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several were removed from members VMAC42, VMAC7072, VMAC79,


caused no error, but should not have been repeated.

Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.
Change 15.239 New variable LASTVOFL "IS THIS*THE*LAST*VOLUME?" is added

VMAC1415 to dataset TYPE1415 to flag whether an individual 14/15

Oct 4, 1997 record is the last volume, by decoding '40'x in RECIND1.

See Change 15.304.

======Changes thru 15.238 were in MXG 15.05 dated Oct 2, 1997======

RMFINTRV printed by RMFINTRV when MXG detects bad CPU time values

Oct 2, 1997 in type 72 records. Back in 1992, IBM APAR OY51878 found

bad values in CPURCTTM (SMF72RCT), and now APAR OW28256

reports bad values again! When CPURCTTM is corrupted,

CPUOVHTM (actually the "Uncaptured CPU Time" rather than

overhead) becomes negative because the total CPU in type

72 records exceeds CPU Active time for the box! This is

because MXG includes CPURCTTM in CPUTM in building the

TYPE72/TYPE72GO datasets, and in RMFINTRV calculations.

You can correct this error in advance by inserting in the

EXTY72/EXTY72GO exit members:


so that TYPE72/TYPE72GO and RMFINTRV will not include the

CPURCTTM (Region Control Task, mostly TSO Quiesce/Resore)

in the total CPU time captured, and then remove this

workaround when you install the PTF for the APAR OW28256.

Note: for Boole's CMF, APAR BPM6782 is reportedly also a

requirement. 29May98.

Thanks to Thomas Heitlinger, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY.

Change 15.237 Support for BETA93 Release 3.1.3 (INCOMPATIBLE) inserted

VMACBETA fields in the header, and changed the length of many of

Oct 2, 1997 the fields. Unfortunately, I only received subtype 21

records, so only that subtype is supported in MXG 15.05.

In fact, all other subtype will produce a hex dump of the

first record of each unsupported subtype and prints an

MXG message to please send that dump to me so I can add

support for those subtypes. (If the BETA93 vendor had

documented their alignment bytes in their DSECT, I could

have delivered the code for all subtypes, but the subtype

21 record proved their documentation is inadequate. I

presume that since only the subtype 21 records were sent,

that that is the most important record for BETA92, and I

hope this change will get you through the nite!).

Thanks to Manfred Thomas, BHF-Bank, GERMANY.
Change 15.236 DFHSTUP-like CICS Shutdown Reports have been enhanced to

ANALCISH match new IBM reports, but not all reports were finished

Oct 2, 1997 in time for MXG 15.05 (notably, CICFCR). See notes in

the member for additional status.

Thanks to Steve Colio, CIGNA, USA.
Change 15.235 Duplicate step records might not be deleted by SAS NODUP

BUILDPDB option, but only for steps with more than one physical 30

BUILDPD3 record for a step (eg., steps with many DD segments, aka

BUILD005 MULTIDD='Y' steps). The sort order for TYPE30_4 did not

BUIL3005 include MULTIDD EXTRADD variables, and if the multiple 30

VMAC30 records had exactly the same TERMTIME, the sort did not

Oct 2, 1997 place them adjacent, and the NODUP only deletes duplicate

records that are adjacent. The correction is to change

the BY list for PROC SORT NODUP DATE=TYPE30_4 ... ;


Of course, if you never have duplicate SMF data

(which can ONLY happen when a failure in SMF dump

AND an incorrect human recovery occurs) you will

not have cause for concern!

The impact was that two observations were created in

PDB.STEPS, and the job's CPU time was doubled.

-Variables EXTRARMS, EXTRMULC, and EXTROMVS are now kept

in the TYPE30_V and TYPE30_4 records, as they may be

needed for additional protection.

-Member ADOC30 has been updated with a discussion of the

existence of multiple step records that was written in

reply to a request from IBM to review SMF documentation

on how to know whether a physical step record was the

first, last, or in-between record for a step terminate.

Thanks to Steve Donahue, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, USA.
Change 15.234 Support for TCP/IP 3.2 API Calls SMF record increased the

VMACTCP length of the API Call record (on which MXG depends to

Oct 01, 1997 sort out API from FTP from TELNET), relocated APIJOBNM,

and added new variables APIJOBID (JCTJOBID) and APISTART

(JES Start Time) for HPNS applications (where the HPNS

enabled interfaces are

- C sockets API (including C sockets for CICS)

- Sockets Extended APIs:

- Macro Interface

- Call Instruction Interface, including Call Instr

for CICS and IMS).

