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Change 20.164 This Analysis example caused sort errors that have been

ANALHSM corrected by this change.

Aug 16, 2002

Thanks to Steve Clark, California Federal Bank, USA.

Change 20.163 Support for the additional four fields in subtype=15,


VMACSTC Format $MGSTCVT was created to decode SMF15RSN reason.

Aug 15, 2002

Thanks to Perry Lim, Union Bank of California, USA.
Change 20.162 The UTILRMFI utility (used if RMFINTRV reports duplicate

UTILRMFI CPU time, or to find out what is being put in 'OTHR') now

Aug 15, 2002 has arguments identical to VMXGRMFI, so to run UTILRMFI

reports with your definitions, just copy your tailored

"%VMXGRMFI(..." text into your //SYSIN file, change that

"%VMXGRMFI" to "%UTILRMFI", keeping all your tailoring

arguments, and UTILRMFI reports will be produced using

your definitions, with no retyping!

Comments in UTILRMFI were revised.

Thanks to Ada Phillips, University of Michigan Medical, USA.

Change 20.161 -Support for ASG-Landmark TMON/DB2's Change in format of

EXTMDBD0 the Version field. Originally a binary number, in 3.2

IMACTMDB it became an EBCDIC numeric, 'F3F2'x for 3.2, which made

VMACTMDB LMRKVER=24.3. Accidentally, all of the MXG tests worked,

VMAC102 but MXG code now detects and inputs the new format.

VMXGINIT -INPUT of the header fields starting with HDLEN was out of

Aug 14, 2002 aligment because of undocumented fields (inserted by the

assembler to maintain alignment) that are now skipped.


Transaction Name, and Workstation Name were observed to

contain lower case characters, just FYI for testing, etc.

-Dataset TMDBBD, Authorization Failure, 'BD' record, which

is the data segment from IBM's SMF 102 IFCID=140, now has

all of the QW0140xx variables created and kept, using an

extract of the VMAC102 source code.
-VMAC102 and VMACTMDB documentation of SQL text variables:

(This design change was made in Change 17.251, but was

never clearly documented, especially the zero obs part):

For the SMF 102 DB2 trace records containing SQL text:


(or for the Landmark dataset TMDBBD QW0140TX variable),

the SQL text variable that contains the SQL text


was broken into 100 byte chunks, with the 1st 100 output

in the T102Snnn dataset, and the rest "chunked" into the


(for Landmark, TMDBBD0)

"text" datasets that contain only the text and key vars.

But SAS Version 8 supports long character variables, so

with V8 and (the MXG default of) COMPRESS=YES enabled,

only one observation is output in the T102Snnn dataset,

with the entire text stored in the SQL variable, and the

"Text" T102Tnnn datasets will contain zero observations.

(With archaic SAS V6, or with V8 and COMPRESS=NO, MXG

reverts back and "chunks" the test into the T102Tnnn.

-Some incorrect EBCDIC conversions were found in the

VMAC102 code that had impact only when the code executed

under ASCII SAS were relocated and corrected, and then

that code was used in VMACTMDB.

Thanks to Richard Jay Schwartz, State Street Bank, USA.
Change 20.160 MACRO _K102CMN is defined so that you can add variables

VMAC102 to the _V102CMN list of variables that are kept in all

Aug 14, 2002 T102xxx (DB2 trace) datasets, as this is safer than

redefining the _V102CMN macro, in case MXG ever needs to

add variables to that common list.

Thanks to Dr. Alexander raeder, Itellium, GERMANY.

Change 20.159 ASMTAPES ML-25 replaces ML-24; two sites had CPU loops in

ASMTAPES MXGTMNT itself, and one noticed 0C4 Logrec records. The

Aug 13, 2002 error was an unexpected fall-thru after recovery of a 0E0

Aug 30, 2002 or 0C4 ABEND in one of the two cross memory environments

(one, during device scan, and the second during a check

for device allocation for the subtype 4, each of which is

protected by a separate recovery ESTAE). The recovery

logic was revised to fix the CPU loop, but ML-25 now also

eliminates MXGTMNT logrec entries for those 0E0, 0C4, and

any other abends that occur in cross memory (because the

called address space had already been terminated before

our next 2-second sample). Any "real" abends in MXGTMNT

will not be suppressed from logrec.

Thanks to Steve Simon, Alltel, USA.

Change 20.158 First PROC DELETE DATA=ZZAIXPTX is changed to _WAIXPTX.


