VPS" in

the UCS field. This change recognizes VPS type 6 record

and sets DEVICE to PRINTER so that BUILDPDB will put the

VPS lines in PRLINES variable. Expand the IF statement at

line 148 by adding OR UCS=:'VPS'

(to set DEVICE='PRINTER') for the VPS type 6 record.

Thanks to Rodney L. Reisch, General Electric Silicon Products, USA.

Change 06.017 Support for Version 7.1 of Landmark's Monitor added. The

Jan 26, 1988 MXG 5.5 code will execute without error, but this change

TYPEMONI adds three one-character "Y" flags, HITASKS, MILLENUM,

and PSBPWAIT to MONITASK. The ELAPSUM variable (their

field MFSTTIM), total elapsed time of all transactions in

the interval, could overflow its 4-byte size. To prevent

overflow, you can specify TMRL=Y in your SIT to cause

MFSTTIM to use "Optional Time Resolution". MXG recognizes

TMRL is on and stores the correct duration in ELAPSUM.

The other changes introduced in 7.1 were already in place

in MXG (they had been added to support SPECIAL78 zap).

Landmark gave me plenty of lead time for this change.

Change 06.016 The creation of UOWTIME (CICS 1.7) from UOWID caused the

Feb 3, 1988 "Invalid Data for Input Function ..." SAS message (which

Feb 19, 1988 was non-fatal and simply sets UOWTIME to be missing). It

VMAC110 turns out there are three different formats/locations for

the time stamp associated with the creation of this task:


.AUB001B-07.08.07000 00 0001 NETSNAME HHMMSS8.


DVRHLC5.IRC000000000 092111000N UOWID HHMMSS6. *
0 = '00'X (NULL)

. = '4B'X (PERIOD) *see change 6.080

The new algorithm replaces the ELSE DO; group at lines

720-728 with this logic:













Thanks to C. J. Legrand, Tenngasco Corp, USA.

Thanks to Steve Lottich, University Hospitals of Iowa, USA.

Change 06.015 VM/Monitor variable APTCPU is missing because WTSIO1TM

Feb 3, 1988 in line 1205.1 should have been spelled WTIOS1TM.


Thanks to Steve Glick, Southern Methodist University, USA.

Change 06.014 VM/Monitor summarization dies with SAS 180 syntax error

Feb 3, 1988 because:there should be two percent signs instead of one

ANALVMOS a.line 5430 should be %%INCLUDE instead of %INCLUDE

b.lines 5940 and 6050 should be 1 PCT of vice 1 % of

(when I wrapped substitution MACRO definitions around

Steve's code, I failed to test sufficiently and the

single percent signs, even in comments, terminate the

MACRO definition pre-maturely).

c.Insert new line 158.1 (after IOS=CNTVIOCT;):


to cause tape devices to be reported in addition to DASD.

Thanks to Steve Glick, Southern Methodist University, USA.

Change 06.013 EPILOG records (from Candle) code has been executed by

Jan 26, 1988 two users and their changes implemented. Read the notes

IMACEPIL at the beginning of member VMACEPIL. Note that member

TYPEEPIL IMACEPIL is deleted by this change, it is not needed as

VMACEPIL the data is not written to SMF after all, but only to a

FB, LRECL=600 sequential file! The real heart of this

change was to replace _SMF reference in TYPEEPIL with a


TODSTAMP8. format on line 336 for BICPUTIM should be

MSEC8. A final cosmetic change in MXG was to split


Thanks to Merrick Dean, MONY, USA.

Thanks to Warren Hayward, NY, USA.
Change 06.012 I almost hate to waste your time with this obsolete SMF

Jan 26, 1988 type 4 or 34 record change. By now you really should be

VMAC434 using the type 30, and with MVS/XA 2.2 you must use 30s.!

Change 5.19, which changed the format of PVTBOT, PVTTOP,

and REGREQST to use the MG078CV. "Meg/K/Bytes" storage

value format, was only partially applied to VMAC434. The

three variables need to be each multiplied by 1024 after

they are read in. VMAC30 can be used as an example if it

is really important to you to fix.

Thanks to Kevin Wise, Allegheny Power, USA.

Change 06.011 Support for EXD (Express Deliveries) SYSOUT product from

Jan 26, 1988 SAR was added. This change was revised and replaced by

Change 6.037.
Change 06.010 -DD card for DCLOG (IDMS DC LOG) was missing in JCLUXREF

Jan 26, 1988 (the MXG Cross Reference Utility).

JCLUXREF -TYPEDOS internally overrided the LENGTH of the variable

TYPEDOS SHIFT, which should be set in IMACSHFT. Now, there is


-UTILCICS cosmetically improved in listing the contents of

CICS 1.7 Dictionary records.

Thanks to Mark Bercov, Canadian Occidental Petroleum, CANADA.

Change 06.009 -Lines 211 and 961 should have _DB2R. following the DATA=

Jan 26, 1988 and preceding the DB2..... (This only caused a problem

ANALDB2R when MXG DB2 data sets were built with BUILDPDB.)

-All occurrences of 'BY QWHSSSID' should be changed to

'BY SYSTEM QWHSSSID'. (This only caused a problem if DB2

executes on more than one MVS system.)

Thanks to Bill Border, Apollo Computer, USA.

Thanks to Jim Groseman, Duquesne Systems, USA.

Change 06.008 Labels for DB2SRBTM and DB2TCBTM are reversed in lines

Jan 26, 1988 167 and 168.


Thanks to Jim Groseman, Duquesne Systems, USA.

Change 06.007 Support for the type 28 SMF record from NPM 1.3. This new

Jan 20, 1988 SMF record consolidates the data formerly in TYPE38 and

EX028... TYPE39 (NPM and NLDM records) and the VSAM Session Stats

FORMATS file created by NPM (supported by MXG XNPMSESS member).

TYPE28 There are two APARs, one documentation (OY11468) and one

VMAC28 correcting short record (OY11641) affecting the type 28.

MXG creates twenty-four NPM..... data sets which are

listed in comments at the beginning of VMAC28 member.

You will find no announcement of this record in any NPM

product announcement!

Thanks to Mike Pichowicz, U.S. Trust, USA.

Thanks to Billy Westland, Candle Corporation, USA.

Thanks to Robert Bunn, IBM NPM Level 2, USA.


Change 06.006 Documentation of TYPE1415 variable RECIND1 on page 494 of

Jan 12, 1988 the MXG Book is one bit off. First, the variable name is

MXG Guide actually RECIND1, and bits 1 thru 7 should be renumbered

as bits 2 thru 8, and bit 1 - reserved should be added.

The code in VMAC1415 was correct.

Thanks to Michael Doyle, Arizona Department Economic Security, USA.

Change 06.005 IDMS Performance Monitor from Cullinet was massively

Jan 12, 1988 enhanced in IDMS 10.1. This change affects only the new

VMACRTE IDMS.... data sets created from their new subtypes.

The TYPERTE data set was not in error.

a.IDMS Performance Monitor Wait times (the new variables

introduced in IDMS 10.1) were off by 10000:

Change all seventy occurrences of PIB8. to MSEC8., and

delete all seventy lines containing 409600.

b.Several BUFF variables were corrected to ARAS, and some

variables were added to TIME12.2 format.

c.Two of the new subtypes of the record (IHDRTYPE=1 and =2)

are segmented records, but the segments were not always

in the correct order, and sometimes were duplicated! MXG

5.5 avoided the problem by skipping over type 1, but it

hit problems with the type 2. With further pressure on

Cullinet and further investigation by all three thankees,

(real cooperative work here, each one found a piece),

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