Thanks to Harmut Richter, BASF Computer Services GmbH, GERMANY.

Change 15.233 The discussion of documentation of MXG Software, the

DOC MXG books, etc., is now contained in member DOCUMENT.

Sep 30, 1997 There are several "tables of contents" of ACHAPxxx and

ADOCxxx members (this consolidates and enhances the old

"Online Documentation" section of member CHANGES).
Change 15.232 Enhancements to process EASMON/EASMAP data from VM/ESA

EXXAMSYT were contributed to add new XAMSYT and XAMSYU datasets,

EXXAMSYU and to correct "IF SKIP GE 20... SKIP=SKIP-20;" before

IMACXAM the INPUT TCMXIDSZ to ..GE 16 ...SKIP-16" so that the

VMACXAM fields are actually input. Datasets XAMSYT and XAMSYU

Sep 30, 1997 report LPAR dispatch and management time from VM/ESA.

Thanks to Anthony P. Lobley, EDS, ENGLAND.
Change 15.231 Deaccumulation of the NPMINPMT dataset in member DIFF28

DIFF28 (added by Change 15.206) now creates variable DURATM

Sep 30, 1997 instead of DELTATM, and creates variable STARTIME to

be consistent with other interval datasets.

Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
Change 15.230 VLF Activity for CATALOGs can be generated in SYSLOG

TYPEVLFC with the F CATALOG,REPORT,VLF command that creates the

Sep 30, 1997 messages IEC359I. This program will read //SYSLOG and

create dataset PDBVLFC.VLFCATLG from those reports and

also trends the new and old reports in PDBVLFC.TRNDVLFC.

Note that the report values are cumulative: the command

must have been issued at least twice to produce data.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.

Change 15.229 These IMS Log Processing Assembly programs were revised

ASMIMSLG in MXG 14.07, but the revisions did not support archaic

ASMIMSL5 pre-DFP 3.0 systems, and there was at least one MXG site

Sep 30, 1997 at that level that encountered an 0C4, so the programs

were revised to support the earlier QSAM level.

Thanks to Skip Abadie, MBNA, USA.

Change 15.228 IBM APAR OW26297 for JES3 add a new triplet section and

VMAC26J3 Job Account fields at the end of the purge record (though

Sep 30, 1997 the original APAR text made it look like it was inserted

in the middle of the record, it was in fact added at the

end). There was already a 42-byte accounting field in

the JES3 purge record, but IBM added the new section to

support all Job accounting fields. MXG previously used

the 42-byte field to decode only variable ACCOUNT1, but

with the new section, MXG will decode ACCOUNT1-ACCOUNTn

(where the number of fields kept is set in your IMACACCT

tailoring member). All of this is relatively unimportant

since MXG needs the Purge record account fields only for

jobs that did not initiate (i.e., JCL errors or cancel

before execution); account fields are normally taken from

the type 30 records.
Change 15.227 IBM APAR OW16975, reported in MXG Newsletter THIRTY-TWO,

VMAC30 is in error, and when installed causes APPC-using flushed

Sep 30, 1997 steps to fill your log with hex dumps, and causes MXG to

Dec 13, 1997 delete those step records. The APPC section was removed

by the APAR, but the triplet values were not zeroed.

This circumvention will print only one instance message

on the log, will skip the non-existent APPC section, but

will then output the type 30 record, and when the APAR

error is fixed, the circumvention will be passive.

Dec 13 update: APAR OW30802 is the new fixing APAR that

will make this circumvention passive.

Thanks to Bill Shanks, BR Business Systems, ENGLAND.

Change 15.226 Support for APAR XXnnnnn, which increases the number of

ANALRMFR structures in a Coupling Facility from 64 to 255. The

VMAC74 SUBSCRIPT OUT OF RANGE error will occur if you install

Sep 29, 1997 the PTF without this change. This change also eliminates

four sets of variables QSTR01-QSTR64, QSIZ01-QSIZ64,

QFLG01-QFLG64, and QVER01-QVER64 from dataset TYPE74CF.

That information was already stored in TYPE74ST dataset,

which has one observation per structure, and those fields

should not have been kept in TYPE74CF anyhow!

Reports in ANALRMFR have not been updated for more than

64 structures, and Total Size of Structures Allocated

value will be missing until the CF Reports are revised.

This change also corrected INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error

with type 74 subtype 4 records with NRTRIPLT=8.