Aug 13, 2002
=======Changes thru 20.157 were in MXG 20.04 dated Aug 12, 2002=========
Change 20.157 MXG 20.04 QA cleanup:

-Non-used or typo-s members EXAIXAIX,EXCICEJB,EXQCSCON,



VMACTMO2 -In _SAIXPTX and _SNPIP02 sort macros in members VMACAIX

VMAC103 and VMACNPIP, typos WAIXPTX and _WNPIP02 were corrected

Aug 11, 2002 to ZZAIXPXT and ZZNPIP02.

-In VMACTMO2, variables QAPRCPUT/QAPRCPUC were misspelled

in MONIPA KEEP list and were not kept, and duplicate

variables in KEEP list were removed, and some VMXGTIMEs

were added.

-Datetime variables not in %VMXGTIME() calls were found in

Change 20.156 Support for new NTSMF object, MODULE, tracks DLL modules

EXNTMODU used for application analysis, in new MODULE dataset.

VMACNTSM The new %Disk Busy, Avg Disk Service Time, and Avg Disk

VMXGINIT Queue Time counters created in NTSMF 2.4.4 are now

Aug 9, 2002 supported in both the Logical and Physical Disk datasets.
Change 20.155 Specifying INTERVAL=NONE for CICINTRV is not typically

VMXGCICI useful, since it sums all data for all executions of an

Aug 9, 2002 APPLID, but at least now it works without a zero divide

error, and comments suggest it is not likely useful.

If you specify INTERVAL=HOUR, etc., you must have data

with SMFSTREQ='INT', i.e., you must have interval records

enabled by your CICS guru, and the actual interval must

be less than or equal to the INTERVAL= value you use in

your CICINTRV - IBM default interval is 3 hours. Check

the SAS log, as MXG will print a warning if your INTERVAL

request can't be honored.

Thanks to Brian Keller, ConAgra Inc, USA.

Change 20.154 MXG expected LDSKNAME to be a single letter, but now data

VMACNTSM with HarddiskVolume1, etc., appear in a Win/2000 server

Aug 9, 2002 that shares data on a Hitachi Data Systems 7700E array.

(This is a fail-over cluster, and the system that is

'in control' has the expected disk letter as LDSKNAME,

but on other servers in the cluster that are not in

control, this longer name value is seen).

The problem is that MXG kept LDSNAME in $8, which caused

all of these separate disks to be combined as HARDDISK.

Increasing the length of variable LDSKNAME to $16 should

be sufficient to store the longer name value.

Thanks to John Compton, Bristol and West, ENGLAND.

Change 20.153 Documentation only. If you have multiple systems with

IMACTIME different time zones sharing a common JES spool, and you

Aug 9, 2002 failed to use TIMEBILD to convert those datetimes to a

common zone, your //SPIN library will fill and nothing is

output to the PDB.JOBS/STEPS/PRINT datasets, because MXG

compares the type 26 JES purge JTRTIME/JENDTIME with the

JINITIME from the type 30 (to ensure, only for restarted

jobs, that the correct (final) job termination record has

been found). When you realize this is why your SPIN

library is growing, you first need to enable the TIMEBILD

to correct future timestamps, but you can clean out old

records in the SPIN file using the old IMACTIME member,

which has always externalized the time test logic. Use


to completely suppress the time check part of PDB logic.

This change only added comments to member IMACTIME.

Change 20.152 SMF 118 Subtype 70 caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error.

VMAC119 Four MAX(nn,xxxLEN) were changed to MIN(nn,xxxLEN).

Aug 8, 2002 Three were in subtype 70 and one was found in subtype 3.

Aug 9, 2002 Also, variable IFHOMEIP was corrected in subtype 6.

Also, variables FCLREPLY and FSLREPLY were changed from

character variables to numeric variables, because they

are the 3-digit numeric FTP reply codes in RFC959.

Note that FCLREPLY is a four-byte binary value, with

'000000E2'x for decimal 252, but FSLREPLY is a three

byte EBCDIC numeric value 'F2F5F0'x for 250, so the

two fields are input with different informats and the

extra byte of FSLREPLY is skipped.

Thanks to Bob C. Allen, John Deere, USA.

Thanks to Jonathan M. Miller, John Deere, USA.

Change 20.151 This example report now shows local time rather than GMT,

ANALTCP offers new %MACRO arguments to control the reports, and

Aug 9, 2002 made minor corrections. See comments in the member.