There is still an open problem with IBM for this APAR, as

pointer R744CDSI is sometimes wrong, pointing beyond the

end of the data record; MXG now conditionally inputs the

R744CDSI extension fields, pending a fix from IBM.

Thanks to Dennis Pugh, BMC Software, USA.
Change 15.225 This report for Cached DASD Controllers now will use the

ANALCACH PDB.TYPE74CA and/or PDB.CACHE90 dataset, and will not

Sep 26, 1997 fail if either dataset does not exist. (TYPE74CA has

replaced the old CACHE90 dataset created from CRR.)

Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.
Change 15.224 Variable TAPEBYTE was not in the KEEPIN= LIST, causing

DAILYDSN variable SPACE5 (Non-HSM Tape) to be missing and causing

Sep 26, 1997 UNINITIALIZED VARIABLE TAPEBYTE message on the log. The

DAILYDSN program is used in JCLDAYDS example to measure

the size of all of your datasets (DASD/TAPE/HSM) using

DCOLLECT, CA-1, and HSM records.

Thanks to Robert Miles Standish, Dean Witter Trust Company, USA.
Change 15.223 Some reports may have timestamps shifted right two bytes,

ANALDB2R causing Authid to be overlaid. I changed DATETIME16. to

Sep 26, 1997 DATETIME18. expecting to show all four digits of year,

but did not check to see there was space on the line for

the two extra positions. (Worse, DATETIME18 does not

print the four digit year, it justs shifts right and then

prints two digits of year!). Therefore, change all of

the occurrences of DATETIME18. to DATETIME16. (Note the

datetimes printed at the top of the page use DATETIME21.2

so you will see the four digit year on each page!)

Thanks to Brian Hawthorne, Mutual of New York, USA.
Change 15.222 MXG 15.04 only. Catalog Cell 'E7' in TYPE6156 record had

VMAC6156 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error, because Change 15.166 was

Sep 25, 1997 not correct. In the block ELSE IF CLTYPE='E7'X THEN DO;

delete these two lines after the INPUT statement:



and then change ALIRESV $EBCDIC1. to ALIRESV $EBCDIC2.

Thanks to Lawrence Jermyn, Fidelity Systems Company, USA.

Change 15.221 The new ASUMUOW in MXG 15.04 fails with LIBNAME TEMP01

ASUMUOW not found. Test code that should have been removed had

IMACUOW the specific reference. You can change TEMP01.CICSTRAN

Sep 24, 1997 to CICSTRAN in both places to circumvent. However, this

revision changes the MXG defaults so that

PDB.ASUMUOW will always have zero observations, until

you enable it in member IMACUOW.

I create dataset PDB.ASUMUOW by default in JCLPDB6, but

the default sets OPTIONS OBS=0 at the beginning and then

resets OBS back to the original value (using VMXGOPTR) at

the end of member ASUMUOW, so no data will be sorted or

merged until you turn it on. I really think that large

CICS and DB2 shops will find PDB.ASUMUOW better than its

predecessor PDB.CICS, but it can use lots of CPU & DASD,

so I think it safer to make you enable it. In addition,

IMACUOW now externalizes the output of the PROC SORTs so

you can send them to tape and save DASD space as well.

The options are documented in comments in both members.

Thanks to Mike O'Brien, McKesson General Medical, USA.
Change 15.220 -Support for NTSMF Version 2.1, COMPATIBLE with 15.03 or

EXNTCNRS later (MXG 15.03 was required for NTSMF Version 2.0).

IMACNTSM -Support for new Object 'Content Replication Service' adds

VMACNTSM creation of new dataset CONTRPSV.

Sep 26, 1997 -Existing dataset CONTNFI (Content Index Filter) has been

validated with data, with new CNFINAME instance.

-Existing CONTINDX (Content Index) has been validated with

data, with new CNINNAME instance.

-Existing IMAGE (Image) has been validated with data, with

two instance variables IMAGNAME and IMAGFILE.

-Existing MSEXCHMS (MSExchangeMSIM) object is validated,

and will have observations (if you change the misspelling


MSEX...., even earlier versions of MXG will have obs!).

-Many new variables in CMPQxxxx datasets (from COMPAQ)

were not in the INFORMAT statement, which would cause

their values to be off by a factor or 100.

-The _BNTxxxx macros were not defined for all datasets,

and not all datasets were in the _SRTPRNL and _SRTPRNV

print macros.

-Member ADOCNTSM's list of datasets and Instance Variables

has been updated to include recently added objects.

-Variables CPUNUM1, FAMILY1, and MANUFAC1 and CPUSPED1 are

now decoded from the "0.0 configuration record" (new in

NTSMF 2.1).