Oct 15, 2002 Note that IBM still does not provide the Start Date in

TCP data, so with only a Start Time of Day value, the

elapsed time calculation will be wrong for multi-day


Oct 15: Realignment of columns on TOTAL report and clean

up of comments.

Thanks to Jim Hayes, Huntington Services, USA.

Thanks to Judy Doherty, Florida Legislature, USA.
Change 20.150 -Initial support for SAS Version 9 Pre-Production. In MXG

CONFIGV9 20.04-20.05, the CONFIGV9 member had no SEQENGINE option,

MXGSASV9 so the V9 default V9SEQ engine was used. But MXG 20.06

Aug 8, 2002 added SEQENGINE=V6SEQ when it was discovered that the V9

Oct 3, 2002 sequential engine still compresses tape dataset.

Mar 1, 2003 -The JCL Procedure example member MXGSASV9 is the same as

MXGSASV8, but points to the CONFIGV9 member, just in case

you look for the MXGSASV9 JCL example.

Note: Updated Oct 3, 2002 here, without the reason:

The SEQENGINE=V6SEQ was added to CONFIGV9 because both

the V8SEQ and V9SEQ engine compress tape datasets.

SEQENGINE=V6SEQ is the only safe sequential engine.

Do NOT use the default SEQENGINE=V9SEQ.

See Newsletter FORTY-ONE, SAS Technical Notes, for V9.

Change 20.149 If you enabled TIMEBILD/VMXGTIME to change timestamps,

VMAC26J2 datasets TYPE26J2/TYPE26J3/PDB.JOBS had variables


Aug 8, 2002 JFINTIME incorrect if that event occurred on a system

which has a different GMT offset than the SYSTEM of the

purge event. Variable SYSTEM was used to get the GMT

offset. Now, the correct event system variable is used


Change 20.148 Multiple CMODNAME='USER' CMODHEAD='USER' fields are now

UTILEXCL correctly supported, creating a single INCLUDE statement

Aug 8, 2002 for the IMACICUS member, with the sum of CMODLENG from

the multiple fields used for detection/protection logic.

Previously, multiple INCLUDEs were created, with notes

for you to remove those duplicates, but the length tests

were wrong, so the output dataset was trashed.

Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.

Change 20.147 Variable PLATFORM was added to all TNG datasets so you

VMACTNG can identify the software version that created each

Aug 7, 2002 observation in each dataset.

Thanks to Gunner Jacobsen, Nordea Bank Sverige AB, SWEDEN.

Thanks to Erling Andersen, SMT Data A/S, DENMARK.
Change 20.146 ASMTAPES/MXGTMNT ML-24 provides these revisions:

ASMTAPES -Fix to eliminate filling logrec due to 0E0 ABENDs:

Aug 7, 2002 the 0E0 Software ABENDs still occur when the mount is

so fast that the ASID has gone away, and MXGTMNT still

recovers, but now it prevents the unneeded and unwanted

logrec record from ever being created.

-Enhanced recovery logic. Previously, the 0E0 recovery

routine would skip all remaining devices after a 0E0.

Now it only skips the DEVNR with the 0E0.

-Fix for high CPU loop and/or high SMF record write loop

(only in ML-21 thru ML-23).

We're pretty certain this is corrected, but please

look closely and verify all is well with the CPU

time used by MXGTMNT.

-Correction for a pre-existing programming error in

memory management (a "storage leak") in the recovery

logic found while testing.
That it has taken since February until August to find a

solution to the original problem of filling logrec shows

this was a non-trivial redesign!
ML-24 doesn't solve the missed mount due to fast VTS

mounts, since some are as fast as tens of milliseconds.

But reducing the 2 second sample pop to 1/2 second can

improve the percent of mounts captured, and you can see

if there was a significant cost in the CPU time of the

MXGTMNT monitor (and let me know your results!).

However, by using the ASUMTAPE program to merge TYPETMNT

mount, TYPETALO allocate, and (always-there) TYPE21

dismount record to create the PDB.ASUMTAPE dataset, and

use it instead of the PDB.TYPETMNT dataset, then your

total mount activity will be captured; fast mounts will

just have missing/blank values for MNTTM (and other

variables only available when the mount is captured).
Depending on feedback from you as to how important these

missed mounts actually are, we may begin to investigate

if there is any alternative to sampling, but at the very

best, that would be a many-month, many tests, redesign.

Let me know your thoughts.

Thanks to my new ASMTAPES support person, who chooses to be anon.