-The location of the calculation of SMFTIME was relocated

so it does not generate "MISSING VALUES" message with 2.1

data; the value was re-calculated later and was never

actually missing.

Thanks to Jim Quigley, Con Edison, USA.

Thanks to Carmen Vitullo, Boeing, USA.
Change 15.219 -In CICINTRV, variables DSGAMXTL, DSGICVSD, DSGICVT, and

CICINTRV DSGTL are static values and should not have been DIF()

VMAC110 (as was DSGTL), and should not have been in SUM= nor

Sep 22, 1997 MEAN= statements, and are now in the ID= statement.

In spite of their mis-location, most of the time they

yielded correct values, so the error was overlooked.

(Note DSGTL only existed in CICS 3.3 and earlier)

-In VMAC110, the new A04 variables in the INPUT statement

begining with A04RDINT were all incorrectly labeled, and

the two time durations, A04RDINT and A04RDIDL had wrong

values with no TIME12.2 format.

-The SKIP=SKIP-220 for archaic CICS 3.1.0 if there were no

index segments and its INPUT +220 were changed to 218, to

suppress an "UNEXPECTED DATA" message that, while

harmless, could be eliminated.

Thanks to Dan Gilbert, Bergen Brunswig, USA.

Change 15.218 Support for CA's IDMS 14.0 (INCOMPATIBLE) splits existing

EXIDMDGB subtypes 1 and 16, adds new subtype 16 for new dataset



Sep 22, 1997

Thanks to Terry Heim, ECOLAB, USA.

Thanks to Martin Wieland, Neckermann B.V., THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 15.217 The default SMF TYPE in all IMAC members is normally the

IMACDALO the impossible value of 512 (so that JCLTEST6 does not

IMACENDV try to read the wrong record type), but these three IMAC

IMACSVCC members had values left over from testing; all are now

Sep 20, 1997 set to the 512 default value.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.

Change 15.216 DB2 Trace SMF type 102 Subtype 140 INPUT STATEMENT

VMAC102 EXCEEDED if there was no SQL text in the Audit record.

Sep 19, 1997 between NRSQLSEG=CEIL(( .... and DO SEGSQLT=1...

insert IF QW0140LL GE 2 THEN

so that the loop is only executed when there's text.

Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.

Change 15.215 IXFP records, MXG 15.02-MXG 15.04 only. A line was

VMACICE dropped by change 15.134, causing zero observations

Sep 16, 1997 for subtypes 2, 3, and 4 (datasets ICEBRGCH,DV,DR).

In the DO group for subtypes 1 thru 4, between the

INPUT of ICEVERS and COLLID, insert a line with +2

to skip over the two reserved bytes that were dropped

when ICEVERS's input was added by Change 15.133.

Thanks to Angela Mulcahey, Summit Bank, USA.

Change 15.214 MXG 15.01-MXG 15.04. Variable PCTMVSBY in TYPE70 is

ACHAP10 wrong. The new algorithm used by MXG in Change 15.023

VMAC7072 should only have been used for Wait Completion = Yes,

Sep 16, 1997 and although I think it is a better way to look at the

Sep 20, 1997 MVS busy time for WC=Yes, I decided to revert back to

match IBM's number while I do more research on the whole

subject of PR/SM, MDF, and MLPF instrumentation.

-Member ACHAP10, the MXG Chapter on Processor Utilization

has been revised to describe how PR/SM, MDF, and MLPF

can be measured, and includes description of how IBM

calculates PCTCPUBY and PCTMVSBY and PCTLnBY on their RMF

CPU Activity and Partition Data Reports. Numeric values

for Dedicated, Shared Wait=Yes, and Shared Wait=No LCPUs

are now provided. This article will be in the next MXG

Technical Newsletter and was posted to MXG-L Listserv.

-The test IF CPUWAIT GT 0 THEN DO; ... END; was removed

because CPUEFFTM and PCTMVSBY/PCTCPUBY were missing if an

LPAR was 100% busy in all LCPUS (the case noted was a

single LPAR); the test was unneeded because the block of

code is already inside the LPAR processing section.

-Calculation of PCTCPUBY and PCTMVSBY in TYPE70PR dataset

is made only in the TYPE70PR observation for the LPAR in

which that MVS System executed, because only that LPAR's

TYPE70PR observations knows what ORIGWAIT, the MVS Wait

time, was recorded for that LPAR's LCPUs. They will be

missing in TYPE70PR observations for other LPARs in that

type 70 record.