Change 20.145 SAS Version 9 Beta prints a warning when it finds syntax

VMAC74 with a quoted string that is not followed by a blank:



Only one instance was detected in MXG, in VMAC74, where a

blank was needed before the OR in IF R74ETYPE='B'OR ....

A blank was not previously required, and even with V9,

the program compiled correctly, but the warning will let

you identify and correct any similar "unwise" syntax in

your SAS programs, so you can revise your code now, long

before SAS tightens up the syntax requirements.

Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.

Change 20.144 MXG incorrectly read NTSMF PROCESS object records with

VMACNTSM NRDATA=20 or NRDATA=27 (NTSMF 2.2.2 with NT 4.0 or 5.0).

Aug 6, 2002 Variable CREATPID was not INPUT, causing the next three

three variables (POOLPGBY, POOLNPBY, and HANDLES) to be

wrong, and for NRDATA=20, the new READYTHR variable was

not INPUT. The IN() test for CREATPID now tests for both

20 and 27, and the IN() test for READYTHR now tests for

20 to correct these errors.

Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, Insurance Services Office, USA.
Development stopped from August 1st thru August 5th, 2002, so Judy and I

could attend the Terrapin Station concert at Alpine Valley, Wisconsin,

the first reunion of "The Other Ones" as the remaining four originals

from "The Grateful Dead" now call themselves. Fantastic performances,

peace and love among deadheads prevailed; it was a "grate show".
Change 20.143 APAR OW55735 for the NPM/IP 1.3 and 1.4 product changes

VMACNPIP the documentation for BYTESSNT and BYTESRCV variables in

Jul 30, 2002 dataset NPMIP02; previously "ACCUMulated", now "DELTA"

values, so the DIF() logic in the _SNPIP02 Sort Macro

was removed.
Change 20.142 Addition of SORTEDBY= still failed if a dropped variable

VMXGSUM only appeared in the SUMBY= argument, because VMXGSUM

Jul 30, 2002 used the original SORTBY= string as the SORTEDBY= value.

(For example, if variable OPERATOR was not in CICSTRAN,

your TRNDCICX now failed). Code was relocated so now the

variables that actually exist are used for both SORTBY=

and SORTEDBY= values, protecting dropped variables.

Thanks to John Gebert, Office Depot, USA.

Thanks to Justin Peterson, Office Depot, USA.
Change 20.141 Support for Williams Data Systems IMPLEX Version 2.1 adds

VMACMPLX five new datasets for Protocol Monitor of FTP, NTT, EE,

Jul 26, 2002 OSPF, and MIBs. No SMF records from new version have

Feb 3, 2003 been tested. Feb 3: This change supports Version 2.3.

Change 20.140A Actual data values for SMF70CSF,SMF70ESF show they are in

VMAC7072 megabytes and not frames, so their 4096 multiplier needs

Jul 26, 2002 to be 1048576. IBM acknowledged the documentation error.

Thanks to Allan Winston, MBNA, USA.

Change 20.140 MXG 20.02-20.03 only. ALL Landmark TMON/CICS datetimes

VMACTMO2 are wrong, if your GMT Offset value is non-zero. MXG

Jul 25, 2002 Change 20.072 incorrectly assumed that TODSTAMP values

were in GMT and incorrectly added the GMTOGMTO offset to

every datetimestamp variable. Close examination of data

with non-zero GMT offset shows all timestamps are local,

except for TMMDCCLK, which is not kept nor converted, so

all of the xx=xx+GMTOGMTO; statements were removed.

-Variable TKLSTTOD was incorrectly treated as a duration,

but now is input and formatted as a datetimestamp.

-The one statement GMTOGMTO=GMTOGMTO/4096; was deleted.

Thanks to Dean Ruhle, J C Penny, USA.

Change 20.139 If your GMTOFFTM is non-zero, most datetimes in TMON/DB2

VMACTMDB will be wrong; Change 19.288 assumed all STCKs were GMT,

Jul 25, 2002 but data shows that only REGNTIME, DBKSCB/DBKSCE, and

(only for LMRKREC=:'B') HSSTCK and HDTSTP are GMT and now

only those variables have +GMTOFFTM conversion to local.

Thanks to Martin Legendre, Regie des Rentes du Quebec, CANADA.

Change 20.138 CIMSDBDS dataset had obs with DBORG='00'X that should not

VMACCIMS have been output. Those DBD segments are now documented

Jul 22, 2002 as dummy, when DB2 was called but no DB2 data collected;

previously, documented as ALLDBS Sync Point Writes. This

change no longer outputs to CIMSDBDS if DBORG='00'X AND

FLGOVERF='00'X, added to ensure that only dummy segments

are skipped.


Note: 02Jan02: See Change 20.306 revision.
Change 20.137 The Print/Means/Contents all datasets utility VMXGPRAL

VMXGPRAL had minor corrections to eliminate a note about TITLEs,

Jul 22, 2002 and to reset OBS=MAX after its execution, and defaults

were changed so %VMXGPRAL(DDNAME=WORK,NOBS=10); now will

only PROC PRINT the first ten obs of each dataset in the

work file that had any observations, which I find quite

useful in validating datasets I've just created.
Change 20.136 The %LET DDNAME=QAPMPOLB; after MACRO _TQAPPOL should be

VMACQACS %LET DDNAME=QAPMPOLL; to read from the correct file.

Jul 18, 2002

Thanks to John Gebert, Office Depot, USA.

Change 20.135 An 0C4 ABEND reading RMFVSAM was caused by a bad branch

ASMRMFV in old code in ASMRMFV, which was exposed only if the CSR

Jul 18, 2002 Common Storage Remaining table was (unexpectedly) empty.

Jul 22, 2002 The CSRG3 table was empty because the DIAG member in

parmlib was set to OFF on one LPAR, but the correction

protects for an empty table. Thanks to Jerry for his ASM

skills, and to his management for allowing him to examine

Betty's dump to diagnose and correct the error. And an

error if only ASI was selected was also corrected.

Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom CDC, USA.

Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.
Change 20.134 Variable S42DSBUF in dataset TYPE42DS was off by one bit,

VMAC42 so Buffer Type (NSR/RLS/LSR/GSR) values were incorrect.

Jul 18, 2002 The corrected decoding of VSAM Buffer Type is:


Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.
Change 20.133 Variable TYPETASK was added to LENGTH as $4 to protect

VMAC26J2 and to be consistent with other instances of TYPETASK.

Jul 18, 2002
Change 20.132 Support for the new NTSMF File System Collector, which is

VMACNTSM like DCOLLECT for NT! The new FS Statistics object will

Jul 17, 2002 capture the size, type, name, owner, etc., of all or some

NT disk files with the create, last access, and last use

datetimes, so you can measure and chargeback disk space.

The new dataset FSSTATS will have an observation for each

file that was captured (you can set thresholds on size,

etc., to determine if all or only some files are reported

by this new collector.
Change 20.131 Cosmetic. The conversion of variable AVAILMEK is now

VMACNTSM tested to be non-missing, to suppress the Missing Values

Jul 17, 2002 SAS Note if you do not collect that field in NTSMF data.

Thanks to Bob Gauthier, Albertsons, USA.

Change 20.130 Support for APAR PQ61349 adds SERVSTRT (HTTP Server Start

VMAC103 Datetime) to both TYPE1031 and TYPE1032 datasets, and

Jul 16, 2002 JOB and ASID to TYPE1031 dataset. When not running in

single server mode, the entity name is not unique, these

fields provide unique tokens so the subtype 1 and subtype

2 can be merged together.

Change 20.129 Support for APAR OW54007, which adds SMF42ESA (UCBSTAT)

VMAC42 and SMF42EFL (UCBSFLS) variables to TYPE42AU dataset.

Jul 16, 2002
Change 20.128 -New ANALDB2K member combines DB2ACCTP Package counts with

ANALDB2K DB2ACCT Accounting variables and creates dataset DB2ACCTK

EXDB2ACB with both Package and Accounting data. Comments in the

EXDB2ACP ANALDB2K document what was discovered about Packages.

VMACDB2 -This analysis uncovered errors in MXG; observations were

Jul 16, 2002 output into DB2ACCTP and DB2ACCTB for Parallel RollUp

records that were not output in DB2ACCT (See discussion

in text of Change 19.027). The logic added to EXDB2ACC

to delete if DB2PARTY='Y' AND QWACPARR='Y' was added to

the EXDB2ACB and EXDB2ACP members so all rollups will be

deleted. This required relocation of code inside VMACDB2

so those variables would exist for those exits.



Thanks to Nicholas Ward, Northern Territory Government, AUSTRALIA.
Change 20.127 IBM MSU Capacity Values for MultiPrise 7060 CPUs are not

FORMATS going to be provided by IBM (!!!), but Al used Cheryl's

Jul 16, 2002 input and his best guess to estimate an MSU capacity in

this update to the MXG format $MG070CP, used to create

the MSU capacities in dataset RMFINTRV, for the 7060

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