-Added variable NEWWAIT to TYPE70PR. NEWWAIT contains

the "wait" time that was actually added to CPUWAIT for

the calculation of CPUACTTM=CPUUPTM-CPUWAITM and for

the calculation of PCTCPUBY in TYPE70 dataset. This new

field may be useful to some sites with Dedicated or

Wait Completion=Yes to match some RMF calculations.

Thanks to Carl Downing, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, USA.

Thanks to Jan Tits, Amdahl, BELGIUM.
Change 15.213 Support for type 91 SMF record new subtype 21, written by

EXTY9121 SMARTBATCH at data set close for each VSAM or non-VSAM

IMAC91 data set processed by the Data Accelerator component.

VMAC91 New MXG dataset TYPE9121 contains a wealth of statistics

Sep 12, 1997 and activity information for this new component.
Took real vacation to celebrate Judy and her twin's 50th birthday!
Change 15.212 Values for R744SSIZ (Structure Size) are now in 4096 byte

VMAC74 units, rather than the 4000 byte unit discussed in Change

Sep 3, 1997 14.328, probably beginning with OS/390 Release 1.2, so

the three lines multiplied by 4000 are now by 4096.

Note that R744SSIZ rather than R744QSIZ is used by RMF in

its reports as the allocated structure size.

Thanks to Tim VanderHoek, Fidelity Systems Company, USA.
Change 15.211 Candle's CL-Supersession PTF QLG1073 (Y2K support) sets

VMACNAF a value of yyyydddF (instead of 0cyydddF) for SMFSTAMP8

Sep 4, 1997 fields, causing 1997 dates to be in year 3897! While

Sep 26, 1997 Candle's choice is not illegal, SAS's SMFSTAMP8 informat

expected IBM's documented century-bit format, so it used

that first byte as the number of centuries after 1900.

While SAS has agreed to change their SMFSTAMP8 format to

support both yyyydddF and 0cyydddF formats, that fix

won't be available on all platforms until next year,

and as Candle's PTF creates the problem today, all 15

internal timestamps in VMACNAF are now protected by:




(The SMFTIME field in byte 3 of Candle's record was

not changed by their PTF, so it needed no protection!)

Update 26Sep97: Candle now says that if you put all of

these PTFs on: QLS1303,1304,1305,1306,1307,1308,1310 and

QLV1465, that their dates will conform to IBM's use of

the century bit.

Thanks to Joseph J. Faska, Depository Trust, USA.
Change 15.210 Replaced by Change 15.218.
Change 15.209 MXG 15.04 only. TRNDTALO fails if TREND.TRNDTALO does

TRNDTALO not exist in your TREND library. Add the statement

Sep 2, 1997 OPTIONS NODSNFERR NOVNFERR; at the beginning of the

member to correct. Note that if you were previously

creating the TRNDTALO member, the new code did not

fail, so only first-time users of TRNDTALO got hit.

Note also that TRNDTALO requires that ASUMTALO be in

your WEEK library, so you will need to update your

WEEKBLD to propagate ASUMTALO before you can use the

trending in TRNDTALO.

Change 15.208 Cosmetic: comments /* _Lxxyyyy OUTPUTS TYPExxxx */

EXVMADSM are after each %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(EXxxyyyy); statement

VMACNTSM name the default MXG dataset for each _Lxxyyyy macro, to

VMAC80A make the MXG source code documentation, but seven new

VMAC99 datasets had wrong names or no comment. I block copy and

VMACSVCC revise when I can, but sometimes I overlook the comments.

Aug 31, 1997 But Freddie's sophisticated analysis of my source code

uncovered seven inconsistencies in MXG 15.04, and I plan

to add his QA to my QA before I build the next version!

Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.

Change 15.207 CA-1/TMS 5.2 Change 15.199 had one incorrect new variable

VMACTMS5 DEFEXPOO. The second occurrence in the KEEP, LABEL, and

Aug 30, 1997 assignment should have been NRESTAPE.

Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.

===Changes thru 15.206 were included in MXG 15.04 dated Sep 01, 1997===

===Changes thru 15.206 were published in MXG NEWSLETTER THIRTY-TWO=====

Change 15.206 NPM dataset NPMINPMT contained accumulated fields that

DIFF28 were deaccumulated inside VMAC28, but when SMF data was

TYPE28 sorted before MXG processing, wrong results occurred!

VMAC28 In addition, not all variables were deaccumulated that

Aug 28, 1997 should have been. This change adds new member DIFF28

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